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/lit/ - Literature

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3294555 No.3294555 [Reply] [Original]

Last three
Currently reading
Next three

Last three
The Riddle of the Sands - Childers
Light in August - Faulkner
Nicholas Nickleby - Dickens

Currently reading
Little Dorrit - Dickens
The Food of the Gods and How it Came to Earth - Wells

Next three
The Cannibal - Hawkes
The Adventures of Baron Munchausen - Raspe
Skylark - Kosztolányi

Shit's real.

>> No.3294574

Last three:
Building Stories - A really wonderful and moving collection. Depressing as hell, as Ware tends to be.
Dune - Shit-tastic
Tao Te Ching - There's a lot of wisdom to be found in this. I didn't think I would appreciate it that much after reading the likes of Confucius but it turned out to be a very interesting little book. Should probably be required reading for everyone.

Currently Reading:
The Hero With a Thousand Faces - My god Campbell is a beautiful writer.
Bhagavad-Gita - Haven't read the rest of the Mahabharata, this just seems like a good entry point.

Next three:
An American Tragedy
The Sot-Weed Factor

>> No.3294607

Last Three:
Im Westen nichts Neues
The Sun Also Rises
Farewell to Arms

Currently Reading:
Crime and Punishment

Next Three:
The Brothers Karamazov
Herr Arne's Hoard
The Steppe

>> No.3294616

Last three:
>A Dirty Job - Moore
>Shoplifting From American Apparel - towelin
>Both Flesh and Not - Walrus

Currently reading:
>The Stupidest Angel - Moore
>The Righteous Mind - Haidt
>Billy Bud - Melville

Next Three:
>Forever Flowing - Grossman (I swear I'm going to get to it soon)
>Maybe Big Sur, The Street of Crocodiles, Too Loud A Solitude, Crying of Lot 49, Anatomy of Melancholy, etc etc I'll see

>> No.3294623

Last Three
> Lord of the Flies - Golding
> The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time - Mark Haddon
> Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury

Currently Reading
> The Bonfire of the Vanities - Tom Wolfe

Next Three
> Infinite Jest - David Foster Wallace
> The Idiot - Dostoevsky
> The Republic - Plato

>> No.3294673

Seems to be getting progressively literary there

>> No.3294675

>pleb here

>last 3
Animal Farm
To Kill A Mockingbird
1984 (obvious authors)

Flowers for Algernon - Daniel Keyes

>next 3
Naked Lunch - Burroughs
The Half-Life of Facts - Samuel Arbesman
Siddhartha - Hesse

>> No.3294679


Lord of The Flies would have to follow Fahrenheit if that were the case

>> No.3294683

oh and also
I rather enjoyed animal farm and 1984
TKM was meh
and loving Flowers for Algernon, read the short story back in 8th grade and oh lawd I might cry.
The Half-Life of Facts was a gift but definitely looks promising.

>> No.3294688

I meant in groupings from the last three to next three.

>> No.3294690

>last 3
The Stranger - Camus
The Double - Dostoevsky
Naked Lunch - Burroughs

Existentialism From Dostoevsky to Sartre - Kaufmann
The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test-Wolfe

>next 3
Myth Of Sisyphus
Cosmic Banditos
Iliad & Odyssey

>> No.3294692

I fucking loved it when /lit/ started and I began to read literary works after 5 years of no reading. Working through all the classic entry-levels (1984, Siddhartha etc) was a great way to work my way towards finding what I like.

>> No.3294778

Last three
Breakfast of Champions
Cat's Cradle
Slaughterhouse 5 (all Vonnegut)

Clockwork Angels - Neil Peart and Kevin Anderson

Any other Vonnegut books really, I love his writing style.

>> No.3294793

Diversify your reading my man

>> No.3294801

I just read The Road and Catcher in the Rye, but after reading Cat's Cradle I got really into Vonnegut and his ideas. He's awesome man.

>> No.3294809

May I ask how old you are?

