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/lit/ - Literature

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3294009 No.3294009[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The act of writing fiction is obscene.
It's ridiculously pretentious. Writing fiction for pleasure is like masturbating to pictures of yourself.

How could anyone stand this?

>> No.3294028

It's called creativity.
It's hard to live without it.

You use it too.

>> No.3294029


Arbitrary distinctions based on personal referents. Delete the thread and try again.

>> No.3294031

Read the fiction of Robert Walser.

Read the diaries of Kafka and Tolstoy.

>> No.3294030

>Writing fiction for pleasure is like masturbating to pictures of yourself.
The fuck are you talking about?

>> No.3294042

I agree with OP, and I'm disgusted with myself for responding and reading my own words as i type them. As well I'm disgusted with OP, all posters, this thread, this entire board. As well I don't understand the need for women outside of procreation and a need to defile something.

>> No.3294056


Writing honestly about your thoughts and what you know is authentic.

Writing lies about imaginary characters is dirty. Bombasting their lives with purple prose and aesthetics is so contrived; disgusting.

>> No.3294067

It's not something you have to withstand, it's something that grows as a necessity, either from birth or from education and that you have ideas, scenarios and words that you must put down into paper to relieve yourself from the weight of the "what if" and from the weight of the logic and emotion that project themself everytime you pay attention to what you see and live.

What you think writing fiction is about is probably not what really is. As usual, different fields, different understandings of the world, different lives, see each other as vanities, as masturbation, as something impossible to understand, as something the other must "stand". You just have to understand this is not really a choice. One cannot help being logical, being mathematic, or going to the gym, or being attracted to that one woman or, in our case, one cannot help but write. And much like you cannot understand what your friend saw in his nagging wife, you may not understand the reasons of our love. Do notice: even the love of reason is an unreasonable love. So please understand our marriage to writing, as you love your own work.

>> No.3294068

Why is she wearing two pairs of undies?

>> No.3294071


You don't understand art, do you?

The photographic and the direct is not the sole aim of art, it hasn't been for a long time.

Art gets us closer to the true state of things by evoking sensation through a dance with the reader. It's an aesthetic experience but it's also an emotional and intellectual one.

What is interesting about honesty and authenticity in and of itself with regard to artistic exploration?

>seriously replying to a fourteen year old

>> No.3294084

Are you female? "lies about imaginary characters". please. "bombasting their lives with purple prose", i suppose you don't like fairy tales.
This thread is now about fairy tales or silly women.

>> No.3294097


>Are you female?

Seriously? Fuck off with this shit. It doesn't belong here.

>> No.3294105

>What is interesting about honesty and authenticity in and of itself

Nothing is interesting in itself or of itself.

>Art gets us closer to the true state of things by evoking sensation through a dance with the reader.

I'm okay with "art," whatever that means.

I'm not okay with all it's expressions, fictional lies being one of them.

>> No.3294110


Still believing in grand narratives, are we? Go read a book.

Art isn't about 'facts'. Understanding 'truth' from a human vantage point is much more complex than that. That you think otherwise betrays you as either juvenile or exceedingly naive

>> No.3294122

Art is crap. A representation of beauty from the vantage point of staring at the wall, sitting or laying face within the pages of a book. Is this life? I think not. Art is a bit of frivolity, something less important than a well turned ass or energetic romp. Art is pretend, pretension, a method of separating classes where no separation exists outside of advantage. It is useful for everyone to craft some form of art more than sit idly by and ponder someone else's meaning, someone else's vision. Art is crap.

>> No.3294133
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>Art is crap.
Ah, a fellow fan of pic related!

>> No.3294125

>fictional lies
That makes no sense. There may be fictional truths and non-fictional lies, but fiction can never lie.

>> No.3294134

I feel like I might have lost 20 IQ points from just reading that

>> No.3294144


Leaving the thread now.

Have fun with it.

>> No.3294147


> Understanding 'truth' from a human vantage point...Art

Not even philosophy or science are this pretentious.

Art is a meaningless term.
I'm talking about fiction being awful, no exceptions.

>> No.3294153

>but fiction can never lie.

Fictional characters tell lies to each other.

Also you are autistic.

>> No.3294163


It doesn't pretend to be able to arrive at any conclusions, unlike the latter.

Kill yourself. Seriously.

>> No.3294169

The act of writing fiction is really puzzling.

The author is constantly telling lies, over and over. The feelings his characters have are pure fabrications. Their conversations are completely contrived and up to him.

It's worse than a day dream or mental fantasy. It's something really terrible and grotesque.

Of course I like stories and fiction. But I can't respect authors anymore, they really are terrible human beings for being able to write fiction.

The better they write the more disingenuous and obscene they must be.

>> No.3294172


Why does writing lies make you a terrible human being?

