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File: 13 KB, 200x299, Hedonism_III.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3297611 No.3297611 [Reply] [Original]

I am trying desperately to hold on to my last pieces of humanity.

Why is hedonism and individualism not the most rational path for a person?

Why does the collective and repression take priority?

>> No.3297615

Loaded and misguided questions.

>> No.3297625
File: 24 KB, 500x400, epicureanism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing wrong with hedonism if you know how to roll. In my opinion it's the least susceptible to recurring bouts of existential crisis and nihilistic tendencies. It has to be a gentle, warm hedonism though. A tempered hedonism. Cyrenaic yoloing will just drive you back in the arms of your misery. Take it slow. Drink a bit of wine in the garden with your friends. Frolic about with some girl. Plant a garden, cook nice meals. An emphasis on the small pleasures of life and on the company you keep. A good hearted quietism. Epicurus is who you need, not Sade.

>> No.3297627

I don't understand? Reality plays out in absolutes there is either a higher power we can not understand as humans or nothing;

If God is not omniscient, he is not the God we so desperately want.

>> No.3297638

stop trying to project your ideals onto others. live your life as you see fit, don't expect others to live your life for you.

>> No.3297640

Yep, loaded and misguided.

>> No.3297641

This is where I become frightened.

My interpretation of hedonism is violent and filled with drugs and rape.

I am scared that I think this way because if I can't see 'reason' then there truly is no purpose.

Of course I wouldn't rape as long as civilization exists, I fear imprisonment and condemnation.

I am afraid that morality can't exist without God.

>> No.3297644

>don't expect others to live your life for you

I don't.

>> No.3297652

Can you explain your positions with words?

A major thorn in my thoughts is the possibility that individualism isn't the true path.

>> No.3297653

are these both you?

>> No.3297654

>I am afraid that moraliy can't exist without God.

There is nothing you said that leads to "god precludes morality".

Read some stuff by Baruch Spinoza, and then get into philosophy.

>> No.3297656

Well guys, I thought about this for a bit and I decided that governance is alright after all.
Thanks for the help, everyone!

>> No.3297659

Your counterpoint is that rape and >don't expect others to live your life for you is contradictory

you are correct

>> No.3297661


>> No.3297663

>My interpretation of hedonism is violent and filled with drugs and rape.
That's not very pleasurable at all in the long run.
>I am scared that I think this way because if I can't see 'reason' then there truly is no purpose.
Why would you need purpose?
>Of course I wouldn't rape as long as civilization exists, I fear imprisonment and condemnation.
>I am afraid that morality can't exist without God.
It can exists subjectively, just like any other concept or opinion. The idea that things need to be objective, absolute and dictated by the almighty to hold any relevance is a pretty silly notion.

>> No.3297677

I smell troll btw

so, others civilizations with diferents gods have no morality at all?

but againg this smell so troll

>> No.3297684

>That's not very pleasurable at all in the long run.

I disagree.

>Why would you need purpose?
>It can exists subjectively, just like any other concept or opinion. The idea that things need to be objective, absolute and dictated by the almighty to hold any relevance is a pretty silly notion.

that is a very powerful thought, and I'm starting to make more sense

it only reaffirms my point though

I guess 'humanity' is a pretty silly concept

>> No.3297690

Troll threads can be converted into good threads. In fact it's my very hobby to try and do so.

>> No.3297691

of course they did

as>>3297684 said though it truly is all up to human interpretation

>> No.3297695

please don't dismiss me as a troll, when I refer to God I refer to any higher omniscient power that may exist

>> No.3297696

>I disagree.
Are you implying you've been living a life of violence, heavy drug use and rape for a long time?

>> No.3297700

you are having an existential crisis

just keep doing what you are doing, it will all work out fine.

