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3260642 No.3260642 [Reply] [Original]

more like this? books for kids and for adults?
>Pullman's publishers have primarily marketed the series to young adults, but Pullman also intended to speak to adults.[3]

also i raged when i saw this:
>North American printings of The Amber Spyglass have censored passages describing Lyra's incipient sexuality.[4][5]

fucking christfags and moralfags bawwing and censoring a good book

>> No.3260654

The Hobbit.

>> No.3260677

pffff im not just looking for fantasy, check this out:
>The story involves fantasy elements such as witches and armoured polar bears, and alludes to a broad range of ideas from such fields as physics, philosophy, and theology. The trilogy functions in part as a retelling and inversion of John Milton's epic Paradise Lost;[1] with Pullman commending humanity for what Milton saw as its most tragic failing.

fantasy/science/old style lit/etc

>> No.3260681

What a petulant little child you are.

>> No.3260679

the hobbit was shit

its only good for eventually making tolkien write the trilogy later which was actually somewhat good

>> No.3260683
File: 67 KB, 300x475, sabriel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3260695


you are either shitting on my taste, paradise lost, or phillip pullman, so fuck you

>> No.3260705

yep, i got them rec'd a couple months ago by my local book store

solid books although they got to teen girl like the longer it went on

but seriously....
>dat perfect as fuck name for a writer
>He has frequently been asked if his name is a pseudonym, to which he has responded, "I guess people ask me because it sounds like the perfect name for a writer of fantasy. However, it is my real name."[1]

>> No.3260698

I wasn't doing any of those things.

>> No.3260707

then i dont understand, please explain your comment

>> No.3260711

look at this faggot wow

>> No.3260718

The Neverending Story by Michael Ende. It's as creepy/surreal/sad as the first movie. (for reference, 2nd movie was bad but a nice try, 3rd movie and all other incarnations were shit tier)

>> No.3260721

Shade's Children is also good, but I didn't like the Keys to the Kingdom at all and that was when I was actually a teen

>> No.3260723

i saw all those movies, great idea/plot but poor execution

didn't know it was based off a book though, ill check it out thanks

>> No.3260736

Christ alive, I remember Shade's Children now. I read it when I was like, fucking seven years old. Shit left me traumatised.

>> No.3260738
File: 218 KB, 288x499, why..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shade's Children

>No child may live past their fourteenth birthday (known as a "Sad Birthday"), when they are taken to the Meat Factory and their muscles, brain, and other organs are harvested to create creatures. These creatures are servants of the Overlords, and as such both fight in the Overlords' ceremonial territorial battles and hunt for the rare escapees who have managed to remove the tracer implanted in their wrist. There is only one exception to this rule: some young women are kept for "breeding" to maintain the supply of children, until a suggested maximum age of eighteen.
>some young women are kept for "breeding" to maintain the supply of children, until a suggested maximum age of eighteen.
>some young women are kept for "breeding" to maintain the supply of children, until a suggested maximum age of eighteen.
>some young women are kept for "breeding" to maintain the supply of children, until a suggested maximum age of eighteen.

>> No.3260739

>Shit left me traumatised.
reading this>>3260738 i can see why

i dont know if i should read this.....

>> No.3260748

It's fucking grim.

>Oh boy, I really enjoyed Sabriel and the other books in that series, I'll see what else he was written
>Shade's Children, that sounds nice! Children are always great
Fucking fantastic, it's not like I particularly wanted to sleep for the next 5 years.

>> No.3260746

>implying the hobbit wasnt shit
>implying it served any other purpose than to make tolkien write the trilogy

come at me

>> No.3260753

I imagine if I read them nowadays, it would all seem rather tame. But at the time it was psychologically devestating.

>> No.3260757
File: 49 KB, 600x900, femaile-video-gamer[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a shit cover

that wasnt how i imagined sabriel at all

>implying you didnt think of her as a white, blonde, samus type character

did nix actually describe how she looked in the book?

>> No.3260770

I just recommended a children's book that's also enjoyable for adults. You didn't have to react this way, plus you might actually enjoy the complexity of Tolkien's work.

>> No.3260765

Oh, I almost forgot
>Female love interest goes missing about halfway through the book
>I'm sure she'll turn up again soon and save the day
10/10 would ruin my childhood again

>> No.3260767

Yeah, she always had brown hair.

>> No.3260772

i think so, 4chan has left us a bit jaded i think

im still not fucking reading it though....i want some metaphysical fantasy/sci fi/whatever stuff like Pullman was doing

>> No.3260776

I would honestly recommend reading it.

Beyond the mind-ravaging terror, I remember it being a rather good book.

>> No.3260778

i have already read all of his stuff though, so thanks for contributing although it wasnt what i was looking for

you should try His Dark Materials, its pretty fantastic (as long as you understand the Paradise Lost connections, and the science/theology bits)

>> No.3260783

i dont do well with terror/horror :/

i havent been able to finish a Clive Barker book (outside of his Abarat series), or even a Stephen King book (outside of the Dark Tower series)

weird...i am noticing a pattern of enjoying horror writers entries into fantasy.....

>> No.3260786

It's not really horror. Psychological sci-fi thriller maybe? God that makes it sound awful, but yeah.

>> No.3260789

exactly though, i dont like the psychological bits (even in film or comic books)

i start squirming and it makes me uncomfortable as its just not an enjoyable emotion for me....sometimes i have to put the book down

>> No.3260792

to illustrate, even when i was watching minority report/m. night shyamalan movies/other movies with more pysch horror parts i straight up had to leave the room

sabriel keeps this at a minimum

>> No.3260874

This thread makes me want to try and remember some YA-type fantasy books with odd elements.

Fires of Heaven trilogy was a pretty decent read but I've never met anyone else who read it. The girl the main character had a crush on left their village with the main group because her boyfriend/betrothed (forgot which) abused her and then she ended up going to become the consort of the main antagonist because he was dangerous and alluring. Keep in mind this guy was called The Destroyer and was actively plotting to kill 'God' who was somehow in the body of the main character's brother.

Then in the sequel, the main antagonist creates a gigantic barbed penis to rape her with. Which never happens but there is a scene in which see actually sees it and realizes what it is for.

>> No.3260919

Er, sequel trilogy.

But pretty decent read. The author is also a cartographer and created his own maps. Good stuff.

>> No.3261634

Have you checked out his Lockheart books? The first two at least are definitely worth your time.

>> No.3261643

I loved Keys to the Kingdom when I was 7-13. I was disappointed in revisiting them recently though.