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/lit/ - Literature

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3275565 No.3275565 [Reply] [Original]

Spontaneous poetry thread?
Yeahhhhh, spontaneous poetry thread.
That's the poem.

>> No.3275567

I like this spontaneous poetry thread

It's rad as fuaaack

Bitches gun' be mirin' my poems

>> No.3275580

Cruisin up to some bitches spittin verses

Spontaneously, sporadic, what have you.

I'll pop some caps in their asses.

Rhyme that, bitches.

>> No.3275588

ruff rough ruff
barked the Dog up the wrong bark tree
and who is to think that goD
is rough ruff with me

>> No.3275597

Shannon, my cock's still hard.
December 24th, alone,
and scarred.

Lips, red, and wet
can't escape
my mind.

Shannon, I have
two joints - we can
go get high.

I'll rub your crotch
and you'll call me
your guy.

Shannon, oh Shannon
why must I cry
alone, drunk, and high...

>> No.3275598
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I had a date once,
with a Vietnamese beaut, or some type of Indian.

I decided to murder her, out of confusion and stresses.
I enjoyed killing her by rolling a rock on her,
I was a huge Zepplin fan.
When incarceration became me,
I held no grudge,
She was my lady buying a stairway to heaven.

>> No.3275602

I never once had a date,
with a Vietnamese beaut, or some type of Indian,
nor any other creature of love nor hate.

~ fin

~ fin

>> No.3275606

So on and so on
Zizek rails
against capitalist
so sublime
his critique.

Sitting in Starbucks
two ristrettos in
feeling good knowing
that my money
well spent.

They set up good
programs to help up
poor kids. I bought my
redemption from
capitalist sin.

Is this the case,
Zizek, as you claim
it is? Or am I just
foolish and

>> No.3275620

Seems just trivial and dangerous now
Not worth it’s weight
Tried distracting – amusing myself
Flipped through the Qur’an
Sat and chanted an OM
Bored by Nietzsche

Perhaps psychopathy is best
Camus made it look respectable
Just you and I, old chum – snickered
It births the most interesting people after all
Better crazy than boring
And never met one that seemed so

Tried all
Then tried nothing
The bent stick – as they say
Great for seeing the world
And all reaches of the mind
Never returns quite back to where it was, though

I think I broke myself
Shouldn’t have played with my food
Shouldn’t have read so much poetry
Made it look all right to be mad
To be content with living with a delusion so long
That it becomes reality

>> No.3275632

Man is the measure
Protagoras claims.
Can we bear the burden
of this weighty thing

this task, an uphill
battle, struggle, toiling,
until weak?

we're alone on dark
city streets

the only light above
goes out at dawn
when the sun rises
and blinds.

Take my poems
we can be bosom
friends. We can read
Whitman, Ginsberg,
and dance to the beat

generation that we echo.

>> No.3275636
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Nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga
I'm one hundred per cent nigga

Nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga
I'm two hundred per cent nigga

>> No.3275651

12:27 a.m. basement blues.
Neckbeard - unshaven
and dick cheese
smells good.

Reading Levertov
and rubbing one out
thinking of her
wrinkled snout.

Videos of third-wave
feminism scare me.
What privileges do I
have, really?

Fat, balding at age
22. I still get high
from sniffing glue.

Can't even write a poem
and I read Pound's
essays. Help me out,
anon, honestly - sincerely.

>> No.3275653

Over the meadows and leas,
Peace roams,
In the form of,
Silver-lined clouds,
And among them,
Frolic lovers, friends,
Gleeful and light,
Graceful and in flight,
O'er the valleys and forests,
They peruse.


>> No.3275660

Mitzrayim is a land we cannot live in permanently,
For reasons of their immorality,
And because such an action would be contradictory,
To what G-d had done for the 12 small tribes.

Yet how is the land in present day?
Such a question seems unnecessary,
And yet every unsolved query is a burden that I carry.
That's why I wish to explore this moment's thought.

The land gives fair bounty for its kind,
Its weather and the Nile combine for a nice find,
Mitzrayim remains for the most part as it was previously defined,
The landscape remains unchanged.

However, a revolution has occurred spiritually,
Mitzrayim's people have thrown away idolatry,
And they've traded in their idols to praise His name daily,
But I still cannot live there.

The people have changed and that is all fine,
But G-d has still commanded me to stay outside of its borders line.
I mustn't forget what He did for us with powers divine,
I must remember that this land is theirs, not mine.

What a simple and stupid poem I wrote. I always suck at writing poems.

>> No.3275667

the internet is a great place to feel really sad on
really really sad even though you haven't felt anything in weeks
not the unbearable kind of sad though like down and numb kinda sad
tfw down and numb
i need to sleep really badly
i wish i cute girl who browsed /lit/ to cuddle with and kiss and hold hands in bed
this is the worst saddest poem i've ever made jesus i'd make a terrible poet
for the record i did not look at this before submitting thinking 'genius' or 'this is good'

>> No.3275674

May throws her cigarette into the grass,
Hoping to start a fire,
Dampness fills her shoes and her clothes,
We cross the field before dark,
The car is gone,
We peer into the fog,
Perhaps the red of receding tail-lights,
Perhaps not.

>> No.3275680

Fucking 10/10 poem. Would read again.

>> No.3275687

west philadelphi
born and raised
the playground
where I spent mostofmydays

chillin out m a x i n relaxin
all cool
shooting some
a l outside

of the school

>> No.3275693

Maple Mountain

At its base
I can only see its ghost.
Thickets of auroral fog
Casts over its prodigious peaks, a transparent
Curtain masks the view of a window.
The lake between the ample alp and I, is as still as glass
And in a distorted fashion reflects Monet’s trees and shrubbery.
The wind’s dampness delivers to my tongue
The charred taste of last night’s fire.
In this Ontario desolation gentle slaps
Of miniscule waves breach the coasts rocks,
Or a fish maybe, a gaped mouth
Commencing dawns feast;
Agitating the water’s harmony.

As the sun arises to the days perpetual climb,
The fog begins to dissipate, the damp air dries,
And my colossal foe announces itself
In its empyrean entirety.
As does the sun,
My day begun
To commence
The perpetual

>> No.3275695

>implying any of us think our poems are good
>implying a good poet would be browsing /lit/

>> No.3275705
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I think you're really lit
But my god don't you know it
Posters on lit
Have never licked a clit
Graham Greene
Whiskey n cigarit
Hate on it
I dun giv a shit

>> No.3275713

I'm sick,
I'll shoot you on a lick,
Don't be jelly, bitches get on my dick.
I don't care if you're mad,
Because I lost the ability to rhyme.

>> No.3275714


>> No.3275726

You are so callous,
You probably eat phallus,
You're so pernicious,
You find it delicious.

>> No.3275730

these threads are fun i really like them

>> No.3275734

I got schooled, I should just leave now.

>> No.3275752


Puppy cock, I find good poems once and awhile. I save ones that really strike me.

>> No.3275754

Rack, rack, city bitch, city bitch
Rack, rack, rack city bitch, city bitch, rack
Rack, rack, rack city bitch, city bitch

Rack, rack, city bitch, city bitch
Rack, rack, rack city bitch, city bitch, rack
Rack, rack, rack city bitch, city bitch

Rack, rack, city bitch, city bitch
Rack, rack, rack city bitch, city bitch, rack
Rack, rack, rack city bitch, city bitch

>> No.3275757

thin tropical rag,
it's on you?

it was $148 from Saks on sale
and still your grandma bought it,
translucent as death
dangling in some strange dimension
on a mirrored pole

it's on you now
and clinging to wind that's
winding through tall grass

your steps are children
in the ground,
children that hop
on my lungs joyously shrieking
overwhelmed i
couldn't say "you look good
in that shirt" even though i know
you would know i was saying

"your heart smothers my body
come here"

>> No.3275783

Post them.

>> No.3275790

Can't stop won't stop
not until the booty drop

>> No.3275792


>> No.3275798

I'll spend this Christmas with friends,
This I told my mother,
Not coming home this year,
This I said to her,
Make sure you aren't lonely on Christmas,
I assure her I won't be.

I lied of course.
I have two bottles of whiskey,
A bottle of coke,
A wheel of Camembert and a pack of crackers,
The ice-cubes are freezing as we speak,
The films are downloading as we speak,
The frozen pizza is thawing,
The best Christmas ever.