>> No.3297715

rape existed as an evolutionary advantage, though the morality of it may have changed that is the absolute truth, and it is very pleasurable to men

when you take a drug like ecstasy you feel like you're literally walking in heaven

yes I do find it worth it, of course it comes with detrimental effects

but the pure pleasure is stronger than you can imagine

>> No.3297725

and I do realize I am being hypocritical

perhaps hedonism without hurting others is the way

the ugly reality though is that humans rape for a reason

it always does

>> No.3297726

if you weren't fat, neck bearded virgin, you wouldn't be here trying to justify rape.

>> No.3297733

>My interpretation of hedonism is violent and filled with drugs and rape.
dictionary: hedonism is the doctrine that pleasure or happiness is the sole or chief good in life.

That can also mean that you want that for other people too, anon. My version of atheism is a very "don't do it to someone else unless you'd like it done to you" version. I care about my family too much to hurt them by doing drugs. I wouldn't want to be abused, so I don't abuse others. I don't feel as if my "humanity" has ever been in danger at all.

I don't know if this helps at all. I do consider myself a type of hedonist, I suppose. I don't know that others would.

>> No.3297744

that is what I'm trying to reconcile

I don't know whether to repress these thoughts (which I would never do because of the punishment) or accept them as a part of what humans actually are

>> No.3297761
File: 1022 KB, 324x356, 1344415485733.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious question here OP:

Are you mentally ill? Are you on drugs? Because it sounds like one or the other or both.

I advise you to not take shit so seriously. If worrying about the meaning of life is causing you anguish maybe you should become agnostic about it for awhile. Sage because you sound like a drug addled child.

>> No.3297764

projecting has soared to new heights

>> No.3297765


Spell out your opinions that aren't based on previous social perceptions and I will respect it and take you seriously.

>> No.3297767

try to justify rape in a court of law, fat cunt.

>> No.3297769

lol throught this whole thread

>imply rape is easily
>imply rape is more confortable that consensual sex
>imply you can't get your balls stab

some of you need to get out from your fart cloud to the earth

>> No.3297775

I think it helps me to remember that we really are just creatures of instinct walking on our hind legs. Learning to turn those rages and obsessive urges into something positive instead of just repressing them until they explode is a good idea. A stupid example, but it's all I can think of at the moment: I know a guy who, instead of ruining his lungs with smoking and doing drugs, goes to the gym and exercises until his muscles are about to give up on him. He's meeting that destructive tendency with something that 1. distracts him from it and 2. is productive and positive.

So in direct answer to your question, yes, these thoughts are a huge part of who we are as a species, but it doesn't mean they have to control you. I might call it an aware form of hedonism. Hedonism lite ;)

This is just my take on it, of course. I'm no expert.

>> No.3297776

Imprisonment and other backlash is indeed the only reason why not. Only in violent hedonism of course.

However, my opinion is changing I see the hypocrisy. Individualism and violent hedonism are not compatible.

I must reconcile the reality of what humanity really is and the society in which I was forced into.

>> No.3297780

go and tell this to your mother, see if she likes the idea of her son raping someone.

>> No.3297781


>> No.3297782

read my own posts?

fuck off, retard.

>> No.3297788

I bet she wouldn't like it because she was raised as a Catholic. My violent hedonism views that I had previously would most likely not fit with that.

I am not overweight. I have just graduated a trade school and am looking for a job soon. Thus, I will not be a burden on this society which I was born into.

>> No.3297792

Why yes. You should.

Sarcasm was vicious and pointless for this conversation.

>> No.3297805

There doesn't have to be a reason. Humans may not be intelligent enough to understand.

This is what I have learned, and thus the rational step is to live a life of peaceful hedonism, not treading on others or hurting them.

Maybe even start a family.

This is what I have learned here today.

>> No.3297837

>Thus, I will not be a burden on this society which I was born into.
If you end up contributing more than the average. Which is unlikely.

>> No.3297845

Didn't I tell you to stop projecting? I am under no obligations to slave away my life for civilization.

I AM going to get a job and earn my keep however, and not be a leeching baby on society's tit.

>> No.3297850

You are sucking at that tit right now, and have been for most if not all of your life. And the fact you went to a trade school indicates you're unlikely to ever stop.

