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3278664 No.3278664[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why is everything lucrative and pragmatic boring and tedious, but everything artistic and philosophical extremely useless and hard to make a living with?

>> No.3278673



>> No.3278678

because you are a miserable neet who doesn't know how to tie your shoes and is not willing to get out of your comfort zone to sit through some boring book once in a while or to struggle past your first job in a creative area you dipshit

>> No.3278684

if art was profitable everyone would do it. they pay you to sit in your fucking cubicle and not be creative. I mean, they have to give you a reason to stay there until your ass and mind go numb.

>> No.3278683

because you're shit

i'm in finance
i love everyday at work because i love money, power, and learning how to acquire the two

>> No.3278688


Hi, sociopath

>> No.3278689

Welcome to the disease that is life.

>> No.3278691

Even though we can reach upper levels of the hierarchy things, these metaphysical abstractions are simply removed in subject from the more tangible primal states of our lives.
You pontificate on thought itself? That's nice but little Timmy still wants a playstation 3 and we need more people working on AIDS research.

Don't misunderstand I think abstractions are tremendously important but the fact is they are removed from the incidental incidents of life events. But naturally the ones most desired are ones which can be used to compare specific cases, like economics for instance. More broadly this applies to anything like programming to make video games, physics to build solar sails, etc etc.

>> No.3278692

>if art was profitable everyone would do it

What if we just eliminated profit?

>> No.3278694

not sociopathic, just aware

>> No.3278700

Art pays. You just have to stand out.

It's just false to say it doesn't. People will pay you huge ammounts of cash for creative work, for something only a handful of people can do well, believe me.

>> No.3278701

Because pragmatism often appeals to as low a denominator as it can pull off whilst art and philosophy strive too high and often alienate.

But I suppose I could have just said Capitalism in its current state.

>> No.3278702


>being this mad about a simple question

>> No.3278705
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>> No.3278704


Of what?

>> No.3278706


>Art pays. You just have to stand out.

So you don't have to be good. Just stand out?

It's not that I don't think good artists get paid highly, only that I also think a lot of good artists don't.

>> No.3278709

Because everyone wants to do fun shit, so naturally boring shit has a higher demand.

Are you mentally challenged?

>> No.3278712

life, people
not even mad brah

>> No.3278719


That's a rather sadistic way of putting it. You think they're paying you to suffer? There's a job to do that they feel needs to be done. You can do it, or you can't. Maybe you don't like it, maybe it's the best you've got but not enough. But there's probably a North Korean who would kill to do menial work all day and spend a fraction of his wages eating out every night. Of course he'll probably get tired of this soon and become disillusioned with the glamours of service, but deal with it bitch.

The neat thing is: It doesn't stop you from being creative. Crying because you wish you could write books for a living is retarded -write them. You don't need talent to become a NYT bestseller.
(Wahh my artistic purity) Write something good bitch, if it really is unique and relevant people will pick up on it, you daft smegmatic prick.

OH NO! My job's sucking my SOUL! Jesus christ motherfucker how did you graduate if this society erodes your will so easy, bury it, wouldn't have gone far unfettered anyway...

>> No.3278721

I have a degree in philosophy.
I went back and got a degree in math.

I work in finance also. The money is nice, but I have nothing to spend it on. The job is tedious and it'll take a few years to get promoted to anything interesting.

I hate the environment. I hate dealing with clients and their problems and explaining simple shit to them. I hate the 9-5 schedule. I waking up early to get there early. I hate the 7-3 shift. I hate the 8-4 shift. I hate sucking up to bosses and being cheery and optimistic all the time.

I hate team days and "team building exercises" to motivate us to work like a team.

I hate commuting to work. I hate commuting back from work. Rush hour is awful.
I don't have enough free time.
When I do have free time I'm too tired to do anything, working in an office sucks your energy.

I don't even need this much money. But if I get a shitty job my parents and friends will think I'm retarded. I'll feel overqualified. I can't work a shitty minimum wage or labor job when I have 2 degrees and am full of myself.

>> No.3278730

Since artistic/philosophical things are considered fun by more people, more people go into them. Since engineering/CS/accounting/econ are considered not fun by most people, fewer people go into these fields. Since there is a great demand for programmers/engineers and fewer persons trained in these fields, companies must pay more for their services. This is called supply and demand.

TLDR, what this anon said >>3278673

>> No.3278733

The most fun I had was being in University. Studying at my own pace, working out, hanging with friends.

