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3295313 No.3295313[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

as an anarchist, what constructive things can i do to contribute to the movement?

-join a co-op?
-distribute flyers? (lol)
-write a book or treatise of some kind?

i want to contribute with something that's actually meaningful or helpful

also Anarchy general thread

>> No.3295318

There's nothing to be done.

Capitalism's got a pretty global reign going on right now and nothing's going to stop it until it collapses.

Our best bet is to lobby congress to free up the markets completely. The bankers will do the rest of the work for us.

Then we can start from the ground up.

>> No.3295319

>lobby congress
>implying that does anything compared to the lobbying done by the filthy capitalists

captcha: eurocommunism juvird

it is a sign.....

>> No.3295322

>until it collapses.
yes! i want to help it collapse! but how!?!??

>> No.3295338

Writing a book seems like the best option out of those. Really the only way to make anarchy a global reality would be to change the basic worldviews of people on this planet and it's hard to imagine what an individual could possibly do to achieve that. Especially because molding worldviews only really works on young people anyway, everyone over the age of ~16 in most countries have already internalized capitalism and all that comes with it.

>> No.3295346

>Writing a book seems like the best option out of those.
okay, ill write some /lit/ at some point then

> everyone over the age of ~16 in most countries have already internalized capitalism and all that comes with it.
well i have been working towards becoming a teacher actually...so that would probably be a good opportunity to spread anarchism

any other ideas though?

>> No.3295347


That's the thing: they're doing the work for us already.

All we need to do is help them.


Convince the public that the system works.
Tell them that Capitalism is the reason for their happiness.
Let everyone know that creeping socialism is a disease and if it isn't stopped soon, we'll all be doing shifts in the Gulag come July.
The rest will follow naturally.
Let the bankers fill their own pockets.

>> No.3295350

just stopping by:

>Proudhon himself considered anarchism to be, not an all-or-nothing system, but a goal to be approached from our present position. Complete anarchy as a social system may never be achieved, but everyone who favors concrete steps toward freedom and decentralism, and against coercion, is an ally.

>> No.3295376

explain, for the millionth time, how you will force people to behave without forcing them to behave.

>> No.3295378

kill yourself?

>> No.3295385

-widespread, free, education
-have people who disagree leave and live elsewhere
-have enforcement of laws that are voluntarily agreed upon

>> No.3295391

There's a co-op milk company in my country and they're driving this economy into the ground and have a near-monopoly on dairy production. Co-ops aren't so great.

>> No.3295396

well as a mutualist...the idea is that there should be competing co-ops

we all can agree that monopolies are bad and stupid

>> No.3295404



If you're interested, this is the fucking Shinra of milk production.

>30% worldwide

>> No.3295406


I'm not even joking. There are 26,000-30,000 cases of water-borne diseases here each year because of these fuckers. You can't swim anywhere any more.

>> No.3295417

lol'd at the reference

ill check it out though, thanks

>> No.3295433

they look disgusting man....too big and power corrupts right?

they need some competition or something

oh and also....how is New Zealand otherwise from an anarchist perspective?

>> No.3295440

looks like they arent so bad actually, at least compared to similarly sized corporations:

>In 2006, Forest and Bird asked Fonterra to 'clean up its act', instead of obtaining consent to continue to discharge 8,500 cubic metres per day of wastewater into the Manawatu River.[41] Fonterra responded to Forest and Bird’s request, agreeing to treat wastewater it discharges into the Manawatu River, greatly reducing its impact on the river. Treatment will be phased in so that by 2015 the discharge will be treated to a level where the water will be fit to swim in year-round.[40]

>In 2010, Fonterra signed a voluntary agreement with local councils and freezing works to clean up the river.[42] Fonterra has since encouraged its farmers to clean up their waste and plant trees alongside waterways.[43]

>> No.3295453


Quite Statist. From what I understand, New Zealand was, like Australia, divided into relatively autonomous provinces before consolidation - different railway gauges, ethnic groups and immigration policies. This all changed when the New Zealand government was heavily centralised. Unlike in Australia, we received no federal system.

Monopolies and cartels are very common here (two large supermarket chains, one large construction company). The article says that the company was at first blocked by a commission, but the government fucked it up. That's the problem here: the population and commissioners are usually very intelligent, but the government isn't.

There's a high rate of political participation (voter turnout) but many people don't particularly care - after all, they rationalise, they'll be leaving soon for the UK/Canada/Australia.

It's an all right place to live, but it's not going to be that way forever:

>> No.3295460


Unfortunately the Wikipedia article isn't particularly accurate (usually true about New Zealand articles). See the link at: >>3295453

I think a lot of it is greenwashing. This is a company owned by the farmers,run by the farmers and the farmers are really fucking things up.

