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/lit/ - Literature

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3255721 No.3255721 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /lit/ let's make a text adventure.

What is IF? (from Douglas Adams' website)
>There was a time when computer games didn't have graphics. Or at least they couldn't have graphics and sound at the same time. They certainly couldn't have graphics, sound and enough content to keep even a human being amused for more than a few minutes. So they had text. This was radical - a computer game you could control by typing in commands. The game would then respond to your commands with a breathtakingly prescient understanding of your intent. Or not. Usually not - the early text parsers (circa 1977) weren't that bright.

Examples of IF:
Corruption of Champions

More info:

First we need to decide on the genre, setting, and all that stuff. Will it be a semi-autobiographical pulp noir with a protagonist who has a third testicle or a love story between a man and his gnocchi?
We'll need programmers and writers.

>> No.3255727

We should do Valis in IF form.

>> No.3255729

I think our protagonist should be a pretentious, white, male, twenty-something.

Write what you know, after all.

>> No.3255737

I can program and write.

Some initial thoughts:

1. we may want to adopt tripcodes for clarity's sake
2. theme/plot/etc should be voted on. we can make a survey and leave it up for a while and of course discuss here
3. if this gets serious, it should be stickied
4. we should find people who've done this before or like IF to give pros/cons

>> No.3255736

C++ programmer standing by. I've had some experience with Inform 7, and could help with writing if need be.

>> No.3255739

>tfw shitty writer and have yet to learn how to program
I wish I could help with this and that pulp magazine.

>> No.3255744

We shouldn't rush this either, it can be meta-jokey hue hue hue, but I think this can turn out really nicely.

>> No.3255751

>we should find people who've done this before or like IF to give pros/cons
We could ask some of the older /v/irgins once we get going. This probably isn't too far out of /tg/'s territory if we need a third opinion.
I wonder if any of the current IF writers browse 4chan.

>> No.3255752

Christine Love did lurk (perhaps even posted?) on /b/, not sure if she still does.

>> No.3255753
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Not IF.

>> No.3255761

If you make it AIF (Adult Interactive Fiction... a.k.a. interactive word porn) you're more likely to get more contributors.

>> No.3255762

God dammit.
I copied Straw Dog's post for the subject but didn't even notice that it's pitch black not pitch dark.

>> No.3255765


>> No.3255766


>> No.3255775

The line from Zork is
>It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.

>> No.3255778

I know. I was referencing the song, which in turn was misquoting the game.

The Zork series was amazing, though. I've played 3 or 4 of them all the way through.

>> No.3255786

Alright, do we want:

>Adventure (think Zork)
>Purely NPC interaction (Galatea)
>Third type (I have no idea)

Personally I vote NPC, its easier and can be 3DEEP5U which is /lit/'s distilled essence.

>> No.3255790

Get Lamp, the documentary mentioned in OP's pic.

>> No.3255794

Can I write a sex scene?

>> No.3255801

You can write wahtever you want, anon.

y-you could...even write two s-sex scenes.

>> No.3255802

Only if you base it on our experiences ;)

>> No.3255807

>Google Tech Talks
>Closed Captions

>> No.3255812

Saved me a google search. Thanks!

>> No.3255821

>[Will Crowther] is the J.D. Salinger of Interactive Fiction
Is that a good thing?

>> No.3255823

Probably just means that he's done some that were popular, but he's reclusive and doesn't want to do interviews.

>> No.3255850

That's exactly what happened. He wrote the first text adventure, Colossal Cave/Adventure, with Don Woods. He also helped create the ARPAnet so he thinks it's kinda silly that everyone wants to talk to him about it some shitty program he made to entertain his kids.
Imagine if everyone loved Tolkien for some cuff links he made instead of LotR. He saw it as trivial compared to his other work.

>> No.3255852

>cuff links
Pretend I said a short story he wrote in 9th grade.

>> No.3256294
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>> No.3256298
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in my opinion, the game should play much like this one

>> No.3256550

Ulysses: the Text Adventure

>> No.3256582

Nice try, but no.

>> No.3256592

The Drunk or How I Lost My Virginity to a Garden Hose

>> No.3256627

I own this. Quite dense, and not interested at all in keeping you, the viewer, enthralled. And yet I was. It probably just pushes the right computer-nerd-generational buttons for me.

I would love to participate in this, but I don't think it will work if you try to use /lit/ as the collaboration platform.

>> No.3256639

I was thinking of getting either this or the BBS one. I've watched it like three times but can't explain why.
Are the Infocom interviews and the other extra stuff any good?

>> No.3256677

I spent a couple of months trying to learn inform. That shit is ridiculous.

>> No.3256759

What if, every time you try to do something the parser doesn't understand, it says:
>implying I know what you're talking about
And whenever you can't do something for a specific reason (drive car, but you don't have the key, for example) it gives you a clue in that format?

