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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 390 KB, 1642x2544, thehostcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3295368 No.3295368[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So, anyone else rooted for the aliens while reading this?

>> No.3295373

fuck off

>> No.3295372


>> No.3295375

I don't think it's fair to sage before OP outs himself as a troll

>> No.3295379

Epic thread.

>> No.3295380

best korean sci-fi movie ever

>> No.3295381


>> No.3295392

I always wondered why the cover has a grey eye because Melanie had hazel eyes.

>> No.3295401 [SPOILER] 
File: 10 KB, 220x263, 220px-Schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying the publishers read this piece of shit before commissioning a cover.

>> No.3295412

Actually the eye looks just how it's supposed to, with a silver circle around the pupil but it's not hazel.

>> No.3295415


Don't their eyes flash silver in the light? Or possibly in the dark, it's been a while since I read it and I didn't pay much attention at the time. I just remember something about silver eyes which might be what they were going for.

(However.. I do remember being grudgingly impressed that Stephanie Meyer wrote a love triangle teen romance in which one of the girls is a parasitic brain-stealing alien spider. Shame about everything else)

>> No.3295436

Hmm. The silver circle appears if you flash light at it yes, not the whole eye flashes silver though.
And it's not a spider, it's elongated. More like a caterpillar with long tentacles. Wanderer was occupying a spider species body on one of the previous planets she lived on but Souls themselves aren't actually spiders.

>> No.3295756

OP here. I got banned for this post for trolling. But I'm not trolling I read the book and I liked it. What's wrong with the janitors on this board?

>> No.3295758


Give it up.

If you're serious, lurk more.

>> No.3295760

What's wrong here is having you as a poster on this board. See, we're not into that equality shit. We will judge you with our flawed subjective standards, and if we get our way, you will never visit us again. Because you're shit, a steaming pile on this board.

>> No.3295761

But what's wrong with the janitors though? Why am I being banned for a post about literature on a literature board?

>> No.3295763

Stephanie Meyer is not literature.


>> No.3295766

I think you fucked up as a janitor and now looking for excuses.

>> No.3295765


This is a board for literature proper. Not trash.

I also don't believe for a second that you were banned if this post is here still.

>> No.3295770

I'm not into Ponies at all. The Host is literature.

>> No.3295772


do you even understand what banned means? if you where banned three hours ago you would not be able to post for at least one day. are you sure it wasn't just a warning?

>> No.3295774


We also frown on threads about 96 Honda Civic instruction manuals.

Not all literature is created equal.

>> No.3295776

I was banned for 3 days for violating rule 30 and I'm posting from a friend's house now.

>> No.3295780

I think you fucked up as a person and are now looking for excuses. Now fuck off.

>> No.3295781


Your post could easily be construed as a flame.

I have a hard time believing it's not.

You have shit taste, There are no real rules for moderation. Enjoy your ban.

>> No.3295786

Is it because I'm rooting for the aliens and not the hoomans?

That janitor logic

>> No.3295787

>not betting on Duke
Blow it out your ass.

>> No.3295789


It's because you're posting a shit thread about a shit book. If this isn't an elaborate ruse it's nothing but indicative of your freshness to the board.

Don't act like you weren't trying to pick a fight with that attitude of yours.

I'm not a janitor. Janitor's don't ban users. Mods do, and they almost never read posts.

>> No.3295796

But it's a good book. You are wrong. have you even read it? Or you are just trying to be edgy here and make more drama? Because I think that's what you're doing.

>> No.3295799


I've read enough of Meyer's work to know just how good this book is.

Come back and join us after that sweet sixteen.

>> No.3295805


you do realize you will be permabanned for ban evasion don't you? posting from another IP is like driving while your license is suspended, and saying "but officer, this is my friend's car, so it's ok!".

>> No.3295806


Shh! Don't tell him.

Silently hit that report button.