>> No.3294816

Last Three:
The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

Currently Reading:
Bhagavad Gita

idk what else

>> No.3294818

Tao Te Ching is fabulous scripture, I draw a lot from it

>> No.3294821

You re-read stuff that soon after?

>> No.3294827

Not usually. I should probably wait, but I feel drawn to reread it.

>> No.3294837

>Last three
C.S Lewis - The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe
Ken Kesley - One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Paul Neilan - Apathy and Other Small Victories
>Currently reading
Don De Paul - Caterfly
>Next three
Not sure yet.

>> No.3294847

Ivan Desinovitch
Ms. Dalloway
Johnny Got His Gun

The Hamlet

Got a whole shelf waiting. I like to choose in the moment.

>> No.3294851

Last three:
The Lord Of The Rings(including The Hobbit) - J.R.R. Tolkein
The Stand - Stephen King
The collected stories of O.Henry - O.Henry
Currently Reading
Mere Christianity - C.S.Lewis
Catch-22 - Joseph Heller
Next Three:
Infinite Jest - David Foster Wallace
The Space Trilogy - C.S.Lewis
The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald

>> No.3294874

Previous 3:
The Sun also Rises
Of Mice and Men
God Bless you, Mr. Rosewater!
Currently reading:
The Catcher in the Rye
The Great Gatsby
Crime and Punishment
Romeo and Juliet
Next 3:
Fahrenheit 451
A Farewell to Arms

Problem is, I can't ever find the damn time to read. There is always so many distractions, Computer, TV, games, and the like. Its hard for me to Actually sit down and read.
Feels bad, Man.

>> No.3294884
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Last 3:
>Women - Charles Bukowski
>The Fountainhead - Ayn Rand
>The Trial - Franz Kafka

>The Metamorphosis - Kafka

Next 3:
>1984 - George Orwell (sacrilege to have not read this, I know)
>Notes From the Underground - Dostoevsky
>The Collected Poems - Sylvia Plath

>> No.3294913

Last three:
>Anathem - Stephenson
>The Time Machine - Wells
>The Rise of Endymion - Simmons
Currently reading:
>The Profit - Gibran
>A Dance With Dragons - Martin
>The Bros Karamazov - Dostoevsky
Next Three:
>The Magicians - Grossman
>The Book of the New Sun - Wolfe
>Foundation - Asimov

>> No.3294915

Am I the only one who can't read multiple books at the same time? I need to either finish one or give up on it to start reading another.

>> No.3294924


No. I don't see the appeal in reading multiple books at a time. I like to finish what I've started and stay focused on it

>> No.3294933

reading multiple because occasionally i'll get my hands on a new novel that interests me more than what i was otherwise reading. in this case i'll power through the new one, then return to the older. i've exhausted my rereads of every book i have in my house, so am forced to pick up ones i don't care for just for something to read. so when new, interesting material presents, i just can't wait till i bring the previous reads to a close.

>> No.3294936


Get yourself a library card, man.

>> No.3294946
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If only, anon.
I'm afraid I would never pick up a pencil again.

>> No.3294949


I have no idea what you're trying to say

>> No.3294955

Limiting myself to books i own forces me to. um. not read, sometimes. like those times i need to go to work, between pages. and speak, between pages. and things.

>> No.3294968
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>Last three
After Dark - Murakami
Factotum - Bukowski
The Woman in the Dunes - Abe

>Currently reading
The Moon and Sixpence

>Next three
Don't know yet

>> No.3294983
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Hello, /lit/erates. Constructive thoughts on Farenheit 451. The idea concept really interests me.

In4b it's not real literature gtfo and die pleb. (It's still better than fantasy)

>> No.3294997

>currently reading
The Black Box

next two
>Killing Lincoln
>Killing Kennedy

>> No.3295024

Last Three

>The Picture of Dorian Gray
>White Teeth
>Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintainance


>Brief Interviews with Hideous Men

Next Three

>Gravity's Rainbow
>Portnoy's Complaint
>Passage to India

>> No.3295068


Read it only a couple days ago.

I really enjoy dystopian themed books, and enjoyed the book as a whole.

