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3287972 No.3287972 [Reply] [Original]

What age did you realize that feminism a bourgeois waste of time and only Marxism can bring about equality of the sexes?

>> No.3287979

wow i just realized that right now and im 16

16 i guess

>> No.3287987

>equality of the sexes

I outgrew all of that nonsense by the time I left high school.

>> No.3287991


Untamed Va-jay-jays?

The Jews and gays are trying to bring jungle-like bushes back?

God, please no.

I love smooth labia.... ;_;

>> No.3287994

Yeah it only takes a few sentences of Rand to abuse you of those notions. Altruism and love are weakness.

>> No.3288004

English is not my first language, so, what the hell is a va-jay-jay????

>> No.3288009

It's what you jam your p0n0s into.

>> No.3288014

fucking american apparel does one ad that shows some bush and suddenly everybody wants to rock a huge shrub, i'm bi so i'll just stick to cock until this shit blows over, i'm just not licking a hairy mound, no.

>> No.3288015



>> No.3288021

oh, I get it now

>> No.3288023


>> No.3288042

> ew theres hair on a vagina
> oh yea put my dick in a shitty bum hole

>> No.3288080

actually we need both, marxism is a great step for humankind but it doesn't invalidate feminism

>> No.3288092

>Wait a second, that doesn't coincide with my opinion! I better correct them...

>> No.3288107

But feminism invalidates marxism.

Enjoy thinking Twilight liberates women.

>> No.3288116

how does feminism invalidate marxism when feminism is just a petty power struggle among the bourgeois for rights to the spoils of labor

>> No.3288125

I mean invalidates as in cannot be reconciled, or works against.

I don't think feminism has ever proven anything wrong. Marxism is definitely the stronger and more beneficial form of analysis.

>> No.3288126

What age did you realize the two aren't mutually exclusive?

>> No.3288136


>> No.3288153


>Feminism is a political movement

Stopped watching.

>> No.3288154

I live in one of the most liberal areas of the US and I can't say that I ever really have to deal with feminists, ever. I don't see any bra-burning rallies, any picket signs...nothing. Maybe every now and then someone has an opinion or there is a piece about it on NPR, but that is nothing to get your panties in a twist over.

I really have no idea where all of this vitriol over "feminism" is coming from. You guys are fighting with voices in your own heads.

>> No.3288155

> stops watching because i disagree with something

wow its like were back in plato's cave

> dat blinding bright light of truth

>> No.3288160


I don't have time to sit through bullshit while I'm browsing 4chan.

>> No.3288161

> thinks passivity and complacency are good

Do you even revolution? Oh, right, you're an American. Drink up the capitalism kool-aid. Corporations come before people. Okay, bud.

>> No.3288167


What age did you realize that's the joke?

>> No.3288165

What age did you realize that sitting through bullshit and browsing 4chan aren't mutually exclusive?

>> No.3288169

how are we to counter the standard postmodern rejection of sexual difference as a “binary” opposition? One is tempted to draw a parallel to the postmodern rejection of the relevance of class antagonism: class antagonism should not, according to this view, be “essentialized” into the ultimate, hermeneutic point of reference to whose “expression” all other antagonisms can be reduced, for today we are witnessing the thriving of new, multiple political (class, ethnic, gay, ecological, feminist, religious) subjectivities, and the alliance between them is the outcome of the open, thoroughly contingent, hegemonic struggle. However, philosophers as different as Alain Badiou and Fredric Jameson have pointed out, regarding today’s multiculturalist celebration of the diversity of lifestyles, how this thriving of differences relies on an underlying One, that is, on the radical obliteration of Difference, of the antagonistic gap.

>> No.3288172

i like that guy and want to buy his commodities, recommend me a book of him

>> No.3288176

So you're admitting you're in the wrong? Perhaps we can move on to some serious discussion.

Thanks for posting.

>> No.3288177


Oh, you're going to create a strawman for me instead of directly responding to anything I said, that is great. Just like your strawman of feminism.

>> No.3288178

The same goes for the standard postmodern critique of sexual difference as a “binary opposition” to be deconstructed:“there are not only two sexes, but a multitude of sexes and sexual identities.” In all of these cases, the moment we introduce “thriving multitude,” what we effectively assert is the exact opposite: underlying all-pervasive Sameness. In other words, the notion of a radical, antagonistic gap that affects the entire social body is obliterated.The nonantagonistic Society is here the very global “container” in which there is enough room for all of the multitudes of cultural communities, lifestyles, religions, and sexual orientations.

>> No.3288180

i saw a NOW rally in manhattan once, there were a ton of women marching and yelling about something but all i really remember where these creepy white ladies counter protesting who had these big sandles that they were waving in the air i guess as some kind of reference to john kerry being a "flip flopper" the whole thing was a bit of a spectacle but of little to no value

>> No.3288181

> using the word "strawman" willy-nilly without actually knowing what it means

go back to /pol/

>> No.3288185

when did you realize that Marxism fails because of the natural and fundamental inequality of human beings relative to one another?

feminists simply assert that sex/gender is not a valid metric for discrimination. ditto anti-racists. superiority and inferiority exist outside of sex, race, class, etc.

