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/lit/ - Literature

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3283874 No.3283874 [Reply] [Original]

To be a true patrician you must have good taste in all fields. Prove you aren't a pleb, post your favorite

>Graphic Novel

>> No.3283898

>having knowledge about anime and video-games

pick one

>> No.3283903

What's a patrician?

>> No.3283909

Wrong, sort of. Anime is easily a more intellectual art form than say, television.

Video games however are shit for children.

>> No.3283911



No. The only thing in the entire genre that isn't unwatchable is grave of the fireflies.

>> No.3283915
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>Implying "albums" are great, and it's no on a song-by-song basis


Boring shit


Weeaboo faggot cunt

Only gsg

Of course

>Graphic novel

(pic related)

>> No.3283916

Band of Horses - Infinite Arms
A Streetcar Named Desire
The Lake of Fire (I can't recommend this highly enough)
Howl's Moving Castle?
Mariokart 64
Absalom, Absalom! / V.
Green Eggs and Ham

>> No.3283918


Anime comes on TV.

>> No.3283927


>birth of the cool
>the prestige (come at me pretentious hipsters)
>tis pity she's a whore
>no anime
the last video game i remember playing was deus ex, for a game it was fairly good but compared to any other genre it was a massive dog turd, has the genre progressed any since?

>> No.3283932

Album - Gap Var Ginnunga by Wardruna
Film - The Lion in Winter (1968)
Play - The Lion in Winter
Documentary - Idunnolol
Anime - Lol wat's dat
Videogame - Crusader Kings II
Novel - Pillars of the Earth
Graphic Novel - lel

>> No.3283934


>tis pity she's a whore

Well shit. That was one of the play's I heard other schools are studying in English Literature.

What's it about and what's it like?

>> No.3283950


Great, another profiling thread!


Can - Future Days. My flavour of the month is Bitches Brew, though.


Probably Eraserhead or Naked Lunch


I assume you meant game. My favorite game is Morrowind. I also really love Age Of Mythology, because I used to be obsessed with ancient greece.


The documentary about the Black Emperors was pretty cool


I don't watch any Anime. I liked Princess Mononoke as a kid. Le Planete Sauvage is my favorite animated movie.


Die Verwandlung probably

>Graphic Novel

I don't read graphic novels

>> No.3283954
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Tie between Split by Lush or everything by she.
Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance

Get Lamp
Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said
>Graphic Novel

>> No.3283960
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>The only thing in the entire genre that isn't unwatchable is grave of the fireflies

That's not even the best Ghibli movie and Ghibli is pretty rubbish for the most part.

Check out some of the stuff on this chart. Also check out Revolutionary Girl Utena, easily the deepest and most intelligent anime series ever made.

>> No.3283962

mah nigga
Favorite country?

>> No.3283966

I'd say Grave of the Fireflies is the most unwatchable anime ever because of all the tears.

>> No.3283969


>Ghibli is pretty rubbish for the most part.

Wow you anime fans really try too hard. Ghibli is wonderful.

Here's a tip: No one who is actually intelligent describes what they consume as "deep and intelligent" sincerely.

>> No.3283972

No seriously guys what is a patrician?

>> No.3283973

Kayo Dot - Choirs of the Eye
Caravan - In the Land of Grey and Pink
Pierrot le fou
Pulp Fiction
Haven't read that many, so I'm going with Sartre's No Exit
Mononoke Hime (film)
Welcome to the N.H.K. (show)
>Graphic Novel
A Zoo in Winter

Am I patrician enough for you /lit/?

>> No.3283975

>Video Games
>Graphic Novels

Ha, it's a trick question! I'm patrician enough to know none of these hold any intrinsically artistic value. Come, another riddle grammatista!

>> No.3283979

I didn't, deepness and intelligence are relative. Utena is the deepest and most intelligent anime series whose existence I'm aware of.

>> No.3283980

>the original aristocratic families of Ancient Rome, and a synonym for "aristocratic" in modern English usage

>> No.3283982

>replying to this thread
>not being a faggot

>> No.3283987


You're still doing it. I don't think you even understand what the word sincerely means.

>> No.3283988
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>Prove you aren't a pleb

you're begging the question douche bag
go back to /adv/

>> No.3283993


I thought aristocracy was determined by blood? What does it have to do with media consumption?

>> No.3283995
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>pick two

>> No.3284001

Five Leaves Left
The Seventh Seal
King Lear
The Civil War
Having a favorite anime show would make me a pleb
Same goes for video games
Journey to the End of the Night

>> No.3284006

aristocrat |əˈrJstəˌkræt|
a member of the aristocracy: an aristocrat by birth.
• something believed to be the best of its kind: the trout is the aristocrat of freshwater fish.

>> No.3284022

>Dark Clouds and Silver Linings
>The Grey
>Planet Earth
>The only one I have seen is Dragonball Z
>Assassins Creed
>A Clash of Kings

>> No.3284026
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I haven't played vidya in a long time.
Picked up EU3 recently and love it. My first game was as England but I accidentaly pushed my centralization slider 3 notches past my limit when I formed Great Britain. I had just gotten out of a war and my army was virtually dead. Going past my slider limit caused revolts in every province including the newly vassalized North Africa. I lost my entire country to rebels and my last (not autosave) save was before the war. I also had horrible inflation.
So I said "fuck it" and started a new game with Genoa. I turned off inflation before I started the game and then stupidly went for the National Bank idea right away.

I'm still getting the hang of it.

>> No.3284029

>Album--Spirit They've Gone, Spirit They've Vanished
>Film--Southland tales
>Play--No Exit
>Documentary--Waking Life (if you can consider it that)
>Anime--Fuck anime
>Videogame--Legend of Dragoon
>Graphic Novel--Fuck comic books

>> No.3284030


So you guys are claiming to be aristocrats of watching TV? That's pretty pathetic.

>> No.3284033 [SPOILER] 
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>To be a true patrician you must have good taste in all fields

>good taste in all fields

I think you mean


>> No.3284036

>implying objective merit

>> No.3284044
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Les Miserables

Whore's Glory



The Stranger

>Graphic Novel
V for Vendetta

>> No.3284045

Sage does taste good.

>> No.3284056

Fine, you fucking plebs.

Filth, by Swans/Bambi's Dilemma
The Importance of Being Ernest/Faust
Megan is Missing/Taxi to the Darkside
Starcraft/Sim City 4/Dorf
Crime and Punishment
>Graphic Novel
The... Watchmen?


>> No.3284057

My "favorite" is Garden State, but it's for personal reasons and I wouldn't pretend it's the best. In that slot, I'd stick "Lawrence of Arabia" or "Y Tu Mama Tambien."
Um, that segment in "Kill Bill?" I've never really gotten into anime.
This Chinese chess program I've got on my iPad. I burnt out on video games in high school.
/The Sun Also Rises/ is my favorite, again for personal reasons. I've tried and I can't pick a best here. /TSAR/ is definitely a candidate.
>Graphic Novel

>> No.3284059


No. I have a strict no anime policy.

>> No.3284078

>coming to /lit/ with that patrician pleb bullshit in the first plave

I guess /mu/ never left.

>> No.3284079

Boris - Flood


Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett

Gates of Heaven

Does this include anime films? Paprika if so, Nichijou if not.

Touhou 11 - Subterranean Animism

The Rings of Saturn by W.G. Sebald

Graphic Novel:
I've never known what this term means. Is it just fancy for comic books or what? I'll say Grant Morrison's run on Doom Patrol. I hope that counts.

>> No.3284087


Wow that's weird. I just finished The Stranger about two hours ago and really liked it, I also saw the Antichrist just a few weeks ago and thought it was great. If you're talking about the Van Trier movie which I assumed :)

>> No.3284104

>Graphic Novel
>I've never known what this term means. Is it just fancy for comic books or what?
Yeah, it's just a marketing term aimed at people who are too embarrassed to admit they like the funny papers.

>> No.3284122
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- Purple Rain - Prince

- The Fifth Element

-Glengarry Glen Ross

- Pulling John
- Berserk

- StarCraft: Brood War


>Graphic Novel

Pleb as hell and nothing to prove.

>> No.3284126
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The Firstborn is Dead by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
Daddy Longlegs
new to them, but I liked Exit Through the Gift Shop
lol wut u gay or sumthing? this shit is for fags!
Metal Gear Solid
Gravity's Rainbow (but if it was "book" I'd pick An Island to Ones self)
>Graphic Novel

>> No.3284128

I wonder what it would be like to go to war with Gandhi.

