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3267955 No.3267955 [Reply] [Original]

>read a book / watch a movie and sympathize with one of the characters because he reminds you of yourself
>tfw you find out he was supposed to be pathetic and unlikeable

>> No.3267963

I felt that way about Maurice Spandrell until he decided to kill himself.

>> No.3267966

notes from underground general

>> No.3267971

>the David mitchell on peepshow

>> No.3267976

>Holden Caulfield

I just never understood how people on /lit/ could say this. It's just one of those things, man.

>> No.3267979


Ha ha

It has come to my attention that you have done something there.

>> No.3267985

He's not at all unsympathetic. He certainly is unlikable.

>> No.3268006
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>You know what anon?
>You know who you remind me of?
>Nick Carraway

I've heard this three times from three different people. Once from a girl while we read the book in high school, once from a girl in college who was a lit major, and once from my sister when she read the book for school.

Now, I'm not saying Nicholas is pathetic or unlikeable... But I'd rather not be remind of how I'm a side-character in everyone else's story (Instead of the main character of my own story) because of how passive I am...

>> No.3268007

Sawyer from Lost

Fuck, that character is perfect in all the possible senses

>> No.3268009
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>Robert Cohn

>> No.3268010


>The only one in his group of friends not mentally unstable or a bitch
>At the end of the novel he escapes from the East because he realizes how much of a faggot everyone there is

I fail to see the problem anon. Nick is a pretty cool guy.

>> No.3268011

damn, dude
on the bright side, he's apparently a really good writer, and he also doesn't die or reveal he's a gargantuan racist

>> No.3268013


they also might think you're gay

>> No.3268018


>Plebberry Finn from Pleb: The TV Show

>> No.3268020

I liked him at the start of the novel, then he just got worse from there

>> No.3268024


I'm a practicing catholic, but even I have to admit that Judas appeals to me the most out of all the apostles.

>> No.3268026

But Nick isn't gay, I'm afraid you're projecting your own desires onto the character and ignoring blatant signs pointing to the opposite

>> No.3268027

>read a book / watch a movie and sympathize with one of the characters because he reminds you of yourself
>he dies a horrible death

>> No.3268031

What the fuck do people mean when they say characters are "supposed" to be something? Do you jerks prescribe to authorial intent or something?

>> No.3268034


>Starship Troopers

>> No.3268044

Henry Fleming before his third battle.

Jesus christ, Henry fuckin' Fleming before his third battle is fucking me.

>> No.3268045

Not Thomas? Why Judas?

>> No.3268049


>> No.3268071

Severian from The Book of the New Sun

Gulp, I'm fucked up aren't I.

>> No.3268088

I'm glad you empathize more with characters than with the authors who created them because you read about authorial intent on /lit/.

>> No.3268103


'Come to lunch some day,' he suggested, as we groaned down the elevator.
'Keep your hands off the lever,' snapped the elevator boy.
'I beg your pardon,' said Mr McKee with dignity, 'I didn't know I was touching it.'
'All right,' I agreed, 'I'll be glad to.'
...I was standing beside his bed and he was sitting up between the sheets, clad in his underwear, with a great portfolio in his hands.
'Beauty and the Beast...Loneliness...Old Grocery Horse...Brook'n Bridge...'
Then I was lying half asleep in the lower level of the Pennsylvania Station, staring at the morning Tribune, and waiting for the four o'clock train.

also attracted to jordan, a very masculine woman

>> No.3268293

Iago from shakespeare's othello.

"If the beam of our lives had not one scale of reason to poise another of sensuality, the blood and baseness of our natures would conduct us to most prepost'rous conclusions. But we have reason to cool our raging motions, our carnal stings or unbitted lusts; whereof I take this that you call love to be a sect or scion."

I agree with him, but Iago is a sociopath. Am I a sociopath? No. It can't be.

>> No.3268310

satan from paradise lost

>> No.3268313

I love Holden as a character. I also never understood people not liking him.

>> No.3268319

I guess it's more like everyone was talking about the character as a douchebag and you just realized later and understood what they meant, even though you still identify yourself with him.

>> No.3268341

Team Rocket

>> No.3268348

How on Earth could you possibly identify with Iago? Would you seriously have an acquaintance murder his wife just because you felt like it?

>> No.3268397

Rodion Raskolnikov for me.

>> No.3268404


You think you are much smarter then you are?

>> No.3268770

Satan's not supposed to unlikable though

>> No.3268774

I always sided with Nabokov on people who related to the protagonist

>> No.3268779


>not relating exclusively to ignatius reilly

>> No.3268786
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>Tom Ripley

>> No.3268860
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i feel you bro

>> No.3268872
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Awwww Its another one of these skills-I mean threads.
Pic related, its OP.

>> No.3270455
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>also attracted to jordan, a very masculine woman

>> No.3271342

god yes. this was my first thought too.

>> No.3271365
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> be 15
> read Notes from Underground
> identify strongly with Underground Man
> we nihilist now
> keep reading
> be 17
> re-read book
> suddenly realize the Underground Man is everything detestable in this world

tl;dr -- i was an embarrassingly edgy teen

>> No.3271433

>Anon, you're just like David Thoreau
>tfw transcendental scum

>> No.3271443


wow you're so grown up now.

>> No.3271454

>tfw rooting for Don Quixote

>> No.3271457

I imagine almost everyone does. He's meant to be sympathetic despite his incoherence.

>> No.3271466



>> No.3271472

>Go up to a hick friend of mine
>Me: You know, anon, you remind me a lot of Llewlyn Moss
>Him: Who?
>Me: just watch the movie.
>Now, I'm not saying Nicholas is pathetic or unlikeable
Nick was in no way unlikeable, but he was a completely pathetic beta who was just lost in the events of the story.