Why are you pulling that moral judgment out of your ass?

>> No.3294176
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>> No.3294177

ITT: Pollock was an evil man for not being a photographer

>> No.3294180

Still don't get the theory/praxis division?

Are you twelve?

>> No.3294182

so much navelgazing in this thread

>> No.3294185

Our culture has too much time for art and very little to say. We ourselves here are masturbating over this topic for lack of anything more meaningful. At the same time life is as simple and as complicated as we wish it to be. Meaning is disappearing from life let alone art. Those that can make/craft something with their hands are the stewards of our future. Art is crap.

>> No.3294188


>building legos is important
>art is crap


>because I say so

>but if I feel differently?

>you're wrong.

>> No.3294195

Writing is the only form of art that carries the obscene side of deception and contrivance.

A painting is always itself. It doesn't try to bamboozle.

>> No.3294199

Missing the point entirely.

>> No.3294202


This isn't about art being useful or not. It's simply a fact that fiction is obscene and full of lies.

The reader isn't the one that is really taken advantage of, the writer is the real victim.

The process itself is obscene. The writer is lying to himself more than his audience.

>> No.3294203


The text is always itself. It doesn't try to bamboozle.

The reaction to a text is as disparate from reader to reader as the reaction to a painting.

Try again.

>> No.3294206
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Fiction doesn't need you to enjoy it, and you hate her for it.
Sour grapes if ever the fox ate them.

>> No.3294208

>The process itself is obscene. The writer is lying to himself more than his audience.

I've had to write short stories for school. I always had to take a shower after and clean myself.

Writing fiction is one of the dirties things a person can do.

>> No.3294209


Why are lies obscene?

Why are facts lacking obscenity? I have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.3294216

>I have no idea what you're talking about.

This has been obvious since your first incoherent post and your tangents about "art"

>> No.3294221
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Fiction isn't something you can put down in entirety. Yes, you can put down Fifty Shades of Grey, but not the entire genre itself.

I'll assume OP read some stupid book, loved it, told /lit/ about it, and was criticized.

That's my guess, but what ACTUALLY led OP to this conclusion?

>> No.3294228


Feel free to answer the question at any time. I'm here all night.

>> No.3294230

Wonderful. Another book hoarder. Do you sit on an imaginary pedestal of books as you carry yourself through a world that you can't understand and rejects you. You have your wonderful books.

>> No.3294232

>but what ACTUALLY led OP to this conclusion?

Go try writing some fiction.
Tell me how you feel after writing and reading a paragraph.

>> No.3294237

OP is right.

I masturbate in a mirror

>> No.3294255
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>Tell me how you feel after writing and reading a paragraph.

>> No.3294259
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Oh, so OP tried to be like his favorite author (Ayn Rand I presume) and tried to write something fictional "but with a message".


He promptly gave up and cursed an entire genre for his own hardships.

We've got Hemingway level edginess here (without the coolness of Hemingway)

>> No.3294261

>Feel free to answer the question at any time.
Re-read OP's post. All the information you need is there.

>I'm here all night.

Hopefully it won't take you that long to figure it out

>> No.3294268

Haha, you just gave yourself in, OP.

>> No.3294275


Wonderful. Cleansed. Wiser.

>> No.3294271


It's more like becoming aware of the obscene and absurd gyrations your body is making while you have sex.

Once you stand back and realize how goofy and comical you are being the whole scenario loses it's authenticity.

The heavy breathing, the grunting, the weird faces and the back and forth repetitive thrusts are completely ridiculous upon reflection.

The same applies for writing fiction, once you step back and realize what you are doing, the whole endeavor seems contrived and even obscene.

>> No.3294270


You haven't explained why lies in fiction are obscene.

You've merely claimed it.

I'll keep saying this until you justify yourself.

>> No.3294277
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You assume much but understand little. Fiction is a transmission of imagination, the most intimate expression of a person. Every person carries some creative spark that wishes to be appreciated (barring a social disorder) To hate fiction is to hate yourself.

<- iron man is you
<-/lit/ is thor

>> No.3294282

>Wonderful. Cleansed. Wiser.

Then you aren't looking at yourself honestly during the act. Also post the alleged paragraph you wrote.

>> No.3294281

If you write to impress others, yes, it seems contrived.

But if you write to impress yourself and as an escape it's quite sublime and enjoyable. Some people just happen to be good at it- just like sex. Clearly you are not very good at sex. And a lot more people are better at sex than they are at writing.

>> No.3294293


Expressing yourself via fiction is like expressing yourself via rape or deceit.

Visual art is fine. non-fiction is fine.

Fiction is just too infantile and obscene and can never reach authenticity.

>> No.3294294
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Know what also sucks?


>> No.3294299

Or maybe you aren't.