>> No.3288186
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> Hasn't realized that feminism is nothing but an empty spectacle, impotently political and easily appropriated by late capitalism
> mon visage quand

>> No.3288192

this is one thing that always killed me about marxists, at least the ones i worked with, spent the majority of their time fighting racism...while fighting racism is nice and gives us all a warm fuzzy feeling, it really has no relation to capitalism, racism is a left over vestigal attribute of slavery, so getting rid of it nice, but has no relation to class struggle

>> No.3288195
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>> No.3288204


I laughed allowed.

>> No.3288205
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I don't know. Whenever I get whimsical about feminism, I just watch a Pat Benatar music video.

I don't really understand the idea of feminism. Sure, you want to be treated equal, but that's not really feminism, because everybody wants to be treated equal. So feminism has to be something else. But I don't understand how anyone could want more because of their gender.
And if you demand to get special treatment, it will invariably be seen a crutch, slandering the whole concept further.
We're talking about physical attributes that deserve consideration, not an excuse to demand things.

It just seems unethical. And insane. I mean this bra thing? Bras aren't some kind of oppression, they're there to keep your boobs from flopping around and being a fucking nuisance.

>> No.3288211


Once it I learned it meant something different than "men and women should have the same rights".

>> No.3288217
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>implying that neo-Marxism and third-wave feminism aren't inherently linked


>being an Orthodox Marxist


>> No.3288218


That tenet certainly isn't absent in many schools of feminist thought

>> No.3288225

What age did you realize that your definition of feminism was flawed, not to mention very, very outdated?

>implying OP isn't implying this

>> No.3288226

this. you are using the term 'feminism'. i am not sure you know what the fuck you are talking about.

>> No.3288227

orthodox marxism is best marxism

>> No.3288232

lol whatever you say dood

>> No.3288243


He also flatters my prejudices and tells me things that I want to hear.

>> No.3288245

Why Marx said that he wasn't maxist?

he was feminist?

>> No.3288248


oh this

>> No.3288259

i donno but didn't he fuck his maids ass all the time?

>> No.3288260

Legitimate feminists don't want to be "treated equal", in the sense that you mean it. They want the capability and merit of the individual to be considered regardless of sex. Some of the strongest mathematical minds I have had the pleasure of discoursing with have been female; some of the weakest and most physically feeble people I know have been male.

I detest frivolous, entitled, overly emotional people regardless of their sex; making special allowances for emotional weakness or unwillingness to labor on the basis of vagina possession is a disgusting habit, but it is one which a sexist society encourages.

>> No.3288278

>They want the capability and merit of the individual to be considered regardless of sex.
Isn't that was equality is?

>> No.3288285

Making unequal things equal is the worst form of oppression.

I don't believe in equality between humans anymore than equality between squares and circles.

>> No.3288290

yeah it's weird i used to think justice was the most important thing now i just find it boring

>> No.3288297


You've never been fucked by injustice, clearly.

Enjoy your privilege.

>> No.3288298

No the don't. They want power, they want to be superior to men.

>> No.3288302

> implying third wave feminism is political at all

do you even zizek?

>> No.3288303


Go ahead and cite some mainstream third-wave thinking that claims this.

I'll wait.

>> No.3288306

Irigaray is second-wave marxism.

Third-wave, like the deconstruction it is influenced by, is not marxist.

I hope people don't take you seriously.

>> No.3288319


>> No.3288323

>implying they would openly say that
>implying demands for 'equality' aren't thinly veiled attempts at obtaining dominance

>> No.3288327

> still thinking of history and economics in terms of groups

bro it's the 21st century homie it's every man for himself out there, u on ur own

>> No.3288328


Okay. So you've pulled this theory out of your ass.

Thanks for trying.

>> No.3288335

Feminists want to control men. It's obvious.
You're a woman aren't you? Or a mangina.

>> No.3288341


I'm a feminist with a fat cock I'd gladly shove down your throat.

>It's obvious

Go ahead and defend yourself

>> No.3288344

HAHAHA faggot.

What's to defend? That's my analysis of their motivations.

Prove me wrong

>> No.3288350

No. Equality means that things are equal. People are not equal - some are lazier, some are less intelligent, some are taller, some have faster reaction times, some are born without legs, etc.

"Equality before the law" means that to some extent these natural inequalities must be corrected for. One is reminded of the starting positions on a racing track; because the track is ellipsoid, the starting positions must be staggered for the runner in each lane to travel the same distance.

>> No.3288362


I'm not about to start debating burden of proof with a child.