>> No.3275827
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Go get high off your own stash. Why don't you look for some yourself? I'll post one.

>> No.3275843

I snorted coke from a mirror.

We danced the night away,
Finally talked to women at the bar,
Drank more wine than ever before,
An enchantress kissed me in the corner,
I felt more alive than ever before.

It was only No Doz.

>> No.3275845

Haven't browsed /lit/ much. I've got no stash and don't know much about poetry. I enjoyed Bukowski and Leonard Cohen poems.

Just asking man.

>> No.3275848

Come fellow fans
of /lit/erature, and /b/retheran yonder,
join me in my alienated solemness.
Desolated behind a mask,
which makes me a faggot.
Cowardice runs rampant among these parts,
Strength resides as well, well-hidden.
So join me in strength, with that of which we greedily and helplessly love,
my anonymous 4chan

>> No.3275855

Nigga was a faggot, so I killed that faggot nigga,
Blew his bitch ass brains out like a bad jigga,
Should have sodomized his black ass with a pole,
Like string cheese it would have oozed out his hole.

>lel I am teh rapper

>> No.3275859


Sorry, thought you were the asshole saying there's no good poetry on /lit/

Also, I love bukowski too... but if you want your asshole to stay intact, I'd leave that detail out while browsing /lit/. He's pretty unanimously hated here.

>> No.3275867

The soprano ascends beyond joy,
Beyond love, grief, fear, and hate,
In particular order,
She takes my soul,
Scrunches it up into a little ball,
And throws it into the garbage can,
Fuck you, Bach.

>> No.3275872

I wanted to say goodbye to you
before you died
but I was halfway across the world
and you were unable to talk
the copd had claimed your lungs

Even though you left when I was young
and only emailed occasionally
and was bad to my mother
I still feel the bond between father and son
and I cannot hate you.

I hope I can be a father one day
with a son.
I will stay with my family, though.

>> No.3275873

Have read from Rousseau to Foucault, the social contract theory,
the origin of inequality is the ownership of property.
fucking niggas intellectually, gettin the best of me,
dropping you faggots down like you belong on /mlp/.
So why tarnish this thread with shit raps abundantly,
didn't you know R.A.P is an acronym for "retards attempting poetry."?

>> No.3275875

Is it because they hate Women?

>> No.3275884

i like this one

>> No.3275887

Shall I compare thee to a Winter's day?
Thou art more chilly and effeminate.

>> No.3275893


>Fuck you, Bach

I am so creative.

>> No.3275894
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>someone likes my poem

>> No.3275911
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>> No.3275926



>> No.3275931

op is a self-referential, metaironic protofaggot
he gut fucks his own guts
too bad with his tiny dick he can't even satisfy himself.

>> No.3275933

I was there in the beginning, son
amidst the heat and the plasma and the soup
I excelled
was the first, the fastest sperm
a vessel of pure will
desperate to create the universe
and I push upon the edges of forever
so sit down, son
said the photon

>> No.3275976

A quarter past one in the
goddamn morning,
looking at the ostentatious bells
flippantly adorning

the triangular monstrosity
that consumes the room
everyone's up dreaming,
(but i'm on shrooms :)

>> No.3275995

One, two, three, four,
Five, six, seven, eight,
Nine, ten, eleven, twelve,
Thirteen, fourteen, sixteen, seventeen,
Eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one,
Twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five,
Twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine,
Thirty, Thirty-one, Thirty-two, Thirty-three
Bit system.

Where did I go wrong? Where do most people go wrong?

>> No.3275999

I'll be the roundabout
The words will make you out an' out
You spend the day your way
Call it morning driving
Through the south
In an' out the valley

The music, dance and sing
They make the children really ring
I spend the day your way
Call it morning driving
Through the south
In an' out the valley

In and around the lake
Mountains come out of the sky
And they stand there
One mile over we'll be there
And we'll see you
Ten true summers we'll be back
And laughing too
Twenty four before my love
You'll see, I'll be there with you

I will remember you
Your silhouette will charge the view
Of distant atmosphere
Call it morning driving
Through the south
Even in the valley

In and around the lake, woh
Mountains come out of the sky
And they stand there
One mile over we'll be there
And we'll see you
Come again
Ten true summers we'll be back
And laughing too, oh, oh
Twenty four before my love
You'll see I'll be there with you

Along the drifting cloud
The eagle searching down on the land
Catching the swirling wind
The sailor sees the rim of the land
The eagles dancing wings
Create as weather spins out of hand

Go closer hold the land
Feel partly no more than grains of sand
We stand to lose all time
A thousand answers by in our hand
Next to your deeper fears
We stand surrounded by a million years

>> No.3276003

At the back of the park
I search for the cool calm
At the bottom of the bottle
A worm
It rests there, I know it
Un-wriggling, immobile,
When I consume it, I will know
I can throw the bottle and the dregs to smash into the bushes
And lie there content and complete for a few minutes
In Western Enlightenment

>> No.3276014

A cup or a plate smashes on the wall beside my head,
I hear it louder than the pieces of glass that fleck the side of my head.
Someone is yelling and I am uncaring.
Someone is leaving and I am impartial.
The shooter signals and I prepare to send up another plate.
Summer job.

>> No.3276086

licstra should
cellnds now
fybrok great
offered rkenerso
elystwou narratative
whether nckersi
captcha, a piece of advice: stick to spam reduction

elignmb the

>> No.3276099

I had
a one night stand
One Night

>> No.3276120


>> No.3276128

My neck sweat is what she missed
Attracted to a narrow list
of encounters
When she sees me it's a trick
I can't let her in on the
Illusion she made
and I don't know how to break it to her
I don't deserve to take it from her

>> No.3276132

jesus fuck why are
you sad
i made marbled cheesecake

can you be any more
of a downer,
you cunt?

>> No.3276145

Fuarkin biuriful.

>> No.3276152

yeeeeaaaaah this is stupid dumb shit
was it really one hit?
Now my mouth's drier than a nun's tit

>> No.3276178

pasted into a fleck of time
ghost of skin and bones and blood
repeating the same selfish crime
each silence stronger than the loudest words

continue to drift, recycle the days
though time and mood so wildly shift
sympathized kindness once motivated
now cold calloused blindness,
many thoughts hated

born to nobody, no mother no man
died twice, thrice before, stay the peace
through years, only eyes set adrift
as well, a heart this soul must lift?

save, kill, help, love
life, the meaning: emotion
a deluge of joy, music, light!
minutes to days, months to years
learn of your strength, rid the fears

watching, living the lives of others
tried and failed twice, thrice before
floating, seeking to discover
what it is that we adore

this crime we all commit
this love we all feel
stemming from the same stalk
weathered through the shifting seasons

time continues his spited path
all grow older, yet thinking young

accomplish what the will shall mold
so told the ghost of skin and bones and blood

>> No.3276232

Purple spiral, purple time.
Sparring, sparring,
phantom limbs,
and all I taste is dirty pennies.

Tokyo garden, Tokyo flower,
thongs eri chengong
vuwils eri muvong.
Thi parpli dieth hes cumi.

Planets spinning, jumping, running,
all scatter
and all fall down.
Neon, Argon,
a sharing family.

Crawling, tunneling,
imprisoned ants.
Provision 25.
Crawling to the open light
purple light.

Spiral, Spiral,
sliding down
to climb back up
the purple light.

I title this:the acid has taken hold

>> No.3276254

I got dookie on my hands
that shit is a shame
I dont play with rubba bands
I just know fame
We on dat personality disorda
dat shit make me calm
makes me wanna take an orda
vietnam fuckin napalm
get on my dick and spin
run yo hand on my palm
hop off my dick and win
dat shit feel nice
christmas time and twins
fuckin ti'll suffice
christmas time and mimes

>> No.3276754

not bad

>> No.3276773

I have run out of coffee again
Guess I'll have a shit
And read some more Tao Lin

>> No.3276791

Nope. Just haters gonna hate.

