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/lit/ - Literature

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3265776 No.3265776 [Reply] [Original]

Which books are you getting for Christmas?

My list:
Unfinished Tales
Mother Night
The Idiot
Atlas Shrugged
A Wild Sheep Chase

>> No.3265781

some poetry you've never heard of

>> No.3265786

I don't know
Isn't that the fucking point?

>> No.3265880

Not if you buy your own books. Treating one's self, etc.

>The Call of the Wild by Jack London
>Walden by Henry David Thoreau
>On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin
>The Blind Watchmaker by Richard Dawkins

4 out of 5 books I'm going to buy.

>> No.3268216

I know what's disappeared from my wish list:

John Gardner, The Art of Fiction
Gene Wolfe, Peace
Gene Wolfe, The Island of Doctor Death And Other Stories And Other Stories
Mark Haddon, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
George Dyson, Turing's Cathedral

I'll be amazed if I find time in 2013 to read all of those, considering my current backlog, but I'm pretty pleased nonetheless.

>> No.3268221


>On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin
>The Blind Watchmaker by Richard Dawkins


>> No.3268225

You'll enjoy Vonnegut.

I would add a list of my own, but i am an Atheist who refuses christmas gifts.

>> No.3268245

>I just got into reading
>I bought a bunch of books from amazon
>now I want to keep buying books so I have a badass collection

I have a ton of books I bought recently that I need to read but I am thinking of getting

Lord of the Rings
Beutiful and the Damned
Gravitys Rainbow
Tolstoy: A Russian Life
Shadow and the Claw
The Road
Blood Merridan

>> No.3268255

And there's a hard back under the tree but I've no fucking idea what it is and there's no hints. Seems too large for a novel, and too wide to be an annual. Cookbook is possible, but undesired.

>> No.3268278

The blind watchmaker wasn't spectacular. His newer books are amazing though, God Delusion and TGSOE. Depends on what facet of Dawkins you enjoy. His first was a good read. His lectures cover most of the material his books do, and are free so look into those. Also he has 4~ Tv specials all 3 episodes hour long each

>> No.3268287

> tfw illustrated bible

>> No.3268294

20 books and I've forgotten every single one of them

all I know is that they were either modernist, surrealist, or dadaist

I will never read any of them

>> No.3268297

None, as far as I know.

>> No.3268345

Infinite Jest
The Third Policeman
The Communist Manifesto
The Long Ships
I Served the King of England
Gun, with Occasional Music
The Travels of Lao Can

>> No.3268356
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stay pleb christfag

>> No.3268384

Well my /lit/ uncle just got me a collection of Cortazar's short stories so that's awesome and more than enough because it's so beautiful.

>> No.3268392


>God Delusion

It's just Dawkins slinging shit as usual

>> No.3268393

Just bought the first four books of A Song of Ice and Fire, and was looking at buying the LoTR trilogy for $1-3 until it got taken

>> No.3268453
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I've mentioned it before but my grandma's probably giving me this tomorrow.

And I'm giving my sister a B&N leatherbound copy of The Chronicles of Narnia.

>> No.3268460

I'm poor so I just bought somethings from the local used book store.

A Connnecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court MT
The Sound and the Fury WF
Age of Innocence EW
As You Like It WS
One Hundred Years of Solitude GGM
The Silmarillion JRRT
The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrun JRRT
Children of Hurin JRRT
(gift from someone) The Good Earth PB

>> No.3268547

None, I hope. I've bought/acquired far too many books in the past couple months and I need to stop so I can catch up.
Although I do hope for a subscription to the Literary Review.

>> No.3268566

tales from watership down
sirens of titan*
franny and zooey*
prose edda
alice through the needles eye
the beast that shouted love at the heart of the world
call of cthulu and other wierd stories
leaves of grass
the hobbit*
roadside picnic*
story of the eye*
the dragon and the george

the list i gave my mom, inb4 you a young nigga we always get each other books, stars denote shit i already read and just want a copy of for shits and giggles

>> No.3268630
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>kafka on the shore - murakami
>last chance to see - douglas adams
> between pacific tides - ed ricketts
> lucky jim - kingsley amis

>> No.3268741

>going to local used bookstore
>they stamp the inside cover with their logo
>write the price in pen on the first page
>other than romance novels, all the "classics" are just the ones kids wrote all over for school

on the other hand, I got a first edition of "the orwell reader"

>> No.3268743

Complete stories of H. Bustos domecq - Borges & bioy casares
An anthology of Latin American Vanguardism (gift)
Six characters in search for an author - pirandello
Quo Vadis - Henryk Sienkiewicz

>> No.3268753

The Bin Ladens by Steve Coll

Introduction to International and Global Studies by Smallman (I'm at that point in life where you become so boring you read Poli Sci textbooks for fun)

