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3292915 No.3292915 [Reply] [Original]

Only that which is relevant to my life shall be of my concern.

Basically, after having spend a great deal of my life studying philosophy, I now deem it irrelevant.

I am an atheist, and a libertarian. I am also happy, and ignorant - which seem to correlate.

You will never succeed in accomplishing truth, so why try?

>> No.3292919

>I am also happy, and ignorant - which seem to correlate.
My sides...

>> No.3292926

I enjoy reading a handful of philosophers. I see no point pursuing philosophy or indulging in contemporary philosophical debates.

Anyone who pushes philosophy onto you is just trying to validate their own pursuit. "Please care about my hobby, it's absolutely crucial."

>> No.3292931

Consider it more closely. I have read everything from Leucippus to Bergson. Ignorance is a bliss. It seems simplistic, but to argue further one could elaborate by saying that i had wonderful sex with a skinny girl not so many nights ago, instead of reading about axiomatic truths which is not axiomatic after all.

>> No.3292935

We are on the same level, i believe.

Once, not so long a go philosophy consumed me - i had almost finished the western canon consisting of around 62.000 pages. Still no answers.

>> No.3292949

This post, and the greentexted quote above both show your desire for knowledge despite your idolisation of ignorance. Further to that, there is irony in saying you are happy, ignorant, and know the two to be related, as well to elucidate further that you value sex with skinny girls over learning "axiomatic" truths, which is itself an axiom.

>> No.3292950

That's pretty intense.

What I find kind of disgusting is when someone tells you "it's not about the answers but answering the right questions." There's some truth in that but it's more about reaffirming that their careers have value and that they in what they do have power.

I don't buy it.

>> No.3292956

>he still believes in truth

>> No.3292966

cause i'm bored and angsty what else am i supposed to do

>> No.3292967

Thanks for the personal blog OP.

>You can never establish truth.
How do you know that?

>> No.3292979

You could be right. However - I do not see myself engaging in discussions like these ever again. That is my message. The value received from doing so is either minimal, zero or in many cases negative.

To paraphrase Hawking, it would improve our lives nothing at all, should we come to know everything.

>> No.3292989

The null hypothesis is that you cannot.

Should someone succeed in establishing truth, what would be the consequences. Nothing at all. The guy would be ignored because value is subjective.

>> No.3292997

Can i suggest to you what I think you should do, or would you dismiss me as arrogant and what i offered you as the opinion of just another guy?

>> No.3293000


>> No.3293004

I believe that it is irrelevant whether i do or do not believe in truth.

>> No.3293023

>because value is subjective
>value is subjective
>because value is subjective

Knowledge is stupid


>> No.3293026


Three books was central to me. They moved me out of constant inner struggle with complex subdivisions of philosophy.

The books:

1. How to win friends and influence people.
2. The conquest of happiness
3. What women want and how to give it to them

Dismiss it as cheesy, dismiss it as whatever you want. I live better now than i have ever done in my life. To me, that is what matters.

>> No.3293034

>To paraphrase Hawking

Lol. No wonder you haven't been able to synthesize knowledge or any school of philosophy into your daily life as wisdom, when you quote such pop-science hacks as Hawking.

Bet you haven't even read Hume.

>> No.3293035

i'm open-minded; let's hear it

>> No.3293041

>1. How to win friends and influence people.
>2. The conquest of happiness
>3. What women want and how to give it to them


just when i thought /lit/ couldn't sink any lower

>> No.3293042

Do not tempt me to demonstrate the validity of propositions which can never be proven valid. Doing so would add no value to my life.

>> No.3293047


>> No.3293052

>How to win friends and influence people
Literary equivalent of wearing tracksuit bottoms all the time. Nobody with any respect for themselves reads that and takes it seriously. If you want a good management type pop-psych book, get "Games People Play" instead.
>The conquest of happiness
>What women want and how to give it to them
Now you're depressing me. Read some Schopenhauer or something.

>> No.3293053

I second this. However, while all those books did help out my social life and thereby made me happier, they never pulled me out of philosophy. Its just no longer an end of itself.

>> No.3293057

Do you regard philosophy as nobler than science? If so, why?

I have read everything Hume from Human Nature to Natural Religion

>> No.3293066

What is the purpose of your life?