>> No.3295462

>It's an all right place to live, but it's not going to be that way forever:
well that is unfortunate :/, New Zealand was one of my top places to immigrate too

i guess canada will have to suffice as the lone anglo nation i could go to

>> No.3295463

fair enough, it was just something i noticed

ill take a look at your link though so thanks

>> No.3295470

from what i hear australia is barely better

>> No.3295482


If you're thinking of immigrating here, you should look at this. I don't agree with all of it, but it's worth considering. 'New Zealand' is 70% propaganda.

The other 30% though. Oh man. I lived in this town called Wanaka and although I've had enough of New Zealand myself, I think I've had something really special just living there. It's beautiful. It's a little boring (small towns always are) but it might be worth visiting or trying for a while.

>> No.3295497

>The other 30% though. Oh man. I lived in this town called Wanaka and although I've had enough of New Zealand myself, I think I've had something really special just living there. It's beautiful. It's a little boring (small towns always are) but it might be worth visiting or trying for a while.
yeeessss, this is the part of new zealand that i would enjoy

the beautiful nature like milford sounds and such...oh boy its awesome

i dont really know anything about the people/culture/anarchism/etc in the 30% you are talking about though....only the shitty 70% :/

can you tell me more about the good parts?

>> No.3295502

oh and i can tell you about the cool parts of the USA if you want, and some of canada

>> No.3295687


>-widespread, free, education
>-have people who disagree leave and live elsewhere
>-have enforcement of laws that are voluntarily agreed upon

this is why nobody takes anarchists seriously. why don't you go ahead and wave that magic wand and make our current society perfect?

>> No.3295723
File: 46 KB, 600x300, 600x300-kaiteriteri-beach-image-library.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NZer here. I live at the top of the south island, mostly in Kaiteri. Here's a photo

>> No.3295724


Anyone else not care for beaches or oceans?

>> No.3295728

Turn to communism, faggot.

>> No.3295731

b-b-but there is nothing meaningful or helpful with anarchy to begin with.

>> No.3295734

how do you suppose anarchism be implemented? go encourage that

>> No.3295823


>> No.3295830

look into Temporary autonomous zones
join an anarchist group in your area
create anarchism here and now

>> No.3295843

>Temporary autonomous zones
>join an anarchist group in your area
okay will do

i suppose as an individual my contribution would be negligible

>> No.3295872

Become a Murray Bookchin fanboy.

>> No.3295879

I think people interested in this kind of thing need to find answers to some of the following questions and pose some better questions to answer too:

Why have far left politics been so ineffectual in the first world since WW2?

Why has the only home for such politics since the 60s been pop culture and academia?

Why are young people overwhelmingly more interested in this kind of thing than the old?

I perosnally think that poltiics is a dead end for people in first world societies. The system is a fait acompli - not that dismantling it is impossible but that to do so would be a catastroph - but basic human needs are more than met and there is time and space to do something beyond subsist. What you have is the space to do something with your life and energy. Seeing that option as a poltiical option in these circumstances is to wear ugly blinkers

>> No.3295883

shouldn't this be in /pol/ ???

>> No.3295929
File: 127 KB, 428x442, 1995960998.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First, why are you whispering?
Second, the first step in preparing a dish is not the digestion of it. You cannot arrive at your destination without first starting on its path. Society will not have a desirable and harmonious anarchism without first having a functioning and flourishing democracy in which to train for said harmony. Anarchy cannot come about in this society as it is now. A violent revolution with people forcing this lifestyle on others isn't going to work either.

>> No.3295941

>Anarchy general thread
attempting to organize something that is, by nature, disorganized, is cute and silly and I like it.

also, why are you capitalizing anarchy, as if it was some religious term? is this a new anarchist thing? I confess to not being at the center of whatever is going on with some anarchist hivemind, if there is one.

>> No.3295952


>by nature, disorganized

Of that which you do not know, do not speak.

>> No.3296000


I think you're far too optimistic about human nature.

>> No.3295998


>> No.3296005


anarchy =/= anarchism


>> No.3296013

idiot/troll, leave /lit/

>> No.3296018

Stop buying things (this includes internet service and food).

>> No.3296019


I'm hardly joking.

Fuck off yourself, dunce. Learn the difference before you start spouting bullshit

>> No.3296040
File: 162 KB, 960x960, 1355593939902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anarcho-Capitalism is the only legitimate school of Anarchism.

I seriously hope you honkeys aren't trying to justify that Kropotkin/Goldman bullshit are you?

>> No.3296081
File: 20 KB, 650x434, anarchists-in-america.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3296092


>the system exists as such that you must use it to survive
>the system is therefore good

Typical statist bullshit

>> No.3296098

>must use it to survive
Go live off grid, you fucking idiot. You choose to be enslaved to creature comforts which makes it a bargain, not oppression.

>> No.3296106

>drag newspaper boxes into the street
>write communiqué
>capitalism collapses

>> No.3296111


>force my children into extreme poverty to make a political statement

Yeah, sure buddy.

>> No.3296118

>implying one shouldn't be frowning nor complaining ever, but living the American Dream! <3

I'm neither anarchist nor american, but those kinds of arguments are ridiculous. Conformism at its worst. As if one who is willing to accept that there are alternatives to our social lives should begin by making his own individual life miserable. And as if by this "exile" one could use as an argument against him, as if it was an example of how bad his social ideas were.