>my analysis of their motivations

I'm aware of that. Just be aware it's unjustified as of yet.

>> No.3288357

I never understood clearly what's marxism although I read tons of definition of it. Can anyone explain me with their words?

>> No.3288360

equality before the law just meant artistocrats don't get special treatment it has nothing to do with pussies and dicks

>> No.3288371


But the sexes aren't equal. Women are demonstrably inferior to men.

>> No.3288375

Nope. You're wrong.

>> No.3288378
File: 58 KB, 684x342, butler_taz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't into marxist feminism

>> No.3288383

yeah but it makes a more harmonious society if we just pretend they're equal, there's really no harm in it

>> No.3288386
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>> No.3288387

You fail to understand the burden of proof.

In any case, no, feminists do not want to control men. People who want to control men exist, but they are not adequately or appropriately described by the term "feminists". You're misusing the term because you're a half-assed misogynist with no intellectual vigor and no capacity to make a stronger argument for your position.

>> No.3288388

who is that jewish dyke?

>> No.3288392


That's an easy claim to make when you don't have to back it up.

I'd love to see you try, just for the laughs.

>> No.3288393

Judith Butler

>> No.3288394

And your a teenage pseudo intellectual.

>> No.3288402

Why don't you prove me wrong?

you can't

>> No.3288400

Prove it

>> No.3288408


>> No.3288404



You've shown you're cards, buddy.

>> No.3288405


No, it creates a tension because we're defying actuality. A forced, tense order that should not be confused with anything 'harmonious'.

A harmonious society would be one where women understand their proper place.

>> No.3288406

Women are dumber, weaker and less creative.

>> No.3288409

That's not a proof.

>> No.3288410


I can't prove Russell's Teapot wrong. Does it exist?

I can't prove a six-day Creation myth wrong. Is it accurate?

Is this your first day thinking?

>> No.3288412

It's a fact. Facts are proof.

>> No.3288413

no women leaders, scientists, authors or artists until men realized capitalism would be more stable with women more fully invested in the system and started promoting some

>> No.3288416


Making claims isn't the same thing as justifying them.

Go read a book. I know it's hard, but it might do you good.

>> No.3288426

>can't into systematic discrimination against women throughout western history

do you even 3rd wave feminism

>> No.3288419

Only when backed up with studies.
And then I'll ask you why those random features make them inferior.

>> No.3288421


Simple, if they were we wouldn't have to prop them up. A movement for 'equality' is inherently self-defeating, because it wouldn't be necessary if they were actually equal.

>> No.3288422

>hurrrrr I made a claim I can't back up so I'll resort to some rhetorical posturing

>> No.3288423

if women weren't inferior ... they wouldn't be inferior!

it's like saying "prove that team that lost the world series is worse than the team that won!" well they fucking lost, they pretty much tells you all you need to know...

>> No.3288424


Claiming bullshit as fact is not proof.

>> No.3288427

Equality is everybody getting what they need and earn, not everybody getting the same thing.

>> No.3288430

Because smart is superior to dumb.
Strong is superior to weak.

nigga u dumb

>> No.3288432


You don't understand history very well, do you?

You're not making anti-feminists look good, buddy.

>> No.3288435


In what capacity? How are they inferior, and why? Do you have any understanding of epigenetics and trauma? Are you scientifically literate? Do you understand human biology? The fundamental basics of neuroanatomy?

Tell me all about how semen has mystical properties and southerly winds cause fetuses to be born as "misshapen" men and how Genesis clearly states that Eve was formed from Adam's rib, don't bother with empirical evidence.

>> No.3288436
File: 73 KB, 398x600, 1354159897859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if blacks were truly equal to rights, why would we need a civil rights movement?

this is literally you

>> No.3288437


Your notion of superiority is a bullshit construct. Your value theory is laughable

>> No.3288438

so if women are equal to men why did they get subjugated by men?

>> No.3288440


>> No.3288441

Then why are there more women in universities than men?

>> No.3288442

How many times does Zizek have to say it, Butler and the third-wave is not marxist.

>> No.3288445

that's true though, if black people didn't commit shitloads of crime and fail out of school they would be equal, but they do and they aren't

>> No.3288446


>> No.3288448


Because men pay for them to go.

>> No.3288449

To drink and fuck for four years while they seek out a husband to marry so they can no work or use their degree in any way.

>> No.3288451


You're not dumb because you disagree.

You're dumb because you don't understand something as grade-school-tier as burden of proof, and you're trying to illegitamize an entire school of thinking.

It's pretty hilarious, actually.

>> No.3288452

because women are worse at personal finance and don't realize how much debt they're putting themselves in lol

>> No.3288453


But that's true. The races aren't equal.

>> No.3288454


Women aren't equal to men.

That's why we need feminism, dunce.

>> No.3288465


>> No.3288455

so how did this culture come to exist?

>> No.3288458
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0/10 try harder

>> No.3288459

A strong person can beat a weak person.
An intelligent person can trick a less intelligent person.

What other things can make you superior / inferior?

inb4 everyone is equal guise :)

>> No.3288462

well ok then we agree

>> No.3288468

If I can kill you and take your property, then I am superior to you. It's something humans have understood for thousands of years, only recently limpwristed bourgeoisie intellectuals decided it was necessary to 'construct' webs of theory to explain away what is a fact of reality because reality wasn't good enough for them.

>> No.3288470

I have read like 4 zizek books and I don't recall him ever saying this

>> No.3288471


>guilt by association

>> No.3288472

The facts are everywhere where you see women.

>> No.3288477


I doubt we'd agree as to whether or not the current state of things should change.

> then I am superior to you then I am superior to you
>might makes right

Nice leap there.

>> No.3288480

Different but identical.

>> No.3288481

Yes, you tell that to the half dozen niggers when you're being beaten, robbed and raped while walking home from work one night
>b-b-but you aren't superior to me! that's just a social construct

Then they'll laugh louder than you could imagine, and maybe kill you.

>> No.3288486

You're the dumb one.

>> No.3288489


I'd argue that makes them inferior.

What's your metric for justifying superiority based on strength?

>> No.3288492


If women aren't actually equal why should we pretend they are?

>> No.3288495


>> No.3288496


I know plenty of women that are smarter, stronger and more creative than many males I know.

I hope you're joking at this point

>> No.3288499

Why does that make them inferior? They're pure Nietzscheans, just exercising their will to power. You liberal middle class whites lack any strength or will, content with made up theories, you deserve to be raped by niggers.

>> No.3288500


Saying women aren't equal isn't the same thing as saying they shouldn't be.

It's not about pretending. It's about fairness.

>> No.3288505

>a woman
>stronger than a man


>> No.3288506
File: 13 KB, 500x235, sage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying feminism is one thing
>implying intersectional feminism isn't a thing
>implying Maxist feminism isn't a thing

>> No.3288507

There's literally no point in engaging in discussion with illiterate, stupid internet misogynists. They can't even put together a coherent argument, they're embarrassingly emotional, and they don't actually want to engage in a dialectic.

Please go on believing women are your inferiors. I bet it makes you feel very special, and very important, and it is much more important for you to believe things that make you feel good about yourself than to believe things that are true.

>> No.3288512

>implying discussion ever solved anything

Violence is the only real problem solver.

>> No.3288515

>believing that women are equal to you
>please have sex with me, i'm a feminist too!

>> No.3288517


But women aren't equal to men because they are inferior to men. Why should we pretend this isn't a fact?

>> No.3288518

I am pretty sure they are just trolling. Certainly, if I wanted to troll /lit/ I would talk about feminism, look at how easy it is to get a reaction with just a few quick lines.

at least if I got bored of tao lin threads

>> No.3288519


Why would you assume that that poster is male?

>> No.3288527
File: 99 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mffwipbI191rf44eoo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are you really into men's rights, anon?

>> No.3288523

Seems like you're the emotional one here. Struck a nerve, have we?

Has any of that lip service to the idols of feminism ever got you laid?

>> No.3288524


That men have been able to retain power due to biological differences says nothing about inferiority

>> No.3288532

Why is the far left full of effeminate men?

>> No.3288529

The writing style tells me it's the same fag who's been trying to debate, unsuccessfully, with us right thinking folk.

>> No.3288531

>Seems like you're the emotional one here. Struck a nerve, have we?
how can you even pretend to not be trolling at this point

>> No.3288533


Then why are you trying to take power from men?

If power says nothing about inferiority, why bother trying to take it?

>> No.3288538

Even though everyone is trolling, women are inferior.

>> No.3288539


I do this all the time. I wouldn't call it trolling, I just like to pretend to hold the opposite position I actually do to see how well people can argue with it.

>> No.3288540


>> No.3288543


Hey, there. Race scholar checking in. Perhaps you should read a real book on the subject like Theodore Allen's "The Invention of the White Race." He proves rather conclusively that the Tobacco monoculture in early America lead to the need of cheap labor because of overproduction leading to price deflation. What labor is cheaper than that of the slave? The legacy of slavery is the legacy of racism.

Get a clue.

And the feminist argument against "objectification" is a rather flimsy one when careerism is a focal point for the feminist struggle. It is totally inconsistent to object to sexual objectification (a fucking fact of life, I'm sorry, but it can be taken too far like anything else), but require all subjects in a capitalist society to objectify themselves in the form of saleable labour power.

How is sexual objectification different and special and objectionable when compared with economic objectification?

Furthermore if all sexual objectification stopped, the species would simply die out. Is that what feminists want. I'm a feminist in the sense that I support equality for women, but really, why do they get their panties in a bunch when a man approaches them as sexually desirable? I struggle to understand this. Can a femanon explain this to me? Isn't it a good thing to be sexually desirable? Doesn't that give women power to mobilize their "body capital?"

>> No.3288545

>tfw I still feel bad when losing an argument that I didn't even believe in from the get go

>> No.3288547


>> No.3288553

>The legacy of slavery is the legacy of racism.

hey "race genius", you didn't refute what i said, you fucking agreed with me, learn to read, clown.

>> No.3288558



>> No.3288566

i don't even really believe or not-believe in positions, i mean the only "point" of having positions or beliefs is to use them to dominate others and bend their will, what the actual point is is irrelevant.

>> No.3288570

you on to something yo

>> No.3288577

i have positions and beliefs so i can take choices in life

>> No.3288595



Feminism is just self entitled middle class people who want shit other people have because they're women?

>> No.3288603


The troll is weak in this one.

>> No.3288604


Hold on.

>race scholar

enjoy your utterly worthless degree

>> No.3288605

> race scholar

you're a nigger!

>> No.3288608

>Furthermore if all sexual objectification stopped, the species would simply die out.


>> No.3288617


Hey rape scholar: an essential part of courtship and relationship maintenance is turning the other person into an object for the purposes of sexual pleasure. Being a sexual object and a subject with agency are not mutually exclusive.

>> No.3288622


Chairs don't have agency.

>> No.3288629


So what?

>> No.3288626

>turning the other person into an object for the purposes of sexual pleasure.

no it isn't

>> No.3288633


An object can't have agency. Name one that does.

>> No.3288634

so since blacks make up the majority of prisoners in the united states despite being a minority and we can all agree that they are being oppressed doesn't it follow that since men are less than half of the population but make up the majority of the prison population that men are in fact an oppressed minority? refute me, bro

>> No.3288640

I guess women don't have agency then. Because they are objects.

>> No.3288641

>refute me bro is the new come at me bro for 2013.

>> No.3288656



looking at object/subject as either/or and not as a continuum

Sure is amateur hour here.

>> No.3288660


Please take your fashionable nonsense elsewhere.

>> No.3288672

so why don't women turn the tables on men by turning them into objects first, like getting first strike in a war or something

>> No.3288686


They do sometimes. I've seen it.

>> No.3288737

>turning the other person into an object
>literally can't fathom fucking people being different than fucking his loli pillow

>> No.3288758


>A movement for 'equality' is inherently self-defeating, because it wouldn't be necessary if they were actually equal.

This is a joke, right? By your logic edifying control as justified in these terms is also a tacit defense of all forms of social, political and religious tyranny throughout human history.

...Some of you guys gave up on life a long time ago, didn't you?

>> No.3288769


Those who have power deserve to have it. Those who lose power deserve to lose it. The only way to deny this is with fallacy, petty jealousy, and self-hatred for your own cowardice and inaction.

>> No.3288785


>Those who have power deserve to have it.

By your logic if a man were to rape your mother it would be deserved because in that moment she was unable to defend herself and he was able to impose his control upon her.

This is literally your worldview right now.

>> No.3288808


Your assumption that I have a problem with that is funny. My mom can defend herself, and if she's overpowered, she's overpowered.

It's almost as if you think I was raised in a vacuum and came to these beliefs from nothing or something. I had parents too, you know. They believed things.

>> No.3288823
File: 2.85 MB, 298x224, Laughter.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wait. Hold up. Give me a minute here.

>> No.3288873


>It's almost as if you think I was raised in a vacuum

No, I think over time your bitterness and basement dwelling relativism has lead you to one by choice.

>baww socializing is hard for me so I've given up on human solidarity altogether

Grow the fuck up, kid.

>> No.3288877


I'm not sure who you're talking to but it certainly isn't me. You've just made some crazy assumptions there.

>> No.3288887


Those "crazy assumptions" were perfectly in line with your views. It just seems crazy because when you assign them to a real world situation they seem batshit insane.

>> No.3288898

But if there were ever a time when people were equal, then that equality would be deserved. So there is no reason to not change anything, since any state of affairs is deserved.

>> No.3288904


Okay this is too much naive edginess.

I'm out.

>> No.3288923

Why do misogynists always get so flustered when other people try to point out their logical fallacies? =/

>> No.3288950


Okay dude, if you say so. I can't exactly disprove the things you think you know about me for no reason at all.

>> No.3288957


It would. But it's never happened, and it never will. Because no one wants it.

>> No.3288960

Except that there never was a time when people were equal. Even now they aren't, and they never will be. I guess the lesson from all those totalitarian novels/films where everyone has to wear the same clothes, haircut and gets assigned a mate, went over your head. Because that's what real equality would be. And even then it would be impossible because of the nature of reality; no one is the same as anyone else. This isn't really a hard concept to grasp.

>> No.3289029

Where is this form?

>> No.3289069




>> No.3289094

pretty sure it's zizek

>> No.3289311

Capitalist here.

Why do moral objectivism and capitalism seem to exist hand in hand in people?

Why do you see so few moral relativist capitalists?

>> No.3290009

I hope you discover a time machine that can only travel within 1970-1979.

>> No.3290018

I'm a fan of shorter hair on women, but that whole look right there is taking it just a tad too far..

>aesthete here, I don't give a shit about feminism or Marxism

>> No.3290027


>> No.3290084

K, is this just trolls trolling trolls?

There are some really retarded opinions in this thread.

>> No.3290094


because most people who identify as "moral relativists" are simply blowing smoke to mask their perversions. As such, contrarian anticapitalist worldviews make a nice rebel-may-care complement.

I should know: I'm both a real moral relativist and a capitalist, and being at a university, I'm surrounded by a sea of intellectual "edgy"-ness couched in self-congratulatory (masturbatory) rhetoric.

>> No.3290106

>Be conservative
>Realize Western civilization is collapsing all around me and there is absolutely no way of stopping it.
>Lol fuck it
>Become individualist anarchist
>Smoke weed and read all day when not in class
>Go to church on sunday; no one talks to me because of beard
>Volunteer on saturdays at the old folk home so they have someone to talk to
>Work at soup kitchen thrice monthly
>Genuinely and sincerely happy.
>Why the fuck can't people just be happy?

>> No.3290113


>go to church

Oh, wow. Why?

>> No.3290130

You know, it's actually pretty nice. You meet a nice bunch of lovely people, sit through an hour long service (which isn't so bad if you have a particularly anecdotal, folksy kind of pastor), and then have some coffee/tea and cookies with the lot afterwards.

Keep in mind, this is Protestant church. In a Catholic church you just bleed.

Besides, David Foster Wallace belonged to a church

>> No.3290143


Social hour with the Bradys on Sunday morning?

You must be one interesting guy

>> No.3290144

>Genuinely nice people at the church that I go to.
>Opportunities for volunteer work.
>One of the last places in the world where you can just walk in and have some degree of community with other people.
>Taught moral lessons that are universally applicable.
>Coffee/tea and cookes; communal dinners once or twice a month.
>The church I go to is really accepting of the fact that I'm simply there to learn. Pastor is a bro who asked me to come to his house so that we could talk about theology.

>> No.3290145

>In a Catholic church you just bleed.
U mad bro?

>> No.3290163

>moral lessons that are universally applicable

The last time I went to church the pastor came up to me after the service and told me that my homosexuality was a sin. Never again.

>> No.3290166

But Homosexuality is a sin, the Bible is quite clear on that subject.

Of course I would have punched him the face for saying it to you that way instead of just showing you the same love that Christ would have shown you.

>> No.3290168

I'm with you, brah. I'm glad to know there are other people that do this.

>> No.3290173
File: 162 KB, 797x1024, med_1-stevemccurrymagnumphotos-jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm down with your lifestyle, nigga. Wish I knew you IRL so we could bro down.

Maybe I will start frequenting a church. If only to meet cute modest girls.

>> No.3290181


>The Bible is quite clear

You're seriously paying credence to Old Testament morality?

I'm fairly sure there's a passage in the Bible next to one of the very few references to homosexuality as a sin that claims that men should not shave their beards.

Don't tell me you're a full-on literalist. I know you're not. By what metric did you decide to take the verse about homosexuality seriously while ignoring all the other ancient rules you don't find applicable to your own moral framework???

>> No.3290185

Stop acting like such a fairy.

You were probably annoying the hell out of everyone.

>> No.3290188

>One of the last places in the world where you can just walk in and have some degree of community with other people.

This is one thing I really admire about churches, there are very few things that have the same sense of community as a church.

>> No.3290196
File: 8 KB, 189x267, images-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamnit I'm just telling you what it says.

I recall something in the book of Romans where Paul says that the law shows us what right and wrong is but that Christians are no longer convicted under the law because it was impossible to follow anyways (the lamb sacrifice of the Jews only covered their sins; didn't actually save them through and through).

This is why Christians can get away with tattoos, eating pork, not having circumcised wangs, etc.

(don't tell a Baptist this or he'll flip shit)

>> No.3290197


This sexist assumes poster is male.

>> No.3290200


I didn't speak to anyone the whole time.

Apparently my mother had told the pastor about my lifestyle.

You're putting a good face on the average church-goer. You're not surprising me with your attitude.

>> No.3290202

I'm curious. How did he know you were gay?

>> No.3290206


So, shaving your beards is fine and dandy but accepting homosexuality isn't?

You guys are just making the law fit into what you've been raised to believe. That's confirmation bias. It's silly.

Being homosexual is as much a sin as eating pork.

>> No.3290207



>> No.3290219

Chill the fuck out bro. I'm simply telling you what the Bible says whether or not I believe it as the, pardon me, "gospel truth."

