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/lit/ - Literature

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3279134 No.3279134 [Reply] [Original]

Leisurely reads for a high schooler?

Pic related, something in that genre, I loved it in high school.

inb4 you all suggest difficult novels so anons think you were intelligent in high school

>> No.3279135

Jim Butcher's stuff is fairly good fantasy. I read a bunch of his books in high school.

I don't really read Fantasy anymore but a lot of people seem to like Patrick Rothfuss's books, too.

>> No.3279140

I'll look into them, thanks.

Also, they don't all have to be fantasy, anything will do. Fantasy is merely a preference.

>> No.3279144

>implying there aren't high-schoolers already more intelligent than most adults could ever hope to be

>> No.3279145

Well the average high schooler probably wouldn't even pick up most books, but for the ones who do..

>> No.3279165

>implying i wasn't cruising through aquinas in high school

plebs. here's a bunch of fantasy shit im making into a rec pic
Manchild classics:
Jules Verne
H.G. Wells
Edgar Rice Burroughs
H.P. Lovecraft
Robert E. Howard
Isaac Asimov (Foundation trilogy, Robot trilogy, selected short stories)
Robert A. Heinlein (The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, Starship Troopers, selected short stories)
Arthur C. Clarke (2001 series, Rama series, selected short stories)
Frank Herbert (Dune series)

Manchild fantasy:
Patrick Rothfuss
Brandon Sanderson
Joe Abercrombie
R. Scott Bakker
Peter Brett
Jim Butcher

The Bartimaeus Trilogy
His Dark Materials trilogy
Lord of the Rings + Hobbit
Harry Potter
Song of Ice and Fire
Ender's Game
Hunger Games
Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy
Inheritance Cycle
Kingkiller Chronicles

-Ranger's Apprentice (first one off my head, perhaps a bit too childish for you, but it's good for an hour read)
-Fablehaven (same as above)
-The Edge Chronicles (weirdass fantasy/steampunk setting)

-The Tapestry (dystopian/sci-fi)

>> No.3279168

>implying high school isn't the time to get all dat edgy 2deep4u Nietzsche, Bill Hicks, Hunter S Thompson, Bukowski, Harlan Ellison, Kafka, Dostoyevsky, Camus, Sartre shit out of the way so you can progress to real lit afterwards

>> No.3279170
File: 48 KB, 630x316, AbhorsenTrilogy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3279171

>implying anyone read being and time in high school
>implying anyone in high school understands Nietzsche

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