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/lit/ - Literature

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3257996 No.3257996 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ Bingo time!!!

Yes, it's stupid and fun. Yes, discussion of books can result from the posting of your results. No, you don't have to shit on the thread because you disapprove of fun.

Most of these come from the /lit/ achievements with slight modifications to balance difficulty. I kept out the non-achievement ones for the most part, like reading Twilight or Ayn Ran or Dan Brown.

Post yours regardless of whether or not you get a bingo.

>> No.3258169

50 different countries ? are you sure we hve at least 30 countries which managed to produce anything worth readng?

>> No.3258230

Sure. There are a little over 200 countries in existence right now. The original achievement was to read something from each, which is stupidly improbable. I figured 50 was more feasible.

China, Japan, South Korea, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, Sudan, Turkey, India, Angola, USA, Canada, Australia, Ireland, UK, New Zealand, Brazil, Russia, Mexico, Colombia, Guatemala, Cuba, Uruguay, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Romania, Czech Republic, Serbia, Poland, Hungary, Germany, Netherlands, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Greece, South Africa, Nigeria, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland, Switzerland, Austria, Denmark, Estonia all have produced authors worth reading.

>> No.3258274
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mmmm I dont know any Japanese authors...

Pic- is the bookshelf in my room, have more books in the other bookshelf.

>> No.3258290

And just in case you don't believe me, here are some example authors. Left out USA and Russia and the biggest guys, because they're obvious.

China - Lu Xun
Japan - Natsume Soseki
South Korean - Pak Wan-so
Iran - Omar Khayyam
Iraq - Saadi Youssef
Egypt - Naguib Mahfouz
Afghanistan - Atiq Rahimi
Kyrgyzstan - Chingiz Aitmatov
Sudan - Tayeb Salih
Turkey - Orhan Pamuk
Angola - Pepetela
New Zealand - Katherine Mansfield
Brazil - Machado de Assis
Mexico - Juan Rulfo
Colombia - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Guatemala - Augusto Monterroso
Cuba - Virgilio Pinera
Uruguay - Cristina Peri Rossi
Peru - Mario Vargas Llosa
Chile - Roberto Bolano
Argentina - Borges
Romania - Gellu Naum
Czech - Bohumil Hrabal
Serbia - Danilo Kis
Poland - Bruno Schulz
Hungary - Lazslo Krasznahorkai
Netherlands - Harry Mulisch
Portugal - Fernando Pessoa
Belgium - Amelie Nothomb
South Africa - Coetzee
Nigeria - Amos Tutuola
Sweden - Strindberg
Norway - Knut Hamsun
Finland - Kalevala
Iceland - any of the sagas
Switzerland - Robert Walser
Austria - Thomas Bernhard
Denmark - Isak Dinesen
Estonia - Jaan Kross

>> No.3258294


>I don't know any Japanese authors
Really? Not even Mishima or Tao Lin?

>> No.3258305
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No bingo ;_;

>> No.3258313

Read some ebooks of books published in the last 10 years! I could hook you up if you want

>> No.3258315
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>> No.3258322
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>> No.3258327
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fucking almost

>> No.3258332

For the ? one, you can use fuuka.warosu.org to search and see. It was mostly a "read some books not in /lit/'s canon" sort of thing.

>> No.3258336

Salinger's an easy one for oeuvre. His other work is better than Catcher.

>> No.3258339
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yeah nigga

>> No.3258341

fuck yeah, two bingos

>> No.3258342

or do two at the same time by reading proust

>> No.3258348

That'd be three at the same time even. The 1,000+ page one too.

>> No.3258351

and the 1,500 page too. Fuck.

>> No.3258384
File: 472 KB, 234x171, shoot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Read 12 books by female authors

>> No.3258389

there's more out there than Austen and Meyer.

>> No.3258390

does anyone around here still have the thing from http://fuuka.warosu.org/lit/thread/S2793540 ?

>> No.3258394

whoops nvm


>> No.3258398

>Harry Potter = 7
>First three Earthsea books = 3
>Other random shit = 2
>Total = 12

>> No.3258402
File: 271 KB, 1222x1117, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops! Posted in the wrong thread.

Can someone please recommend me a good book by each of the following?