Not him btw.

>> No.3294300


Stop pretending to know whether or not I'm looking at myself honestly.

Art can instruct life in the same way that theory can instruct praxis. This is babby shit.

I'm not about to post my shitty writing so you can claim it's exactly that

>> No.3294302

>can never reach authenticity

I literally cannot name all of the books that have clearly surpassed your level of "authenticity" by just imagination alone.

>> No.3294304


>> No.3294309

I have an aversion to lying and an attraction to truth.

Fiction tends towards the former not the latter.

>> No.3294311
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A fool and a wise man stood on the edge of a cliff. the fool got close to the edge and was pulled away by the wise man.
The wise man said in an instructional tone "if you fall, you will die". The fool thought for a second and argued with the wise man that to fall would not be fatal. The wise man said once more "if you fall, you will die". The fool, being a fool argued still until his frustration could no longer be contained. The fool threw himself from the cliff and as he fell to the rocks below he shouted " i told you i wouldn't die!".

>> No.3294315


>still believes in grand narratives

>> No.3294316

I have never masturbated to pictures of myself, but I do stand in front of a mirror sometimes.

>> No.3294318

>>still believes in grand narratives

What do you mean?

>> No.3294320


Go read some theory.

>> No.3294322


This never happened.

>> No.3294325

>Go read some theory.

I want to know what you mean by it and how you interpret it.

>> No.3294326

Also if you don't fall you will die. If you don't fall you will die.

>> No.3294328


If you don't even recognize the term, I won't be able to explain it or the ideas behind it on 4chan.

>> No.3294329

What's wrong with masturbating to pictures of yourself?

>> No.3294332
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Fiction is and will always be.
You are, yet will not.
Which is more real?

>> No.3294334 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 570x300, mfw master.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am a transient truth.
Fiction is perpetual a lie.

>> No.3294333

For some definition of always that assumes the universe won't end or that the minds in which fiction exists will never become extinct.

You sound like this really gay "buddhist" I knew who would say really vague things that sounded like they might be true but did not stand up very well once you thought about them for a minute

>> No.3294337

Wrong. The self is an illusion.

>> No.3294338
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>replying to an illusion.

>> No.3294341

Well, it's an illusion doing it, too.

I didn't say it wasn't enjoyable interacting with illusions. "I" (for a definition of me that doesn't imply I'm a distinct entity with some concrete separation between myself and the rest of the universe) still involve fapping even though it's not sex.

>> No.3294342
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If you fall, you will die.

Keep arguing if you want, it just proves you to be a simpleton.

>> No.3294343

*still enjoy

>> No.3294367

Why is a girl that old doing primary-school math in a classroom?

>> No.3294392

There's nothing wrong with masturbating to pictures of yourself when you're as hot as I am. jk,
but really though, hardly any art is concretedly real, each peice is riddled with lies. Some art is 100%lies right down to the physics of light. Yet it is beautiful.
Allowing your emotions to be swayed merely by what is and is not true shows how feeble a human you actually are...so petty, so sad.

>> No.3294393

That's not primary school math, but I can say for sure she is no mathematician. She writes her x's all wrong.

>> No.3294400

>implying she not just posed there and wrote perhaps just that last part that she is copying, if any

>> No.3294439

/sci/entist lurking hier
>that old doing primary-school math is a classroom

Yeah sure il/lit/erate, that is calculus II
>inb4 hate, who teaches that kind of integrals at primary school?

>> No.3294444

The formatting of this post hurts my head

>> No.3294455

toasting from iphone, not even native speaker

>> No.3294458

You could use this same argument for playing music, meditating, sitting on the beach, etc etc.

>> No.3294477


What, they don't tech integrals in preschool where you live?


>> No.3294479

That picture is such a load of shit, it's ridiculous.

Not every successful person sets out to impress society or be its slave, that's just stupid.

Just look at John Kennedy Toole or any other successful author that doesn't completely sell out or try to appease people.

Also, "success" is pretty arbitrary, and someone is only as successful as they see themselves really, if you feel content doing nothing, so be it.

>> No.3294488


John Kennedy Toole tried desperately to get his novel published by a major house. He killed himself when he wasn't popularly accepted.

What a shit example

>> No.3294489
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Settle down kid.

>> No.3294511

What's so great about writing the truth? Seems awfully boring to me. I'd rather hear one extravigant lie than a million senseless truths.
Fiction is not fact, and that, that is what makes it exraordinary.

>> No.3294523

Geez, it's not like the picture is a serious propaganda poster that is being used to teach children. Cool down.

>> No.3294529



>> No.3294540


Yeah, nah. they're both idiots

>> No.3294557
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It can be narcissistic or it can be selfless, completely depends on your perspective

I think the OP is having some failure in the creativity department