>> No.3276851

your touch, buttercup
slap a slut to shut-her-up
catch some smut to pucker up
boys hate me cause girls think im tough

joking, im worth more or less
than 4 pounds of sweet depressed
but bettered only by the best
when friends are few and I digress

touch her, shy voyeur
you are the dog and time turns
and she's the bitch who's heart burns
for a better man than you

fuck you alyce

>> No.3276858

I shat in a fury
I shat in a fit of rage
the colour makes me
like a sage

I shat in a fury
I shat in a fit of rage

>> No.3276877
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Why is there that mole in the mirror
That one on the top, front and left
I can't tell if that person in front is me, or
A doppleganger with a cleft

So there it stands, that face on the mirror
Sober, cold and alone
Staring into the face of the bearer
Tethered to darkness, its only home

>> No.3276904

Tis the moment for peanut butter jam.

Peanut butter jam.
Peanut butter jam.
Peanut butter jam, with a baseball bat.

>> No.3276907



>> No.3276908

I hugged my friend 3 times
being drunk
I realised that I missed him

>> No.3276922


amazing potential shitty execution

>> No.3276924

What did your Dad say to you before you went to school?
"Have a fantastic day, son?
Mine didn't, not even once.
Occasionally, before I left, he asked me:
"What do you tell the teachers if they ask about the bruises?"
I got really good at this game:
I fell down the stairs three times,
I was hit by a car twice,
I slipped on a wet floor.
A belt buckle leaves a permanent welt when swung with enough whiskey.
Would you like to see my back?
Fuck you, Dad.

>> No.3276926


really good

>> No.3276927


best in the thread

>> No.3276972

Drowning in the seas of longing,
drinking up old memories of you.
The winds bring me your scent,
lure me with your lingering taste.
I flash the razor, I cut my veins,
I sail the gale of my beating heart.
My mind drips fire, hot enough to
scorch the gods and burn the sky.

The surf of grief embraces me,
its spray offering condolences.
Alone I walk the beach of dark,
until I reach the crying rock.
Tangy tears and cloying soil,
served within skulls and gold.
Sweet poison runs through me veins,
makes my heart yearn and ache.

The mountain looms and towers,
Pain and Suffer bedmates still.
A road of thorns, a thirsty path,
bleed me dry to empty husk.
I pick me up, put back the shards,
kick the vines and torch the wood.
The peak is near palpable,
truth at hand and voiced.

>> No.3276981
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Here's a few from a previous spontaneous poetry thread. I'll see if I can throw a few new ones in there.

I try to reach profundity
but all around make fun of me
for living life with simpler goals
like learning and tranquility.

So now I'm leaving all I've got
to quest for my own Camelot.
Requiring only books and pen
I'm setting off to find my spot.

>> No.3276983
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The road is open
for me to forge my own path
But I hesitate
I stop to gather my thoughts
and think "maybe tomorrow"

>> No.3276985
File: 131 KB, 701x509, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The one hope I have
is to be interesting
Nothing else matters

>> No.3276987


No more images. They're fucking with the spacing. That was a haiku.

All came to a stop;
Wintry ash fell to the ground
as the sky grew pale;
This is how things should have been -
I couldn't contain my smile.

>> No.3276988


The most perfect pack;
The most perfect light;
Today I knew -
the most perfect pipe.

>> No.3276989


Smoke rings and pipe dreams
drifting through the Winter air
seeking the heavens

>> No.3276991

Sorry, but everytime I hear "Nothing else matters" I instantly hear Metallica.

And it complete ruins it for me.

>> No.3276994


Fair point.

>> No.3276996

Haiku; seven five seven
syllables, 3 lines.
Just wrote my only haiku.

>> No.3277004


5-7-5, bruh.

>> No.3277041

Inspired by Lolita:

With widening hips
A blossoming, budding bosom
Skin soft as satin
Why do you tempt me so
With this red-headed maiden
Whose maiden head was now red
Hymns of lost hymens
And the sensual power
Of a young girl deflowered

>> No.3277048

The Holy Grail I found,
and tipped it over.

>> No.3277052

Second Haiku try.
Am I doing it right now?
I apologize.

>> No.3277061

holy shit ur creepy m8

>> No.3277066

jesus christ
i've got no fuckin job man

>> No.3277226

nice one.

>> No.3277227

I touched another gladly
on the keel to Rue Paris
A touch of gladly peeled from
scent of skin to bend of knee

>> No.3277228


>> No.3277235


this should not be as awesome as it is.


I like the "tethered to darkness" line.

try to get rid of all those clichés. dear god.

>> No.3277248


I don't know why you redacted "God", but it makes the poem interesting. I like it. Seems like it's turning into a song, though.


>> No.3277287

There are few things sadder
than a christmas tree left too long after the holiday
Like a reminder of previous failures from previous years, they drop dried needles and scatter around the floor into places you won't find for months
and months
and maybe years later
so that when you do
pine scent, fresh as new, will assault you
like the memories of the past that haunt you in those
gray quiet moments
before sleep

Merry Christmas.

>> No.3277323

Rattling, crashing, bing bang boom
The footsteps of the rat are the herald of my doom
Twenty feet tall and ten meters wide
A smile full of malice and hateful pride
The rat ate my cat and he'll eat me too
Spiked jaws agape and armored tail brightest blue
We dance through the streets in an unspoken duel
His squinted eyes darting as the black night cools
His paws embrace me as my ears fill with his breath
I am the cheese man and he is Death

>> No.3277345

I traced spidery veins on your paper-thin skin
From which the sun shown through with a snowy glow.
More like moonrays in an open field
But those eyes I want to see so bad
Like spinning galaxies in the sky
Are closed, and will eventually stay closed after you die.
When your breath
air, condensation
Well, that'll be the day beauty truly dies
in the eyes of this beholder.

(Totally fucked up the ideas I had and it became a mixmatch of stuff)

>> No.3277361

LET US GO THEN, you and I,
to the liquor store on the corner and buy
alcohol, famous amos cookies, and pie

>> No.3277365

m r
i a
s i
e n
r b
a o
b w

im out of ideas

>> No.3277430

r u 13?

>> No.3277427


le winrar

>> No.3277448



>> No.3277452


No flow to speak of. Get a leash on that prosody

>> No.3277701
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First attempt, asking for rate too I guess.

"A 23 year old fucking a teen"
A poem in three haikus

I better hurry
She wont always be eighteen
Ripe for the picking

Tight for the dicking
Those curious eyes, watching
from her kneebent perch

I'm not a bad guy
I can only do this now
Drop her like a stone

>> No.3277717

facepalm, try again bro! I believe in you!

>> No.3279024

"You have to buy some time!"
Gun ablaze, I equitably glanced.
Buy some time?
Take my doormat being, quench your thirst
on palpable medallions,
shining through the starry eyes.
She then asked,
"What are you talking about?"
I told her I wasn't,
I was writing.
Molested mortals among midnight's mass
regretting their regulated year.
Take no steps further
in your confused conscientious contemplation,
and use hasty generalization
to bequeath upon my word
a tainted category, an objective prison.
Try your best to allude absurdity,
alienating ain't it?

>> No.3279028

Went to church but didn't stand
Methinks lord Jesus was but a man

>> No.3279050

My balls is smalls but my dick is twenty inches
yo dick is two sizes too small like the grinches

>> No.3279075


>> No.3279077



>> No.3279262

A man gave up and said 'fuck it'
he pissed into a rusty bucket,
that bucket - somewhat cold -
made his dick feel shriveled and old
just like his dream of being a muppet

hi macfarlane

>> No.3279283

I feel kinda dumb

>> No.3279311

The stars above and the love inside,
Whisper poems and hide,
Alone and unknown,
from birth to heaven, from the Earth to bones,
I'll meet you in the grave
Or perhaps in Plato's cave.