>> No.3284130

Destroyers of All by Ulcerate
Lord of War
clumsy format not excelling in anything. Saw only a few plays, not enough to develop a real taste
The Money Masters
Ergo Proxy
Morrowind, Beyond Good and Evil
The Book of the Long Sun by Gene Wolfe
>>Graphic Novel

All these fags crying over anime and graphic novel disgust me. Anime sucks? Video games aren't good? Wow, what news have you brought me! In case you haven't noticed, the movies are also mostly shit. There is no inherently good medium, only diferent kind of trash you're willing (or not) to dig through until you find something good. I believe OP wanted to hear what people with extensive experience in all mediums think.
In fact, let's add another category:
>visual novel
Remember11 - The Age of Infinity

>> No.3284131

I'll Sleep When You're Dead - ElP
Paris, Texas
The Last Bolshevik or Sans Soleil - Chris Marker
Don't play vidya games really, But I did enjoy Jumpman for Commodore Sixty Four
Gravity's Rainbow
>Graphic Novel
Not well versed in the genre at all but I did like Mauss

>> No.3284135

Someone hasn't watched 5 cm/s

>> No.3284137
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"KID A".














>Graphic Novel


>> No.3284139
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Fare Forward Voyagers
The Conformist or
Scarlet Street
Waiting for Godot
Ai WeiWei: Never Sorry
(I do not watch many documentaries)
>Video Game
Morrowind, I guess
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman
Darkness at Noon
>Graphic Novel
I have only read one graphic novel, and that is A Contract with God

>tfw pleb

>> No.3284143

>5 cm/s
Never had any relations to someone before so no feels were felt.

>> No.3284146
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There comes a point where you're such a patrician, you start to ironically like pleb music. I hope one day you children can reach my level of spiritual ascendance.


>> No.3284150


Man, that's a really cool list. I absolutely adore Nick, probably my favorite songwriter

>> No.3284153

Fuck off already /mu/ and/or /tv/

>> No.3284154


True, but it's also very useful for separating what it will contain thematically. You'd be hard pressed to say something like maus or sandman is only different from whatever DC or marvel are putting out simply because of the title of the subgenre.

In my experience people who make the comment you did just want to find a way to justify still reading comics aimed at children.

>> No.3284158
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>> No.3284159
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Radiohead - Amnesiac
2001 A Space Odyssey
Henrik Ibsen - An Enemy Of The People
N is a Number: A Portrait of Paul Erdös
Are you fucking kidding me?
Vladimir Nabokov - The Defense
>Graphic Novel
Batman: The Killing Joke

>> No.3284160

>thinks plays are clumsy and do not excel at anything
>thinks most movies are shit
>favorite novel is by Gene Wolfe

You are THE plebeian.

>> No.3284164

The Cult is Alive
Brand upon the Brain! or 71 Fragments of a Chronology of Chance
My Winnipeg; documentaries are film, why is this separate but serial television isn't?
Diablo 2
Wittgenstein's Mistress or The Path to the Spiders' Nests
ASM and Moonknight; graphic novels are sad more often than not.

>> No.3284171

You can easily distinguish the real patricians and the plebs by seeing who writes it this way:
"Artist - Album"

Those who write the album title first are the filthiest of plebs.

>> No.3284174
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I would ironically fuck the shit out of her.

>> No.3284181

>>thinks plays are clumsy and do not excel at anything
But it's true
>>thinks most movies are shit
That's statistically provable. You're obviously full of shit.
>>favorite novel is by Gene Wolfe

>> No.3284184
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> Anime: lol wut u gay or sumthing?
>likes MGS
Bad news, anon.

>> No.3284202

>greentexts "opinions" as a response to being called out on shit taste in literature
>at the same time thinks his taste in films is objectively verifiable as good to the point that it can be used as a metric to take a reasonable statistical sample

And you're a logically inconsistent pleb, to boot.

>> No.3284208

In Sunset Trees- The Mountain Goats
Annie Hall
Journey's End- R.C Sherriff
Catfish (does it count it's fake)
Grave of the Fireflies
Shadow of the Colossus
The Three Musketeers
>Graphic Novel

>> No.3284215

>In Sunset Trees- The Mountain Goats
All Hail West Texas is better.

>> No.3284220

You must be implying that greentext isn't used as quoting on 4chan. How idiot can you get?

If we accept my opinions aren't valid, we've got nothing to discuss because everyone is wrong.

>> No.3284221

An edition of Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake.

Can't name one. Joyeux Noël, Match Point, Rocky and Star Wars IV-V-VI.

Cyrano de Bergerac

L'erreur boréale



The Brothers Karamazov or The Kindly Ones

>Graphic Novel

>> No.3284229

I'm saying it's deep and intelligent in comparison to other anime.

Just like Infinite Jest, or whatever /lit/core you jerk off to, is deep and intelligent in comparison to 50 Shades of Grey.

I'm not sure you understand what the world "relative" means.

>> No.3284234

>list of personal preferences
>no no you should prefer this it's BETTER i wont tell you why
>thanks though i will listen to it now

>> No.3284235
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Miles Davis by - In a Silent Way (Y'know, I'm a jazz man myself; Miles, Coltrane, the list could go on...)

Lost in Translation


The Devil and Daniel Johnston

Cowboy Bebop

Majora's Mask

Cormac McCarthy - Blood Meridian, or the Evening Redness in the West

>>Graphic Novel
Idk, maybe The Killing Joke?

>> No.3284238
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Utena is race-mixing multicultural propaganda.

>> No.3284242

I'm pointing out the fact that you defend your taste by telling me that my qualification of your taste in books as bad is merely an opinion, while at the same time claim that you can prove statistically that a majority of movies are bad.

What is that statistic based on? Your opinion?

>> No.3284247

>Ghibli is wonderful

Some of their films are, some of their others are shit though. Even the ones that are good are pretty overrated.

I like Ghibli, I just dislike people who have only watched Ghibli films and nothing else claiming that they're the be all end all of Japanese animation.

>> No.3284248

I'm just saying that I and a majority of /mu/ prefer All Hail West Texas.
Just going to warn you that it was recorded on a boombox so the audio quality is shit.

>> No.3284252


Utena is loosely based on Demian by Hermann Hesse, if that piques anyone from /lit/'s interest.

>> No.3284253

>and a majority of /mu/
Fuck off

TMG is shit.

>> No.3284255
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>> No.3284258

She's not even black though, she's like Indian or some shit.

>> No.3284262

>TMG is the shit.
as those wily kids say

>> No.3284268


Ikuhara was going for a Hindu god type look, I assume

>> No.3284270

Just call your favorite movie Fantastic Planet and book The Metamorphosis....jesus balls

>> No.3284274

Piper At The Gates of Dawn
Apocalypse Now
Ubu Roi
Dark Days, or Crumb
Kaiji, but I dont think Anime is patrician at all
Paper Mario TTYD, same thing
Jimmy Corrigan

>> No.3284278
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> Utena can be seen as the quintessence of the Postmodernist fairy tale.
> This leads to the recurring theme of "murdering our prince", in which Utena and Anthy must choose to symbolic shed their "fairy-tale", and thus their innocence.
>The omnipresence of phallic symbols, such as swords, towers, and cars, and the sexual connotation of dewy petaled flowers contributes to the sense of urgent sexuality, repressed and otherwise, in the series.
>Another very important and recurrent theme is of gender roles (freely chosen or socially imposed), which play a large part in the series, from its very premise in which Utena wishes to be a prince and not a princess. Sexual desire is portrayed as quite fluid; most characters at least hint at having both same-sex and opposite-sex attractions.

>> No.3284282

>Album: Castaways and Cutouts - Decembrists
>Film: Can't pick a single one, top 3 are The Man Who Would Be King, Stalker and The Big Lebowski
>Play: The Importance of Being Earnest, I don't watch many plays.
>Docu: series would be either the world at war or the ascent of man, film either Man on Wire, Dear Zachary or The Bridge
>Anime: Cowboy Bebop for a series, for a film probably My Neighbour Totoro, I do love Grave of the Fireflies, but it's too heavy to be a favourite.
>Videogame: Ookami
>Novel: Siddhartha, Hesse.
>Graphic Novel: Including longer series, too many to pick from, top 5 are I Kill Giants, Ex Machina, Fear Agent, DMZ and Hellboy in no order.

>> No.3284288

Hey /mu/ it's me anon
I'm wondering if you could leave
or quite down so we could talk about literature.

Love, /lit/

>> No.3284292

>phallic symbols
>fucking cars

>> No.3284300
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They don't even have a feminism movement for Christ's sake.

>> No.3284305


But I've never even read it in English. But yeah, you are probably right :)

>> No.3284306

Which is precisely why I like anime, because it's usually devoid of this kind of shit.

>> No.3284309


Even feminism's a Zionist conspiracy now? What next?

>> No.3284312

Mesmerize (System of a Down)
A Clockwork Orange or The Quiet Earth
Eh, haven't watched many. A Clockwork Orange, I guess...
Nikola Tesla: The Genius Who Lit the World.
Dragon Ball Z; don't watch much.
Heavy Rain.
The Last Apprentice/Wardstone Chronicles (same series, different names).
>Graphic Novel
Scott Pilgrim.