>> No.3293071

What's more likely OP, that the entire Western canon, consisting of many cultures and geniuses across many nations and vast amounts of time, contains no matter of truth or that you, a single shitwit living a life of television and internet browsing, never learned how to read properly?

Sounds like you're mad that philosophy gave you no pleasure or social status or whatever, while "wonderful sex with a skinny girl" gave you the bit of pleasure and status that even the most unlearned are getting.
If you can read there is SO MUCH MORE pleasure and status to be gained from "THE WESTERN CANON" than wonderful sex with a skinny girl.

>> No.3293076

I still read philosophy as a hobby. I do not, however, let it keep my awake at night.

>> No.3293092

What did Hume think of the enlightenment project then? Can you surmise Hume's thoughts on free will?

>> No.3293095



>> No.3293108

First of all, appealing to authority or popularity as validation of truth is just fallacious.

Secondly, i have been educated in reading and understanding philosophy, and i have read more pages of philosophy than most people, including you. I know how to read philosophy. But there is no value to be gained from doing so.

>> No.3293120

Any high-scooler with an internet connection can answer and elaborate on those questions. I have noting to prove to you.

>> No.3293121

like, I don't know how Dante can read Virgil and The Bible and come up with the Divine Comedy in reply.
And you can read "more pages of philosophy than most people" and can only come up with the sentence, "But there is no value to be gained from doing so."

FUCK "VALUE". You've read the great geniuses of the world, NOW GO AND WRITE A MASTERPIECE.

But you can't, because you're just a "paragraph-gobbler".

>> No.3293130

>it's so easy, so I won't do it
I'm sensing brain problems.

>> No.3293131

The books in question improved my life tremendously. Schopenhauer is way to negative, complex and broad-scoped in his writing to teach guys to pick up girls.

>> No.3293135

Would it add value to my life if i wrote a "masterpiece"?

>> No.3293141
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>You will never succeed in accomplishing truth, so why try?

>spend a great deal of my life studying philosophy

>> No.3293142


>> No.3293146

OP, how are you ignorant after studying philosophy `a great deal of your life`? If anything, you should be dominating every single fucking conversation in the real life setting. If this isn't the case, are you sure you studied it in great depth?

>You will never succeed in accomplishing truth, so why try?
Why is it that you haven't picked up meditating, explored the reality of consciousness outside your body, tried shrooms or any synthetic psychedelics? these could potentially change your position as a trivial atheist; if you're willing to dig deep enough

>i had wonderful sex with a skinny girl not so many nights ago
go full-on hedonistic narcissism mode then

>> No.3293150

I have realised my mistake and gone down a different road.

>> No.3293173

I am able to "dominate every single fucking conversation in the real life setting". At least comparing myself to non-professionals. But what does it matter? Time and time again i "won" a discussion and lost a relation.

I do not want to engage in pathetic self-deception or self-harm.

I live primarily, but not completely, for my own pleasure.

>> No.3293174

Dante's response to Virgil wasn't "would it add value to my life if I wrote something like this." Dante's response was something along the lines of "this is fucking beautiful and everything I admire about humanity's genius, I need to imitate this."

See, Dante was inspired by what he was read, you've read the greatest minds the world has known and have been about as inspired as a child staring at a Mars Bar. "Would it add value to my life" LOL

>> No.3293178

>Time and time again i "won" a discussion and lost a relation.

You didn't win it then. Read Aesop if you want some worldly wisdom about how to behave to your advantage.

>> No.3293181

Yet you're not dominating here. Why is that?

>> No.3293191

>I live primarily, but not completely, for my own pleasure.

get /fit/ and slay gangas then

>> No.3293196

Or "How to win friends and influence people"

Also, you do understand the irony implied by the citation-marks... surely you must.

>> No.3293200

>I live primarily, but not completely, for my own pleasure.

then surely you could have gained something from Oscar Wilde or Byron's Don Juan or something

>> No.3293203

Because it would give me noting to do so.

I do this because i want to offer /lit/ something, and i expected the reaction i'm getting.

>> No.3293208

"How to win friends and influence people" would just tell you to be a creep and try to placate them somehow. You'd never have a discussion.

>> No.3293212

I really have no interest in being a bodybuilder. That being said, i row for 30-50 min every day to keep in shape, and eat healthy. That was another aspect of life i ignored in my quest of finding the absolute.

