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3291446 No.3291446 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't Sauron recruit the remaining Balrogs and the Dragon Smaug to join his ranks?

They all once worked together under Morgoth.

>> No.3291471

he probably can't control them because he's not hardcore enough

or find them if they are too underground

>> No.3291489
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But even Saruman and Gandalf knew about the Balrog in Moria and come to think about it....

Why didnt Sauron recruit the Goblins?

>> No.3291491


Until someone gives a good explanation for the absence of the two Blue Wizards, I'm saging all LOTR posts.

>> No.3291497

One of the reasons Gandalf supported Thorin was the prospects of Smaug joining Sauron. He needed that dragon dead.

>> No.3291503

who is blue wizards?

>> No.3291513

Why weren't the dwarves fighting with the men and elves against Sauron? Did they even ask them?

>> No.3291518

There are five wizards, two of them never appeared, for some reason.

>> No.3291521

maybe they were doing stuff in the south with the sandpeople

>> No.3291526

Why is /mu/ stupid and smelly?

>> No.3291533

They disappeared while in the East
Sauron captured and killed them

>> No.3291633

Why didn't the Fellowship ride the giant eagles to Mordor? Why didn't the Bilbo and company ride the eagles all the way to the fucking mountin?

>> No.3291673
File: 24 KB, 289x290, slowtroll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get on our level, noob.

>> No.3291699

I don't know who you are, OP, but don't ever stop with these threads.

>> No.3291716

He's you. You are him.

Now go back to >>>/mu/

>> No.3291819


this is explained in the books

>> No.3292288

Maybe they are somewhere in the other 90% of Middle Earth not explored and fend off another great evil preparing to take over the world?

>> No.3292296

The rest of Middle Earth is Narnia.

>> No.3292298

>One does not simply walk into Mordor
>How about we fly?
I honestly don't remember this.

>> No.3292299

And all continents rest on a disk on the backs of four elephants which in turn stand on the shell of a interstellar turtle, I suppose?

>> No.3292310

Originally, Tolkien had written that they'd been in the Eastern lands, Rhun and Harad and such, and that they'd fallen to evil and started pagan magical cults. Later on, he recanted and said that he "thought" they'd probably worked against Sauron in the East.

>> No.3292312

Only because of the effects of the infinite imprbability drive.

>> No.3292317

The Balrogs were servants of Morgoth, Sauron's own master. I can't imagine that they'd deign to serve him in his diminished state. Same for Smaug, really.

>> No.3292322 [DELETED] 

after the eagles picked them up and took bilbo and co. to their nest they agreed to take them "well on their journey across the plains below."

the following chapter the lord of the eagles said he would not take them anywhere near where men lived. the lord of the eagles said, "they would shoot at us with their great bows of yew. for they would think we were after their sheep. and at other times they would be right."

the lord of the eagles then says they will not risk their lives for dwarves in the southward plains.

on my 4th time reading the hobbit and coincidentally i just read this part this morning on my way to work.

>> No.3292329

But men and sheep do not live in Mordor.

>> No.3292336

If Men would shoot at eagles for trying to eat their sheep, what do you think Orcs would do when they see the enemy flying right over their borders?

>> No.3292339 [DELETED] 

after the eagles picked them up and took bilbo and co. to their nest they agreed to take them "well on their journey across the plains below."

the following chapter the lord of the eagles said he would not take them anywhere near where men lived. the lord of the eagles said, "they would shoot at us with their great bows of yew. for they would think we were after their sheep. and at other times they would be right."

the lord of the eagles then says they will not risk their lives for dwarves in the southward plains.

found towards the end of chapter six.

wanted to add which chapter i found it.

as for mordor in lotr the eagles aren't there until the end iirc. and even then they need to get in without attracting attention. the whole purpose of there being a small group/fellowship to begin with. just a guess.

>> No.3292341

Aren't Orcs nocturnal?