>> No.3284313
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Watch the series, cars are actually a recurring motif.

Also Utena is pretty great. I would recommend it.

>> No.3284317

>"true patrician"
>omitting poetry

>> No.3284321
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Angel's Egg is objectively the greatest animated film ever created, if you disagree you're most likely wrong or have ADHD.

>> No.3284322


>> No.3284329
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>religious symbolism

>> No.3284331

Utena's progressive aspect doesn't really have the forced-propaganda feeling that Western media does.

Rather, it's more reminiscent of literature by Hesse and Jung and the like. I know it references Ovid's Metamorphoses quite a bit.

>> No.3284333

>paul erdos

i like you a lot

>> No.3284349

Huge Chrome Cylinder Box Unfolding - Venetian Snares
Not sure... maybe Encounters at the End of the World
Also not sure. I'd say Spirited Away
Final Fantasy VII
To the Lighthouse - Virginia Woolf
>Graphic Novel
What I Did - Jason

>> No.3284351
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>The Grey
>Assassin's Creed

>inflation off
Nigga...but you're still learning.
Turn it off eventually.
Never play Death & Taxes mod, you'll be ridiculed
MEIOU, More Province Mod, and Lex Talonis are great mods.
If you're playing as Byzantium, start in 1405

>> No.3284352

Was that an objection to my statement about Utena being deep or are you just looking for attention?

>> No.3284361

> I like the song Broadcast - Goodbye Girls. Albums are for plebes
> Edward Yang - A Brighter Summer Day
> Shakespeare - Antony and Cleopatra
> Herzog - Grizzly Man
> n/a
> Ninja Gaiden Black; honourable mention Mario Tennis for N64
> Lev Tolstoy - Anna Karenin
> Alan Moore - From Hell (it's the only one I've read, Tintin is better, to be honest)

>> No.3284363
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>tfw 6 vassals
>tfw world domination is imminent

>> No.3284369


Pink Floyd - Animals
Lost Highway
Chekov - Three Sisters
Century of the Self
Princess Mononoke
Half Life
A Hundred Years of Solitude OR Master and Margarita. Can't decide.
>Graphic Novel
Dylan Dog

Rate me, /lit/

>> No.3284375



>> No.3284378
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>I've never played past 1500




>> No.3284380

>Queen- Greatest Hits, Vol III
>2001: A Space Odyssey
>American Idiot- Greenday (broadway musical)
>The Making of LOTR: ROTK
>Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
>Any DC Comics

>> No.3284381

Don't listen to music
Don't watch films
Merchant of Venice
Band of Brothers
I don't watch cartoons
Victoria II
I don't read novels
>>Graphic Novel
I don't read cartoons

>> No.3284382
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Pink floyd, dark side of the moon
Blade runner
Well this is embarrassing, I'm sorry /lit/ But I barley go to plays.
Harlan Ellison-Dreams with sharp teeth
Paranoia agent
Killer 7
Fear and loathing in Lost Vegas
>Graphic Novel

What kind of person am I?

>> No.3284383
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Your good taste makes me think you'd enjoy "Ada" by Nabokov

>> No.3284385

>phallic symbols
>fucking cars
Read Crash

>> No.3284389


What causes ocean textures to fuck up like this? I had that same problem.

>> No.3284397

Sublime - 40 Oz. to Freedom
Half Baked
Whatever one I watch when I'm blitzed
The Union
not a weeaboo
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
>Graphic Novel
Not a weeaboo

>> No.3284399

Riding in somebody's car in Utena is used as a metaphor for having sex with said person.

>> No.3284400

Oh gawed
Nigga step it up, play Morrowind
Skyrim is all pretty colors dumbed down for idiots

>> No.3284406

>Megan is Missing

>> No.3284408
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>Mount Eerie - No Flashlight
>Majora's Mask
>Sartor Resartus

>> No.3284409

Pithecanthropus Erectus - Mingus
Magnolia / Stalker / My Night at Maud's
Waiting for Godot
I Think We're Alone Now
Cromartie High School
Mariokart 64
Light in August / Don Quixote / V.

>> No.3284410
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>> No.3284421 [DELETED] 

Don't have any favorite music.

Last year at marienbad. Or Predator.

Not that into plays. Perhaps something by Chekhov

Oceans, the french original.
Clark's Civilisation is interesting as well.

Not into stuff life that. Gilrs un panzer sound fun though.

Company of heroes, or VVVVVV.

Growth of the soil

>Graphic Novel
Punisher MAX.

>> No.3284432

Don't have any favorite album.

Last year at marienbad. Or Predator.

Not that into plays. Perhaps something by Chekhov

Oceans, the french original.
Clark's Civilisation is interesting as well.

Not into stuff life that. Girls und panzer sound fun though.

Company of heroes, VVVVVV, or supermash bros.

Growth of the soil

>Graphic Novel
Punisher MAX.

>> No.3284436

Thank you, gentlemen. Never read anything by Nabokov, will give it a try.

>> No.3284437

Go back to >>>/mu/

>> No.3284443
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>Never read anything by Nabokov

>> No.3284446

>Album first
>no poetry
Hi /mu/

Carissa's Wierd – Songs about Leaving
Big Lebowski
The Importance of Being Earnest
Grizzly Man
The Tatami Galaxy
The Master and Margarita
>Graphic Novel
New frontier for art or Preacher for demonstrating the perks of the medium
Eugene Onegin
>Short Stories
Blow-up and Other Stories

>> No.3284449

having anything favourite is a true sigh of plebeian

the authority has spoken, disperse

>> No.3284455

this pleb posted this on /tv/ and got told hard by Cinebro

>> No.3284461

>browsing /tv/
You're going to get murdered when they put you in prison

>> No.3284465

Good Kid M.A.A.D. City/ Highschool Dropout
Maltesse Falcon
I'll just say you mean Musical and put: Book of Mormon
The War Game
Cowboy Bebop
Deus Ex/The Witcher 2
Crime and Punishment/ Leviathan
>Graphic Novel
Barefoot Gen, American Born Chinesse
Twin Picks ma Nigga

>> No.3284466

I am deeply ashamed. Lolita's been siting on my Kindle for several months but I've been too busy rereading some stuff.

It is beautifully formated, though...

>> No.3284470

Mastodon - Crack The Skye

The Lion King

The Phantom of the Opera

Carl Sagan's Cosmos

Cowboy Bebop

Donkey Kong Country 2

Stephen King's Dark Tower Series

>Graphic Novel

>> No.3284471
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>Yes I have a PhD because I'm saying so on the intratubes!!!

>> No.3284472
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>> No.3284473

>lol every1 on /tv/ iz peddo!!! xD

I thought better of you.

>> No.3284474
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Suicide - s/t
Trash Humpers
Jet of Blood
Land of Silence and Darkness
FLCL or Akira
Majora's Mask or Fallout 3
Les Chants de Maldoror
>Graphic Novel
Black Hole

i feel so mallgothy u_u

>> No.3284483

>browse location full of child porn
>think it matter whether you like it or not

>> No.3284493

ITAOTS (not even joking)
Not sure, maybe Step Brothers, Into The Wild, or Pan's Labyrinth
Titus Andronicus
The Devil and Daniel Johnston maybe
Whatever Yuri I happen to be fapping to
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4
The Brothers Karamazov
>Graphic Novel
I don't know any.

Look how unpatrician I am.

>> No.3284495

> Album
Kind of Blue - Miles Davis

tie between 8 1/2 and Life is Beautiful

Richard II - Shakesponge

Man on Wire

Grave of the Fireflies


The Sound and the Fury

>Graphic Novel
either The Watchmen or From Hell

>> No.3284506

>Kind of Blue - Miles Davis
>8 1/2 and Life is Beautiful
>The Sound and the Fury
I like you

>> No.3284508


You're me five years ago.

>> No.3284509

Dark Side of the Moon or perhaps Electric Ladyland
LotR: TT
haven't read many
haven't seen many
Fire Warrior on the PS2 was pretty fun. Never got into any other Warhammer shit, though
>Graphic Novel
what? god no.

1 - 10, how pleb am I?

>> No.3284515

Sergeant pepper
The godfather
Romeo and juliet
Bowling for columbine
Moby dick

Get on my level gaylords!

>> No.3284517

Top Ranking: A Diplo Dub
Moonrise Kingdom
Planet Earth
Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Treasure Planet: Battle at Procyon
To a God Unknown by John Steinbeck
>Graphic Novel
Blankets by Craig Thompson

>> No.3284532

Sooo, the step by step "how to rape little girls and boys at home and abroad" thread this morning/afternoon never happened?