>> No.3293226

I find the writings of both quite pleasurable :)

But it is quite distinguished from the high-brow philosophical texts that haunted my life for years.

>> No.3293227
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In order to distract myself from the loneliness that I know will come back anyway when it's late at night and there's nothing to occupy myself with.

>> No.3293232

That is really not my experience.

>> No.3293237

Why is anyone speaking to OP instead of just calling him a faggot?

OP feel free to be a happy dumbass. Just don't pretend that because you fucked a girl once you're superior to people who read.

>> No.3293242

>of finding the absolute.
how come you are an atheist then? how does one find the Absolute through rowing and healthy eating?

>> No.3293257

Then you haven't read it, chump.

>> No.3293259

Please trust me now fellow human, for I believe with a passion that i have felt exactly what you feel.

As simplistic and arrogant as this might sound, the solution is to occupy yourself with something more simple in nature, such as:

Classical rock right before bed


Reading long, dense historical works (as a phase)

or best of all, cupping the firm breasts of a bright lady

>> No.3293271
File: 79 KB, 500x333, laff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Classical rock right before bed
>Reading long, dense historical works (as a phase)
>or best of all, cupping the firm breasts of a bright lady

this has to be a troll... HAS TO BE

>> No.3293272


Or just smoke weed and be happy all the time

>> No.3293274

I am no superior to people who read, for I read much myself. I believe, however, that I have succeeded in balancing the aspects of my life such that reading philosophy is not all.

For the record, it is not correct to say that i "fucked a girl once" - the pleasurable situation for me right now is that i fairly regularly have sex with girls. I regard this as an advantage in comparison to not doing so, but i believe it would be arrogant to call myself superior.

>> No.3293279

One does not find the absolute.

I will never find the absolute.

I believe that i am happy because i do not try.

Rowing makes you healthy, has nothing to do with the absolute.

>> No.3293282

I've done all but the last. It doesn't really help. When I read philosophical things, it forces me to concentrate more then usual, and so I am distracted.

And just call it classic rock. Classical rock sounds like you're trying to hard.

>> No.3293286

I have read it around 7 times. I apply it's teachings every day.

>> No.3293292

Why mock simple pleasures?

>> No.3293293

This guy has a falsely inflated view of himself but it's in a way that he can't himself come to terms with and there's really no point in bringing up. He's as well accepting that there's a lack of an inherent necessity to argue (and thus no need to plead or assert anything) but nevertheless preparing the situation into an argument, and there's this whole dissonance in asserting an apathetic stance on a thing that makes him an uncomfortable discursive mate. This thread can't go well for the reason that you can't convince a rock to think one way or another about things.

Philosophy as the search for 'truth' (universal, axiomatic, objective) died long ago, it's not really any one concrete thing now, and it's silly to think it's irrelevant, for the fact is that it's just about everything, all discursive knowledge.

Be a hedonist, sure, but that's your 'solution' to whatever the fuck you think are problems, know that you've so far falsely projected all your shit onto everyone else, and misinterpreted the purpose of discourse and anyone's interest in it.

>> No.3293297

Weed is unhealthy. I don't find poor health and little mental clarity to make me happy.

>> No.3293312

You are clever. You have told me nothing I did not already know. Are you happy with your life?

>> No.3293313

>cupping the firm breasts of a bright lady

it pisses me off you can boast about reading the work of geniuses but turn out to be such an effeminate and flaccid man that you think "cupping the breasts of a bright lady" is a step towards happiness.

>> No.3293317


In what sense is an anti-cancerous drug that encourages brain cell growth and healthy lungs unhealthy?

>little mental clarity

Good one.

>> No.3293332

>cupping the firm breasts of a bright lady

they aren't that bright if they let a creep like you touch them

>> No.3293335

I do not really boast of having read the western canon, i regard it as fundemantally a mistake. It was i mistake that lead me to become perfectly capable of enjoying such flaccid pleasures as breasts.

>> No.3293346

Please educate yourself and develop from the state of seeking out isolated studies that allows you to not question your hobbies and values.

The science is pretty clear my friend.

>> No.3293350

Okay. Let's say that.

>> No.3293359


Smoking vaporized cannabis, even over the long term, even for a heavy smoker, has almost no demonstrable negative effects.

Feel free to cite this 'pretty clear' science.

>> No.3293361

>enjoying such flaccid pleasures as breasts.

living for "pleasure" is flaccid and effeminate.