I did however, think Montag 'saw the light' a bit too easily. It is a short book, but I thought more events and more inner discussion should have occurred for him to make all of the sacrifices he made.

>> No.3295074


>Hedges snuff

Do you even High Dry Toast?

Does menthol rebound mean nothing to you? Grow the fuck up.

>> No.3295075

Last three:
>Der Steppenwolf - Herman Hesse
>The Little Prince - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
>Dubliners - James Joyce

Currently reading:
>Ulysses - James Joyce
>At Swim-Two-Birds - Flann O'Brien

Next three:
>V. - Thomas Pynchon
>The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald
god knows what else, probably:
>The Crying of Lot 49, Tender is the Night, some Le Guin fantasy novels or anything by Wolfgang Koeppen

>> No.3295343

Last three
>Soseki, Spring Miscellany
>Freyre, Masters and Slaves (gave me a headache)
>Blake, Selected Poems

Currently reading
>Tanizaki, In Praise of Shadows
>Ma Jian, The Noodle Maker
>Cunningham, The Hours

Next three
>Okakura, Ideals of the East: The Spirit of Japanese Art
>Mo Yan, The Garlic Ballads
>Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night

Another huge load of Japanese books is coming soon though.

>> No.3295357

Last three:
>Catcher in the Rye
>Notes from the Underground
>No Longer Human

Currently reading:

Next three:
>The Book of Disquiet
>The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay
>The Cancer Ward

>> No.3295371

johann holtrop - goetz (2/5)
am sarazenenturm - jünger (3/5)
radetzkymarsch - roth (5/5)

capital - john lanchester (4/5 so far)

the political mind, a cognitive scientists guide to your brain and its politics - george lakoff
randolph hearst biography - ben procter
acid dreams, complete social history of LSD, CIA, the sixties and beyond - lee, shlain

>> No.3295388

>Last three
The Tennis Court Oath - John Ashbery
Valis - Philip K Dick
Rivers and Mountains - John Ashbery

>Currently reading
A Very Short Introduction to Literary Theory - Jonathan Culler

>next three (not sure yet but)
Holzfaellen - Thomas Bernhard (read it in English already but I want to practise my German)
The Melancholy of Resistance - Laszlo Krasznahorkai
The Double Dream of Spring - John Ashbery

>> No.3295419

Last Three -
Slaughterhouse Five
The Great Gatsby

Currently -
The Grapes of Wrath

Next -

Fahrenheit 451, Ulysses

>> No.3295447

>Stephen King's Just After Sunset
>A lot of books on the many subjects of cinema and cinematography
>The Definitive Book of Body Language by Allan & Barbara Pease

>Clive Barker's Books Of Blood Vol. 3

>Harlan Ellison's I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream
>Probably more books on cinema

>> No.3295478

Atomised (Houellebecq)
Storm of Steel (Juenger)
Oblivion: Stories (Wallace)

The Third Policeman (O'Brien)

The New York Trilogy (Auster)
The Passion According to G. H. (Lispector)
Peace (Wolfe)

>> No.3295536
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Last three:
>The Great Shark Hunt: Strange Tales from a Strange Time - Hunter S Thompson
There are some really interesting articles here, I was especially fascinated with the hippie ones. And re reading one of the Fear and Loathing articles was nice.
"So now, less than five years later, you can go up on a steep hill in Las Vegas and look West, and with the right kind of eyes you can almost see the high-water mark -- that place where the wave finally broke and rolled back"
>A Midsummer Night's Dream - Shakespeare
Pretty damn crazy, I watched a acted version of it too http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c64f0C4TGq0
>The Wasteland and Other Poems - T.S Eliot
I really, really enjoyed The Wasteland, I've read it about 3 times now in the span of a week or two.
Currently reading:
Infinite Jest - Wallace
Pretty great so far, some boring parts, some amazing parts.
Next three:
>Slouching Towards Bethlehem - Joan Didion
Seems like what I'm interested in, counter culture.
>The Recognitions - William Gaddis
Seems to be hard as fuck, will give it a go.
>Demian - Herman Hesse
Siddhatha was pretty good.