>> No.3284537


absolutely disgusting


mein negroides



>> No.3284542 [DELETED] 

Not including science on the list

So pleb.

>> No.3284550

My favorite sciences are pseudoscience and pop science.

Come at me /sci/.

>> No.3284553

>post your favourite science

>> No.3284556 [DELETED] 

Meine ist chemistry.

>> No.3284558

>>Graphic Novel
>what? god no.


>favourite film is LOTR
>favourite album is a post-syd-era floyd easy-listening record
>haven't seen any documentaries
>thinks he's above Philistine shit

6.5/10 made me reply

>> No.3284567



>> No.3284579

>having favorite anything
Gonna give it a go anyway

Straight Outta Compton

Ran/Blade Runner/Taxi Driver

King Lear

The Act of Killing


Hitman Blood Money/Heroes of Might and Magic 3

Frankenstein/Heart of Darkness

>Graphic Novel

>> No.3284589



I knew one day, when I decided to cultivate my tastes in various categories of entertainment, that I would one day impress somebody on the internet.

And now thanks to you, it has all been worth it.

>> No.3284590

Step aside

Rain Dogs by Tom Waits
Jacob's Ladder
The Threepenny Opera
Hated: The GG Allin and the Muder Junkies
The Devilman OVAs
Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath
Cities of the red Night by William S. Burroughs
>Graphic Novel

Autographs are 20 dollars

>> No.3284596

>making a thread like this
>participating in a thread like this
>148 posts and 36 image replies omitted

the stench of pleb in here is filthy and outrageous

yet i am never disappointed at the misguided and illegitimate attempts by the common prole to beguile themselves into thinking that they somehow have any worthwhile attributes that separate them from the rest of the proles based on their escapist consumption habits. it's both amusing and deserving of a little bit of pity.

also if you're still using the words pleb, patrician, or prole, in this nonironic manner - how disgusting, either step it up or back to /mu/

>> No.3284597

I was going to respond to this until I saw that anime has it's own fucking category. I have nothing against it, but that's fucking stupid.

>> No.3284599

The Coroner's Gambit by The Mountain Goats
Lola rennt
Up The Yangtze
patrician ≠ cartoons
patrician ≠ artless children's trash
Anna Karenina
>Graphic Novel
patrician ≠ extended comic books

>Implying that being a patrician has anything to do with anime, videogames, or graphic novels.
fucking pleb.

>> No.3284594
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>people who don't like anime

You guys should watch Millennium Actress, it holds up to even the artsiest of art house films.

>> No.3284602

patrician here, it's fun you dork

>> No.3284603


You read like Lovecraft on barbiturates.

Go back to grade school.

>> No.3284608

Why? It's a pretty vast and broad art form.

>> No.3284610

I know right? Should've seen the face on the braud I had over, when she saw the book shelf. It was all worth it.

>> No.3284619

It's a fucking cartoon.

>> No.3284621

>World of Echo, Arthur Russell
>Angels in America
>The Atomic Cafe
>Serial Experiments Lain, only one I've ever enjoyed
>Never play them.
>Pale Fire
>Never read them.

>> No.3284623

Having similar tastes in all other respects, may I suggest house of five leaves for anime, and the invisibles as a graphic novel being "worthy" of you? couldn't agree more about video games though. they are unmitigated plebeian garbage.

>> No.3284636


>Angels in America

I'd hit it

>> No.3284637

Scratch Pickpocket, I meant The Lost Highway.

>> No.3284639

So? It's still an art form. I'm assuming the OP only asked for your favorite anime rather than cartoon because "cartoon" would imply Western animation as well, which is entirely shit.

>> No.3284643

> they are unmitigated plebeian garbage.
I have found 1v1 Online RTS to be intellectually stimulating on a level I've never experienced with classical fiction.

>> No.3284650

That is probably because you are autistic, and if you're any good at RTS you most likely have an attention deficit disorder as well.

>> No.3284651

Intellectually stimulating /= art.

Some video games are art sure, but they're shitty art at that.

>> No.3284656

What, exactly, separates anime from western animation? They're both shit. Anime isn't some elite higher art. It's a fucking cartoon. Either both anime and western anime are art forms, or neither are art forms. You don't get to pick and choose.

>> No.3284663

You shouldn't get on a high horse when you have the taste of a 15 year old pseudo intellectual, there is nothing interesting or unique there, you've merely picked safe stuff for fear of being criticised

>> No.3284671

So much this, but it doesn't just happens with Ghibli, everyone who has watched just one series or anime movie claims that he has already seen the best, like Serial Experiments Lain or Ghost in the Shell.

>> No.3284674

For rock: Faust - Faust
For Jazz: Ornette Coleman - Skies of America
For classical: John Cage - Sonatas and Interludes for Prepared Piano

Kind of a film pleb, but I really liked Citizen Kane to be honest

Would have to be Macbeth

really don't know any I would deem "favorite"... I've seen a lot but on various miscellaneous topics... perhaps Guns, Germs, and Steel but I prefer the book


TES IV: Oblivion

The Brothers Karamazov

>Graphic Novel

Why is there no painting category?

>> No.3284675

>What, exactly, separates anime from western animation?

The term "anime" exclusively refers to animation produced in Japan. There's no such thing as "western anime".

Animation is an art form regardless of what country is producing it, sure, it's just that no good animation has been produced in the English-speaking world in over half a century or so.

There are some gems from Europe of course but those tend to be pretty obscure. Japan seems to have a monopoly on thoughtful and interesting animation.

>> No.3284676

>Some video games are art sure, but they're shitty art at that.
I've played a fair share of indie games with an "artistically inclined" narrative. Wouldn't calla ny of them "art" though.

>Intellectually stimulating /= art.
not appreciating intellectually challenging activities =/= patrician

Wouldn't say I'm any good at it, but I like challenging games. Be it platformers, rts, or even third person fighters.

>> No.3284679

>Western animation as well, which is entirely shit.
Western animation has as much good to the bad as chinese cartoons

>> No.3284682


>> No.3284685
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Jens Lekman - The Department of Forgotten Songs
You can't take it With you
Werner Herzog in antarctica was pretty cool
House of five leaves
Chrono Trigger is fun I guess
Richard Yates by Tao Lin
>Graphic Novel
The Invisibles

>> No.3284689

Fuck you. I picked my favorites. Anime/videogames/graphic novels are not even on par with the other media listed.

>> No.3284690

Wrong, name ten animated movies produced in the English-speaking world post-'50s that are intellectually stimulating and/or worth watching.

>> No.3284692

On par on what?
Are you seriously "ranking" the various media?

>> No.3284694

Name a single animated anything that is not marked to children. Fox/comedy central don't count.

>> No.3284697

Um Fritz the Cat is all I can think of

>> No.3284698

To tell you the truth I can't tell if I admire or pity somebody who is able to bestow a 'favourite' thing. I think the only favourite thing I have is Evangelion as anime. I think it's because I don't like much anime so it's easy to narrow down which one I actually think is best. With the others I can't do that at all because I like so many and none stand above the others fully. Either that or I simply haven't spent time with them (i.e. Graphic Novels or Plays).

>> No.3284700

Toy Story.

>> No.3284701


Toy Story
A Bug's Life
Toy Story 2
Monsters, Inc.
Finding Nemo
The Incredibles

>> No.3284702

And if you're favourites are honestly such choices then you're not worthy of the elitist position you hold.

>> No.3284704
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I dont listen to music
I dont go to the theatre
Grizzly Man
I am not a child
Shadow of the Colossus
The Brothers Karamazov
>Graphic Novel

>> No.3284706

I thought about making a faggy wishy washy post like this, and then I accepted the transience and inexactitude of what is at the moment my favorite anything.

>> No.3284707

i could easily rank that media

>Graphic Novel


>> No.3284708

Ween - Quebec
Harold and Maude
God by Andy Kaufman
The Devil and Daniel Johnston
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Last Exit to Brooklyn by Hubert Selby Jr.
>Graphic Novel
Space Ducks by Daniel Johnston

>> No.3284710

Akira, Ghost in the Shell, Cowboy Bebop, Perfect Blue, Grave of the Fireflies, Millennium Actress, Princess Mononoke, etc.

I could go on all day, those are only a few movies off the top of my head.

>> No.3284713

Anime, videogames, and graphic novels are for children and losers. Videogames are not 'art', no matter what your mother said when she bankrolled your tuition at DeVry. Anime is just as shit as western animation, no matter what some freak dressed as pikachu says. Graphic novels are extended comic books for chronic masturbators living in their parent's basement. dealwithit.jpg

>> No.3284714


>Documentary above Film

You probably think photography is a good art form, don't you.

>> No.3284716

>intellectually stimulating and/or worth watching

Try again amigo.

