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3252144 No.3252144 [Reply] [Original]

Are you intellectual insecure?

>> No.3252150

Anybody who reads is.

>> No.3252152


Don't be silly.

>> No.3252154

no, why would I have any feelings on it one way or another?

insecurity of any fashion is a waste of time

>> No.3252159

>implying insecurity is a choice

>> No.3252167

>implying choice exists

>> No.3252169

Deep down I feel like I am infinitely smart, destined for greatness, etc and also a big fake who will eventually be exposed.

I cannot tell which is deeper down.

>> No.3252170

>implying it doesn't

>> No.3252172

just take an IQ test and see which one is right

>> No.3252178

easy for someone with low self-esteem to say

>> No.3252175

>implying compatibilism

>> No.3252182

>implying an IQ test is an accurate measure of 'intelligence'
>implying high IQ equates to becoming great

>> No.3252181

take a wild guess

>> No.3252180

>implying you could've possibly ever chosen to not write that response

>> No.3252179

Absolutely. University tutorials are the fucking worst when it comes to this. So many people intellectually chest-beating, I find it hard not to feel intimidated.

>> No.3252187

It will at least give you something objective.
>implying you aren't afraid you'll score low

>> No.3252188

>perpetuating the intellectual dick-measuring that plagues /lit

>> No.3252194

They gave me a lot of them in school when I was growing up and I always did very well, but I don't think that really counts for much. They were mainly interview based, like, with a psychologist, and I always sort of felt like I was tricking him.

I want to say that I'm dumb, because then I feel "humble" and a good person, but when I think that actually I must actually think I'm smart.

But if I ever think of myself as smart some other part of my brain just laughs.

>> No.3252237

That feeling is either the most healthy thing ever or the most self-sabotaging thing ever.

That's why you don't ever rely on it or draw conclusions from it. You do the best you can possibly do, to the limits of your ability and exertion, and if that is judged by external factors to be brilliant, then there you go.

>> No.3252591

You should always be. Shit, Socrates only felt himself to be intellectually superior to his peers because he knew that he knew nothing.

>> No.3252602

nigga was acting overly modest

>> No.3253116

how can you say you know nothing when you know something

>> No.3253126

Yes. I am great and will remain that way, though it will ultimately crush me in some ridiculous and humiliating way I have yet to predict.

>> No.3253129

Yes, kinda.

>> No.3253130

You just have to meet a more knowledgeable person that doesn't like your arrogance and wipes the floor with you

>> No.3253152

I am existentially insecure. On the outside I am like all you pretentious fuckers, being all hurr nietzsche, durr existentialists, derp stirner, slurp zapffe. But deep down I am paranoid and confused, never at ease. I can't accept living without answers, I feel irredeemably entitled.

>> No.3253157

i'm not sure. i definitely know my limits but then i am very rarely intellectually intimidated

>> No.3253155

Oh yes of course. Isn't anyone with a thirst for knowledge, when they're struggling to swallow?

>> No.3253196

I guess.

>> No.3253209


People assume I'm smart for a variety of reasons. I'm unusually quiet, usually have a book with me, and at least try to pay attention to things in general. Because of the quiet thing, people also assume my thoughts are deep, I guess, for lack of a better adjective. But most of the time I'm thinking of stupid shit, like what kind of sammich I'll have when I get home or what I'm going to do in Skyrim that day. If I had real conversations about things like politics, philosophy, or history, I think the other person would quickly learn I know a whole lot of nothing.

>> No.3253214


Being all quiet as fuck from now on I'll just carry a book to come off 'deep' instead of 'autistic'

>> No.3253445

No. I read a lot, forget some things, and try not to overstep the limits of my knowledge. When in a discussion I'm the first to admit that my interpretation of something may not be the best; however, I try to be as helpful as possible and teach others what I do know for sure... if they ask me that is. I don't view myself as an intellectual, although I have had some scholarly work published. I think the trick is to not think of things as a competition with others. Perhaps you should take up wrestling if you do think that way.

>> No.3253446
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>or what I'm going to do in Skyrim that day

>> No.3253492

Yes i am.

>> No.3253504

Yes, well not about my own intelligence, I know I am a fairly intelligent person without question. But when I read about actual geniuses, or kids who skipped from elementary school to college by the age of 12 I get insanely jealous, like why couldn't I have been born with a faster processor in my brain?

The amount of jealously and how much it depresses me to think that I am just a normal intelligentsia person is just outrageous, I really shouldn't be this bothered by it.

And then when you read about what those stupid kids want to do with their lives, stupid stuff like programming new Apps for Iphones! THEY JUST OUTRIGHT WASTE THEIR TALENTS!

>> No.3253522

>kids who skipped from elementary school to college by the age of 12 I get insanely jealous, like why couldn't I have been born with a faster processor in my brain?

holy shit, you insecure fuck

>implying prodigy kids are a big of a deal to begin with; they'll end up brainwashed, prejudiced and dogmatic very fast

you also sound like a /sci/ faggot, thinking you're intelligent, when you actually aren't; which would only put you in the "brainwashed, prejudiced and dogmatic" category of degenerates.

>> No.3253593

I'm mainly thinking that I'm intelligent because of all that idiots surrounding me.

>> No.3253608

Illusory superiority bias.

>> No.3253622

I'm really insecure about how I struggle with math

>> No.3253642

I think it's good for my self-esteem, but lot of people don't like me

>> No.3253646


damn bro that was bretty pretentius

>> No.3253650

how so?
It's mostly because I'm a prospective Comp Sci major

>> No.3253660


no dude ur bein brettentious

>> No.3253668


I think he's trying to make the point that we don't know when to use the word 'pretentious'.

>> No.3253679


>struggling with math
>being insecure about struggling with math
>telling other people what you're insecure about

>> No.3253682

don't get into computer science.
Get into physics or something more math intensive. Learn programming as a hobby. The math in computer science in laughable

>> No.3253685


What does that mean? That you're not a Comp Sci major yet? You still have time to turn 360 and walk away?
I suggest you take some time to really think about what you're getting yourself in for. The very fact that you're even on /lit/ shows that you're not 100% mouthbreather, so just sit down and think long and hard about what you really want to do with your life. I was a Comp Sci major once; it wasn't a nice life.

>> No.3253703

At my school you can't officially declare a major until the end of Sophomore year/start of Junior year (after fulfilling some course requirements and applying to the program)

Can you guys explain why it's a bad idea? I love computers and programming, but I've also got a huge passions for the humanities.

>> No.3253737

>stupid stuff like programming new Apps for Iphones!
What's wrong with this?

>> No.3253750

>Can you guys explain why it's a bad idea? I
Because you are on /lit/.
Try asking on /g/.