>> No.3295743
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To each his own, I snuff what I like.

You don't have to be a dick about it.

>> No.3295753


How's Policeman? I bought it recently, I've never read anything by the guy

>> No.3295759

I'm not far into it yet, but so far so good. Very funny and the prose is tight as a twelve year old's pussy.

>> No.3295790

have fun with naked lunch

All them holy men in lotus position waiting around on the man, so then buddha says "by god I don't have to do this, I'll metabolize my own junk"
"but you can't do that, the revenoors will swarm all over you"
"swarm over me they won't, I've got a gimmick see, as of right now I'm a fuckin holy man"
"jeez boss what an angle"

>> No.3295794

>acid dreams

word up son

>> No.3296242

Last Three:
American Psycho - Ellis
The Fountainhead - Rand
Atlas Shrugged - Rand
Look Homeward, Angel - Wolfe
Next Three:
Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs - Klosterman
On the Road - Kerouac
Tropic of Cancer - Miller

>> No.3296280

Don't read The Magicians, it's newbie/pleb/reddit tier crap.

Coming from someone who bought the book on a whim based on "glimmering" reviews (never again).

>> No.3296299

The Sound and the Fury - Faulkner
A Pale View of Hills - Kazuo Ishiguro
Notes from the Underground - Dostoevsky

Currently reading:
The Known World - Edward P. Jones
Mrs. Dalloway - Woolf

Don Quixote - Cervantes
The Joke - Milan Kundera or something else that's relatively simple.

>> No.3296309

Last three:
Jurassic Park
Ghosts of Onyx
Day of the Dragon

H.P. Lovecraft's Complete Fiction

Next three:
The Land That Time Forgot
Magic Man in the Sky
The Jungle

>> No.3296328


I really like that picture. Where is it from?

>> No.3296346


Picture of Dorian Gray
The Outsider




Animal Farm
Clockwork Orange

I'm rereading all the books I read in high school.

>> No.3296351

A kids book called Caps for Sale.

>> No.3296352


>can't even reverse-google

>> No.3296385

Ivanhoe - Scott
Venus in Furs - Sacher-Masoch

Understanding Media - McLuhan (honestly I've been reading this for over a year and haven't felt compelled to finish)
White Goddess - Robert Graves
English Ballads - Childe

Man and His Symbols - Jung
Flower Symbolism

>> No.3296409

>Last three
Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
A Lions Tale: Around the World in Spandex - Chris Jericho
House of Leaves - Mark Z. Danielewski

The Stand - Stephen King
Film Art - David Bordwell

The Stranger - Albert Camus
The Crying of Lot 49 - Thomas Pynchon
Beyond Good and Evil - Friedrich Nietzsche

>> No.3296431
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Last three
Carl Sagan - The Varieties Of Scientific Experience
Christopher Hitchens - Mortality
Robert Heinlein - Stranger In A Strange Land

Currently reading
Albert Einstein - Ideas And Opinions
François Rabelais - Gargantua And Pantagruel

Next three
George Orwell - Shooting An Elephant and Other Essays
Fyodor Dostoyevsky - Notes From The Underground
Arthur C. Clarke - Rendezvous with Rama

>> No.3296477

Descartes - Meditations on First Philosophy
Hobbes - Leviathan
Voltaire - Letters on England

Gibbon - The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

Hume - Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion
Dr Johnson - Lives of the Poets
Kant - Critique of Pure Reason

>> No.3296489

Last three
>Cloud Atlas
>Waiting for Godot
>A wild sheep chase

>A hero of our time
>Infinite Jest

>Satanic verses
>Something by Bannana Yoshimoto.. dunno what though

>> No.3296497

How was Spring Misc.
I was thinking about venturing beyond Sanshiro but I'm not sure what would be the best starting place after it.