>> No.3292342

after the eagles picked them up and took bilbo and co. to their nest they agreed to take them "well on their journey across the plains below."

the following chapter the lord of the eagles said he would not take them anywhere near where men lived. the lord of the eagles said, "they would shoot at us with their great bows of yew. for they would think we were after their sheep. and at other times they would be right."

the lord of the eagles then says they will not risk their lives for dwarves in the southward plains.

found towards the end of chapter six.

wanted to add which chapter i found it.

as for mordor in lotr the eagles aren't there until the end iirc. and even then they need to get in without attracting attention. the whole purpose of there being a small group/fellowship to begin with. just a guess.

>> No.3292345 [DELETED] 

Only the Uruk Hai I believe (the one's Sauraman made)

>> No.3292347

No. They just greatly prefer the night. Sauron's Orcs ran with the Uruk Hai when they had Merry and Pippin in captivity, and they ran during the day.

>> No.3292349

There are actually slave lands in Mordor where subjugated human peoples are forced to farm to fuel the Orc empire. Aragorn frees them and gives them some land after the War.

Also, fucking fell beasts and orcs would love to take down some eagles I bet.

>> No.3292367

I thought Saruman's Orcs only ran in the day because of being bred with men.

>> No.3292373

>Lonley white boy 6 - Among Greenskins

>> No.3292379

No, those are the Uruks, who are just hardier and less bothered by it. Orcs CAN do shit in the day, they just have an aversion to daylight. They aren't like trolls where they turn to stone or some shit.

>> No.3292389

I just thumbed through the Appendices and the Dwarves were fighting Sauron's forces up North and at Erebor.

>> No.3292399

But, if they are averse to light, is it not reasonable to think a daylight flight (or "dayflight") into Mordor would be possible because they get the sun in their eyes or something and can't aim their bows?

>> No.3292405


You do realize that Sauron was a balrog himself correct?

>> No.3292407

Would be awesome to see an army of dwarves fight orcs, should have included that in the movies somehow. Come to think of it, you almost never SAW Gimli fight, you just saw him doing the killing blow.

>> No.3292410

Incorrect. They are both Maiar, or were, originally, but that doesn't make Sauron a balrog, which is a different class of being.

>> No.3292412


No he wasn't. They were both maiar.

>> No.3292416

There was a huge cloud over Mordor that blocked the sun light, they even said that in the movies (maybe it was the extended version)

>> No.3292417

You still have the "potent" spirit of Sauron, the winged steeds of the wraiths, and the Mordor Uruks to contend with, even if you completely discount the orcs. Not to mention all the various stock of Easterling men.

>> No.3292423
File: 203 KB, 1280x777, mordor_by_edli-d2yrha5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think getting the sun in their eyes would be a problem in Mordor.

>> No.3292422

And that's why the orks could attack the capital of gondor, because he moved the cloud to the capital

>> No.3292420

Also this, which had completely slipped my mind.

>> No.3292430

Ah, so it's just poor strategy on their part. No thinking "maybe they'll move the big cloud and then we can go in", they just got a hard on for a fellowship and went with that without thinking it through.

>> No.3292440

Only fantasy gets autists riled up like this.

Why the fuck are you clogs reading for plot?

>> No.3292441

The cloud wasn't "moved" so much as extended across the Pelennor fields up to Minas Tirith.

>> No.3292439

Oh sorry, he didn't move it, he extended it.

>> No.3292445

No one is riled up. Why the fuck do you care what anyone else reads, plebe?

>> No.3292446

Then why didn't Sauron just do a war of attrition and deprive all the crops of sunlight?

>> No.3292451

Are you saying you are autistic then? I'm asking because you're seriously the only person who is coming across as riled up.

>> No.3292453

Only autists can't tell the difference between riled up and an actual discussion

>> No.3292456




Might've been a poor choice of words

>> No.3292458

I mean, crops still grow in England and that place is cloudy all the fucking time. It doesn't completely block out the sunlight, just makes it manageable for his legions of orcs.

>> No.3292457

I guess it would take too much time and he couldn't extend it so much?

>> No.3292460

I'm guessing his power was not yet that great. He still wasn't 100%. Had he gotten the Ring back all of Middle Earth would have looked like Morder.

>> No.3292462

>Implying I've ever been to /mu/

Seriously, I've never been on another board on 4chan besides /lit/, I was being an asshole to that guy, hence the insufferable plebe shit. Plebe.

>> No.3292465



>> No.3292467


Ironic shitposting is just as deadly to the board.

Don't act like you don't get this if you're not lying about being a regular

>> No.3292470


I'd imagine that would be too draining on his "essence." The extension of the clouds was just a short blitz that he did, a kind of final shebang where you really put all your power into it. Attrition plays no part in it.


Stop posting off-topic in an attempt to get replies. That hardly works on /lit/.

>> No.3292480

Not when you're turning it against the type of fag who would use it unironically. The same kind of assholes who spout that "autist" shit are the ones who use plebe to denigrate others taste. If we fire it back at them, us normal folk can turn their own weapon against them and possibly make them so butthurt that they leave forever, because if they're spouting that shit to begin with they must have incredibly fragile egos.

Get off my case.


>> No.3292484

>I mean, crops still grow in England and that place is cloudy all the fucking time.
No, it rains a lot, and the weather is really changeable, which is different. It's relatively flat for the most part, which doesn't aid cloud formation. Scotland on the other hand...

>> No.3292486


All you're doing is inflaming the conversation to a shittier degree and betraying yourself as equally fragile

>> No.3292493

I don't think so. I'm actually having a great time discussing LotR. U just mad.

>> No.3292488

I would have loved to see the Dwarves fighting. They are my favorite race. I do enjoy the Elves as well, but something about the Dwarves really catches my interest.

>> No.3292496

You read The Silmarillion? The Dwarves are easily the most interesting part of the book.

>> No.3292505


What kind of faggot gaybastard eagle can't fly above bowshot?

Also, why didn't the eagles just eat the fucking hobbits, they're smaller than sheep and less appealing for sexual purposes.

Furthermore, why the fuck doesn't Gandalf ever do any fucking magic? He's like a lvl 1 cleric in 1980s D&D or something. Smoke rings? Learn fucking Time Stop or Bigby's Mashing Cockend or something you fucking mincing homo.

>> No.3292520

>Smoke rings? Learn fucking Time Stop or Bigby's Mashing Cockend
>implying smoke rings and fireworks aren't way more complicated

>> No.3292524

I guess the gigantic kind that weighs hundreds of pounds.

>> No.3292526

LotR is a low-magic setting. All the D&D settings are very high-magic. Comparisons between the two are useless.

>> No.3292527

Gandalf does magic several times, though admittedly nothing on the level of some souped up D&D character.

>> No.3292528

There is still the problem with the Nazgul and Gandalfs staff got destroyed by the end. Why he didn't use magic before that so much, I don't know. He used magic pretty often in the Hobbit.

>> No.3292544


The elves are sweet because they're basically just ubermensch who are constantly tripping dick, singing poetry, and sleeping in forests. Awesome as fuck.

The dwarves are cool because they basically weren't supposed to exist, but they do anyways.

>> No.3292542

I have and they are.

>> No.3292538

I have realised the Eagles are a metaphor for obese Americans.

>> No.3292553

Nietzsche would have fucking LOVED Feanor, or maybe vice versa.

>> No.3292556

The elves are more like the last man, if anything.

>> No.3292557

If Sauron is the Necromancer, how does the ghost army not end up on his side?

>> No.3292572

Because only the heir of Elendil can call them to service. They're already fucked indefinitely for serving him the first time, I doubt they'd be to keen to do it again.

>> No.3292616


Damn, you're kinda right. The elves come off as far wiser, stronger, and, well, alive though. They seem to represent the dying magic of pre-industrialization whereas the last man represents the emptiness of post-industrialization.

Tolkienian and Nietzschian philosophy probably don't overlap in any significant way anyways.

>> No.3292653

What would you choose, the gift of men or waiting in that hall to the end of time?

>> No.3292654



>> No.3292663

The gift of men, I think. The Halls sound kind of shitty. Of course, if I could just chill in Valinor until the end times, that'd be way cooler.

>> No.3292671

Do men just die or does something happen afterwards?

>> No.3292702
