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/lit/ - Literature

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3283885 No.3283885 [Reply] [Original]

Hey c/lit/s,

I have been wanting to get into eastern literature. So far i have it broken down into these 4 territories i consider "East". They would be China, Japan, India, and Middle East.

Main reason is I have never read any mythology, classic literature, religious, or philosophical writings from the east. From a little searching i havent come up with much. I want to hit and the 4 areas i listed from each region.

So far ive only come up with a short list for China: Four Great Classical Novels (Water Margin, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Journey to the West, Dream of the Red Chamber) , The teachings of Confucius Four Books and Five Classics.

I feel these cover classic novels and philosophy for China. Now i need some books on religion (Buddhism) and mythology. I haven't been able to come up with any ideas for Japan, India, or the Middle East. Well, for the middle east i guess under religious texts it would be the Koran, Bible, and Torah. Other than that im drawing a blank.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. So just to clarify the categories im interested in are prominent novels, mythology,religion, and philosophy from China, Japan, India, and Middle East.

>> No.3283946

For japan religious texts for them would be confucius, budhism, and shinto.

The shinto religious text are called Kojiki and Nihon-gi.

>> No.3283956
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>> No.3283964

O wow had no clue we had those kinds of resources.

>> No.3283989


We should really petition the mods to make the sticky more eye-catching like /fit/'s.

>> No.3284008

looks like there isnt a list for india. Anyone have recommendations for India?

>> No.3284051

there's been work and talk of one, but Indian literature is a pretty vast thing to cover. Here are some things:

Mahabharata (including Bhagavad Gita)
The Ramayana
The Upanishads
The Dammapada
The Pancatantra
The Kama Sutra
The Kural by Tiruvalluvar
The Five-and-Twenty Tales of the Genie by Sivadasa
Speaking of Siva
The Hitopades by Narayana (9th-10th)
The Hermit and the Love-Thief: Sanskrit Poems of Bhartrihari and Bilhana (5th and 11th)
Tales from the Kathasaritsagara by Somadeva (11th)
The Recognition of Sakuntala by Kalidasa
the Loom of Time: A Selection by Kalidasa
A Tale of Four Dervishes by Mir Amman (14th/19th)
Says Tuka: Selected Poetry of Tukaram (17th)
The Adventures of Amir Hamza
Poetry by Aalama Iqbal
Poetry by Amrita Pritam
Poetry by Sahir Ludhianvi
Kingdom of Happiness by Jeddu Krishnamurthy
and of course, the Arabian Nights