Escape, reality is rape
And men act like apes
this brave new world
this hidden pearl
this gift unwanted and unwelcomed
Unlettered and unlawed,
I die with flaws and without law.
It is the lot of man
A casualty in the universes's plan
Life goes on,
One day we'll escape these transient bonds

>> No.3279318

boob itches
stuff in my nose
my throat is sore
vag exsists

if i wasn't as tired
as i happen to be
i'd have left
for surroundings

>> No.3279330

Strangely good

>> No.3279342

a thing
the fing er an unst closp
a ebatle batlte nope
and nope nii u

>> No.3279350

Lay waste to his weary bones. Destroy every speck of dirt once held dearly. He held hand in hand with death herself and signed himself in oblivion. Soul leaving one’s home, leaving him a hollow man. Dreams spoke of companions and lovers would watch with fear, but in the moment. The seats are left empty.
Crying, screaming, begging for this escape.
To stop hearing these voices
To stop tasting this ash
To stop feeling this pain
To stop this beating heart.
He’s not dead, but sure ain’t living. A pixie left him weak in the knees, helping him complete building this apathetic mask. He then spoke.
“I want, I want, I want someone to hold me, dreaming of me. As I would dream of that someone but I get what need rather than what I want. So as I tie this final knot in this heavy noose, tell my pixie that I will finally meet her sweet, sweet dreams and in an uncertain afterlife. So strike me lord for I have dodged your last act of might.
This dog has more bark than bite.

>> No.3279363

Earendil was a mariner
who tarried in Arvernien
he built a boat of timber felled
in Nimbrethil to journey in

>> No.3279376

Are Irishmen beset by grafts
That greet us when we're birthed?
Has our land deserted us
Do we wave white flags to her worth.
Has her war gone grey with time
Did she drink her thirst for blood?
Or is our home so vast and grand
To afford a deathly flood

Betwixt the times these questions aged
And yet times' stood the same
No sorrow washed from pillaged greens
No blood swept 'neath the rain
So much they willed our home forgot
Who brandished freedoms sword
But they're slept anew, deep in her womb
And now must speak her words
For dust has gathered on her scars
No fresh blood cures her ills
My homeland has no devils thirst
To kill for noble power
She loved her peerless rapparees
And took them to her womb
Sometime we'll bring her home again
And start our land anew

>> No.3279460

Warm rays of hottest of days
Intrude that which I find solely mine.

Branches hung over two figures in gray
Roting array of branches in may
Rotten array of figures in gray
Rotten array of smiles in clay.

>> No.3279468

Went to church to watch my grandma sing in the choir,
thank god it's volunteering, nobody would hire her.
She's been losing her marbles from dimensia,
met up with her last week and she asked "have i met ya?"
Crazy old callous cunt, I really do love her.
Especially when she touches my dick, calls me her little queer.
Shes been molesting me since the age of seven,
I remember it so clearly, the first time happened on 9/11.
She said if we didn't the terrorists would win,
So i took that old haggard pussy and just dove in.
You wanna talk bout being a trooper,
I love my grandma so much i stuck it in her pooper.

>> No.3279473

Hahahahaha holy shit.

>> No.3279477

jesus christ almighty

>> No.3279503

What waters can trickle forth,
From this dried-out frame,
While mother cooks in my periphery,
What un-stewed words will fall from me,
How like dandruff is this poem,
How like dandruff am I now.

>> No.3279508
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>> No.3280203

Can't stop laughing

>> No.3280218


>nobody notices the best poem itt

>> No.3280625

Shit thanks for pointing that one out. It is pretty damn good

>> No.3280634

merry christmas
the last words of a fumbling narcissist
on the 25th of december
wishing i could be half the drunk
bukowski was
so i could write half as nihilistic
merry fucking christmas

>> No.3280650

Gloria's wisdom theeth need pullin, so I offered to help.
Assistance, brotherly, sisterly or otherwise, no need she said.
Well fuck, what now?
Few things sadder than heaven and no ladder.

>> No.3280665


I FEEL ya m8

>> No.3280689

We're just horses neighing up verses,
The summer solstice came faster
than Eastwood pulling a Magnum
from his gun holster.
Keep holstered emotions,
And keep perfect your posture
and try to comb your hair leftwards,
Appearances are worthless
If inside is a coldness
that's gripping the soul, it forces
the shell to be shed, it's pointless
to live life with no purpose.

>> No.3280698

I'm bumping some Beaucoup Fish,
and Tina's still up to her tits,
in wiener schnitzel, a popular dish,
this side of west Berlin.

>> No.3280700

Her /lit/ a crappy sonnet, enjoy your christmas.

Christmas time, so bright & merry
So I sat with with mine eyes blue.
All I love is dead & buried
or far away, but with each new
year, my mind needs to ferry
this year's worry by the brew

So let the Styx flow through
my very being and vein
Let this Christ's Mass be the cue
to let the weay rest again

Lay to rest o' Christmas spirits,
sleep soundly, Past to Present.
From these spirits my pen does drip.
So does this Christmas Carol end.

>> No.3280702

dirty ass hair
full of cheese
smell of taco bell Tuesdays

>> No.3280717

like it

>> No.3280743

Atop the largest land of all,
stood a tree to bear so tall;
leaved through either summer or fall,
there stood the fairest of them all.

Upon a day a lass walked near,
the largest tree of thought aqueer:
"A wench to wed my gristled oak",
the fairest of them all to note.

Lo the lass, a blade of grass,
planted legs as firm as branch;
long did she and tree do love,
and son was born from the might above.

Planted upon another hill,
the son stood, to bear the will,
the forest grew with every root
and seed the land for further fruit.

Angered, father planned and stirred,
approached the wind for a greater curse,
though son as sly as father was,
schemed with rock for anewing loss.

Earth tipped, as wind did blow,
felled by each, to the long below,
and then none stood upon a hill,
none the fairer, both then and till.

>> No.3280917


liked because this is my dog's name :)

>> No.3280945

Like a leaf loving the windshield from the hilt of my wiper blade
I imagine you waiting to spring on my heart
the second I give notice,
a puddle-soaked piece of rubber
tangled 'round the spoke of its own wheel.

>> No.3281349

The alluring plop
Of cold, blue, childrens' fingers
On my dinner plate

haiku, bitches

>> No.3281427
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Shall I compare thee to a summer troll?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate.
Rough gore doth shake the newfag May jimmies,
And summer's lease hath all too long a date.
Sometime too hot the eye of mod's shine,
And often is OP a flaming faggot;
And every thread from thread sometime declines,
By sage, or Moot's banning course, untrimmed;
But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that thread thou ow'st,
Nor shall death brag thou was trolled in his shade,
When in eternal lines to /b/ thou grow'st.
So long as men can troll, or newfags rage,
So long lives this, and this gives rage to thee.

>> No.3282683

fuckin' lost my shit right there

>implying niggers

>> No.3283839

The way these things work,
I have these words thought out before they're written.
Does that mean they lack sincere thought?
Doubtful - it should take more than just that.
But I do always wonder:
What? What do I wonder?
Have I lost track?
It's sad that it shouldn't take more than just that.

>> No.3283861

I'm erect.

>> No.3283938

We went crazy in the night
as kids beneath the sheets
Drunk on nostalgia
I think I lost my headache
The day she left

>> No.3284505

Jazzy cats
all coked up and thin.
Swaying like waves to horns, piano and a double bass.
A classical score mutilated by improvisation.
Take it away, Miles' in 50 minutes.
Take the needle out, resonate in silence
as if basking in gold.

>> No.3284554

The answer oozes out of me, nothing and no one. I am beset on all sides by mediocrity, like buzzards darting in and out of my eye line just out of the reach of my hand, the sound of it as thick as mud in my ear. The dust spit up by the momentum of my days has settled and will settle, to be kicked up, swirled and conjugated as we lay ourselves, themselves (momentarily suspended in a beam of light) down. I can’t feel any squall of wind favour its decent, licking my face or passing through opaqueness. Apprehensions left over from the wake of inadequate power, lazily lapping at the bow. Digression, Bear, brother, there is no room for your kin anymore.

>> No.3285735

That was my intention.Kind of.

>> No.3285755

There is no true love
baby drinks from the toilet
chickweeds bloom again

>> No.3285862

Dazzled by her damage, ..The pussy is going to be goooooood..
then in the back of my head
But what about the rest of it ?
Ssssssssssssh, silly girl be a boy and ignore everything else.

>> No.3285893

I explained your loss in the car;
drunk now, drunk then.

The wisdom of touch passes through my ears,
I am no more a saint than when we played
all the games that children do:
I one myself, you something more.

No mirror looks back, not even this one.
What has become of your memory? when
I dare not speak your name.

>> No.3285919

Rings under her eyes
Saturn's circular comrades
But her smile lit the heavens

Tired of fighting
Cancer, blacker than the plague,
and surrender on her lips, finger tips

With Victory and Defeat forked in the road
Is she too tired to travel down the right path?

