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/lit/ - Literature

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3259917 No.3259917[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Surely we should also put on "For Whom The Bell Tolls" under Hemingway? Other than that, it's pretty good.

>> No.3259923

'We' did not make that. One guy did, and a few other guys made derivative charts.

Please don't ever think we come together to make this shit.

>> No.3259935
File: 795 KB, 1208x3896, 1355846668423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is more accurate.

>> No.3259942

>satan tier
Thanks for the laugh, OP
>she isn't even that bad of an author, the plots in her stories are fine, just nothing to rave about.
Objectivism is another story though, and has to be taken with a grain of salt.
Hell, if some faggot is going to work hard and act elitist, let him. Better than some hipster who works at starbucks and tries to be elitist.

>> No.3259945


Except for not at all.

>> No.3259953
File: 807 KB, 1208x3896, lit-core.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

legitcore coming through

>> No.3259955

I can't believe Chabon actually has a fan.

>> No.3259973
File: 727 KB, 1208x3504, Litcore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, I made it more accurate for you all.

>> No.3259975

I feel like Joseph Conrad should at least be in the good or okay tier.

>> No.3259976

Nicely done.

>> No.3259989

pretty good.

>> No.3259993


Well done ol' boy.

>> No.3259996

Would you think less of someone if you found out they read "pleb" literature as well as some other recommended books?
I'm genuinely curious as someone recently told me that if they found out someone had read Twilight, even ironically or for critical analysis, they would immediately think less of them.
I've read a lot of really shitty series and genuinely enjoyed them alongside more highly regarded authours, I don't see a problem with maybe reading A Song of Ice and Fire if you're aware that, hey, maybe this isn't a shining example of good writing.
Though if you read Ayn Rand and like it you should probably kill yourself.

>> No.3260003

Very nice.

>> No.3260006

Everyone has their guilty pleisures. You can only read so much philosophy before a new episode of Jersey Shore comes on.

>> No.3260018

>Jersey Shore

Don't fool yourself into thinking you're an intellectual, despite having read some philosophical texts. You're just a rube pretending to be an intellectual. Jersey Shore. Jesus.

>> No.3260020


implying jersey shore isnt the best way to observe the human condition

>> No.3260021

murakami needs to be "usually a troll"

>> No.3260025


I tell people that feel and sadfrog is the human condition distilled in to its purest essence but these plebs think it isn't art.

Whatever guys, I'm with Nabokov. If you read for anything other than the prose then you're a pleb.

>> No.3260038
File: 30 KB, 620x465, tears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't fool yourself into thinking you're an intellectual, despite having read some philosophical texts. You're just a rube pretending to be an intellectual. Jersey Shore. Jesus.

>being so insecure in your intelligence that you're terrified of listening to anything but classical music
>using the term intellectual as a badge of honor
>intellectual/rube dichotomy
>implying people who drink single malt are not allowed to enjoy a lager as well
>being to only kid to wear an (awkwardly fitting) suit in high school
>being this bourgeois and aspiring upper middle brow

>> No.3260041

The autism in this thread is palpable.

>> No.3260047


I'd like to think that, but from most of the Murakami threads I've read the writer is serious. People are actually quite fond of Murakami on /lit/ for reasons I really don't understand, while the same cannot really be said for any of the other troll authors.

>> No.3260055

tht isn't what nabokov believed you total idiot

>> No.3260056

This is what pseudo-intellectuals actually believe.

>> No.3260061

He used to be popular, but the consensus seems to have shifted recently, as reflected in >>3259953

>> No.3260069

Why are all the female authors at the bottom?

>> No.3260080


Because /lit/ doesn't regularly talk about any female authors positively? The charts aren't saying that Austen, Bronte, Woolf, etc. are bad, they're just saying that they aren't part of the core literature discussed on /lit/.

>> No.3260088


No Steinbeck?

And no I'm not talking about grapes of wrath or east of eden (though amazing)

Log to the Sea of Cotrez and Cannery Row are awesome.

>> No.3260093

Where's Jack Kerouac, JK Rowling, and Neil Gaiman?

>> No.3260134


There aren't many Harry Potter threads on /lit/ in my experience. Gaiman might be underrepresented in threads considering his rabid fan base. You have a point with Kerouac, but who would you replace to fit him on?

>> No.3260154

Oh, and I read Twilight in middle school because back then I had a fetish for emo girls.

>> No.3260152

Not sure. don't even really know where they'd go, seeing as I last read Harry Potter when the last book came out and have only read a little bit of Gaiman and Kerouac, and haven't read anyone on that listr except for the author of the Hunger Games (which I hated).

>> No.3260160

I hated Twilight. I also tried to read some John Greene and couldn't get through the second chapter.

>> No.3260170

pleb tier

>> No.3260184

If Twilight was amongst the only things they read (the others being 50 Shades of Grey or whatever), I probably couldn't help judging them harshly.

If however they read make their own mind up on it, I would find that

Either way, who cares what I think or if someone likes 'shitty' books. I like a lot of YA fiction but eh, their problem if they don't like it.

>> No.3260187

*I would find that respectable.

>> No.3260193

>No Poe
>No Graham Green
>No Josheph Conrad