As I've come to understand it:
>You're no longer under the law as a Christian but it is still used as a moral compass.
>The New Testament specifically says you can eat and drink whatever the hell you want.
>Sin is still just an action and just because you're inclined to be homosexual doesn't mean that you're any worse than the rest of us. The actual homosexual act would be considered a violation of the law.
>Everyone is fucking terrible.
>If you've been saved the Spirit is in charge of your terrible ass. It's God's responsibility thereafter to bring you ever closer to his perfection.

>> No.3290222

It's fairly common for a faggot to be in denial about how annoying he is.

Stop talking about Barbara Streisand all the fucking time. Stop waving your hands in the air and walking with your butt out.

It's sickening.

>> No.3290224

>The actual homosexual act would be considered a violation of the law.
>The actual beard-shaving act would be considered a violation of the law.

The point stands, unless you've got something else.

>Chill the fuck out

When you claim someone's entire scope of sexuality as a sin based off an ancient text you only half-follow based on what feels right, I'm going to call you out on it.

Homosexuality is as much a sin as eating pork or shaving your beard.

>> No.3290228


Are you a Christian?

>> No.3290231

if those week, frail men went to the gym for about two years and ate a decent diet, they would be stronger than the strongest women on earth, unless they had marfan syndrome or something

>> No.3290232

>Faggot in German class
>Only ever talks about fashion and guys he attracted to
>Everyone hates him
>School hosts pride day because of Queer-Straight Alliance demanded it.
>Have to go or lose senior incentive (get out of exams).
>P.R.I.D.E. Day
>People Respecting Individual Differences Every
>Faggot stands up and cries about how we're all bigots.
>Friend stands up and says that he's an annoying fuck who can only talk about how gay he is.
>Teachers lose their shit and drag friend out of auditorium
>He loses his incentive and gets suspended for a day.
>Fag cries the entire time
>I walk into bathroom and lose my shit laughing

>> No.3290240


You've never met a female bodybuilder?

There are an absurd amount of women out there who could kick your ass.

Not that it matters.

>> No.3290247

>implying that Marxism and feminism do not go hand-in-hand

>> No.3290251

>Altruism and love are weakness.
Actually they're pretty advantageous from an evolutionary standpoint.

>> No.3290259

Nah, just trying to rustle your jimmies.

>> No.3290262

check out this video
this is one of the strongest raw female powerlifters in the world
all of her lifting stats are achievable in 2-3 years for the average male

>> No.3290269
File: 6 KB, 175x224, images-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When you claim someone's entire scope of sexuality as a sin based off an ancient text you only half-follow based on what feels right, I'm going to call you out on it.
You aren't even gay. A gay person is someone like Anderson Cooper who is just inclined that way and doesn't make it a point to define themselves by their sexuality.

You are a complete faggot.

>> No.3290282
File: 763 KB, 1024x768, Koala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are on average
-Less intelligent

If I ran into a man on the street who was clearly shorter, weaker, and less intelligent than myself, I would surely consider him my inferior. Why is it sexist to apply the same set of standards to women?

>> No.3290284


I don't define myself by my sexuality, though I am definitely willing to defend my sexuality when its morality is called into question by adherents to an ancient text full of hilarious rules you're more than willing to ignore.

>> No.3290288

>-Less intelligent
More women graduate from high school and college and more go on to post-graduate studies.

That said, most scientists and engineers *cough*useful people*cough* are men.

>> No.3290292


>Less intelligent

This is demonstrably incorrect.

If we're talking about white matter vs. grey matter, you have a point. But that's not at all what you're saying.

>> No.3290294

Holy fuck you're a dumb ass of unsurpassed quality.

>I said I didn't believe what the text says.
>I wasn't even originally talking to you at all in the first place.
>I reiterated several times that I was merely stating what the text says.

Please kill yourself.

>> No.3290297


I'm not even him, but most of my normal straight friends can't stop going on about hitting dat pussy.

>> No.3290303

Men's IQs are statistically higher.

>> No.3290308


I apologize for the confusion. I've mixed you up with another poster.

The point about homosexuality as a sin stands, regardless of the mixup.

It's a dipshit thing to believe.

>> No.3290310

Yeah, and that's why they're douchebags.

>> No.3290313


Who said anything about puzzle games?

Do you not know what intelligence is?

>> No.3290322

Scripturally speaking it is a sin. I don't care whether or not it's true because that's clearly what the text says.

Even in the New Testament (I Tim 1:10) it says as such.

Goddamn you idiots can't even accept what a book says without getting all buttmad about it. It is what it fucking is.

>> No.3290331

If you think that you can come up with a definition, feel free to try.

>> No.3290335

Not your guy, but IQ merely measures how quickly one can process information rather than general knowledge (which is what people would generally tend to subscribe the term 'intelligence').

I have an average IQ but I'm a member of mensa because I retain a shit ton of facts.