>> No.3286708

Find me not here.
Where the sky grows cold.
And my kids did grow old.

>> No.3286734

I remember seeing your post and emailing you.
We were both lonely so we made no judgements.
I still remember the slightly scented letter I received,
the kind a girl gives off when she just got home from a jog.
Shampoo mixed with sweat and other bodily fluids.

>> No.3286953

i browse i browse online all day
to get the time to float away
i dont know what im waiting for
but waiting for it makes me bored
i wish i could torrent a fulfilling life
or download kids and a loving wife
i wish amazon sold confidence
or even basic competence
i wish i could unplug myself
but i dont know if i mean just from the internet

>> No.3289813

Tell no more of the dark
and light the way for your only path;
fear no loss of a future past
yet know that only none will last.

>> No.3289835

And with eternity's shadow
All else fades away
In the morning light will come
To show me the proper way

To capture life and all her follies
To breathe and to perspire
For all these things I love them so
The things that have transpired

And when my life shall come to end
I dare not say I'll weep
As for the life truly lived
Much has been reaped

>> No.3289863

and the shit eaters come in
waves and they
help but
and they will colorlessly
be turned inside-out
plunge their own hand inside and

>> No.3289885

I, who walks along
this gold littered garden
which gems climb over
my head - for jewels
are haughty and volatile -,
sense not what I am
but know of the shadows I produce.

>> No.3289888

can't fall asleep laying
in bed imagining a conversation with
my ex i wonder the total number of
hours my one-way talks to an imaginary her would amount
to probably way too much probably an
uncomfortable amount

>> No.3289909

dead cities fluorescent mobile
mobiles partitioning
the meat sack is not a subject

>> No.3289913

love poems are so fucking retarded
only fucking assholes
virgins retards love is just a chemical r
eaction in your brain write love poe

ms queers idiots thinking their emotions actually m
ean something idiots fucking idiots fucking

pussies the
lot of them all assholes r
etards cunts jerks f
shitheads idiots burn in h

>> No.3289922

Don't you see
the pile of corpses
behind me?

you want
to kiss me

Two fingers are between us
between the crime and us
Two fingers

>> No.3290032

I might rework the line breaks and stanzas on this one, maybe:

I can't fall asleep,
laying in bed imagining
a conversation with my ex.
I wonder the total number of hours
my one-way talks to an imaginary her
would amount to,

probably way too much
probably an uncomfortable amount.

Sometimes those little things, capitalization and punctuation in the right places, line breaks and stanzas, can make such a difference.

>> No.3290034

>"your heart smothers my body
>come here"

>> No.3290041

Fuck this shit
I'm a gansta
Homies be lookin' at me
Wishin they be richa'

Because I can pop a cap
And they can't pop a hard one
They think they can own me
Bitch on a bun

Look at me and look at you
In this city bitch
I'm the master
Master of the bitchs' itch.

My dick is gonna need it
All these pussies whaling
Yes whaling for my dick
And the ladies flailing

Imma stab a bitch tonight
In the city in the city
Imma stab a bitch all right
Where my fidy where my fidy?

>> No.3290061


>> No.3290089

My dad penetrated me
With his dick
Told me what to be
The candle for his wick

And when he came in my butt
I felt so much pleasure
When he called me a slut
More than any measure

We showered together
My father and I
Soap and water, lather
He got some in my eye

The love we share
Together alone
Is it thus so rare?
That father and son do not bone?

>> No.3290220

yeah honestly i didn't have a clue what i was doing with the lines as you can tell

>> No.3290223

I put
My fingers on
a warm keyboard
my fingertips feel
crusty grime
wtf is it

>> No.3290227

Limerick (censored due to work-safe board)

>****** ***** **** ** ****
>**** ****** ** *** *****
>********** ****
>** ** ****** **
>*** * ****** *** **** CUNT

>> No.3290233

>the faint smell of shit
>an unread book next to me
>I'm on 4chan.

>> No.3290255

I cannot sleep;
My blanket scratches me,
And my pillow is far too hard.

In my bed
I fly across the town
And see Holly in her room.

Only Titans
And Olympians together
Could keep her window closed.

I slip in
And break the silence
That lasted all these years.

When I wake
I decide that I will
Go back and visit you.

Your name
Is etched in stone.
I loom above you, waiting.

I go home.
I'll never get my answer.
Titans forever hold you away.

>> No.3290340

bend over bitch

show me your tits

>> No.3290350

Look at the fridge
There's nothing there
The store over the ridge
I wouldn't dare

In a flash
I'll be back
Bringing medicine for the rash
On your sack

>> No.3290354


>> No.3290372

Dirty whore, dirty whore, dirty whore, dirty whore, dirty whore , dirty whore, dirty whore,
dirty whore, dirty whore, dirty whore, dirty whore, dirty whore , dirty whore, dirty whore, dirty whore,dirty whore, dirty whore, dirty whore, dirty whore, dirty whore , dirty whore, dirty whore, dirty whore, dirty whore,
My ass is on fire from eating too much pepperoni.

>> No.3290379

Typing, listening. Waiting.


>> No.3290403

"Nothing to See Here Folks"

Though I have no clever thoughts to write
I’ll fill this paper up all right.
So off the cuff I improvise
Some rhymes without meaning inside.
Because nothing smart will come to mind
This poem’s just me killing time.
Looks like I wasted yours as well as mine.
Sorry bout that;
Dumbass poetry’s just fun to write;
off-white blacklights.

>> No.3290756

Two years and change later
And I can barely lament
All your perfidies were locked in a drawer
I kept beating that drum
Till I was numb in the head
And instead began to wonder
What for?

Earnest tribulation
Works magic for the eyes
And I wake now with salt on my lips
And that phantom whatever
Still tethering hands
Which grasp but will never
Take hold

>> No.3290803

smiling at every single thing you send me
it's a little too good to be true
but it's far too late for me to reign myself in now
i suppose i'll wait for you to drop the other shoe

>> No.3291717

Dem feels

>> No.3291774

Bright blue flame greets me:
incendiary remarks;
thanks, Yotsuba B.

>> No.3291807

With fingers creeping over
moving lower
And a whisper between two
red, red lips, who
knows where this is going
what is growing
between my feet aside
where I'm standing wide
looking over your shoulder
watching us get older
in a mirror on the deck above
what everybody else called love.

>> No.3291820

Oh freddled gruntbuggly/thy micturations are to me/As plurdled gabbleblotchits on a lurgid bee.
Groop I implore thee, my foonting turlingdromes. And hooptiously drangle me with crinkly bindlewurdles,
Or I will rend thee in the gobberwarts with my blurglecruncheon, see if I don't!

>> No.3291868

I watched her in her bathroom
unbeknownst to that tan girl
Watched the showerhead in silver
fall upon her pubic curls
Watched those parted lips
and hazy eyes
as orgasm take hold to rise and rise
That slowly moving head of hers
those perky white breasts
and when she crossed the cliff of euphoria
I took my chance and left
But I left a little present
In the splattered splooge of white
plastered on the shower curtain that she
wouldn't see til night

I hope my sister doesn't mind (when she finds my gift)
That I watched her in the shower (and my cock her sight did lift)

>> No.3294223

>off-white blacklights
I like that a lot.

>> No.3294339

the giant and his pet
as she's sitting on his shoulders
they produce the strangest silhouette

his knees pressed against his chest
her hair tickling his brow
hidden in moonlight
everyone asks how

>> No.3294340

For long I have fought against procrastination,
And the phenomenon of the itch has always fared with fascination.
The aggravating tickle is a trouble that I take not with time,
It serves as a sacrament that I must sate and serve with attitude sublime.
I hate its arrival here and yet I haste to care for it.
I think only a thought to focus its thinning via scratching fit.
That compassion and courage to care for something so light.
I wish every chore was an itch and not something that I had to fight.

>> No.3295793

>I hope my sister doesn't mind (when she finds my gift)
>That I watched her in the shower (and my cock her sight did lift)
I lol'd heartily.