A nice example of this comes from vegans who think you ought to be vegan to defend animal rights. Or if you eat meat, you must have a complete disregard for animals. And then when someone gives in and becomes vegan, we expose it as a form of hypocristy because that attitude too cause harm.

In the end, whether you are talking about political ideology, social life or even religion, that is a form of fallacy that disregards everything that is said by thinking "oh, if that's so, then how come...", ignoring the context and focusing on the exception as if the change of a context has anything to do with making an exception in a different context.

It's an intricate way to not think and refuse to think.

PS: didn't even read thread, I am not even speaking on anarchism vs state or making an argument for animal rights. I just had to point out how much crap there is in that kind of thinking.

>> No.3296119

It is my personal opinion that the most constructive thing one can do to spread anarchism is to simply be an anarchist. Question the legitimacy of authority, especially institutionalized. Never force my political opinion (or any) on someone else, but rather listen to their feelings and offer my own conclusions. Don't ask what society can do, but what you can do. Organize in your workplace: talk to coworkers about the problems of working in their exploitative, oppressive power structure and what they can do about it.

The first recorded person to expose anarchist ideals, to my knowledge, was the Taoist philosopher Zhuangzhi. He said "The world does not need to be governed, nor do I think it should. The Tao governs the world." His predecessor Laozi echoed similar thoughts when he said "The best thing a leader can do is to sit at the northernmost point and face south." The idea is to simply lead by example. Anarchism may a tendency of thought that wishes to correct certain social evils, but it's primary means of doing so is by empowering the individual to make decisions in his or her own life. It's the concept of reorganizing society from the bottom up, through individuals voluntarily choosing their social bonds, because as George Woodcock put it "freedom and moral self-realization are interdependent."

>> No.3296148

Anarchism starts in you, you should start to liberate yourself from the culture that you live in, i'm not saying we should destroy every bit of the western culture, it's impossible, but you've the option to take the good things of this and take the bad out.

Then you should know what you're talking about, or at least the basics of your enemy and your propositions. People need to change their habits, their traditions, their sacred belief and dogmas, culture must change before something like anarchism comes.

In Chile we usually name this the "ant work" cause it's usually a little thing to speak on streets and give phamplets, or maybe organizing an assembly or going to marches and destroying things it's useless alone, but if people start to think about what they're doing and how things are so fucking bad, they'll generate their own conscience about their society. And maybe when the crisis comes again people will prepared for it.

Anyway, when the time comes hope you know how to fight, you should learn right now how to protect yourself, if you know what i mean

>> No.3296150


>> No.3296153

i think it's a really good idea to drop off the radar so that i do not contribute politically to the current system that some people cannot live without. that way it doesn't affect me when the crazy people who do vote start voting away from the rights of those who rely upon the system to survive but i won't care because i'm an anarchist, baby :)

>> No.3296303
File: 209 KB, 682x600, 1356175385109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3296333

So it's anarchism season?

>> No.3296344


We realized there are more than one of us here.

Too much Marxism and conservatism all the time.

>> No.3296347

not a coincidence it is also christmas season

>> No.3296411 [DELETED] 

Fascism is thoroughly flawed.
Look into Fascism.

>> No.3296788

There's been a surprisingly low amount of right v left shit flinging in this thread. Good job /lit/

>> No.3296819
File: 592 KB, 2076x1812, 1353877079460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anarchy will never happen in the west. We are all raised as cowards from the time we are born. Look at OP, he didnt even mention fighting the government. No one has the balls to do it anymore. The closest thing America gets to a protest is Occupy and that was a sad joke. Even so, we need much more than a flimsy protest, those with Power will not give it up if asked nicely, no matter how educated and numerous the askers are.

>> No.3296841

Join a bourgeois trade union and build a militant cell inside it. Every worker who you help develop into a militant is the basis, the crystal-seed, of the growth of anti-state power.

Co-ops are also good.

>> No.3296844

I think you meant school holidays. There's a high degree of correlation between the school as a repressive institution and youth anarchism.

In contrast, with the greater proportion of older workers here in "normal" times, working class Marxists dominate normally.

Given that we live after 1968, as long as they oppose the state and the value-form, I'm okay with this.

>> No.3296885


Bringing down the people in power would do nothing to bring about anarchy. People will organize according to their values and beliefs. People would still have the same capitalistic, statist mindsets they have now.

>> No.3296939

No one falls for this, monkey-man

>> No.3297003

because /lit/ is /pol/ but for people who read

>> No.3297006
File: 109 KB, 500x375, whenindoubt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever happened to smashing Starbucks windows?

and burning bags of poop as revolutionary praxis!?

>> No.3297013
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>> No.3297017
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mah anoky

>> No.3297024

You can kill yourself, because you are a fucking retard.

>> No.3297026
File: 312 KB, 639x479, lelitrollyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice one