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3291213 No.3291213 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people on /lit/ think knowledgeable = smart?

>> No.3291219

Because one must be intelligent to be knowledgeable.

>> No.3291220

Everyone can read and memorize information.

>> No.3291224


What is your definition of smart OP?

>> No.3291225

It's not like I have a personal definition, I just go with the theoretical definition


> having or showing a quick-witted intelligence

>> No.3291234


If you were writing a novel or an essay, would you say...

"It's not like _____."


It's not as if _____"

>> No.3291237

No contractions in essays, m8.

>> No.3291238


And intelligence is

"capacity for learning, "

So if you don't have a personal definition of it, I don't see the point you're trying to make..

>> No.3291240

Depends what kind of audience I would have aimed at and what kind of novel I would have gone for. I'm not a writer

>> No.3291243

How is capacity for learning quick-witted?

Intelligence appears to be more complex than this

>> No.3291251

>And intelligence is
>"capacity for learning, "

no, no and no.

you're thinking of intellectual capacity.

>> No.3291261


manifestation of a high mental capacity: He writes with intelligence and wit.
the faculty of understanding.
knowledge of an event, circumstance, etc., received or imparted; news; information.
the gathering or distribution of information, especially secret information.

Okay.... So define intelligence in your own words.

>> No.3291275


I'm waiting...

>> No.3291279

i pick the 2nd
>manifestation of a high mental capacity: He writes with intelligence and wit.

>> No.3291292


So then how is knowledgeable =/= smart?

>> No.3291302

probably because it's realitvely easy to quantify for e-peen and false superiority contests.

Kim peek is (was) a walking encyclopedia but still stupid as fuck.

>> No.3291314


Okay, so define 'smart'. And if your going to use a dictionary definition then define intelligence with your own words.


>> No.3291329

Smart might mean "good at making decisions" or, "good at solving puzzles."

Being knowledgeable helps with that stuff sometimes too.

Hmm. I think we've skipped a step though. We better find out if our initial assumption is accurate.

Okay then:

If you think knowledgeable=smart, post "A"

If you think that might just be one of several more-or-less valid definitions, post "B"

>> No.3291334

I don't have a definition. Nor does anybody else. The dictionaries define the most common usages/meanings of the word in the english language. It does not explain what "smartness" or "intelligence" is or what causes it. Same as if you look up "Heavy"

All I'm saying is that it most certainly isn't as simple as just being "knowledgeable". Then employers would have you answer a 100 question quiz instead of being interviewed

>> No.3291360

People on /lit/ think namedropping philosophers and writers they don't understand = smart.

>> No.3291381

Even understanding philosophers and writers doesn't necessarily make you particularly smart either. They write in (or are translated to) a language you understand perfectly well. If you don't understand what they're trying to say it means:
A) you lack some necessary knowledge to understand (some of) the terminology
B) they're just shitty at conveying their point
Quite often it is simply B). If someone is smart and knows their topic well they can explain it in simple and easy to follow terms. If they're trying the whole "I'm writing on a level beyond what you can understand" mumbo jumbo it just means they're trying to cover up their lack of knowledge/understanding with jargon and ambiguity. Like postmodernists are fond of doing, see

>> No.3291472

high mental capacity doesn't mean you store a lot of information, it means that you have a highly functioning brain - this can relate to pattern solving or anything

>> No.3291634

They do look for if you're knowledgeable in the job you're applying for

But I don't think knowledgeable and smart is mutually exclusuve, I think they're intervined

>> No.3291644

I think they are only loosely related

>> No.3291659
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>mfw lazies think they can be intellectual without learning and reading cus they're "naturally smart"
either that or they've been reading too much eastern garbage. regardless, please leave /lit/ op

>> No.3291664

Why do people think smart = better person?

Why do people think smart = intelligent = knowledgeable = clever = wise = better opinions = more valuable person = more useful = should be taken in consideration = you should be proud of me = give me jobs = tfwnoqtpigf = where is the mommy love that was promised to me? = oh god why am I such an entitled little brat derp derp hurr ???

>> No.3291678

>mfw unintelligent people think they can read lots of book to cover their stupidity

>> No.3291682

you can have whatever values hierarchy you want though

>> No.3291684

Smart and knowledgable tend to run together
The important thing to remember is that knowledgeable and smart don't necessarily have to be related to academic or cultural pursuits
For example, I know a guy who by age 19 could listen to the noise an engine was making and by that alone know what maintenance it required. I believe he works at Lotus nowadays on some obscure mechanical piece of kit in their racing cars
Point is, when one is smart one tends also to be knowledgable in a particular field

>> No.3291688

I'm an Orthodox Heideggerian, OP. I don't make that correlation.


>> No.3291693
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>> No.3291700
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>mfw I used to think that about myself
Oh god, when I look back now at how close I got to ruining my life.

>> No.3291702

What does "better person" even mean?

>> No.3291711

better person = smarter person

>> No.3291722

That's what those fags don't ask themselves.

>> No.3291728


>> No.3291726


In our social context, it means richer

>> No.3291729


The more people like and respect you, the better the person you are

>> No.3291737

I think better person can mean whatever people want it to mean, whatever makes them happiest. It's an arbitrary concept in the first place, and to treat it like it has any objective value is really pretty silly.

>> No.3291731

The happier you are, the better person you are.
Fuck you and fuck the other people.

>> No.3291739
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there's of course a balance that's pretty essential, but the idea that people who read a lot are just vapidly collecting knowledge and not applying it constantly in interesting ways is so so teenagery

>> No.3291741


>> No.3291745

No fuck you and fuck yourself until you die from fuck

>> No.3291751

That is exactly what the average person does though. I think what separates "intelligent people" from "normal people" is the ability to take the raw information they absorb, and turn it into something good, the ability to apply that knowledge and utilise it for something greater.

>> No.3291756

>not having several STEM majors
>even above average intelligence

shiggy diggy doo, idiots.

>> No.3291761


man is men

>> No.3291762

What does that mean?

>> No.3291763

Jesus, you fags, that was my fucking point!

Damn, you guys are dense. Now I feel smarter. Thanks for the ego massage.

>> No.3291768

You were the first one to bring "better" person, cuntface.

>> No.3291773

I joined the conversation in the middle and don't know who you are, cuntface

>> No.3291779

ho ho ho, look at my sides bounce to and forth, up and down, from side to side, with laughter. The tears welling in the corners of my eyes are of jollity, not sadness. Jollity, mirth, euphoria, at that joke that you just made.

You are a funny man, man. Come to my house tomorrow. Come around, and we shall drank tea, or coffee, or whatever your preferred beverage is, out on the wooden veranda, and discuss Aristotle's Theory of Comedy.

>> No.3291783
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really? i honestly wouldn't know my social circle is very small and smart and i generally try to avoid people
fuck those guys, then

>> No.3291792

>getting this mad this fast

>> No.3291793

>Implying I'd be capable of typing out such a coherent string of sentences were I mad
>Implying I'm not a STEM major

>> No.3291798

I know, and the really funny thing is people on /lit/ don't actually do things for the enjoyment of it, there is absolutely no point in learning something for the sake of learning it, I think the thread 'Why live?' just below this pretty much sums up /lit/.

People completely ignore the physical element of intelligence, that we are physical beings.

>> No.3291803

What a terrible fucking generalisation.

>> No.3291808

being knowledgeable is better than being smart. i'd rather be me than some super smart non-self-aware asian prick. these kind of threads are entry-level as fuck, don't pollute my /lit/ with your smelly filth

>> No.3291817

>rationalizing his stupidity
Your insecurity is pitiful

>> No.3291829

lmao you think i dont think im smart
bitch im smart as fuck
but id rather be knowlegable. not that they're mutally exclusive anyway
the fact that a thread was created espousing this bullshit dichotomy in the first place, and that you don't know the difference, is evidence of pure plebeianism

>> No.3291833

>Why do people on /lit/ think knowledgeable = smart?

Because they're neither?

>> No.3291844

I'm the smartest person on /lit/: the thread

>> No.3291847

> i'd rather be me than some super smart non-self-aware asian prick
you are not super smart

>> No.3291875

in comparison with some super smart non-self-aware asian prick, no i am not

>> No.3291910

And yet here you are.

>> No.3291925
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Because social status is increasingly about intelligence.
It's in their interest to pretend knowledge is the same.
To camouflage as a better person than they are.

>> No.3292005

Being knowledgeable means you'd be a successful "Jeopardy!" player. Knowledge of things does not give you the ability to think critically about the world. However, if someone can think critically but is not knowledgeable about things, that is not good either, as the ability to see underlying meaning in things, connections, patters (etc) will be wasted.

The average person has either one of these two things, but not both. Intelligence is having both.

>> No.3292018

If you have the pieces of information and can use them at the right times, isn't that just fine?
Isn't asking these questions just making you yourself look insecure?

>> No.3292021
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>Intelligence is having both

>> No.3292031

I'm the dumbest person I know.

>> No.3292060

people consider others smart when they share the same values.

i.e. we think others are smart when they validate our own fragile egos. we think they're dumb when they challenge said fragile egos.

>> No.3292075

I would argue that it is the other way around.

>> No.3292078

>Because social status is increasingly about intelligence.

Not really. It's all about money, social skills, charm, being funny and other stuff.

>> No.3292083

>The average person has either one of these two things
average person has neither

>> No.3292086

that's an interesting point. it can happen like that but my way is probably far more common. i'd rather it be your way though.

>> No.3292910

Being knowledgeable isn't guaranteed intelligence. It's one thing to have knowledge of a subject - it's another thing to be able to apply, and synthesize that knowledge. For example: compare high=school students [today] to Heraclitus, or Plato. High-school students have more knowledge than they know how to use. The philosophers albeit being not as knowledge were able to impact the world with their ideas, unlike most people today.

>> No.3293217

>social skills, charm, being funny and other stuff.

AKA smarts; intteligence; self-awareness.

>> No.3293268

Why do you have to overgeneralize and saddle all of us with a certain opinion?

I think the ability to form knowledge is probably a prerequisite to higher intelligence. In order to follow a line of logic you need a premise, and the more complicated of a premise you can handle the more intricate your line of thought is going to be. Or something. If you have no ability to form knowledge you are never going to have calculus or geography or anything. Then there is wisdom, which is the ability to correctly navigate to the desired emotional outcome. How to be happy, or content or whatever.

>> No.3293321

>replying to 5 hours old post
but sure, restrict everything to intelligence then