>> No.3295912

It is my first beer as of tonight
I guess drinking is not wrong, it might
Even serve a greater good
For I'll wander 'round the neighborhood
And make myself understood
That I'm the greatest lover
So that once I'm hung-over
Bitches'll be coming over
To suck the pain out of my penis
The pain out of my penis!
And perhaps, tomorrow night
I won't have to drink
And my ego will shrink
But my penis never will, right

>> No.3295943

cashstrapped, oleander
take a pock of rye
a penny for a bender
and a weezy from a sty

clapgrass, gulletstrapped
nighlain Adonai
it's barley in the morning
with a finger in the eye

it's hardly in the mourning
with a penny in the scry
it's hardly in the mourning
with a latbash in her eye

>> No.3296032

wait literature
click I should buy a horse mask
no time to be deep

>> No.3296128

I really liked it, especially the last 2 stanzas.

>> No.3296140


Thanks, stranger.

>> No.3297907

When surfing the web
Or reading a book
Or catching a show
Or singing a tune
How many of us are just trying to escape life
through the portal of increasingly self-aware media that will
in time
become life itself?
Reality tv will be reality and sci-fi our science
But what do we care?
Pull up a chair, light a smoke, pour a drink
And watch as we all burn in a Hol;ywood inspired hell.

>> No.3297909


>> No.3297914

I can't follow poems
But haikus are cool I guess
Did I do it right?

>> No.3299093


Half step
To the Half light
In the half clean room
Hiding in Half shadow
With you, Half mine.
But that's only a half truth
I'll save you Half the time
Of the Half-life of Hydrogen
Just leave

>> No.3299116

Another Otaku morning
My Japanese Spirit lights the sky
Time to NEET it up, and do weeb shit
Hatsune Miku

>> No.3299184

I fucking hate men
And I want to be fat
They're the worst when
They want you in their bed
Or in your own
Because their wife at home
Is waiting for them
Or rather their paycheck
Why would a woman care when
You lack
So fucking much
And you expect
So fucking much
They wouldn't.
Only a male
Could inspire a poem that bad.

>> No.3299239

Finally. he was the sentence the cancer spoke
its blurred grammar clarified.

>> No.3299243

I can no longer care
Sex breeds cancer
On the reputation of the universe
It's a sick blessing
To be sterile

>> No.3299528

Come away to some empyrean land
where St-Vincent once wore garlands atop her head.
To some Saturnalia of white tigers and illusion.
Mystics and sages reside among us,
Cezanne painting a bowl of rotten fruit,
Aurelius giving lectures on happiness wearing an
African shaman mask.
R. Mutts fountain resides in the center, spouting urine, raining down on Shakespeare
and Auden.
Come away with me to this empyrean land,
a joke untold,
a facade that made billions.

>> No.3301732

Convoluted extravagance in a midnightmare.
Delusional poetry
is but the cloudy eyes of old dogs.
Sun die, seas dry, reality ever changing
ever-growing; expounder.
I had a cleft lip when young, yet speak
with no hesitation.
Spontaneity my graceful deluxe suite,
contingency a perseverance of hopeful delusion.
Box thought, box thought, box thought,
A placebo malignancy, a superfluous allegory.
I can not control my impulsive reactions,
to a fulfilled glass.
I can not hope for anything to last.
Our only guarantee; death.

>> No.3301786

i'm not trapped but caught in expansion!
small white boxes on wall
it's black and white in low light

>> No.3301790



>> No.3302070

Slowly dying in a sock
Spurned only to be destroyed, a futile existence.
Soon they'll dry, die, stain a sickly yellow
Only to be joined the next day, and the next, and the next
Until they reach their pink suppository, wet and warm.
That'll probably be never.

>> No.3302140


>> No.3302143

My young daughter
Is a caterpillar.
A new life, clumsy and ignorant, naive
Of experience.
A larvae.
Just learning to cross streets safely,
Something so simple,
Something we take for granted.
Though if we lose our attentiveness
We as well can be smeared on the road path,
Like a caterpillar that didn't quite make it, to become
Baked on tar jam smeared by the tire knife,
Adhered to the road, for only the birds to pick off.
She will cocoon soon enough.
Trapped in her room, admiring boys (or girls).
Ignoring that of her parents, content
in solemness.
But when he breaks through
like a bud springing forth, yearning and wandering,
hopefully she'll remember being a caterpillar
crossing the street.

>> No.3302165

That was rather sweet. You should show this to your daughter (assuming you actually have one) when she's older.

>> No.3302192

haha I don't have any kin of my own, but if i do have a daughter, or son, I will show them this poem, constructed to which ever sex. Though I will edit it more extensively and expound on it further.
Thanks anon for the compliment!

>> No.3302205

Not a problem. It was convincingly written from the point of view of a parent and so I assumed that you must've been one. All the luck to you, then.

>> No.3302216
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>> No.3302231

was depository the word I was looking for?

>> No.3302243

Barren Landscapes Make for Good Paintings

Reminded of times simpler, crossing the abandoned garden
Of my past mother.
Times of youthful dirty hands and feet, immaculate and pure of heart,
my body once healthily plump and filthy. Though never did she give
Much patience to the curiosity
of blooming seedlings springing forth, yearning and wandering
the yard. I would climb the tree
And fall off, smell the newly born chrysanthemum, and eat
Forbidden peppers off the vine.
My mother once rapaciously maintained this garden,
barricading chicken-wired sections for the neighbors
arbitrary gaze.
The older I grew, the more withered and sterile the garden grew,
though wars have been fought among flowers before.
However cultivation makes the lightest laugher out of me.
I shall never take myself too seriously. For when death casts its scythe
upon fertile land, it is desolate gardens in which we stand,
reminded of times simpler; the ocean sinks to forest,
The forest wastes to sand.
These parched soils
offer me no more tulips or orchids of apples, yet only vines
that dangle, poised from the power lines,
entangling me, and strangling my veins.
My mother’s final passage
of full born fertility to the world
has rooted itself in my mind and memory. Like winters frost
that melts to summers life, this sadness and confusion will grow;
it is the water to preserve her memory sowed.
This pain will grow into trees that bear crab apples
and branches for birds and children to inhabits
Though now my being has been soiled
and toiled by the hands of my subjectivity,
These memories and struggles give strength
to my minds virility.

>> No.3302389

I'm so tired
of staring at screen beams
and blue hues
I'm so tired
of constant nothing

>> No.3302448


Or repository.

>> No.3302506

best poem so far

>> No.3302509


Too disjointed and blocky for me, but it's not terrible

>> No.3302524



>> No.3302529



>> No.3302554

Ah, that could've worked as well.

I work in a supermarket and the other day I had to stock suppositories. Maybe that's why the word's been stuck in my head.

>> No.3302573


A pink suppository could be valid imagery for anal penetration.

>> No.3302583

not bad faggot


>> No.3302585

True, but I was going more for a pussy, seeing as how the sperm didn't want to be wasted and wanted to create life.

>> No.3302695

Woah! Here I go!
Is this a poem?
Maybe just a blank spot where my thoughts can roam.
Heh, hey that rhymed!
I could fit another one right here
But I won't, because poems don't need to rhyme
I don't want to sound cheezy
Or throw out blank verses
That go along with the breezy
The wind carries my thoughts
It takes them places I cannot
Places across the seas
Homes that clamour with Cantonese
I don't think I'll ever reach Madrid
I don't really know what they're doing
I'm not sure I even know where Madrid is
That's so embarassing
I should erase that
But I won't
My words I type will not revoke
Is that the proper use?
I'll never publish this poem
I'll leave it in this thread

>> No.3302701

Niggers tongue my anus
Singers love to sing
Eating chocolate tears
On the rain of spring
Oh, niggers tongue my anus
For once in a great while blue moon
Winter will come in all its glory
And niggers will rejoice, too

>> No.3302708

Damn lamp
What are you doing?
Stop dangling your sexy sea shells in my face
What do you want me to do?
I need to resist the urge to fondle you
Can you resist the urge to envelope the light?
It keeps me sane in these warm dark nights

>> No.3302709

I try to pretend
That I like reading verse
But I find in the end
That mine are much worse

>> No.3302712


lost your flow in the third line

bad show

>> No.3302716

That was awkward but keep writing dude. If you have poems you've honed and have as an epub or something I'd totally read em

>> No.3302947

I like this one.