I always hated the idea of "working" and having a "schedule"

>> No.3278734

>trying to be an artist because you want money

>> No.3278738


Econ is useless. It's not a pre-req to any job. Except working at the Fed.

And even then its better to have a degree in math/stats instead.

>> No.3278739

>not dual majoring in math/econ

>> No.3278743

>>not dual majoring in math/econ

waste of time. the econ might as well be philosophy or history.

math/comp sci is actually relevant and very useful.

>> No.3278744


I know Econ majors that got good jobs as analysts at hedge funds and shit...that's why I put it on there. You are correct that math/stats is better.

By the way OP, I was going to be an English major...I wanted to go into academia. Then I decided I liked money so I went into CS. It's been like an arranged marriage: I've grown to love it. I can always read good lit on my own. I don't need to study it professionally.

>> No.3278759

go for financial independence. Look up early retirement extreme.

>> No.3278755

Feels good being a dentist. 3 days (10 hours) a week.

>> No.3278761

Well, stand out is more fitting as a term here because there are other ways to stand out besides being good, though being good is one of them.

But it's a combination of factors. I know that good and responsible artists get paid well. They have to know how to sell their fish, but what I mean, mostly, is that the market demands a big range of artists and that there is room for one to get paid well if one is willing and good.

I see a lot of young artists getting stuck at conventional illustrations, often accompanied with a somewhat entitled position that doesn't make them get into it for real. They slowly progress on what they do, but don't expand or adapt themselves. So they happen to perpetuate even more the idea that the market is closed for artists and being an artist means being poor, while that is not true.

>> No.3278768


>> No.3278772


I don't think it's so much the fault of capitalism as it is the fact that...well, there is a reason they have to pay people to do those things. No one is going to do those tedious things for free. There are occupations that are lucrative but require no effort, you could be a landlord, for example.

>> No.3278774

Why does candy taste so good and makes you fat, but veges taste like shit and r good for u

>> No.3278776


Yes, but my ideal is to do nothing, just read a bit, walk around, play some video games, study somethings I like superficially...draw a bit, but basically do nothing.

I can't get paid to do nothing no matter how good I get at it.

>> No.3278782
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>Why does candy taste so good
Because sugar
>but veges taste like shit
Because you're not utilizing them correctly

>> No.3278785

online media commentator

>> No.3278786

you don't need money to survive, only food and shelter. join a monkhood, bro

>> No.3278790


Wow, nigger. You just went full retard. Now the whole thread goes down the drain, you are just a fucking teenager.

>> No.3278794

You're lazy and retarded if you expect anything from that. You won't get paid to do nothing. If you want to draw for a living, you'll have to draw well and sell that shit and put a real effort in it. If you want to do ANYTHING, you'll have to put an effort. Even in doing nothing you'll have to put an effort, because if you are not just a playboy, the shit will hit the fan and you'll have to move your lazy ass sooner or later and it will be much harder then.

Grow up. That's basicly it.

>> No.3278796

>you are just a fucking teenager.

No, I have 2 degrees and work in finance.

My dream is to not have to do anything for anyone, and just do what I want all day, basically do nothing all day, but have money to live comfortably and simply

>> No.3278798


This thread is now sugar.

>> No.3278809

Go to psych.

Say you are depressed, might kill yourself. Act[?] crazy, but be believable. Get put in psych ward for a few days.

Apply for disability. You will get it after being in psych ward.

>> No.3278816


>> No.3278818


Doesn't that require upkeep, constant visits, therapy, medication, filling out forms, probably my family would get involved, etc

Too much of a hassle

>> No.3278830

Lol, stop giving terrible ideas.

>> No.3278839

not actually true. and you might get stabbed in the eye with a pen while you're there.

>> No.3278846

I don't believe you, but I'll just play along and assume you said the truth.

Then you are just a fucking teenager at heart and should man the fuck up.

>> No.3278883

>Then you are just a fucking teenager at heart and should man the fuck up.

Have you ever played an MMO? Have you grinded?

I hate grinding. I always used a bot to do the tedious work for me.

Problem is, there are no bots in this game, and everyone is grinding away mindlessly doing stupid shit all day. Their lives revolve around getting to work, waking up early, going to sleep on time so they won't be late for tomorrow's grind.

Grinders are suckers. And unfortunately I'm in the grinding phase now.

>> No.3278939

lol this guy thinks literally EVERYONE is in on the conspiracy to make you a mindless drone

stay delusional and paranoid, you fucking lunatic. you have literally no grasp of reality