>> No.3284719


Then you presumably encountered the absurdity of valuing something as a 'favourite thing' presuming it to only have relevance for the moment and assuming it to regard emotion by necessity.

>> No.3284720

Your dogmatic beliefs about what constitutes art are so incredibly conservative and reactionary that I find it hard to believe you aren't just trolling for attention.

>> No.3284721


My niece's favorite film is Mononoke. She's 8.

>> No.3284722

0/10, not even aggravated.

>> No.3284725

Yes and then I picked things out of a hat as it were, and posted them. Because this is an anonymous imageboard and that's what was asked of me.

>> No.3284728

not appreciating intellectually challenging activities =/= patrician

>> No.3284732

Doesn't change the fact that it's a violent and intellectual film that definitely isn't marketed to children.

>> No.3284735
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I assume you mean which musical piece is my favorite? I would go with Bach's BWV 140
Citizen Kane
Oedipus Rex
The ister
I don't play videogames, Chess
Don Quixote
>Graphic Novel
I don't read graphic novels

>No favorite painting
>no favorite poem
>no favorite work of architecture
>no favorite non fiction/philosophy

fucking plebs

>> No.3284740
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>favorite movie is Citizen Kane
>calling other plebs

That's like the go-to pseudo-intellectual "favorite movie" for people who don't watch movies.

>> No.3284741

there's nothing that wrong with photography
i'm tired of you actual plebs shitting all over the place
pls go

>> No.3284744

you're fucking pathetic

>> No.3284749

Trying so very hard

>> No.3284753


What about the film is intellectual?

>> No.3284756


Citizen Kane is shit.

Your taste is boring as all hell.

I'd like to see you try anything other than a widely accepted classic.

>> No.3284759

It's true though.

Bach is boring shit as well. Just a bunch of fucking major scale arpeggios. Only people who pretend to like him are people who want to look intelligent by claiming to like "classical music".

Jesus Christ you're like the epitome of a pseudo-intellectual sixteen year old.

>> No.3284760


You're trying too hard, friend. True sophistication comes with a discerning taste, not a taste comprised entirely of those things you heard of what them smart folks 'sposed to like.

Bach, chess, Citizen Kane, Quixote. Someone could have created this list to parody people like you. Be more honest about who you are. Because no real human being is this person.

>> No.3284766

I agree with you, Bach's the fucking worst.

>> No.3284769

Well it's not really that he was a bad composer, it's just that at the time musicians such as Bach were only *just* beginning to discover music theory and the like.

He was still massively influential and important to music, it's just that his compositions are the most awfully boring shit to ever grace the Earth.

>> No.3284774

Hayao Miyazaki’s love letter to the natural world is a rare film. It effortlessly transcends its allegorical message to become a legitimate work of genius, all while maintaining its status as one of the most imaginative action films of all time.

Set in feudal Japan, Princess Mononoke follows Ashitaka, a young warrior who, after being cursed by a demon, is forced to leave his village in search of a cure. In the process, he becomes embroiled in a battle between the Gods of the forest and the people of Irontown, an industrial town looking to expand their rapidly growing ironworks over the forest the gods call home.

As with all Miyazaki films, there are no straight forward villains, only characters with valid justification to their actions. Rather than taking the easy option of binary opposition, Miyazaki instead crafts a deeply human story – everyone is out to help themselves, not to hurt others – within a very inhuman world – Gods and monsters and curses and spirits. It’s great testament to the director that he manages to not only pull off this complex feat, but to do so in a film of such grand scale and ambition as Princess Mononoke can only be the meticulous work of a master craftsman.

Visually spectacular and thematically powerful, Princess Mononoke is, quite simply, one of the finest animated films ever made.

>> No.3284776


So it's merely a representation of the moment? I think that's fair enough. It is flawed but yeah fun and games. I think i'm getting far too into kill-joy territory.

>> No.3284778

Fuck your English distinction

All Dogs Go to Heaven
When the Wind Blows
The Iron Giant
The Boondocks
A Town Called Panic
The Illusionist
Chico and Rita

Also Waltz with Bashir isn't anime

>> No.3284779

one could like all those things and be a real human being. it is just taste. i would be more interested in how one developed one's personality around them. personality's the mould into which you can pour anything and long as the mould is good the rest is good even if there are rats running round on the inside.

>> No.3284781


so just because they are well known, you automatically assume I am lying just to be pretentious, nobody could actually love all those things, it's not like they are widely lauded because they are good right? It's just because people are being dishonest and try-hard.

this is often the mentality of the herd, if I don't like it others must be pretending to

>> No.3284782

That's like saying Watership Down isn't marketed to children

>> No.3284785

Y so srs?

>> No.3284788

that said bach is boring and i 'magine you listen to him enough you must be projecting a lot into bach that isn't there e.g. all your human passions. bach was a hack.

>> No.3284789

>Fuck your English distinction

I've clearly stated earlier in the thread that there are animated gems that have been produced in the non-English speaking world.

It's just that those gems are so uncommon that if the OP of this thread had asked specifically for your favorite animated film from the West, everyone would be naming the same fucking five or so movies.

Japan produces a much larger quantity of worthwhile animation than the West.

>> No.3284791
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>look at all these sheeple around me vile scum

I can't prove anything about your real taste but I'm reasonably certain you're pretentious and more than likely a middlebrow-as-fuck arsewipe.

>> No.3284793


To be honest, because I'm tired and this thread is just an ego-waving contest.

>> No.3284795

It's better that you're lying, otherwise you're merely suggesting that others are uncultured whilst having next to no taste yourself

>> No.3284797
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>these threads

>> No.3284799


Hex Enduction Hour - The Fall




No favourite, but I liked Hearts of Darkness a lot.

Don't partake of anime

Red Dead Redemption

This year: Ghostwritten - David Mitchell

>Graphic Novel

The Invisibles

>> No.3284804

Why aren't nonfic and non-anime TV shows categories?

The Flaming Lips - Embryonic or
Slowdive - Souvlaki
Winter Light probably
Meshes of the Afternoon and Synecdoche, New York are pretty great too
Beckett - Endgame
I don't usually watch documentaries, but if I had to pick, Man on Wire
Cowboy Bebop
I haven't played many, but I liked Limbo and Shadow of the Colossus
The Obscene Bird of Night
>Graphic Novel
I've only read V for Vendetta, which was alright

>> No.3284814


I really don't know.


Week End


Waiting for Godot


No real preference.






The Rules of Attraction

>Graphic Novel

Never read any.

>> No.3284817

I seriously can't wait for winter break to be over

>> No.3284820

Nah what you're doing is making a distinction in western (which is the correct opposition to anime given korean involvement), recognizing that western animation has a strong canon in both pre 1950 and outside of the anglosphere and have thus shaped your question so anime is being compared not against western animation but against almost purely British and American animation from a modern time period.
It's a childish move that recognizes anime has only achieved multiple works of worth very recently and thus aims to limit the opposition to the period in which it is strongest.
Additionally I'd struggle to go far past 10 intellectually stimulating animes

>> No.3284822

Any names you would like to recommend for someone interested in getting into the classics?
I like mozart, some by Wagner, perhaps some by Bruckner.
Suppose I like it somewhat simplistic.

>> No.3284824

Pierrot Le Fou
Infinite Jest
>Graphic Novel
I only read Scott Pilgrim which is good for what it is but I have no real opinion on the matter.

>> No.3284826


>Meshes of the Afternoon

Why is this your favourite film? You don't have to answer if you don't want to.

>> No.3284828


I second this request but you should know that I like Bach. Maybe one day I'll grow out of Bach but for now, I like Bach.

>> No.3284830

>implying these aren't the times when the real 4chan users show themselves.

>> No.3284835

Winter Light is my favorite. Meshes of the Afternoon is something that I watched recently that I really enjoyed. I find it so surreal and fascinating.

>> No.3284839

>half the thread is people listing
>one quarter is praise and questions/recommendations
>one quarter elitist shitflinging by people with no taste themselves
erry time

>> No.3284842

I would eat Miss Deren's pussy so bad if that's what you're asking.

Fiesty little one she is

>> No.3284847

Can - Tago Mago
Bela Tarr's Werckmeister Harmonies
Michael Snow's Wavelength
Albert Camus's Caligula
Waiting for Superman
Kenneth Patchen's Sleepers Awake

>> No.3284848

Isn't that essentially the point of the thread?...

>> No.3284857

>Can - Tago Mago
Brilliant album. Among my favorites, too.

>> No.3284861

No, I've clearly stated that there have been marvelous works of animation produced in Europe. I'm not denying that.

My point is that those animated gems tend to be pretty rare and obscure. The largest producer of animation in the west is France, who are themselves the largest consumers and biggest fans of Japanese anime in the west. Thus a large portion of French animation is largely inspired/influenced by anime.