James, Fitzgerald, Sinclaire, Faulkner, Verne, Wells, Clarke, Dostoevsky, Pushkin, Gogol, Chekov, Turgenev, Lermontov, Goncharov

>> No.3258412
File: 319 KB, 1222x1117, no lit bingo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And OP doesn't have bingo either. Maybe I did make it too hard.

I'm planning to read more Jonson and Marlowe anyway. And I would just need to read Kosztolanyi's Darker Muses to get the oeuvre one, which I'd really like to do.

>> No.3258415

Sinclair - The Jungle
Faulkner - As I Lay Dying or The Sound and The Fury
Dostoevsky - Notes From Underground,Crime and Punishment, Brothers Karamazov
Turgenev - Fathers and Sons
Fitzgerald - Gatsby

>> No.3258419
File: 481 KB, 1222x1117, muhbooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3258423

>Dostoevsky, Pushkin, Gogol, Chekov, Turgenev, Lermontov, Goncharov

jesus dude...

notes from underground, eugene onegin, some short story collection x2, spring torrents, a hero of our time, oblomov

>> No.3258426

I read Turn of the Screw from James, but I couldn't get into it. If you like ambiguous psychological horror, you may enjoy it.

Read Eugene Onegin from Pushkin. Gogol and Chekov should both be short story collections, or plays from Chekov if you like plays. Turgenev = Fathers and Sons. Lermontov's most important is A Hero of Our Time, Goncharov's is Oblomov.

>> No.3258425


>> No.3258428

Why ? on Penguin Classics?

>> No.3258429
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>> No.3258439

Don't feel like counting. Also French and that isn't exactly the standard paperback classics format here.

>> No.3258447
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so close...

>> No.3258449
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As if anyone would have done half of this

>> No.3258451
File: 263 KB, 1222x1117, lelsoedgy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get on my level

>> No.3258454

James - 50 Shades of Grey
Pushkin - Eugene Onegin
Gogol - Dead Souls
Chekhov - The Steppe, or just get a collection of his short stories
Lermontov - A Hero of Our Time

>> No.3258455

Which three?

>> No.3258462

>hasn't read a book in a day
do you even winter break?

>> No.3258467

250 pages is a lot to read in a day, unless you're speed reading and not thinking about it

>> No.3258471

Being Latin I'm more exposed to more Hispanic, Anglo, Europe and Eastern Asia authors :(

But seems like i'm missing a lot so would Love recommendations though ;).....

>> No.3258472

Get some easy to read genre fiction and spend a day with it.

>> No.3258494

there's a nice big section on the wiki for them.

I personally always rec Ryunosuke Akutagawa as a starting point, especially if you're someone intrigued by folklore or the grotesque. Rashomon and Seventeen Other Stories is a great collection.

>> No.3258497
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Hmm, granted the foreign language book I read was "The Giving Tree" in Mongolian.

>> No.3258499
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>> No.3258502

Yeah, mine was a kid's book too. I read Le Petit Prince after four years of French.

>> No.3258521


You some kinda steppe monkey?

>> No.3258532

It certainly is bourgeois in here.

>> No.3258544

It appears the easiest way for me to get bingo is to read 200 pages of correspondence from a single author. Does anyone know an author with a particularly good correspondence?

>> No.3258548

i win motherfuckers

>> No.3258550
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oops, forgot pic

>> No.3258554

I have completed 13.

>> No.3258556
File: 310 KB, 1222x1117, lit_bingo_unsolved.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont win anymore because I, too, forgot my pic

>> No.3258560

I was wondering the same. I guess there's the Joyce fart letters, but...

>> No.3258571

Pliny. Cicero.

>> No.3258575

That's not exactly 200 pages worth of material.

>> No.3258578

You some kinda racist?

>> No.3258579

Phillip Larkin

Kafka would have a lot of white space

>> No.3258583
File: 339 KB, 1222x1117, 1355878149822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a PLEBIAN bingo.

>> No.3258592

Orwell, Penguin edition multiple volumes.

>> No.3259116

>tfw you can't tick any of those boxes except for read an entire book in one day

I actually read 2 in one day, they were books from A Series of Unfortunate events and I doubt either was over 250 pages, but combined they were more than that.

>> No.3259119
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>> No.3259141

While making the options, op you must've forgot 'claiming intellectual superiority' and 'fingering own asshole'

>> No.3259172
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>> No.3259213
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i want his love, love's going to leave.