>> No.3296520
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The Question of Bruno - Hemon (7/10 would be 8.5 if not for Josef Pronek & Dead Souls story)
The Marquise of O - Kleist (9.5/10)
Waiting for the Dark, Waiting for the Light - Klima (5/10)

Hymns to the Night - Novalis


>> No.3296534

did you like ZAMM? i got it for xmas

>> No.3296602

check out kant's prolegomena. so good.

>> No.3296627

recently finished
>the goat, or who is sylvia? BY edward albee
>the way of zen BY alan watts
>the communist manifesto BY karl marx
>the american dream BY edward albee
>animal farm BY george orwell
>quantum psychology BY robert anton wilson

currently reading
>zen mind, beginner's mind BY shunryu suzuki
>the book BY alan watts
>the psychedelic experience BY timothy leary
>the dialectic of sex BY shulamith firestone
>be here now BY ram dass
>against civilization ED BY john zerzan

next on list
>the doors of perception and heaven and hell BY aldous huxley
>the illuminatus! trilogy BY robert anton wilson
>food of the gods BY terence mckenna
>walden BY henry david thoreau
>infinite jest BY david foster wallace
>the sacred and the profane BY mircea eliade

i read like 10 books at a time, reading them each piecemeal, so it usually takes me over 6 mos to finish each book haha

>> No.3296653

>last three
Infinite Jest - Wallace
The Stranger - Camus
Notes from Underground - Dostoevsky
On the Road - Kerouac
The Metamorphosis - Kafka
Stoner- Williams
Crying of Lot 49 -Pynchon
Crime and Punishment - Dostoevsky

>> No.3296741

you should check out Flow Chart by Ashbery if you haven't already, it's my favourite of his works.

>In The Skin of a Lion - Michael Ondaatje
>Coming Through Slaughter - Michael Ondaatje
>The Wars - Timothy Findley

>The English Patient - Michael Ondaatje

>> No.3296793

Last three
>Great Gatsby - Fitgerald
>Son of Satan - Bukowsky
>Cell - S. king

Currently reading
>Betond good and evil - Nietzsche

Next three
>62/modelo para armar - Cortazar
>random tales of Poe
>I don't know but the homer's Iliad maybe

>> No.3296803

do you read 5 books at the same time?

>> No.3296843

I haven't - I did read the opening and it seemed very good though. I think I'll come to Flow Chart after reading a bit more Ashbery, since it seems so long and complicated - Three Poems and Girls on the Run perhaps.

>> No.3296926

The Great Gatsby -- Fitzgerald
In Cold Blood -- Capote
The Jungle -- Sinclair

Frankenstein -- Shelley

Don Quixote -- Cervantes
Fathers and Sons -- Turgenev
Walden -- Thoreau
or The Stranger -- Camus

I'll decide when I get there. Reading both eventually

>> No.3296953

Last Three:
>The Castle by Franz Kafka
>Dead Souls by Nikolai Gogol
>Freakonomics by Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner

Currently reading:
>White Noise by Don DeLillo

Next three:
>Catch-22 by Joseph Heller
>Everything is Illuminated by Jonathan Safran Foer
>Phaedo by Plato

>> No.3297108


I was just being lazy. I don't think that makes it any better, though.

>> No.3297131

> Last Two
A Storm of Swords - Martin
The Silent Cry - Oe

> Current Two
Flowers for Algernon - Keyes
The Housekeeper and the Professor - Ogawa

> Next Two
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles - Murakami
The Brothers Karamazov - That Russian Guy

>> No.3297136

Last Three

Negative Dialectics
Love in the Time of Cholera

Currently Reading

Our Lady of the Flowers: Jean Genet

Future Reading

V by Thomas Pynchon
The Red Room by August Strindberg
Richard III

>> No.3297138

How are you liking White Noise? It's one of my favorites. I think you'll enjoy Catch 22 also, very funny book.

>> No.3297142

Last Two
The Name of The Wind
The Kingdom of this World

Currently reading
Siren of Titans

Next up
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep

>> No.3297146

>The sirens of titan
my bad

>> No.3297148

>Last three
The Time Machine - H.G. Wells
The Catcher in the Rye - J. D. Salinger
The Trial - Franz Kafka

>Currently reading
The Picture of Dorian Gray – Oscar Wilde

>Next three
The Man Without Qualities, Buddenbrooks or some other shit. I don't know, I usually decide when I get to the library.