Also I excluded pre-1950's animation since, while I agree that there was a strong western canon in that time period, Japan did not produce animation prior to the 1950's. Thus listing examples from this time period is irrelevant and moot.

> Additionally I'd struggle to go far past 10 intellectually stimulating animes

Your ignorance is evidence of nothing. If a person who is not well-read struggled to name ten good books, does that mean good books do not exist?

>> No.3284873

>My point is that those animated gems tend to be pretty rare and obscure
Just like in japan then

>> No.3284875

>Your ignorance is evidence of nothing. If a person who is not well-read struggled to name ten good books, does that mean good books do not exist?
Go on then name 20

>> No.3284878


>Additionally I'd struggle to go far past 10 intellectually stimulating animes

I'm not the guy you're arguing with but I'd like to know which worthwhile anime you think exist if it's more than 10. I like anime but I don't know if it's the best medium for intellectual stimulation over entertainment.

>> No.3284880

>Also I excluded pre-1950's animation since, while I agree that there was a strong western canon in that time period, Japan did not produce animation prior to the 1950's. Thus listing examples from this time period is irrelevant and moot.
"America didn't produce literature before 1620 thus we shouldn't factor in Shakespeare or Dante when comparing the literary output of nations"

>> No.3284887

>Just like in japan then

That is incorrect. For example, you're much more likely to be familiar with the film Akira than the film La Planète sauvage.

>> No.3284898

Well yeah Shakespeare and Dante are pretty irrelevant when discussing the validity of American literature as a form of art, and its quality as compared to contemporaries.

>> No.3284904

You're much more likely to be familiar with Persepolis than Tatami Galaxy. Picking two random weighted examples is fun!

>> No.3284914

>and its quality as compared to contemporaries.
Not at all, unless you phrased it "who has produced the best work in period x"

>> No.3284916

Led Zeppelin IV
Les maitres du temps, feherlofila, brazil, cassanova
la canarice chauve
100 years of solitude
>Graphic Novel
V for Vendetta

Okay okay... I'm kindofapleb

>> No.3284919
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>Anime is easily a more intellectual art form
>intellectual art form

>> No.3284924

Why don't yiou play bideo wehgos

>> No.3284928

I laughed.

>> No.3284930

I'm assuming you guys are allowing me to name both films and series since neither of you specified one or the other.

>Barefoot Gen
>Cowboy Bebop
>Dennou Coil
>Ergo Proxy
>Eve no Jikan
>Ghost in the Shell
>The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
>Grave of the Fireflies
>Great Teacher Onizuka
>Haibane Renmei
>Jin Roh
>Kino's Travels
>Legend of Galactic Heroes
>Millennium Actress
>Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind
>Neon Genesis Evangelion + End of Evangelion
>Paranoia Agent
>Perfect Blue
>The Place Promised in Our Early Days
>Princess Mononoke
>Revolutionary Girl Utena
>Serial Experiments Lain
>Spirited Away
>Summer Wars
>Tatami Galaxy
>Welcome to the NHK

The list could go on, those are just some pretty well known ones.

>> No.3284933

Gap var ginnunga by Wardruna.
(Honourable mention: The Tolkien Ensemble)
The King's Speech
Can't think of one.
Too many to choose. I watch a lot of natural history and science documentaries.
Pleb shit. I can't stand anime. It's over the top and for emo boys.
I'm a very, very casual gamer. I've recently started playing Half Life. I played WoW for years, but have since stopped.
I don't read a lot of fiction. Last thing I read was Ancient Rome: The Rise and Fall of an Empire by Simon Baker.
>Graphic Novel
Pleb shit.

>> No.3284935

>Lost in Translation
>Cowboy Bebop

Jesus fuck how pleb you make MM look in that list

>> No.3284938
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Ok Computer
Into the Wild
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Spirited Away / Western : The Sword in the Stone or Once upon a forest
Ocarina of Time
The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test
>Graphic Novel
V for Vendetta.

>> No.3284940

>The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
>Neon Genesis Evangelion + End of Evangelion
>Cowboy Bebop
>Perfect Blue
How are these intellectually stimulating?

>> No.3284942

Pretty Odd, fuck you it's actually a really good album
Waiting for Godot
>I like documentaries but having a favourite one is retarded
Starcraft 2
Lolita by Vladmir Nabakov
>Implying graphic novels are good

>> No.3284944

This better be one of them 'jokes'

>> No.3284947

>Album- Loveless
>Film- 2001
>Play- Hamlet
>Documentary- I haven't watched many so I can't judge
>Anime- Serial Experiments Lain
>Videogame- Super Metroid
>Novel- Mrs. Dalloway
>Graphic Novel- Watchmen

>> No.3284949

Swans - Soundtracks for the blind

The Spirit of the Beehive

Waiting For Godot

The Emperor's Naked Army Marches On



Paris Peasant

>Graphic Novel

For now anyway, I don't really have a set in stone favourite for things. It's in a state perpetual fluidity.

>> No.3284952
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>Album - Sunset Tree - The Mountain Goats
>Film - Pi
>Play - Cyrano de Bergerac
>Documentary - Jesus Camp
>Anime - Shoujo Kakumei Utena (so much mindfucks)
>Videogame - Zelda series overall has a lot of feelgoodsman
>Novel - Journey to the East
>Graphic Novel - Watchmen, mostly because of the balance of clever writing AND illustration

>> No.3284954

Evangelion is deep psychological analysis and a battle of Freud vs Jung and Jung wins

>> No.3284959

Well if you're talking about who influenced whom then I guess it's relevant, but otherwise it's not.

If you want to play that game though then it goes like this:

>early Disney influenced Japanese animation
>Japanese animation in turn influenced French animation, and later the majority of western animation
>Japanese animation begins influencing modern Disney animation

>> No.3284960

No, Cowboy Bebop is fucking terrible, and Lost in Translation is good but as the greatest film of all time it's a joke.

MM is arguably the greatest video game so it is acceptable but the other two are the greatest ever if you're 15 years old.

>> No.3284962

Anime would be the girl who leapt through time

>> No.3284963

I think he was confusing anime and manga.

>> No.3284965
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The Complete Caruso
Withnail and I
Volcano: An Inquiry into the Life and Death of Malcolm Lowry
Dark Souls
Illusions perdues
>Graphic Novel

>> No.3284974

>Cowboy Bebop is fucking terrible
Just curious to hear your reasons.

>> No.3284978
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>MM is arguably the greatest video game so it is acceptable but the other two are the greatest ever if you're 15 years old.
Where can I buy a new one guys? I think it broke

>> No.3284981

What is bad about MM and was is the greatest video game to you?

>> No.3284990

Keep in mind that I was also responding to a guy who asked purely for "worthwhile anime" as well. If you do not believe those five examples are intellectually stimulating, you're free to choose from any of my other examples. I listed 33, you only asked for 20.

The others are arguable, but I'm not sure how you wouldn't consider Perfect Blue at least somewhat intellectually stimulating. Unless of course you haven't actually seen it. It's essentially the animated equivalent of an Alfred Hitchcock film.

>> No.3284991

>Lost in Translation is good but as the greatest film of all time
Can you even read?

>> No.3284989


>> No.3284996

I picked those that I have seen and have a good memory of

>> No.3284999

>but as the greatest film of all time it's a joke
>favorite movie /= greatest film of all time

>> No.3285001

Yes, why?

>> No.3285012

Well there's still 28 more examples if those five don't meet your criteria of "intellectually stimulating" or "worthwhile".

>> No.3285009

How come few people read literature and watch anime?

>> No.3285013

I do not listen to much music.
A Separation
The Importance of Being Earnest
Cowboy Bebop
League of Legends
Lonesome Dove
>Graphic Novel

>> No.3285019

Both are huge timesinks, being interested in everything in the OP makes it really hard for me to explore any of them without neglecting the others

>> No.3285026

Nashville Skyline by Bob Dylan


The Importance of Being Ernest

I liked the one about the list books of the Bible on the History Channel.

Dragonball Z

>video game
Chibi Robo/ Animal Crossing

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

>graphic novel

>> No.3285036

get a load of this pleb

>> No.3285031

If you neglect your social life and knock video games and graphic novels off the list, it's easy to achieve a pretty in depth knowledge of all the things in the OP.

>> No.3285033

The Always Open Mouth
The Science of Sleep
The Actor's Nightmare
>Documentative photocapturation
Encounters at the End of the World
Chrono Trigger
Death on the Installment Plan
>Picturized Wordery
Jimmy Corrigan, the Smartest Kid on Earth

>> No.3285035


I'm sorry but some of those are very far from intellectually stimulating. I'm not saying they are bad but you should try to discern between enjoyment and intellectual stimulation more because your point has gone flat. At best they teeter on the minimal profundity that you'd find in a lot of teen novels. I like anime but you're making odd claims. At least half just confuse me in their inclusion. None more so than overly trite and offensively melancholic/sentimental, The Girl Who Leapt Through Time.