Achilles is Greek's most fierce warrior and takes the beautiful Briseis from the vanquished Trojans. Imagine how he cupped her breast.
You, a little modern man who worries about "self-esteem" and "valuing my life" manage to get some equally deluded bimbo to take her top off for you because you wore the new cool shoes that are popular now or whatever.

Not does Achilles' life trump yours infinitely in an ethical sense, it even does so in an aesthetic sense. And he didn't give his life aesthetics like you are doing.

>> No.3293368

This is what I meant in dissonance. Passivity in his assertions, where a rock at least has the decency to move when it's been prod.

This guy is the guy who, when told that can't say a thing, sincerely believes he ought to answer with "I just did" and leave it all at that.

>Are you happy with your life?
Tell me what happiness is, and tell me what compels me to seek it.

>> No.3293375

Just google it. If you want more elaboration you could pick up Cannabinoid Function in Learning, Memory and Plasticity, for example.

>> No.3293389

except massively raising the chance of becoming schizophrenic

>> No.3293394

I live really simply and do not care for the "new cool shoes" in any way. Achilles is fun to read about for tweens, but reality comes soon enough.

And although that reality is not as beautiful as the world of Greek epics, the breasts of a girl still feel wonderful in my hands.

>> No.3293404

You're either predisposed to that kind of schizophrenia or you aren't, and if you are any drug can exacerbate the condition.

>> No.3293408

If you were predisposed to schizophrenia. It only brings it out sooner in those who would have already gotten it.

It will not make you arbitrarily schizophrenic, though.

>> No.3293413


Many studies that are widely cited are highly misleading. Many of them involve smokers who are underaged or started using when they were underaged, a clear mistep for anyone with half a brain.

There's no question that marijuana impairs memory and brain function in the short term. The long-term effects are less clear, but the studies that have been done properly show no major negative effects on cognitive function or respiratory health. Many of the side-effects of the drug in the long term are positive, in fact.

>> No.3293421

It is not my area anymore to tell you what happiness is. But I will encourage you to seek it, even if your reasons for doing so do not perfectly line up with your understanding of the world.

>> No.3293423


It doesn't raise the chances of you becoming schizophrenic. If you're pre-wired to be so, the drug might have some negative effects in that direction, ESPECIALLY if you use before your brain has stopped forming.

>> No.3293425

>the breasts of a girl still feel wonderful in my hands

cursed be your hands that they be bound in service to such an honorless master
cursed be those breasts that be tended by such base hands

>> No.3293427

>There's no question that marijuana impairs memory and brain function in the short term. The long-term effects are less clear, but the studies that have been done properly show no major negative effects on cognitive function or respiratory health. Many of the side-effects of the drug in the long term are positive, in fact.

what the fucking fuck? you got everything upside down.

short-term = little to no harm
long-term = enjoy the degradation of your central nervous system, bub

>> No.3293430
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>Read western canon

>> No.3293436

I do no longer engage in philosophy on a deeper level, but I will encourage you to seek your own happiness.

>> No.3293444


Go ahead and cite a proper study that demonstrates this.

There is VERY little science on this issue.

>> No.3293445

Evil Shake

>> No.3293454

I live in Denmark and have read the canon in Danish. I can also make spelling mistakes. None of the above hurts my message.

>> No.3293455
File: 44 KB, 485x634, epicurus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm test driving Epicureanism as of late. Seems to make me pretty happy. Perhaps the happiest I've been in years.

>> No.3293465

>Go ahead and cite a proper study that demonstrates this

Do your own study. Go on youtube and find contemporary interviews with reggae stars from the 60s and 70s. It's like watching punch boxers.

>> No.3293467

You see, your answer's as good and presumptive as if you had just answered, "Yes."

It is, as most of what you've said has been, a non-answer.

If you'll refuse to define a thing, and if you'll refuse to explain what compels you (or anyone else) to achieve that thing, it is nothing. You're saying nothing.

>> No.3293468

>Achilles is fun to read about for tweens, but reality comes soon enough.

Achilles is a reality, and his glory is just as real as your ignominious "reality".
If you only had the strength to welcome such a glory as Achilles' into your soul maybe you wouldn't be stuck in a dull reality with the greatest light in it being the sad light reflected off a depraved woman's breast. If you really believed in his superiority to you you could perhaps humble yourself and make a man out of yourself in following his image. But the brightest image in your brain is an image belonging to a common lout.