>> No.3259221
File: 292 KB, 1222x1117, lit bingo 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came SO close to having a binjo, top left to bottom right, but I've never read an e-book in my life.

>> No.3259230

might've bingo'd if I had an ereader.

the center square is because i read a book every day of the 7th grade, but they were almost exclusively unmemorable trash. it's possible I've done it since, but I don't really keep track like that.

>> No.3259240

>James - 50 Shades of Grey
are you retarded?

>> No.3259259
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fuck, I forgot my pic AND i found out I have something in common with a shitty tripfag.

>> No.3259263
File: 386 KB, 1222x1117, 1355878149822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's a good book that has over 1500 pages? war and peace is the longest i've read and it's about 1400 according to goodreads

>> No.3259269

>James - 50 Shades of Grey

>> No.3259272

Das Kapital

>> No.3259278

Les misérables is more than 1500

>> No.3259284
File: 335 KB, 1222x1117, 1355878149822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So close...

>> No.3259290

alright, i'll read les mis sometime next year.

>> No.3259350

Pages seems a bit silly because IJ is 1100 and its word count is nearly the same as War And Peace/Les Miserables

>> No.3260057

Only one person here has read In Search of Lost Time? No wonder /lit/ is so shitty

>> No.3260081
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Well, I'm definitely too young to read book with main theme, and title like this. I'm 20, btw.

>> No.3260082

> have over 100 books unread that you've purchased
Jesus Christ, I'm sure I have over 500.

>> No.3260086

Same. It's a little ridiculous. I didn't want the number to be too high, as then it's more of an anti-achievement.

>> No.3260100
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All right, here's mine. A few of these are worthy goals, but most IDGAF about.

>> No.3260122
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>> No.3260129

Which are the one's you don't care about? Everything else you have left seems pretty important for a widely read person, save maybe the correspondence one.

>> No.3260162
File: 270 KB, 1222x1117, bingo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not actually playing the game. The ones I crossed out should be replaced with better squares because they are not literary achievements

>> No.3260183
File: 510 KB, 1222x1117, 1355949993679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bingo mattafakas

>> No.3260202

Why do you not think Japanese or female authors are worthwhile?

>> No.3260227

can someone post the original lit achievements?

>> No.3260238

wow the thread is still alive
Some obscure shit you've never heard of before.
No, seriously, I'm chilean so I had to read some bullshit chilean books back then in school.
Why the fuck would I force myself to read like 200 pages in one day. No way.

>> No.3260244

They were already posted at >>3258394

>> No.3260259

oh neat

this sounds like fun

>> No.3260273

I am not saying they are not worthwhile.

I am saying that squares for "Read 15 Japanese book" and "Read 12 Female authors" are really bad. They are not accomplishments

>> No.3260275


Some people who like reading have to force themselves not to read 200+ pages a day. Very often I get carried away and won't put a book down even when other things come up, like forgoing outings with friends to continue reading, or eating dinner much later than I had intended.

>> No.3260295

So they should be higher? I was thinking of switching the Japanese one to a style like the American, Russian and sci-fi ones, with specific authors. Soseki, Kawabata, Mishima, Tanizaki, Akutagawa, Dazai, Endo, Oe and Abe, but I felt bad keeping it to 20th century literature.

For female authors I didn't want to go specific though, as there are thousands of great ones to choose from. Maybe appending "literary" onto it would help. What would you suggest?

>> No.3260296
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Close on two accounts, but I've only read a few ebooks and Dostoy and Tolstoy for the Russian one.

>> No.3260314
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>> No.3260317

Triple Bingo nigga you get three prizes

>> No.3260320


I know man, who ever thought that pirating all those e-books would bring such kudos. I thought it was impossible till the last square, but it just shows that you should never give up, and if you give 110% you'll be over the moon at the end of ninety minutes.

>> No.3260322



>> No.3260325

Holy shit I didn't see the southwesterly one.
Four prizes nigga you get my virginity

>> No.3260341
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I'm pretty sure I've read 200 letters by Lenin as well, so I'm going to resubmit.

If I could be 100% sure about that 50 countries one, I think you'd have to let me do your mum. In the bum.

My wife owns at least 50 Penguin Classics, but I'm not claiming them.

>> No.3260452

>Arthur C. Clarke
I've heard Rendezvous With Rama is good. I've read the entire 2001 series and enjoyed them though I don't know if they're "good".