Underground by Haruki Murakami

Folly of the World by Jesse Bullington

Stormdancer by Jay Kristoff

>> No.3268754

Some combination of texts from Bolano/Bulgakov/Waugh/Murakami/Conrad/Mishima/Llosa/Cortazar/Hesse.
It's so foreign because my degree forces me to read a lot of English and American texts and thus I fancy a break

>> No.3268784

Man Made: A Stupid Quest for Masculinity by Joel Stein

>> No.3270041

The Dusk Watchman by Tom Lloyd
The Dreamthief's Daughter by Michael Moorcock
The Skrayling Tree by Michael Moorcock
The White Wolf's Son by Michael Moorcock
The Eternal Champion by Michael Moorcock
Memories of Ice by Steven Erikson

Olympus tier speculative fiction moi buckos.

>> No.3270058

My Dad wouldn't. He's far too anti organised religion.

>> No.3270073

I asked for a complete collection of Camus, as I only have The Stranger on my kindle.

Got my family some good books to get them to stop reading trash.

>> No.3270255
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I don't know man.
I've heard good things about Robert Crumb's Book of Genesis.

>> No.3270271

I'm not sure, but I think I'll get these from my dad:

Ursula K. Le Guin - The Wind's Twelve Quarters
Ursula K. Le Guin - The Earthsea Quartet
Thomas Pynchon - V.
Thomas Pynchon - The Crying of Lot 49
Flann O'Brian - At Swim-Two-Birds
Flann O'Brian - The Third Policeman
William Gaddis - The Recognitions

>> No.3270276

What were they reading, and what did you get them?

>> No.3270392

Absalom, Absalom!- Faulkner
9 stories- Salinger
Notre from the Underground- Dostydost
V.- Pynchon
Grapes of Wrath- Steinbeck
Prometheus Unbound- Shelley

>> No.3270505

Vladimir Nabokov - Lolita
Joseph Heller - Catch 22
Sylvia Plath - The Bell Jar
Haruki Murakami - The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
- After the Quake
Neil Gaiman - American Gods
- Neverwhere
Susanna Clarke - Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell
Mark Z. Danielewski - House of Leaves
Dathan Auerbach - Penpal
Don DeLillo - White Noise
Gregory David Roberts - Shantaram
F. Scott Fitzgerald - Tender is the Night
Sjon - The Blue Fox
Noah Cicero - The Insurgent
Hugh Howey - Wool
Robert Fagles - The Aeneid
Gyurme Dorje - The Tibetan Book of the Dead
Brandon Sanderson - Elantris
William Gibson - Neuromancer
David Mitchell - Cloud Atlas
Thomas Pynchon - Gravity's Rainbow
Kobo Abe - Woman in the Dunes
Mervyn Laurence Peake - Gormenghast Series
Kurt Vonnegut - Mother Night
- Player Piano
Terry Pratchett - The Color of Magic
George R. R. Martin - A Feast for Crows
- A Dance With Dragons
Gene Wolfe - Sword & Citadel
Franz Kafka - Collected Stories
Richard Matheson - What Dreams May Come
Frans G. Bengtsson - The Long Ships

>> No.3270537

Quite a haul. Do you expect to finish that in a year?

>> No.3270548

Unabridged Journey to the West and The Divine Comedy

>> No.3270561

>White Noise
Underrated around here, DeLillo is very good though.

>Tender is the Night
Perhaps better than Gatsby, enjoy.

>> No.3270680
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I received:

-A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius
-The Minotaur Takes a Cigarette Break
-Apathy and Other Small Victories
-St Lucy's School For Girls Raised By Wolves

And I bought myself

Any suggestions as to what I should read first?

>> No.3270766

>Terry Pratchett
>Brandon Sanderson
>G RR Martin


>> No.3270855

On their way now:
Cioran - the trouble with being born
john gray - Straw dogs
Leopardi - operette morali

will probably order soon:
white noise
no longer human
post office

>> No.3270965

My list:
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
War & Peace
Catch 22
Brighton Rock

>> No.3271815

I received a hardback Infinite Jest the other day from my girlfriend, and now I'm just hoping to actually get around to reading it.

I've asked for a few Faulkner books, two Pynchons, and No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai along with Parasite Eve. This Christmas should be a good one.

>> No.3271834

>not picking up on fucking
>Noah Cicero
That poster must buy everything ever recommended to them

>> No.3271896

Definitely get No Longer Human, you won't regret it.

>> No.3271903

>I received a hardback Infinite Jest the other day from my girlfriend

Still two days before Xmas in the civilised world. And you already opened your slut girlfriend's present?

I can only assume that's because you're not together over the festivities. And she's probably letting her high school boyfriend nut in her mouth right now. Nom nom nom that hometown eggnog, eh?

>> No.3271908

post office is worthless, don't waste your time...