>> No.3293475

Danish sounds retarded. In fact, it's like your culture and language are both tailored towards making people retarded and then keeping them that way. Nothing personal, just saying.

>> No.3293478


Go ahead and read a book by Pynchon if anecdotes about lifelong stoners are what you're after

>> No.3293481

If you can fuck there is SO MUCH MORE pleasure and status to be gained from wonderful sex with a skinny girl than "THE WESTERN CANON".

>> No.3293483

I find Epicureanism to be the nobler form of Hedonism. Also, Epicureanism avoids the pitfalls of the kind of drink-smoke-eat-McD hedonism.

Great choice :)

>> No.3293486

i don't have to cite what can be clearly seen in the front of my eyes, scientism-gobbling scum

>> No.3293496

I smoked a shitload of weed between 17-22. One friend of mine did the same and is now a full blown schizo. It made me lazy, forgetful and paranoid and had a huge negative impact on my social and intellectual development. Every long term stoner I have come across has been depressed and boring. I have had trouble with crack cocaine since and can honestly say that, leaving aside the financial side of things, regular weed use was more detrimental to my emotional well being.

>> No.3293497

>accepts empiricism
>rejects scientism

Holy fuck, are you that stupid?

>> No.3293504

You cannot generalise so profoundly

>> No.3293509

Congratulations, you were fucked in the head regardless, and weed made it obvious.

>> No.3293510


That's bad logic and lazy thinking.

The sober mind isn't coming out as very appealing, based on this conversation.

>> No.3293511

I will let it slide. Let me just say that I have thought what you think, and it brought me nothing.

>> No.3293513

look up the words bro

>> No.3293520

>scientism may refer to science applied "in excess"

i've got nothing against empiricism; but you can go fuck yourself with your studies, son

>> No.3293522


You started smoking before your brain was fully developed.

Good job, dunce.

I've been smoking every day for the past five years and I'm more productive than I've ever been. My reading and my writing have never been better. Should've waited a few years, buddy.

>> No.3293524

Empiricism is not science. The acceptance of a part of a whole does not entail the acceptance of the whole.

>> No.3293541


>> No.3293544


You realize any number of accomplished thinkers in a wide range of fields use marijuana regularly?

Nice anecdote, though.

>> No.3293546

Empiricism: The theory that all knowledge is derived from sense-experience.
>what can clearly be seen in the front of my eyes (conclusion deduced from observation)

And I might have done better to point out that he's calling an empirical case (in which it is observed by many that marijuana has a certain sort of effect) a case in scientism only to reduce it to something he can dismiss, even though it properly contradicts his personal experience (only his observation that marijuana has a different effect).

>> No.3293547

>My reading and my writing have never been better.

That's what the ganj has you thinking.

>> No.3293552
File: 79 KB, 500x333, mfw epicurean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess some form of quietism is essential to any form of happy life. At least to those inclined to take philosophy seriously enough to be able to suffer from it. Getting stuck in philosophical questions and dilemma's is more of a bad habit than an actual concern, I find. Even after you stop believing in the possibility of finding "truth", the habit of grasping for it remains, still making you unhappy. Once you learn to stop doing it the problems will simply disappear, along with existential crisis and the like.

>> No.3293553
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2/10; try harder

>> No.3293556

ITT: sophists

>> No.3293562

Not him but good enough for me.

>> No.3293565

If you toke bro you're a star witness for the prosecution.

>> No.3293579


It's absolutely, verifiably true.


I've been sober for the past six weeks, and my judgment remains the same.

>> No.3293584

Good enough to imagine you are doing better?

Everyone's writing should improve over a 5 year period if they are still on the upward curve of their trajectory. Whether weed helps improve literary creativity is open to some debate imo. Most of my favourite poets/writers were not weed smokers, I'd guess. I imagine Pynch is a big toker as this would explain the dodgy aspects of his stuff. Weed helps music producers for sure but i am not sure it helps writers.

>> No.3293598

I'm gonna quote one of my favourites, The Unfettered Mind, The Mysterious Records of Immovable Wisdom.
"Glancing at something and not stopping the mind is called -immovable-. This is because when the mind stops at something, there are various movements within it. When its movements cease, the stopping mind moves, but does not move at all."