>implying you have the key

>> No.3256757

Level 9 was here, Infocom is a loser.

>> No.3256763

The greenText Adventure

>> No.3256772

This is a good idea.

>> No.3256911
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I vote for a Tao Lin adventure game

>> No.3256952

Yeah, I watched everything and liked it. But, you know, both are CC-licensed, so you can download them and try the main docs to see if it really is something you'd want to watch more of. I did, and ended up buying Get Lamp mainly because I want to support the important early-internet-archival work that Jason Scott is doing.

>> No.3256954

I support this.

>> No.3256958

Are the extras on the archive?
I got Get Lamp off of tpb and Bitgamer but they only had the main feature that was linked earlier.

>> No.3256960


Fuck, I want that game to exist so bad.

>> No.3256972

No, they weren't, sorry. If you really like it, you'll probably like the extras. Plus you might still get the "cool" Zork coin that came with my DVD.

>> No.3256974

An alcoholic private investigator, Howard Gate, with a penchant for violence and deviant sexual behavior is employed by Houston Cubbold, owner of one of the major dark energy propulsion laboratories and manufacturers in the world, to spy on his rival, Archie Crane. Who he suspect of double dealings and stealing his blueprints for the machine to break the 2nd law. Murder, madness, bizarre sex, and dimension slipping fill the landscape of this hallucinatory text adventure.

>there will be greentext

>> No.3256986

>eaten by grue

i immediately thought about goodmans new riddle of induction and then promptly realized that
I am the monist divine object, the singular transcendence. You are all organs of my being. I am the most powerful tripfag in the universe.

>> No.3256997

>Corruption of Champions
Holy shit what's going on? My dick is so hard it's quivering. It won't stop pulsing. This game is weird and not in a good way. Why can't I stop playing this disgusting game? Why is it so arousing?

>> No.3257075

this has been bothering me for several years, now. if anyone can help solve this mystery i'd be very appreciative.
i saw a screenshot taken of one of these games and would kill to play it. i never found it.
>it showed a sort of pixelated forest you were standing in front of, the trees kinda dense dark brown. i think you were on a path. you are asking the trees a question and i think they were discussing back. the dialogue was incredibly humorous.
so: discussions with brown trees with a sense of humor. i think they were using bits of archaic english (ye, verily, etc.) could it have been medieval? you may have been a peasant.
any one recognize this IF game?

>> No.3257078

King's Quest?

>> No.3257088

Was it the Hugo's House of Horrors Jungle game, maybe?

>> No.3257109

holy shit. i think this may have been it.
i cannot even begin to express my love for you, anon. thank you, thank you. have an excellent rest of your life.
not this one, but it looks very tempting. might give it a try. thanks very much, anonymous.

>> No.3257183
File: 60 KB, 640x400, A one, a two-HOO, a tha-three. CRUNCH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3257187

Glad to help--I hope that was it! Funny, too, since I've never played any of those games. They were just the first thing that came to mind for "text game with crude graphics of trees".

>> No.3257198


>having no key

>> No.3257200
File: 486 KB, 640x400, King's_Quest_I_screenshot_comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is King's Quest 5. I think I've posted it on /lit/ before.
Pic related is the first game. Much more pixely.

>> No.3257210

i think we may have a winner
yeah? don't sign up for a battle of hunches with holmes any time soon, guy. i think the earth's foundations couldn't take it.

just watched a bit of a playthrough. pretty sure you've all hit gold. it's absurdist enough, the plants are sentient, quality of graphics and text bubbles match my memory banks. cheers.
i should have consulted the anonymous wizards years ago.

>> No.3257212

>using lollipop ads for filenames

>> No.3257215

Look up ScummVM if you're going to play it.

>> No.3257224

oh, excellent. thanks very much

>> No.3257240
File: 67 KB, 640x400, sq4vga10y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also check out Space Quest when you're done.
I've never played either one but I'll recommend them anyway because other anonymous internet people really like it.

>> No.3257299

I can't write and I can't program, but I could draw a cool cover for the game that could be on the website, or maybe we could include an illustration every now and then. I'd be happy to do that.

>> No.3257345

dude, I know exactly what that guy was talking about. play the game and you will too

>> No.3257569

what? the filename is "A one, a two-HOO, a tha-three. CRUNCH.png " which is from the tootsie pop advertisement.

>> No.3259438

Give up on this already, /lit/?

I'm willing to go in on it. I'm a professional programmer and once was an IF enthusiast. I've never worked with any IF engines, but I don't expect they'd be beyond my abilities.

>> No.3259518

>I don't think it will work if you try to use /lit/ as the collaboration platform.
That is true. If you guys really want to do that, we need other platform

>> No.3260260
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This died quickly.

>> No.3260846

>Get lamp

Oh shit OP, now you made me nostalgia so hard, that my I dont know Im to lazy to finish the sentence...