>> No.3297754

Flying to Kagoshima today. Maybe expect a shitload of reading in the next week

>> No.3297783


>i read like 10 books at a time, reading them each piecemeal

Break this habit. This is an objectively bad approach to reading. Just stop.

>> No.3297790

>I usually decide when I get to the library.
>I get to the library.
ma nigga

>> No.3297794

i know, i know, but i get bored with a book and then start a new one, meaning i get like a third through every book i read and end up reading close to a dozen at once. i know it's a terrible habit but i'm an awfully slow reader with ADD which makes finishing a book quite difficult for me :(

>> No.3297795

>Last 3
The Plague - Camus
The Trial - Kafka
White Guard - Bulgakov

The Brothers Karamazov - Dostoevksy

By Night in Chile - Bolano
The Sorrows of Young Werther - Goethe
Portnoy's Complaint - Philip Roth

>> No.3297797

Don't tell me what to do grandma

>> No.3297814

Last three:
Beyond Lies the Wub - Phillip K. Dick
Clockwork Orange - Burgess
The Tempest - Shakespeare

Currently reading:
The Gunslinger (I) - King
Necessity of Atheism - Brooks (fantastic.)

Next three:
Dream Psychology - Freud
The Drawing of the Three - King
Must... finish... Clockwork Orange... I've been working on it for a few months now O.o

>> No.3297817

I know that feel. I feel bad for it because I'm a Lit major, too..

>> No.3297823

But a clockwork orange is an easy and fun read?

>> No.3297844

But college..

>> No.3297848

What do you study bro? I had so much spare time with a specialized accounting major.

>> No.3297889

Last Three:
Oh God, I feel like a virgin here.
I've been very bad about reading in the last few years.
Posting here to try to push myself in the right direction in my transition from false intellectual to actual intellectual.

Currently Reading:
Paradise Lost by John Milton
Surfing the Himalayas by Frederick Lenz
Mindfulness in Plain English by Venerable H. Gunaratana Mahathera

Next Three:
Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson
Moby-Dick by Herman Melville
Naked Lunch by William S. Burroughs (I had previously read about half of this before getting frustrated with the nonsense writing style and giving up trying to derive any narrative from it.)

>> No.3297937

Last Three:
Shoplifting From American Apparel-Tao Lin- Checked this out to see what all the fuss was about
Grimscribe-Thomas Ligotti
Teatro Grotessco

Currently Reading:
Eeeee Eee Eeee- Tao Lin

Next Three:
The Great Gatsby-F. Scott Fitzgerald
Queer-William S. Burroughs- I've read Naked Lunch before, but I don't know what to expect from this
Glamorama-Bret Easton Ellis

>> No.3297963

How do you get past it? I'm worried i'm gonna be like this forever, like in 10 years i'll be reading 50 books at once, some of which I started years earlier haha

>> No.3297970

>Queer-William S. Burroughs- I've read Naked Lunch before, but I don't know what to expect from this
It's good, you can feel a distinct Fitzgerald or Conrad strain in it. It definitely feels unfinished, though, it's only like 100 pages long. Here's a quote from Queer I like

“Lee did not enjoy frustration. The limitations of his desires were like the bars of a cage, like a chain and collar, something he had learned as an animal learns, through days and years of experiencing the snub of the chain, the unyielding bars. He had never resigned himself, and his eyes looked out through the invisible bars, watchful, alert, waiting for the keeper to forget the door, for the frayed collar, the loosened bar … suffering without despair and without consent.”

Hope you like it.

>> No.3298035

Thanks. Good luck with whatever you are reading too.

>> No.3298406

>Last three
The Stranger by Albert Camus
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
The Red Pony by John Steinbeck

>Currently reading
Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell

>Next three
Mr.Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan
Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce

>> No.3298414

Take a breather between each book in the Republic. I highly recommend reading alongside someone, so you can discuss it. If you can't do that, download a literary guide (don't waste your money buying one) and at least skim it. The Republic isn't hard to understand or read, but you get much more out of it by developing a discourse on it.