>> No.3293605


The quote seems rather heavy on meaningless zen-lite paradox.

>> No.3293606


Sure helped Hugo and Baudelaire.

You're right that it's an open question as to whether or not creativity is affected in the positive - its also true that every brain reacts to the drug in different ways, and the question gets that much more complicated when something as vague and subliminal as creativity plays into it

>> No.3293617

I think the use of weed for creative pursuits is that it can help create an open and playful environment, which makes it easier to bounce ideas with others without negativity. I doubt that a really good "creative environment" would be improved by toking, and this is nothing but conjecture from my part, because by definition there's little tension left for the weed to loosen up.

>> No.3293629

>people getting mad at OP because trying to be content enjoying simple pleasures and the interaction with other people makes him more happy than suffering existential crisis and struggling to wrestle some relieving insight out of a bad Heidegger translation while half-heartedly trying to write the novel that defines our generation

I'd say good for you, OP. What do you do for money?

>> No.3293630

Yes it did help Baudelaire (I am ignorant of hugo).

I have tried using drugs to write and have had the most success with hash - stronger psychedelics are too overwhelming until they start to wear off and then my brain is exhausted. I've personally found that I write much better stuff sober, but my cast of mind has definitely been influenced by my drug experiences.

>> No.3293633

It may seem like that, yes.

>> No.3293643


Everyone's got their own way of going about it. It's the text - the work - that's important. How you get at it is your own prerogative. What's gonna work for one mind won't do shit for another.

>> No.3293653

Look at this man, as he suggests that the spirit of things is more important than the words and motions. Look, and laugh with him, if you will.

>> No.3293670

but a large part of philosophy deals with how to live, philosophy is not just metaphysics and epistemology, there is also ethics and eudaimonic philosophy

>> No.3295176

I work as a manager of a small business. I supervise people translating novels and textbooks into Danish.

>> No.3295231

>I am an atheist
>and a libertarian
>I am also happy, and ignorant - which seem to correlate.
>philosophy, I now deem it irrelevant.


>> No.3295235


>> No.3295245

Yes. But the philosophical ideas dealing with practical implementation of morality are very limited.

Eudaimonia is not really an area of philosophical inquiry, but the solution to finding happiness for post-socratic greek philosophers.

>> No.3295251


Do you believe in God or gods?

Do you believe in personal and economic freedom?

Do you want to be happy or is that too pleb for you?

Are you willing to sacrifice your pride of being a searcher, for the satisfaction of happiness?

>> No.3295257

Well, philosophy is only relevant when it is to our advantage. If you aren't curious anymore and if you enjoy life, then for the love of Plato, don't read it!

You are already practicing epiruean philosophy as we speak, so keep it up.
If you dismiss music, though, you are a monster.





>> No.3295260

Not at all. Relativist yes.

>> No.3295268

You conclude as I do. Are you danish? rød grød med fløde og æg i en å?

>> No.3295274

what do people get out of pontificating a pseudo intellect with such verbosity on an anime website?

>> No.3295278

How are you better than the "pseudo intellect"? (me). And how are you better then other people asking me questions and criticising me on this anime website?

>> No.3295285
File: 3 KB, 111x124, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because I'm not trying to justify myself anonymously on an anime website

>> No.3295294

me neither. I'm just delivering a message of another way of living so some people online.

>> No.3295614


Yeah, but I didn't include them on purpose. I was cleaning my ø and ' key and forgot that I was writing this post.

>> No.3297551

Jesus fuck, this is why I do it. Trying to learn and read philosophy/think helps me get over all my destroyed relationships and my loneliness.

>> No.3297584

Keep reading.

>> No.3297646
File: 88 KB, 720x672, 1355198076395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Almost 2013
>Not understanding that the object of philosophy is wisdom, not truth
>Not understanding that wisdom and its pursuit are ends unto themselves
>Not understanding that the assertion "You will never succeed in accomplishing truth" in itself appeal to truth
>Not understanding that you being an atheist or a libertarian has nothing to do with the central theme of your post, and that it was a meaningless, pretentious thing to tell us about yourself
>Mfw the only correct claims you've made so far were the ones about your own ignorance

>> No.3297679
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nice m8

>> No.3298426


Well said. Read the whole thread and feel obliged to qft.

>> No.3300434

>That's pretty intense.
I nostalgia'ed