>> No.3297867

>You are sucking at that tit right now

a loan which I will pay back, an agreement between two entities

>And the fact you went to a trade school indicates you're unlikely to ever stop.

trading a service for currency and utilizing it to support yourself is leeching? color me surprised

>> No.3297903

>Why is hedonism and individualism not the most rational path for a person?

It is.

>> No.3297921

I get something I call mental constipation. I'm at odds with the world with the changing seasons of my mind. I could fuck all day and have some measure of satisfaction. My tendency towards dissociation makes this a likely past time, but it's pretty empty without some warm hugs in between. Everybody needs people on their side, not enough and you might as well be in hell. Merry Christmas to all.

>> No.3297920

You do know Hedonism isn't as simple as that? There's both unenlightened and enlightened Hedonism.

And why does one have to follow Hedonism when there's Epicureanism?

>> No.3297928


>doesn't understand epicureanism

>> No.3297943

Pursuit of sensual and intellectual pleasure while advocating an absence of pain and not feeling bad about it.

What's so hard to understand about that, son?
You may fill me with pretentious verbose quotations but does not excuse the fact that simple words can explain this ancient Philosophy so easily.

>> No.3297951


Nothing hard, son. Except that you are proving beyond doubt that you know nothing about Epicureanism beyond having skimmed a wikipedia article.

>> No.3297958

Blah blah blah, you're full of hot air, you know? It seems like you're the only tripe that's spouting non-sense here. Speak properly your learning (if you did have any), or just gtfo, son.

>> No.3297964

>It seems like you're the only tripe that's spouting non-sense here. Speak properly your learning (if you did have any), or just gtfo, son.

>tripe that's spouting non-sense here.
>Speak properly your learning

How are those English classes working out for you, son? I'd ask for my money back if I were you.

>> No.3297975
File: 19 KB, 298x210, question onanoko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, I actually feel bad for you. Why am I even replying? I don't know but I wish you good luck with your job, behind a burger grill.

And also, yes, I'm from Asia, so an English lesson for me isn't something to worry about (learned it from from Cable television) because I have the cojones to be an Engineer (aka someone with a job). But, good on you that you can actually sound so intellectual spouting ad hominem while people are trying to have a proper discussion on Philosophy! English is great!

I hope you get a promotion soon, Mr. Philosopher sir.

>> No.3297986
File: 19 KB, 450x338, mad_cunt_baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because I have the cojones to be an Engineer (aka someone with a job).

>tfw I'm a welder on oil rigs. I make more money sitting on my arse in a deco chamber than you'll ever see fixing rice cookers, son

I don't know why you're replying either - you're just looking stupider with every post.

>> No.3297993

Nah, I'm just trying to step down on your level. It seems to be working.

>> No.3297995

A repairman arguing with an technician. Fucking hell.

>> No.3298000


I am not a repairman, sometimes I break things as well. A lot of the time, I get them to turn my water temperature up and go to sleep on the seabed - repairmen don't get to do that.

>> No.3298025

So... a repairman then.

>> No.3298036


If you like. More of a builder/demolitions thing than a repairman, but I don't mind the designation really. I get to repair some interesting things in some pretty cool places and I get paid extremely well, but yeah, repairman is cool.

>> No.3298760

Rape is only fun to certain men and only until other people ruin their shit. There's only a select few people who actually need rape to lead a fulfilling sex life. Most people are perfectly happy having regular sex and those who want some more add dom/sub elements and rape play/fantasy and are happy with that. You don't need to actually rape people to get your fix of sexual dominance. Also, I imagine dry pussy chafes the penis.

Try taking ecstasy a lot, it won't work any more and you'll end up feeling depressed. Hedonism can only work with restraint and moderation and clearheadedness. Otherwise you're setting yourself up for a life of misery. There's a reason why Epicureanism was a thriving school of philosophy for such a long time and why Cyrenaicism died out quickly.

>> No.3298987


At last, one of you cunts shows some understanding of epicureanism.