>> No.3302960

The Presence here, albeit shrouded.
Curtains opened, message shouted.
Props are strewn about the stage:
Flame and ashes, prose and page.
Hurling headlong into sky,
Embrace the moon then, blissful, die.
Banish sunshine's garish light.
Dance with darkness, glee and fright.

>> No.3302974


>Hurling headlong
>the moon

I don't like any of these.

"You've got a decent ear for note, but you can't yet appreciate harmony."

>> No.3303003

Oh little me, who made thee?

Am not I, to you,
and you to me,
Like God to man,
and man to God?

For it is you, controling
me, enjoying
me, destroying.
you, unfolding.

To be alone
no such dread.
but always you
inside my head
makes me us, thinking thus

Is it not I, who made thee
and thou, who made me?

Aren't thou to me,
like roots to tree?
Am not I, to thee,
like fish to sea?

>> No.3303024


I shall call it, 'Pastiche'.

>> No.3303196

Tonight, when it gets dim
We'll be having a guest over
He's an idiot and I don't like him
But he's a friend of my lover
He's almost two meters tall
I wish he were made of beer
A tall, beery waterfall
In my room, right here
Beer makes me an idiot but I like it
I've almost hat two liters
The ride, I'll ride
I've also had a few bitters
Well, I wish I did
There's two bottles of wine in the kitchen
I haven't yet had anything, I must admit
That is why I'm bitching
And about 40 bottles of emptiness
And another 20 in the living room, I guess
Where have all the good times gone?
Down the toilet.

>> No.3303202

So much has passed through my mind this morning
That I can give you but a dim account of it:
It is already after lunch, the men are returning to their positions around the cement mixer
And I try to sort out what has happened to me. The bundle of Gerard's letters,
And that awful bit of news buried on the back page of yesterday's paper.
Then the news of you this morning, in the snow. Sometimes the interval
Of bad news is so brisk that... And the human brain, with its tray of images
Seems a sorcerer's magic lantern, projecting black and orange cellophane shadows
On the distance of my hand...

>> No.3303441

I sometimes think of shooting myself
Blood spattered walls left for the family to see
Sitting thinking
If this will turn to reality

>> No.3303886

i hope it doesn't man

>> No.3303943

Don't worry, it was just spontaneous.

>> No.3303997

In hell we ride
into the tide
of being nonsense
of great divide.
time to hide
shit be gone

I have no idea what I just typed...

>> No.3304013 [SPOILER] 
File: 83 KB, 500x582, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it usually looks even worse than you'd imagine

>> No.3304019


I would have imagined it looked a lot worse than that, actually.

>> No.3304070

Peace and Love and America and Marijuana and Virgil of the Pleiades lying motionless in a rectangular vat of Cum,
Pretty Lights doing Jazz from Saint Louis and slaying Dragons and Demons and Nameless Entities while constructing scenes from A Serbian Film with Eleven Inch Long pieces of straw found rotting on The Floor That Is Blanketed By Blow:
Dog Star Sirius comes careening towards Spaceship Earth carrying with it Signals that Jesus Impersonators adore,
Terence McKenna and David Foster Wallace and Robert Anton Wilson sit mixing and mixing and passing Smack packed tightly into nigger-rigged Apple Bong while gazing lovingly at Acid-brained Hippy Anarchists carrying The Signs of Procreation.

Is this poem?

>> No.3304074


i'm not sure how that could get much worse without turning into a cartoon. are you imagining actually being in that room with that body? look at the brain matter, fragments of skull, and blood splatters that are everywhere. and can you imagine the smell? urine, gunpowder (or whatever a fired gun smells like), shit, sweat, and any gases that might be pouring from that poor fucker's body.

>> No.3304077

I'm not sure what the THAT is.

>> No.3304088

I vomited it, two days ago.

>> No.3304099

Taking a dump now
A splash of water rises
cold as fuck butthole

>> No.3304196

OP is a...fag
He sucks cocks...and assholes too.
He's G-g-g...gay.

>> No.3304304

The months were long
No such thing as so far gone
TV dreaming of the west coast
The dull glow of cathode tubes
Then thinking of Blue
Somehow the future didn't matter
While following her vague emotion
I'm still sitting where she left me
Midst the bright green and joyful screams
But now it's quiet
And gone
And I'm gone
And the afternoon wanes on
Until the day is gone
Dreaming of when
The world felt new
How I miss the face I wish I knew

>> No.3304500
File: 334 KB, 499x424, 1355940432981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fastidious decay as the deadline approaches,

Fears imperfections maintaining influence over all.

A dog howls for attention reminiscing of attentive youth,

as a young school girl lay screams of anguish at friends and not foe.

Forever imposing on future of Earth did man and dog gently digress.

>> No.3304541

the moon is not out and
in a clear blue sky
people come to terms with whatever it is
that determines the hardness of a rock
or the number of years a home stands or
whether tides continue to turn

ask for a reason and
i don't care
seems to be the only rational one
when they crawl over and into you
when we talk about origin we talk about
birth really and
what was first

but this is last

>> No.3304582

i watched
a fly pad across
your water-softened
and thought of those
gathering in the dusk
of your neurons;
furrowed foreheads
for headaches,
a riffling curtain of light
in hallucinatory evenings
in bed with the cancer
of our togetherness,
and the beach whispered
of immoral mortality
and sheer dynamism
in between this rest
for our over-worked

>> No.3304590

talk about anime and
we're looking at everything that makes me
quick to anger and alone and
the dissolution of self for others
in an LCL fluid

death to falsehoods~!

there is a label on the improper container of my desires
with a sell by date of approximately three years prior to this day
uncountable thousands of pages have flipped from right to left in this time
alongside my politics
tell me what to do please
the plastic has been penetrated and leaks daily so

toss it already!

>> No.3305090


>> No.3305176

it's new year's eve and
i'm alone and sad i hope
that my girlfriend isn't dead
she's sad as well more sad than me even
the dogs bark but there isn't a car
it's okay dogs there's no one here
it's new year's eve

>> No.3305187

My life is slipping from my hands,
Soon I will have to unzip my pants.

>> No.3306392

Enfundando metas,
de eso puedo estar hecho,
de eso podemos caer,
de mí podemos reir.

Vete poco,
quédate menos,
vive o muere,
pero hemos de existir.

>> No.3306411

my arms are aching to
reach through air
this thread is some kind
of collective
but i am better than
all of you except maybe
some academic and
well groomed

>> No.3306415

This was great.

>> No.3306424

somewhere there is
someone monitoring this
thread, refreshing and
to be acknowledged
by any stranger because
he is sad and alone and
hasn't had a
genuine conversation
with another human that he
can recall because
this is 4chan and today is
new years day
and this thread is undoubtedly
several losers

>> No.3306467

This is definitely not poetry. Not even an attempt. I'm just watching the sun rise, and all is good and it's 2013. Thanks.

>> No.3306598

:D thanks
This reads a lot like Heather Christle, I like it

>> No.3306675

Sittin' here, chillin' like I'm made of ice
Don't try to burn me, I'm lacking nice thrice
I'm a soldier of stone, my heart is stone cold
Emotionless, motionless, I created the mold.

Stand on your feet if you want to live
Raise one up if you've wounds to show
Both in the air if you're meant to die
But get off your back and say no, no, no!

>> No.3306727

New Year
Drop in a pond
Of galaxial fabric
Spanning the distance

>> No.3306730

Arch the cuntrag silhouettes
sing Bathseba without it
got her lady fed, the winnows torn
come Audrey white with linen

All the bells sang out in pirouette
the gatling clucked at harbor
lust sang through her drawers
came latching for the siren

Marrow, drag of bones
a clasping withrose mourning
plaster, Jezebel
the right from out her cradle

spark white ladlefell
the hounds of hell surrundered
clacking pots of jimson,
the belfry's liddled tower

Sing, white Jezebel
your arches gilded proper
as a lady in the snow
clucks out the virgin
in the road
and howls the nightsing,
bitter vinaigrette
the cloaking of the siren
love her,
say she loves another in the bell

>> No.3306740

Picture Foster Wallace
with a shotgun in your face
as all the nascent guthash
in your bowels
make them vacant
nix a trace

>> No.3306789

There once was a man named chad
who went along with all fads
being creative he just could not do
oh no wait a minute that wasn't chad but was you

>> No.3306830

cynicism withdrawals
from the dose of love
repressed hate
or an act of love?
fear burning
in a fired heart

>> No.3306887

To hold her hand
For just one minute
Under the muted stars
Amidst the smell of marijuana
The sounds of drunken revelry
The crack of the fireworks that go

God she is beautiful,
In the half-light of a sideways glance,
I'd love to lean over and kiss her
on the lips, but I know I can't,
know I never will.

