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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 10 KB, 185x272, CATCHER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3247891 No.3247891 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Characters in literature you relate to most.

>> No.3247893
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>> No.3247897

Why do you relate to that cunt?

>> No.3247905

You have to be 18 to post on 4chan.

>> No.3247907
File: 21 KB, 349x318, Ghost David Dawg Shumacker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. That's pretty sad.

>> No.3247909

Why do you post here then?

>> No.3247912

That is disgusting considering the violin string industry's relation to cats.


>> No.3247919
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>> No.3247921

>illustration of a Salinger's book



>> No.3247924

Catgut isn't made out of cats. It's just called that.

>> No.3247930

I have a lot of friends and not every aspect of myself is relatable to Holden Caulfield.. But the way he talks about his depression and the reaction he had when his close family member, Allie died. I can relate to that especially.

>> No.3247939

And I suppose "cat's eye"s are just called that too. This cat dissection in the modern world is barbaric.

>> No.3247963


are you male and in your early 20s?

>> No.3247971
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>> No.3247980

I'm almost 20. I apologize if I am coming across as a cliche for being touched by TCITR.

>> No.3247985

I adore Heathcliff, but I don't know if I relate to him.

>> No.3247991

You can't relate to someone who's main characteristic is not to relate to anyone.

>> No.3248001
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>> No.3248006

>implying solipsism is a unique trait

I haven't read it, but I imagine there's an intentional, authorial irony in this.

>> No.3248007

Oh yes you can, motherfucker.

>> No.3248028

billy fuckin' pilgrim

>> No.3248036

I've never actually related to anyone in literature.
Some traits, sure, but never fully relatable.

>> No.3248048


>> No.3248051

Are you unstuck in time?

>> No.3248056

knew someone would say that. and yes, I am.

>> No.3248075

The narrator from Invisible Monsters. I guess.

>> No.3248107

Wow, you must be ugly!

>> No.3248117


>> No.3248120

So you're a pseudo-intellectual hipster with no direction, purpose, or genuine ideals? You claim to be a Catcher but everything you do is hedonistic and lazy and purely for your own gain?

OP, you are shallow and incapable of achieving anything beyond self pity. If you are proud of yourself and think that you have some sort of elevated being because you identify with one of the most overrated characters in literary history, then I bid you a friendly, "Up Yours."

Also, I identify with Peter Keating from the Fountainhead because I now acknowledge that I can't say or do anything original. And Howard's a dick.

>> No.3248121

The narrator of Invisible Monsters was describes as very ugly, mostly since she lost her jaw in that car accident.

>> No.3248124

Seconded the pic

>> No.3248130

The main of The Hermit by Ionescu

>> No.3248136

Well, it's not about that. Although the general "freakiness " is a factor.
There's a lot more to the book than the fact that she's ugly now.
Now that I think about it, really anti-materialistic.

>> No.3248194

>pans Catcher in the Rye
>has read Ayn Rand

I'm gonna have to stop you right there, friend.

>> No.3248222

dorian gray

>> No.3248274

>And Howard's a dick.

All of her main characters are dicks, but it's a good thing for her.

>> No.3248329

Henry Chinaski. Because i'm an aging perverted drunk with (mostly) good intentions.

>> No.3248332


>> No.3248333

>Die Verwandlung
I have insomnia and think my family laughs about me behind my back and want nothing more than me to leave the house.

>> No.3248336

Parts you don't relate to: being poor, liking D. H. Lawrence, having a family that's actually awful.

>> No.3248339

Alyosha Karamazov

>> No.3248344

Jimmy Dixon
Eugene Gant
Ernest Everhard
Harry Potter

>> No.3248383

le Dorian Grey

>> No.3248474
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Wow. That's really, really, really sad.

>> No.3248529

You've been saving this for a long time haven't you? hahaha. I relate to him because I've lost a loved one and I deal with depression and often catch myself being childish. "Up yours" dick wad.

>> No.3248675


>> No.3248679
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This guy

>> No.3248734

Hal Incandenza

>> No.3248741

Help! I'm addicted to pot!

Are you trying to be beta?