>> No.3285038
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No real favorite, but I'm really digging Bal-Sagoth right now
No favorite, but most recently I enjoyed Drive
Haven't watched many plays
Haven't watched those in a long time, may watch one of those "Planet Earth" ones, I like nature stuff
E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy
Book of the New Sun was great
>Graphic Novel
BLAME! (pic related)

>> No.3285040

Why would I give up three things which give me great enjoyment

>> No.3285041

Well having it as your favorite movie makes you a fucking plebeian.

>> No.3285042



>> No.3285045

4/10, slightly considered replying with a reaction image

>> No.3285046

is /mu/ leaking?
hard to pick, maybe a saucerfull of secrets pink floyd, or beck- one foot in the grave, or slowdive- just for a day
i even own a television
never seen one
i dont own a muthafucking television
haha no.
kirby is a cool game
ive never read a book, ever
>graphic novel
im over the age of 13

>> No.3285049

>None more so than overly trite and offensively melancholic/sentimental, The Girl Who Leapt Through Time.
I'm interested to see someone else think this, after seeing the acclaim I thought I had just missed something

>> No.3285050

currently, Advance Base - Shut In's Prayer
Titus Andronicus
Shut Up, Little Man!
Uh... Enjoy Your Time In The Era Of Eden
Dwarf Fortress
Hmm.. A Scanner Darkly or We
>Graphic Novel
Transmetropolitan- I hate Spider Jerusalem, but the world is so amazingly detailed.

>> No.3285052

Radiohead - The Bends
Saving Private Ryan
King Lear
Megaman X
I am the Cheese
>Graphic Novel
Sorry, don't read
Come on, gimme your best shot. How pleb am I?

>> No.3285053

Says the guy fucking arguing for majora's mask

>> No.3285064

What's bad about Majora's Mask? What's the greatest video game to you?

>> No.3285057


It's essentially the equivalence of an early Christopher Nolan film. Hitchcock it is not. I'm finding your claims absurd anon.

>> No.3285059

How was your 16th birthday?

>> No.3285068

Again, I was also replying to someone who asked for anime that is "worthwhile". I don't consider all of it "intellectually stimulating", which is why I listed quite a bit more than just 20.

There are 33 series/movies in that list. If it makes you happy just pick the 20 that you find most intellectually stimulating. If you can not find 20 that you find intellectually stimulating, I'd be happy to name a few more. Obviously, tastes differ. That's why it's a good thing that there's such an abundance of interesting animation being produced in Japan as compared to the rest of the world.

>> No.3285069

Dark Side of the Moon
The Wall
Socrates, by Voltaire
Bowling for Columbine (Yes, I'm aware I suck at this)
Death Note
Mother 3; Braid
Les Miserables
>Graphic Novel
V for Vendetta

>> No.3285084

Good list.

>> No.3285077

Boris - Flood
Synecdoche, New York
Pleb. Haven't watched much
Pleb. Comedian or Dark Days, recently
>Anime, Manga
Neon Genesis Evangelion (bite me), Dorohedoro
Yume Nikki, Counter-Strike: Source
Pleb. Cat's Cradle
>Graphic Novel
Pleb. Only read Watchmen
>TV Series (adding this)
Louie, Curb Your Enthusiasm

>> No.3285080

Neat claim there, I couldn't help but notice you provided no argument to back it up.

Please explain in detail what detractors separate Perfect Blue from Hitchcock's filmography?

>> No.3285090

Going to watch that film now since we both share Loveless and Hamlet.

>> No.3285095

Not everyone likes the same things. Go figure.

>> No.3285103

Some people are dumber than others. Go figure.

>> No.3285107

>What's bad about Majora's Mask?
It's the game every kid played and thus looks back upon nostalgically. It's well made but not exceptional. Interestingly the experiences of someone who has been to japan and watched LiT and the person who played MM as a kid will be similar.
I'd suggest Metal Gear Solid for such a hallowed title as greatest because of the dearth of innovations it brought forth, with some of it's best tricks fulling utilizing the video game medium.

>> No.3285114

>I'd suggest Metal Gear Solid for such a hallowed title as greatest
You mean Metal Gear Solid 2.

>> No.3285116

Acclaim usually implies great quality, I dislike the writing of Conrad but I recognise why it is so acclaimed

>> No.3285119

It's possible to like or dislike things without paying regards to the opinions of others or to your own image.

You'll realize this when you're no longer a sixteen year old pseudo-intellectual.

>> No.3285120

No, MGS brought so many firsts including the ai system present that it deserves it

>> No.3285124


I can't pick out 20 which I would call Intellectually stimulating. This is my problem.

You saying 'taste' makes me think we regard 'intellectually stimulating' as something different altogether. I think of intellectual stimulation as (challenging) works which require audience participation due to the removal of narrative coherence for a purpose. Something which represents a profound idea that isn't clear cut.

>> No.3285142

Then why do you have difficulty recognizing the reasons The Girl Who Leapt Through Time is acclaimed? It's imaginative, engaging, and visually pleasing.

It's not "pleb" to dislike it or whatever, those are just the reasons people do like it. I'm not the biggest fan of the film myself, but I can easily see its appeal.

>> No.3285155

/mu/ here doing an emergency privilege check
>not listening to entire albums
pleb level: tween girl
>band of horses
come on, man, grow a pair and stop listening to shitty alt rock
you're good
p4k-drone tier taste; you can get better if you try
you can go, but i have my eye n you
Here Comes The Indian is clearly the superior choice, but you get a pass
i love you (jesus christ)
you get a pass, but don't you dare start listening to kvlt metal
kill yourself
not even trying
meal is for kids
Plebbier than MTV
terrible album choice/terrible band choice
it's THE Sunset Tree, you pleb
and acoustic or mastered release
trying way too hard
self-aware pleb
oh god so pleb
just kill yourself now
trying too hard
reddit-tier taste
also reddit-tier
so pleb i don't even
you'll never be black
good man!
Keep on trooping on!
p4k-tier flavor of the month wannabe rapper, in three months you'll be riding the dick of the next big pleb craze
you're pleb but i can respect you
anne frank-tier
uber pleb
you pass
Massive faggot
I can respect you, but pleb
You sir are a patrician
Pleb who thinks he's patrician

>> No.3285156

It's also possible for me to call you out when it's obvious you have shit taste. I still like and dislike what I want to, and will point out what a pleb you are on the internet.

>> No.3285159


I think Perfect Blue is pretty similar with Nolan's films, in particular the themes of Memento, Insomnia and The Prestige. This is mainly because of the way the narrative is constructed behind an elaborate lie. Truth is obscured from the audience through the entire film until the end We feel uneasy but we don't know why. He often blends the realm of magic, or suspense of disbelief in reality. I'd say the style of Perfect Blue is more Nolan-like, darker (Insomnia), revolving around an act (The Prestige).

With Hitchcock we tend to be aware that there is an issue from the beginning. He builds tension up and we work our way to that point, driving the narrative. This is around an obvious Macguffin, which Perfect Blue doesn't seem to have in favour of the obscuring truth and jumbling up possibilities that is more Nolan-like.

Nolan has been remarked as a fan of Perfect Blue as well so that definitely entered my thought.

Mostly what I meant is that I think it's more Nolan-like than Hitchcock but I don't discount Hitchcockian themes in Perfect Blue.

That's just my opinion man.

>> No.3285163

>Pink Floyd- Animals

You must be 18 or older to post on this site.

>> No.3285167

I'm going to step in and say TGWLTT is a refreshing execution of romance, if only relative to anime.
Likewise, I would say Kare Kano belongs on that list if TGWLTT makes the cut.

>> No.3285176


Do you not think it's overly sentimental. Like it's poking a stick in the eyes of sincerity and trying to get a rise out of its audience for emotionally manipulative purposes?

>> No.3285178

That's a pretty poor definition of "intellectual stimulation" and it reeks of pseudo-intellectualism.

By your definition Kirsanoff and Braglagia should be two of the greatest directors to ever live, no? And Andy Warhol's film Empire should be one of the most intellectually stimulating films ever made, correct?

>> No.3285192

Trying waaaaaay too hard
bach is a shit-tier composer
you get a pass
pleb, but you know it
Indecisive faggot
pleb, but you can ascend easily
You must be 18 years or older to post on this site.
Trying too hard
Plebby pleb pleb
It actually is quite a good example of baroque pop, but still pleb
Don't Pleb, Ascend!
You're close to patrician, but you're trying too hard.
Eat a gigantic dick
Pleb as shit
You get a pass.
10/10 ultimate patrician
Not even the best Radiohead album, you pleb
Pleb level: Youtube commenter
You. Stop trying.

