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3269853 No.3269853 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't Sauron just act nice for a couple of years and have his orcs rebuild Osgiliath as a gift to the men of Gondor so that they would just give him the ring instead of trying to destroy it?

>> No.3269862
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Why didn't they forged a hundred thousand rings just like the One Ring and spread them across Middle-Earth to deceive the enemy?

>> No.3269870
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Why didn't they forge a magical lock that can only be opened by someone as powerful as Sauron or Galadriel wearing the Ring and then put the lock on the Ring so no one would have the power to open it and wear it?

You could even give the Ring to Sauron to make him pissed.

>> No.3269877
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If the metal of the one ring can only be destroyed within the fires of mount doom, why didn't Sauron make armor out of the metal?

>> No.3269885
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Was Sauron going to propose to Galadriel with the One Ring?

>> No.3269888
File: 39 KB, 553x484, Frodoliens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't they just leave the ring with Tom Bombadil where the corruption could hurt no-one?

>> No.3269889
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Why didn't they just bribed an orc to pick up a bit of lava from Mount Doom and then they would heat it up again and put the Ring in it?

>> No.3269892

That face with a plot query next to it always makes me laugh

>> No.3269893

>Why wasn't Lord of the Rings a Romantic Comedy?

>> No.3269894
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Why didn't Fredo listen to his brother Michael and did something for the family?

>> No.3269897

I think it was explained that Tom would simply misplace or even gift the ring to someone because of how little he cares for it.

>Read the novel
Oh well, Fredo isn't the man his brothers are but he's family.
>Watch part 2
Dear god, Michael.

>> No.3269899

It's a pity a lot of them aren't legitimate questions, I find it funniest when frodo raises a legitimate issue with a plot.

>> No.3269939

It's magic, they don't have to explain shit

>> No.3269942

How come Arwen doesn't just go to the Undying Lands with Aragorn/go there after Aragorn is dead?

>> No.3269953

Why didn't Hitler just act nice for a couple of years, exterminate the Jews, build up his war machine and THEN invade Poland?

>> No.3269959

You still believe in "legitimate issue with a plot"?

>> No.3269960
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How come the animal farm didn't elect their previous owners back?

>> No.3269964

If the ring can only be destroyed by the fires of Mount Doom, why didn't Sauron have them seal it off?

>> No.3269975

Why didn't the elves just take the ring with them to the Grey Havens?

>> No.3269979

Why didn't Gandalf just take The One Ring and become like Sauron?

>> No.3269984


Believe it or not, there is such a thing as plot coherence.

Why didn't Holden just fuck the prostitute?

>> No.3269985

Why didn't they just toss the ring into the chasm of Khazad-dum?

>> No.3269988

it's all in your head, idiot.

>> No.3269991


If he had, you'd be asking the opposite question.

>> No.3269993

Why didn't Humbert Humbert just lock Lolita up in his basement?

>> No.3269998


>2+2 = 5 if I say it does

>> No.3269999

Why didn't this simple thing happen instead of all this conflict? Why isn't every book Oblomov?

>> No.3270015

> Why didn't Sauron just act nice for a couple of years and have his orcs rebuild Osgiliath as a gift to the men of Gondor so that they would just give him the ring instead of trying to destroy it?

That was actually a subplot in the Silmarillion.

>> No.3270024


ALL men, elves, dwarfs and other do-gooders in middle earth are white.

gandalf becomes an even greater wizard when he becomes the WHITE wizard.

the greatest city in gondor minas tirith is also called the WHITE city.

ALL orcs have black skin. the haradrim and other sub races of men that are evil are persian-looking (not white).

tell me why jrrt was a racist asshole? why, lit? why?

>> No.3270026

sauron actually lived with the elves and behaved himself all while plotting his evil return to power.

>> No.3270030


Because he was not an idiot, duh?

>> No.3270033

because white symbolises good/purity and black symbolises bad/corruption.

Just like how red symbolises lust etc

>> No.3270034

I don't know if this is racist at all. But the book was written in the 1950s if that helps.

>> No.3270037

>nb4 dunlendings.

they don't count

>> No.3270039


You are right about white being purity, but black is usually just sorrow.

>> No.3270050

not sure if trolling or just an idiot


>> No.3270053


>"I have read every book ever written, and can authoritatively tell you that, statistically speaking, black usually stands for sorrow!"


Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, White countries for everybody!

>> No.3270054

perhaps lotr was focused was inspired by ancient euro/nordic history?

i need to ponder this racist angle. i think there is something in there.

>> No.3270055


Not trolling; not all plots are equally coherent.

>> No.3270060



Lol, get a load of this guy

>> No.3270063

I meant that black means bad/corruption as a parallel to white.

It's not racist, just a way to make readers see who the good guys and bad guys are.

>> No.3270064


The metric that decides coherence is based on all kinds of personal referents

>> No.3270069


What is cultural symbolism, faggot

>> No.3270072


You would have a point if most people didn't have the same referents.

>> No.3270077


Cultural and social mores are pretty disparate, actually.

>> No.3270143

It depends.

2+2 = 5 only because we agree that the order goes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6... If 5 was conventionally the symbol for "4" it would have been right. But no one uses that way.

With words and plots it is not nearly as black and white and I assure you that when you read LotR or Catcher's you have read completely different books than the ones I read. Point being, a "legitimate issue with a plot" is that which haunts our reading, that gets in our way. The ones posted here before are, of course, humorous and probably not honest issues a person would feel while reading it. However, there is no such a thing as a legitimate plot issue that could be brought up for everyone, because that which is an issue for you might just be coherent for me and vice-versa. Not to mention that which puzzles you is not an issue, so even when a character acts against his usual behavior in a way or another, you may be provoked to think, not simply be taken out of the experience. The line between being provoked and suspending your disbelief is in that sense blurry as hell and extremely personal. Coherence is indeed all in your head, where the knots are tied with the line that is given to you. And people use these lines in very particular ways.