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3267322 No.3267322 [Reply] [Original]

Would any of you recommend "I Am Not A Serial Killer" by Dan Wells?

>> No.3267326

Dear god, no. Isn't he friends with a comic book writer and a fantasy faggot named Brandon Sanderson?

This book's title sounds like it was made for 10 year olds.

>> No.3267345
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>Mfw I just gave that away as a Christmas present today.

In my defense, her favorite show ever is Dexter.

>> No.3267351

If you're actually expecting a book about someone dealing with homicidal tendencies, no. If you want some pulpy fantasy, sure. I read the first two books, haven't bothered with the third.

>> No.3267363

Just curious, could you recommend a book about someone actually dealing with that?

>> No.3267368

>Isn't he friends with a comic book writer
Are you one of those people who think the medium of comic books magically makes it impossible to tell any stories but Batman?

>> No.3267389

They can make stories. Tacky stories.

>> No.3267394

What makes them automatically tacky?

If The Brothers Karamazov was told through sequential art, would it automatically be "tacky?"

>> No.3267400

No, you're right. But give me one example of a mature and intellectually stimulative comic book.

>> No.3267403

Watchmen any good?

>> No.3267409

Daytripper, Flex Mentallo, Sandman. There's three.

>> No.3267411

Y: The Last man deals with themes of sexual and emotional maturity, isolation, growth, loss, and meaning.

>> No.3267414

Bomb queen

>> No.3267418

Unlike in the movie, the comic version of V for Vendetta presents V as completely ambiguous with regards to whether he's preferable to the totalitarian state he fights. The political issues it seems to be about are just a backdrop for less clearly political questions of ethics.

>> No.3267428

How good is the pulpy fantasy?

>> No.3267439


Are there any comic books that don't have a light 80s art style? Any genuinely dark works out there?

>> No.3267445

That's a terrible example. So are most of these others in this thread. Try I Kill Giants or anything by Moeibus or We3 or Harlequin Valentine or The Filth or The Tragical Comedy of Mr Punch or Cages or Lost Girls or Murder Mysteries or Orbiter or Pride of Baghdad or Promethea or The Arrival or Maus I&II etc etc

>> No.3267461

>Think 'dark' is the same as mature.

>> No.3267472

Alan Moore's Necronomicon is really quite dark if you like Lovecraft. So's the Mr Punch I mentioned in >>3267445
How about the visual novel of Clive Barker's Rawhead Rex? The Killing Joke and Arkham Asylum are both quite dark visions of the Batman universe. Anything by Junji Ito is likely to be very twisted but not exactly literary, except in a psycho-sexual sense. The Crossed series is very gory, but only the spin-off Family Values is worth reading.