Go the fireworks
And then they to,
fade away into the night,
And we awaken from our trance,
walk through the crowd,
hardly speak a word.

I'm in bed,
It's quiet now,
I'm warm and a bit sad.
I held her hand for a few minutes,
Can't that be enough?
No, of course not,

But for just another minute...
Oh God,
Just to hold her hand a moment longer,
To be close to her again...
God, there is nothing right now I would not do.

>> No.3306955

The flame lickers beyond my sight
The same sickness beyond my light
one for you, one for me
one for all the world to see

oh what poetic justice has thee
neither reddit nor 4chan
will pay my alimony

>> No.3306966

This is a poem in translation :


. / /

>> No.3306968

Mumma, Pappa look at me
I’m a fuckin poet
I write lines for fun
Wish for a better son

Doctor, Lawyer, Accountant?
The gods incarnate
Must pray for them
Six times a day

Hey friends!
I’m a fuckin poet
I write lines for fun
Man, what’ve I done?

Computer games, Porno, Soccer
The landlords from hell
Must play with them
Six times a day

Hey God!
I’m a fuckin poet
I write lines for fun
As pious as a nun!

Heaven on earth
What a bitch
Must pay for it
That’s when you rent for it

>> No.3306993

Crushing grapes
In my hands
Hands become sticky.

Go to wash them.
Hair is clogging the sink
Oh there is no end to this
Rush upstairs
The stairwell is lacquered
smooth to the touch

The water is warm
Too warm
It burns me
The cruel reminder of uncertainty washes over
Then fades back into the utter mundanity of the day to day

The day to day
The sunlight shines over the horizon
Breaking the ocean into view
Has it been twelve hours
staring at the burn

It has formed a bubble, pestulant yet sanitary
A world all unto its own
Where are the foreign agents
Like the legions of Spartan few
Shields clashing 'gainst the Eastern threat
I burst with lesion that universe all unto its own

Out pours the healing nectar
The body's panacea
Exposing fettered skin
To the chilling elements of nature

Is it night again?
Still I stare, I know not why
Moonlight hides what sun once knew

***to be continued, if you want***

>> No.3307000

Should the geometry of typography play into your creative impetus?

Serious question.

>> No.3307016


>> No.3307019

fucked a bitch
in other words she was a hoe
ripp'd her vag she needs a stitch
the blood didnt stop the blow

>> No.3307107


I dig it

fairly og

>> No.3307152


You want to look at hashtags
and recognize what they don't
put to their numbered signs:

lists of sexual positions best
fit to stroke the clit
in magazines like Diva
or advice on cleaning up
juice from spit-roast supper
(drop one p, just as super)
before her hubby fluffer
gets off.

instead, it says
how he takes it
and what he feels:
out the back, a
hushed squeal, re
leasing himself to
what she wants,
a cock all hers to

>> No.3309364

It was always for the ass
that i'd embarrass myself
like a jackass
In front of large, bubbled assed
Thinking about it makes me feel like an asshole.

>> No.3309374

In Flander's field the poppies blew
and you the same to Johnny
the pecker and the holly
Sing to you

>> No.3309375

baby cryin in the other room
little hole in a condom spelt doom
jokes on that cuz
i didn't wear one

>> No.3310805

--My thoughts at age 8--

I burned the toast that morning
Dropped the butter on the floor.
Spilled bitter coffee in the kitchen
had to cower by the door.

In he came, the giant
stomping with fists raised
Hit me with his first hand,
with the second he just grazed

At that time I couldn't fight
couldn't stop the blows
But one day, I knew, I could hit him back
Beat him, stand tall on my toes

>> No.3310829

I asked to be forever young
And got acne for my birthday

>> No.3310873

words words words
words words words words

would be should be could be
and wannabe

a thoughtful exhalation
of the yesterday to be
tap tap tap
tomorrow's forgotten commiserations

>> No.3310899

I ate my lunch all on my own
It didn't taste like it did before
Not a single moment savored that day
Not like back then
A gentle smile and half-eaten tuna meal,
My favorite

>> No.3310944

Echoed barks
Recorded by the wind
Traveling dog
Swirling and twisting
Earth's bestfriend
A tree's dance friend
A whistling boy's playfriend

>> No.3310953

I am the only man
who understands poetry,
and I'm not even a man
rather a baby forced to drink from the toilet
strangled by fairy lights,
refused sobriety-- replaced with sex
by gypsy nights of excess
finally ran over by a Vagisil salesman

>> No.3310961

When I was a younger lad I used to sit there, then:
Thinking of things to say whilst twirling a pen
Eerie, regardless of my will or whimsy
A thought then suddenly dominated my head!
Despite all these conquests and victories
- Though pleasantly appeasing my false seemings -
I stand here now, defeated.
'Nary a chance nor fate to guide me
Blind to all but the bleakest destiny
Must I chase these false fantasies?
My reality an illusion -what then becomes of me!?
If it really then must be this way, I just have to say, as the blind man said to the waitress: "I'll have the Tao Lin."

>> No.3310964

bands a make her dance,
bands a make her dance,
bands a make her dance,
bands a make her dance,
bands a make her dance,

>> No.3310996

Sonnet 2

Senses are friends of the conscious mind
Aesthetics interpreted by rationale.
Transcendentalism is what I find
Makes sense; to think of your body as a pal.

What mystery unfolds when carnage rests!
Senses stripped of conscious activity.
Leaving the mind to its own loneliness,
To experience quite a fantasy.

What are dreams and that R.E.M slumber?
Is it but your mind creating a friend?
There is no sight for puzzles and numbers,
Only time until body and mind mend.

I do not honestly seek an answer,
Only to question why dreams may matter.

>> No.3311048

What was that, Hedwig?
Have we got some bitches to kill?
You know I be rappin' so ill, the H.P.
But not the Lovecraft (Though Ginny did indeed want the D after a bit of spellcraft)
Wreaking eldritch horrors on that fine ass
Shit you couldn't patronum away,
But that's nothing compared to what I'm going to do to this fool I'm about to slay -
Hey! Motherfucker who the fuck am I?
Harry Potter BITCH! and it's not going to be pretty when I blast your faggot ass in a totally non-homosexual way
Take you back to Gringotts and have some goblins wear your face to a masquerade, bitches know I can pay
You know I don't play.
You beg outside the bank
While I'm inside at play
Swimming in my fat stacks and
Rare magical artifacts
Ain't inheritance great?

Oh, what? You're parents weren't powerful wizards? That must suck.
Devoid of my greatness you insult me, but y'all going to have to take a back seat

My only regret- I should have gone Slytherin
'Cause Gryffindor don't take kindly to just how bad I'm gonna be fucking you up, pussy!

You know you can't play me.


>> No.3311082

an icy cavern,
within holding a delight,
sculptures natural, fractal.

it ended his venture,
the untimely death of young curiosity.

>> No.3311092

Posture of waiter eager to serve;
Disrupted silence in a deep wet cave.

Can I be Ezra Pound now?

>> No.3311098

Why must I express myself?
Who would listen?
Everything will end one day, why bother?
Let's all just sit down and die.

>> No.3311103

tired, tired, look at the time
so many poems and none that rhyme
it's a hard life, don't you know
I planted seeds of discontent in a tiny row
worth more than a dollar but less than a dime
around me the tendrils grow

>> No.3311975

I liked this

>> No.3312518

I know these feels, man.

>> No.3312753

man this should be archived

>> No.3313184

I sit on my couch, lamenting life
All of the events I pass up, all of my strife
But do I fix things? Do I move?
No! I sit and stare and try to prove
That my life has some sort of meaning for me
Which, to give life meaning is my responsibility

>> No.3313757

Cheers to a new year
though I'm still the same bitter man as last year
I hope to change my ways.
I'll grow stronger and hopeful and -
Fuck it, pass the booze

>> No.3313841

Probably would've been better had I cut that "year" in the second line.

Ruins the already shitty flow.