>> No.3285195

>when it's obvious you have shit taste

How would you know? I haven't made any posts in this thread besides those two.

Are you making assumptions based on the image I've presented? If so that's a very pseudo-intellectual thing to do and you're just proving my point.

>> No.3285201


Perhaps. I don't think it matters how it looks personally. I'm just trying to distinguish between intellectual stimulation and normal stimulation. Intellectual stimulation seems to require a need for thought rather than having everything presented at a shallow level.

If it didn't require thought (through narrative incoherence or just exchange from a normal narrative or whatever) then it would cease to be intellectually stimulating and just be stimulating. I'm not saying it's better. It just seems necessary to require some thought in able to grasp the hidden meaning, presuming of course something has a purposefully constructed meaning beyond that which exists on an obvious plane.

At that point, i'd step in and say a lot of those anime shows don't require intellectual thought in order to grasp them hence they aren't intellectually stimulating.

>> No.3285203

It's hard to be anything but saccharine if set in high school romance. I think there is enough childish comedy and lightheartedness though.

It's harder to sum it all up and defend it as "intellectual" though.

>> No.3285205

I'm speaking in general. If I see one of the posts here with shit taste, I will call them out on it.

The fact that you don't want to get your fragile ego shattered doesn't make me a pseudo-intellectual, it just further proves that I know better than you do.

>> No.3285209

In this thread, idiots run around claiming intellectual superiority while criticizing others based only on their limited taste and personality.

>> No.3285210

Enjoys artists expression. Pleb.Subjectivity. I know you're just joking around man but I can't believe people actually think this way.

>> No.3285211

Fair enough, I can respect that.

>> No.3285214

meant for:

>> No.3285217

So it's a Psych 101 class. Good to know it's freshman semester anime.

>> No.3285220

There is good artistic expression and there is shitty artistic expression.
The difference between pleb and patrician is the difference between reading John Grisham novels and reading <insert your favorite philosopher here>

>> No.3285226

>implying Jung's philosophy isn't beyond anything you will learn in a psychology major

>> No.3285233

this guy is the best thing about this thread

>> No.3285241
File: 1.18 MB, 1366x768, EoE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eva isn't really "deep" per se. The series itself never actually does really get any deeper than, as you say, a Psych 101 class.

End of Evangelion is just experimental film that makes everyone who watches it go "lol wat" and desperately search for an explanation as to what was going on. That's the main reason Eva is considered "deep".

>> No.3285245


Fair enough. I wouldn't argue against its appeal.

>> No.3285248

Actually I was implying the Eva is gateway anime. Akin to Naruto and DBZ but for those who like to pretend they're intellectuals.

>> No.3285254

Oh. What's do you think is the greatest anime, just wondering?

>> No.3285257

Anything Taylor Swift
many to mention
boring shit.
Revolution OS
The Hobbit
>Graphic Novel

>> No.3285261

>and desperately search for an explanation as to what was going on
But is there an explanation as to what was going o?

>> No.3285271

Sword of the Stranger, because I enjoy being well entertained and not because I'm trying to convince myself that I'm learning something.

>> No.3285277

Can I play?

Paavoharju - Yhä Hämärää
Chungking Express and In the Mood For Love get honorary mention
Titus Andronicus
The Devil and Daniel Johnston
Azumanga Daioh
System Shock 2
Romance of the Three Kingdoms, read it twice
>Graphic Novel
Don't really read graphic novels

>> No.3285282
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Shinji masturbates to a comatose Asuka then everybody in the world turns into Tang.

>> No.3285285

I honestly believe Evangelion represents an apex of narrative in anime, and that if we are to hold literature as the highest standard (and I believe so too) then NGE is one of the closest anime series to make the literary cut.

I'm open to a debate this right now but only if you'll join earnestly.

>> No.3285294


I'd like to say yes and say it's mainly concerned with an existential idea of being. That is the point of the show when all is said and done it seems. I agree with the other guy that the depth of EVA is mostly in how obtuse it is.

Still, a lot of people likely have resentment towards it for its pretentiousness. I can emphasise. I think it is. But then I think there's no one right way to present ideas and don't think it is.

People seem to really like the symbolism in Fantastic Planet but EVA gets bad rep and I think a lot is down to the bias of the medium it exists in. I find that unfair.

>> No.3285297

The first two are actually good though

>> No.3285299
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It's not really as deep as people make it out to be honestly.

I still maintain that Utena is the "deepest" anime ever made.

>> No.3285300
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Yeah here you go.

>> No.3285312

How many of those have you actually seen though? I find it kind of hard to believe that someone who doesn't like anime would have seen all those animes.

>> No.3285319

Well, see, words like "deep" aren't very conducive to an earnest discussion.
But I think you know that and I'll take it that you've declined my offer.

>> No.3285322

>I find that unfair.

Popular things attract a lot of criticism, fair or otherwise. Welcome to the internet.

>> No.3285328

>I still maintain that Utena is the "deepest" anime ever made.
But Lain is the best.

>> No.3285334
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The only authentic patrician in this thread is the guy giving the harsh reviews.

>> No.3285336

Visually and animation-wise I'm inclined to agree with you.

>> No.3285337

I guess I should add that Evangelion was my gateway into literature.

>> No.3285348

What's the very bottom pic? I've seen it before

>> No.3285355

Oh nevermind it's end of eva

>> No.3285356

End of Evangelion

>> No.3285364


I do like anime. Not sure if you saw my attempt at defending what I'd call 'intellectually stimulation' above though. Might make things clear. Might be flawed. Might be both.


F.Y.I. I don't think presentation of narrative has to be as difficult in order to require thought as I seems that I made out I did.

>How many of those have you actually seen though?

>>Akira x
>>Cowboy Bebop
>>Eve no Jikan
>>Ghost in the Shell x
>>The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
>>Grave of the Fireflies
>>Great Teacher Onizuka
>>Kaiba x
>>Kino's Travels
>>Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind
>>Neon Genesis Evangelion + End of Evangelion x
>>Paranoia Agent x
>>Perfect Blue
>>The Place Promised in Our Early Days
>>Serial Experiments Lain x
>>Tatami Galaxy x
>>Texhnolyze x
>>Welcome to the NHK

Those ones. I've marked an x next to the ones I think require some thought.

Add to that:

Angels Egg x
Cat Soup x

Maybe i'm in agreement with you. I did think i'd initially struggle with 10. My actual assumption is that there just aren't many anime shows which require thought to get their deeper meaning (many not really having that much of a difficult meaning behind them). I don't discount the medium altogether.

>> No.3285406

I would put these up for dispute:
>Mind Game
>Wings of Honneamise
>Princess Tutu

>> No.3285566
File: 11 KB, 300x200, Book of Leviathan - Peter Blegvad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine. My favored:
Too many and too varied to count.
Ran, Ikiru, Nights of Cabiria, The Dark Crystal, THX 1138, Blade Runner, to stop at six
I've seen a few in film adaptations, (Sunset Limited, Arsenic and Old Lace) but only one live. (Death of a Salesman)
Most recently saw The Corporation, The Most Dangerous Man in America, and How to Draw a Bunny
I enjoy Hayao Miyazaki and Satoshi Kon films
I like the design aspect of some of them, but I've never been a game player
I feel I'm too new to judge fairly really. I have some classics on my shelves waiting in line though.
>Graphic Novel
Or manga? Or comic anthology? Or illustrated children's book?

>> No.3285649

>The Strokes - Is This It

>Pineapple Express

>only seen a couple and the best was Beauty and the Beast

>Super Size Me

>High School of the Dead

>Fallout 3

>Slaughterhouse Five


I'm 18 do I have potential?

>> No.3285686

If I must...

Kind of Blue, Eingya by Helios is up there as well.

Favourite this year is Gojira's new album: L'enfant Sauvage.

No Country for Old Men
Fellowship of the Ring

Othello / Waiting for Godot

The Bridge (2006) - I can't remember many documentaries that I've watched, but this one hit me pretty hard.

HA, you are joking aren't you?

Football Manager series, not a big gamer but the Metal Gear Solid series will always have a place in my heart.

The Stranger
Honourable mention: Ulysses

>Graphic Novel
Well I've only read like 2 graphic novels in my life, but Watchmen was okay.

Don't worry, I'm 18 too, but my birthday is in a few weeks.

>> No.3285694

>Don't worry, I'm 18 too, but my birthday is in a few weeks.
>not sure if unaware of troll or playing along strangely

>> No.3285762

>implying an 18 year old could understand the immense depth of Ulysses

Oh wait I'm being trolled aren't I?

>> No.3286672

>>Fallout 3

Pleb detected.

>> No.3288745
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>> No.3288745,1 [INTERNAL] 
