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/lit/ - Literature

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3264293 No.3264293 [Reply] [Original]

>Hey gf, do you like reading books?
>Of course anon, it's my favorite hobby.
>Buy her a kindle for christmas.
>Thanks anon, I always wanted an e-book (wat), you didnt have to buy me such an expensive gift!

One year has passed and she has barely touched the fucking thing, makes me mad because I couldn't afford one for myself.

Bottom line is, don't get a kindle as a christmas gift unless you're sure the receipient is a bookworm.

Καλά Χριστούγεννα.

>> No.3264302

Maybe she just doesn't like reading on the Kindle.

Some people prefer physical books.

>> No.3264301

Did she let you touch her peepee?

>> No.3264303

or maybe she likes physical books more?

>> No.3264319



i'd say so, the thing is, everytime we went to our favorite bookstore, she always played with kindles they had on display, commentine on how "neat" and "revolutionary" they are. So yeah, I thought she'd line one for xmas, naturally.

>> No.3264334

same thing happened to me a couple christmas's back with my ex. Not with a kindle though, it was an ipod touch, and he even told me he wanted one I didn't ask or anything.

It's probably not much consolation, but I know the feeling. Sorry your thoughtful gift went unappreciated.

>> No.3264337
File: 33 KB, 300x300, FeelFace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be with gf and our group of friends drinking
>we get drunk
>we play a game where we have to name the worst gifts we've ever received for christmas
>go round one by one
>gf is next to me
>she blushes and says she doesn't want to say
>everyone tells her to say
>she looks at me, then looks back and says "okay"
>says hers was the books I buy her every christmas and birthday but she's never tells me she doesnt read them not to hurt my feelings
>I usually buy her normal presents plus a book I like, which she always says she likes
>mon visage when

>> No.3264338

Why did that make me laugh? Seriously, I think I'm a sociopath or something.

>> No.3264342

kindle and book worm don't work. book worms are of the type that appreciate BOOKS. not kindles. Fuck having a library in your pocket. Shits not natural and its NOT ok. books will never die.

>> No.3264343
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>GF reads stuff like Twilight, Vampire Diaries and shit.
I'm okay with this because I'm not a pretentious douche.
She works night shift sometimes and wanted a book to read. I gave her a loan of Joshua Mohr's Damascus.
>mfw my gf is now an alt-lit qt who loves Noah Cicero, Sam Pink and all the cool hip authors /lit/ is scared to discuss.

>> No.3264356

Did your girlfriend read The Insurgents by Noah Cicero? I bought it for Xmas and from the reviews and a few recommendations, people have said it was his best.

>> No.3264358

>Noah Cicero, Sam Pink and all the cool hip authors /lit/ is scared to discuss.

Go to bed, Noah Cicero and Sam Pink
Tao Lin is greater than you

>> No.3264363


Fuck man, my feels cannot compete with yours. I'm sorry, couldn't she have lied or something? Damn.

okay, if it bothers you so much..don't by a kindle if the receipient doesn't read often.

>> No.3264371
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>Noah Cicero
>hip and cool

>> No.3264396

I hate e-readers. HATE!

They're so pointless, and such bad ideas.

Sale policy of most e-books is poor and can be revoked easily. eg. Amazon deleted pdf's and refunded purchases of a book it had already sold without permission of the owners of said book.

It's generally not cheaper than secondhand paperbacks, requires electricity, will become useless when formatting changes and the reader device will eventually break.

You can't lend an e-book, only illegally share one, and even then your friend needs eyes of steel or an e-reader him/herself.

Awkward size. I can fit a penguin classic in my backpocket (Think HG Wells and not J Joyce) but I can't fit an e-reader.

Nobody will be able to see your library of books easily.

E-Books don't hold, have, or gain in value.

You can't return an E-Book if it's subpar.

>> No.3264400

>You can't return an E-Book if it's subpar.

but you can.

oh wait....haha i saw you wat u just did there

>> No.3264402

You couldn't afford $70 for a kindle for yourself?


I love my kindle and I have it filled to the brim with public domain and outright pirated literature. The screen is absolutely delightful to read on and the 4th generation basic one I have fits nicely in a coat pocket. The only complaint I had was that it didn't read e-pubs natively but installing duokan (literally copy paste these files and restart the kindle) fixed that up and even has some cool extras like letting me change the screensavers and fonts to anything I like as well as wireless data transfer so I don't even have to plug it in to put new books on it.

>> No.3264409

I have a Sony PRS-505 that I got right before e-readers became cool. It's not fancy like the new ones, pretty much solely dedicated to books and not a wannabe-tablet. The battery lasts for FUCKING EVER though, so it's cool. I use it whenever I'm reading e-books, it's much cooler than reading off my computer screen.

>> No.3264421

>le 420!!!!!

>> No.3264434

How the fuck can she say that? How can she say that the ideas and experiences between covers that shape her boyfriend's view of the world, who has probably gifted it to her in order to share those and make her understand you better are a bad gift? AND ALL THAT WITHOUT HAVING EVEN TRIED TO READ THEM?

>> No.3264446


How do you not know she doesn't read them?

>> No.3264449


She should read them for herself, not for you.

>> No.3264457

>posting in a literature board
>having the reading comprehension of a stone

Only in /lit/

>> No.3264464

incorrect, fucktard

>> No.3264467
File: 49 KB, 339x245, ameriga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no u

>> No.3264468

I mean before she told him you fucking doofus

>> No.3264472


so I'm in >>>/r9k/?

>> No.3264477

Please refer to:

>> No.3264504

Fuck you man

You'd have to be a retarded beta faggot afraid to talk to your girlfriend to not know she isn't reading the books you give her