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/lit/ - Literature

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3285047 No.3285047[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Greetings from /mu/, c/lit/izens.

Do you guys make, like, BOTY lists like we do with albums?

Also, you seem like a cute board, and I plan on doing a lot of lurking for the rest of my winter holiday.

>> No.3285067

>Also, you seem like a cute board, and I plan on doing a lot of lurking for the rest of my winter holiday.
As long as you don't do any posting.

>> No.3285123

>Do you guys make, like, BOTY lists like we do with albums?
Not a lot of people here read contemporary stuff, much less keep up with contemporary works that current. The difference is that an album takes at the very most an hour and a half to listen to, you can do it while driving or cleaning or whatever, and re-listen to it later to evaluate again, but a book you have to sit down and focus on what's in it, plus, if you're the type of reader to do so, evaluating what it's doing in terms of plot, character, theme, etc. The bottom-line investment of time and thought for a book is greater than for an album (or a song, for that matter, some might only listen to one or two to judge if the artist/s even to their taste) so il/lit/erates tend to be more reserved in their choices.

>> No.3285128

Yeah. /mu/ doesn't exactly have the best reputation amongst the boards I tend to frequent, I wouldn't be surprised if most of /lit/ has the same opinions.

>> No.3285145


I see. Seems like a legitimate analysis. I kind of cringed when you implied that the investment of thought for albums was low, but I've decided that you are definitely correct.

>> No.3285154

Oh, okay, I get it now. Yeah, I suppose we're pretty arrogant/pretentious. Is this what you're referencing?

>> No.3285191

No, I just think you shouldn't post on a forum that you are new to, at least not for a while. Nobody on /lit/ wants to hear about that new Dean Koontz novel your mother bought you just like no one on /mu/ wants to hear you talk about your favorite Nickelback album.

>> No.3285193

>I kind of cringed when you implied that the investment of thought for albums was low
The bottom-line investment is pretty low, especially for pop music. Same can be said for Tom Clancy or Dan Brown, but they still require more time and contextualization. I don't remember who said it, but there's the point that music is the purest form of art because it has no abstraction, the work of art is the form of silence and sound itself, all other types of art are symbols and representations.

>> No.3285243


lurk moar

>> No.3285276
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Go back to your shitty board you fucking piece of shit you should have been aborted.

>> No.3285321

>Also, you seem like a cute board, and I plan on doing a lot of lurking for the rest of my winter holiday.
>i plan on lurking

this is why we're a dying board, clits. stop trying to scare the mutant off.

kind greetings, op. what have you read that you both enjoyed and think we might approve of?

>> No.3285342 [DELETED] 

go back to /co/

>> No.3285347

I thought he was on of the newer /v/irgins

>> No.3285354


>> No.3285366 [DELETED] 

yeah maybe. he definitely shitposts like someone from there

u a bit insecure bruv?

>> No.3285373


i noticed that gatsby was on some of the lists in you essentials sticky. i've really enjoyed that the few times i've read it. thinking about reading more fitzgerald. i remember watching a documentary on him once and being really intrigued by his other stuff.

i think the next thing in my queue is 1984, which i've actually never read before. looking forward to it.

>> No.3285372

/co/ has Maus and Tintin

>> No.3285389

Wow guys either you are seriously retarded or have aspergers

>> No.3285405 [DELETED] 

fuck off back to /v/ or wherever or stop tripping

>> No.3285410

I probably have very mild Asperger's.

>> No.3285425
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>> No.3285442 [DELETED] 


>> No.3286053

Asperger's doesn't exist anymore. They merged it with autism recently.

>> No.3286063

I can see the headlines now:
>Scientists Cure Asperger's!
>Psychology Colloquium Banishes Asperger's Forever!

>> No.3286067


The autistic spectrum is hardly news

>> No.3286098 [SPOILER] 
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I heard the autistic spectrum is made by Ibanez.

>> No.3286697

good on you, I love The Great Gatsby, and 1984. Both great works.

now was that so hard, clits? was it?

>> No.3286700

/lit/ has been destroyed by you fags

it will be months before any sort of quality-controlled posting will be restored

fucking bitches, fuck /mu/ and the rest of you newplebs i'm leaving

>> No.3286702

i wouldnt want someone like you here anyways

>> No.3286705 [DELETED] 
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Goodnight, sweet prince ;_;

Look what you have done. Now I think it's unavoidable that I'm going to kill myself.

>> No.3286736

Do you remember when /lit/ was good?

Yes, /lit/ was good. For 3 months maybe, but It was good.

>> No.3287134
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that would be schoppy