>> No.3290338


As long as we're clear:

Homosexuality is as much a sin as cutting your beard or laying your crops down at the wrong time of year.

>> No.3290339

Yes. That's kind of the point, my friend.

>> No.3290347


I don't pretend to be able to. What an absurd idea

>> No.3290355

Okay, sweet. I guess this conversational thread is through, then.

>> No.3290356

That's what the book says yeah. And apparently all sins are weighed the same.

>> No.3290358


I'm just pointing out the line 'women are less intelligent' was pulled out of thin air

>> No.3290362

In our tests created for the purpose of quantifying intelligence, men consistently score higher.

>> No.3290367


IQ tests don't quantify intelligence.

They quantify pattern recognition.

Why is this difficult?

>> No.3290386

>created for the purpose of

>> No.3290394


As long as we're agreeing there's no rubric in place to ascertain which sex is more intelligent, we're golden

>> No.3290399

In our tests created for the purpose of quantifying intelligence, men consistently score higher.

>> No.3290402

But men are still smarter, right?

>> No.3290405


Yes. It's just a shame for men that those tests which were created for the purpose of quantifying intelligence quantify nothing but pattern recognition.

I'll keep repeating myself until it sticks.

>> No.3290413

Try to come up with a good definition of intelligence that doesn't involve pattern recognition.

>> No.3290414


Smartness, as a kind of intelligence, isn't measurable.

And I'd disagree.

>> No.3290418

>Write test based entirely on emotion
>Women are shown to be geniuses and men are shown to be little more than high-functioning retards.

There are different kinds of intelligence.

>> No.3290420


I never said intelligence didn't involve pattern recognition.

I said the two aren't the same thing. The one is a part of the other, not its equal.

>being this dense

>> No.3290424
File: 760 KB, 1024x768, Penguins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Einstein wasn't actually smart, he just read a bunch of physics books and recognized the patterns.
Warren Buffet isn't good at investment, he just invested a lot and noticed patterns.
Konstantin Konstantinov isn't strong, he is just good at replicating motor patterns that contract a large amount of muscle fiber in a short amount of time.
I'm not autistic, I just fail to recognize the pattern of people using abstraction to discuss concepts.

>> No.3290432

i realized this a couple months ago, so age 19

partial equality in all aspects of life is all that we will achieve, and all that the capitalists and statists will allow us, until we can reach a fully stateless and classless society

i would plow jessica alba until the end of time

>> No.3290461

Why are Jews corrupting /lit/ with this type of filthy talk ?

>> No.3290466

Racism, sexism and statism all in one thread.

You've outdone yourselves today.

>> No.3291051

Actually, they're not.

>> No.3291081

>linking to huffpost
>reading huffpost
>not having huffpost blocked in your hosts file

Holy shit I hope this is b8.

>> No.3291176

>retarded opinions

you must be like 12

>> No.3291231

This board is so boring and you're all idiots. I really hope that none of you believe yourselves to be intellectuals...

>> No.3291257

why do people talk about a 'burden of proof' as if human discourse were governed by laws which people must obey? they wish. a man can believe anything and it can be as justified as he likes it to be. it can even bear as many burdens as he puts on it. except you. except 'the burden of me agreeing with you.'

>> No.3291273

i know a lot of bodybuilders. most of them couldn't kick anyone's ass. kicking ass is an art form. muscles matter but not like that. your average psychopath could take out a whole school of bodybuilders with a few irresponsible acts. either in or without honour's bounds, if there's still such a thing.

>> No.3291274


Is there anything in life that isn't boring?

>> No.3291315

cunt isn't boring when it's hot, juicy, and slides own your shaft like it was born to do it

>> No.3291553

My dad taught me that when I was 4.

>> No.3291583
File: 13 KB, 107x83, 15yo Assberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not him, but you're fucking retarded.

"It was a joke you fucking retard"

"N-no it wasn't, you're just that stupid, it wasn't a joke..."

>> No.3291596


>> No.3291698
File: 19 KB, 220x270, 220px-Foucault5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of your subjectivities are the products of discursive regimes of power. Internet-dwelling Marxist neckbeards will solve nothing with their class-struggle reductionism.

>> No.3291705

>All your AIDS are belong to us

>> No.3291713



>> No.3291725


Would bang, but AIDS.

>> No.3291730


>man grads HS, goes to work in a blue collar job
>woman grads HS, puts herself 400k in debt getting an english degree
>gets married, gets knocked up

Women! College is for chumps.

>> No.3291734


>implying he would tell you he has AIDS

>> No.3291736

> consciously spreading AIDS

>> No.3291755


Will to AIDS

>> No.3292914

Feminism is an abomination.

>> No.3292940


Aphorisms are the mark of vacant mind.

See what I did there?

>> No.3293291

>not having huffpost blocked in your hosts file

why would anyone do that?