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3261651 No.3261651 [Reply] [Original]

OC poetry/critique thread

Delusion #2

Seems just trivial and dangerous now
Not worth it’s weight
Tried distracting – amusing myself
Flipped through the Qur’an
Sat and chanted an OM
Bored by Nietzsche

I think Camus had a point
Perhaps psychopathy is best
Just you and I, old chum – snickered
It births the most interesting people after all
Better crazy than boring
And never met one that seemed so

Tried all
Then tried nothing
The bent stick – as they say
Great for seeing the world
And all reaches of the mind
Never returns quite back to where it was, though

I think I broke myself
Shouldn’t have played with my food
Shouldn’t have read so much poetry
Made it look all right to be mad
To be content with living with a delusion so long
That it becomes reality

>> No.3261680
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Camus never made that point.

>> No.3261694


Ever read The Stranger?

>> No.3261702

This poem is original,
This poem
is true.
The effort I put into it:
How much I care for you

>> No.3261718
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Yes. Camus' character in The Stranger is the quintessential absurd subject in that he, at first, possesses an indifferent and psychopathic disposition towards life. But at the end of the novel, when facing the certainty of evisceration, he affirms himself with a bit of existential authenticity. He capitulates to the absurdity and makes the conscious effort to move forward from his absurd position. His indifference gives way to a genuine existential perspective. He becomes a liberated subject capable of spontaneous creation and revolt. He learns to love life, no matter the circumstance. Psychopaths are incapable of love.

>> No.3261735
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i have a tumblr
with black and white
and piano
background music
my life is
i am the 1%

>> No.3261739

Meursault wasn't a psychopath, though, he was just a social anomaly that bourgeois society couldn't peg as anything as The Other and so had to get rid of
although that book is shitty and you could read p much anything you want in it

>> No.3261748

not bad, op. i like.

is there a delusion #1?

>> No.3261759
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Sandily it swept through
twice so Time declared the winner,
Westb'ro nuts exclaimed "God's Wrath!
may he punish every sinner!"
But truth's merchant on the corner
claims that God was out to lunch,
and critics' guns are aimed and cocked,
the youth don't have a hunch,
so from the voices swirling 'round
the frosted 'cember breeze,
There is but one true truth i've found
and one I found with ease:
The wrath of god or even man
is puny at it's best,
but interpretations' separation
puts us to the test.

>> No.3261761

woops *its

i did this hardmode, on the spot.

>> No.3261772

Someone vocaroo this with a strong accent. I'm intrigued.

>> No.3261777

I like it cuz it rhymes. Something about the word youth, I always like that too.

>> No.3261781


Also, "psychopathy is best", is just flat out disagreeable in terms of any philosophical assertions made by Camus in The Stranger and elsewhere. The protagonist exhibiting psychopathic tendencies does not equate to a value judgement about "the best" or "the worst" way to be.

>> No.3261786

my body is dancing with the universe
i am a celestial orchestrator

even when i spill some coffee on my pants
or take out the dog
or make some breakfast

i am dancing
my body sings the universe

>> No.3261891

so out of 10?