>> No.3298421
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On Certainty - Wittgenstein
The Blue and Brown Books - Wittgenstein
Tractatus Logico Philosophicus - Wittgenstein

Capital, vol. 1 - Karl Marx
Basic Writings of Martin Heidegger

Gender Trouble - Judith Butler
Masculinities - R.W. Connell
For Reasons of State - Noam Chomsky

>> No.3298447

>not rating how much you enjoyed the books


>> No.3298449

butler fucking rules

>> No.3298464

Last three:
Hunchback of Notre Dame - Victor Hugo
Cat's Cradle - Kurt Vonnegut
The Signal and the Noise - Nate Silver
Remembrance of Things Past
Next three:
Not that I'm getting to them for a while, but Doctor Zhivago, War and Peace, and a Memory of Light. When Christmas shopping, people in my family seem to assume that "fast reader" means "I can read a library in a day".

>> No.3298581

>Mere Christianity - C.S.Lewis

Why did you read it? And what did you think of it?

>> No.3298676
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>Last three

The Insurgents by Noah Cicero: Great novel that is filled with funny characters and eye opening and even touching moments of connections to others.

King Lear by William Shakespeare: Fantastic play. There will never be a tragedy better than Lear.

4 plays by Eugene Ionesco: Many consider this guy the greatest part of The Theater of the Absurd and I can see why. The Bald Soprano is a great commentary on identity.

>Currently reading

Scorch Atlas by Blake Butler: Absolutely depressing and dark. Nothing remains still. Everything rots and drags.

The Ticket That Exploded by William S. Burroughs: The cut-ups and the idea behind the word virus is genius so far. I am probably going to finish this and Scorch Atlas by tomorrow.

>Next three

Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace
Closer by Dennis Cooper
Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson

>> No.3298687

>Last three
Candide - Voltaire
Sons - Pearl S. Buck
A House Divided - Pearl S. Buck

>Currently reading
Starting Strength - Mark Rippetoe

>Next three
The Highway Man - Alfred Noyes(going to read this soon after I stop posting on /lit/)
A Christmas Carol - Charles Dickens
East Wind, West Wind - Pearl S. Buck

>> No.3298696

What did you think about Anathem? I was thinking of either starting that or Cryptnomicon

>> No.3298697

Last Three
> Fahrenheit 451
>Animal Farm
None, waiting for Kindle to get here
Next three:
>History of Opera (Quiz Bowl requires this knowledge)
> Not sure

>> No.3298786
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Last three:
Mortality - Htichens
Master and Margarita - Bulgakov
Electra - Sophocles

Currently reading:
Lolita - Nabokov
Truth and Method - Gadamer

Next three:
The Pale King - Wallace
The Collapse of Globalism - Saul
War and Peace - Tolstoy

>> No.3301515
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Just finished Scorch Atlas by Blake Butler. It is a fantastic collection that feels so cohesive and unsettling that I needed to step away from the book for breaks. I recommend it to anyone that enjoys David Lynch films or William S. Burroughs' work
>mfw reading it

>> No.3301534

I too have an update but posting from iPhone so fuck that. Any Osaka fags here? I'm moving to nakatsu next week, 10 minute walk to JR Osaka. Fuck. Yes

>> No.3301576


>Mortality - Htichens

Thoughts? Was thinking of blinding this one.

>> No.3301596

Not the person you're responding to, but I fucking loved that book. Really evoked some emotion in me and helped paint a different more compassionate picture than the usual Hitchens, Also extremely saddening to see the ideas that never even got remotely carried out that were just being thought up in his last days.
5/5 book, especially if you've ever dealt with cancer

>> No.3301628

The Divided Self
Madness and Civilization
The Myth of Sisyphus

Lucifer's Hammer
Tao Lin
Things Fall Apart
Leaves of Grass

Steal! This Book
Gravity's Rainbow
Infinite Jest