>> No.3248780

Being addicted to pot is the least of Hal's problems.
Do you even reading comprehension

>> No.3248858


>> No.3248891

several of the characters from alternate literature superstar tao lin's best-selling 2007 short story collection bed, available at amazon.com

>> No.3248903


>> No.3248909

Humbert Humbert

>> No.3248911

ew, while I loved that book, Billy Pilgrim was a fucking introvert nobody.

>> No.3248930

The narrator from Notes from the Underground.

>> No.3248944

Esther Greenwood

>> No.3248954
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>> No.3248963
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casanova, nigga

>> No.3248994

I don't know, the dude from Celine's Journey to end of the night?

Yeah, fuck you too.

>> No.3248996
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Fucking Arthur Dent, because everyone else looks crazy to me, my life is erratic and random, and I seem to be the only one who doesn't get what's going on most of the time.

>> No.3249000

Ignatius represents every "patrician" to ever post on 4chan

>> No.3249002
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Have you read his autobiography? You'd probably be his age by the time you got to the end of it.

>> No.3249010
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>> No.3249046

i've read most of it, it's good, and i'll probably end up finishing it this year
i like how often he calls you "dear reader"

>> No.3249069

>Not a single mention of Harry Haller

And I thought this was /lit/

>> No.3249076

The Shadow.

I wish.

>> No.3249084

my first through too

>> No.3249090

"An introvert nobody" says the guy on /lit/.

>> No.3249117

Not one of you mentioned Ivan Karamazov. What the fuck is wrong with you? Fuck your God.

>> No.3249131

>be his age
I don't get it. He's dead.

>> No.3249150
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Dino from The Empty Canvas.

>> No.3249165

It's very hard to relate to any one of Dostov's characters (excepting UGM). More, you relate to all of them a little bit. Ivan kind of lost his lustre after he went crazy, and seemed too continually serious. I don't think Dostov's character are supposed to be fully realized individuals: rather, I felt as if they represented opposing possibilities in my own character.

>> No.3249177

Yes. However, we can always have a favorite.

>> No.3249183

Natasha Rostov

>> No.3249192

You'd better be a girl or a faggot.

>> No.3249217

; )

>> No.3249283
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The only character I could ever relate to was Bateman. I remember when reading the book he became my role model, the person who I wanted to be. He was always right. He was invincible, he was perfect, he was successful even when he did not care to be so, and his murdering sprees and vanity really emphasized how distant he was from life...almost as if he recognized and embraced the emptiness and meaninglessness that is life, the emptiness which I now realize existed within myself, due to my loneliness as a socially isolated teenager.

>> No.3249289

Enjolras on my good days; Grantaire on my bad days.

>> No.3249306
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depends what literature means
if that doesn't count then I choose 14 year old James Joyce

>> No.3249321

Amory Blaine

>> No.3249322

Rosalind from As You Like It

>> No.3249587
File: 753 KB, 719x1180, Franny-ve-Zooey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holden no, but Franny, yes.

>> No.3249590

Konstantin Levin, from Anna Karenina


every few paragraphs tolstoy writes my thoughts better than ive ever thought them

>> No.3249593


Amory is a good guy, i love that book.

>> No.3249609

Nicholas Urfe

>> No.3249687

Are you a slightly misogynistic, skeptical, athiest intellectual?

Magus was incredible, by the way

>> No.3249704


William Lee (from Naked Lunch)

>> No.3249732
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Nobody, really.
I suppose a really uncool antoine roquentin?

>> No.3249737

Lord Henry from The Picture of Dorian Gray.

>> No.3249833


yes yes yes. I am the Steppenwolf. Was reading every post looking for someone to mention this work by Hesse because I'm reading it right now and almost every page reminds me of something I've done though or said. Especially in misconceptions of self.

>> No.3249846
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My brothers.

>> No.3249847
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Sadly, in a way.

>> No.3249849

femanon detected

>> No.3249850

A few months ago I realised that I relate to certain aspects of Holden Caulfield far too much.

Not so much with the obsession with phoniness, but more so just a pessimism and a cynicism when it comes to adults, as well as more of a focus on the protection of the innocence of children.

Well that's at least where I'm hoping to go with my career.

>> No.3249857


May I be included in this camaraderie? What an amazing piece of literature. I almost felt like Harry receiving the little pamphlet book on the "wolf of the steppes" when I myself read "Steppenwolf." If only I had a Hermine.

>> No.3249868

Do you still relate to him as an adult? Or are you still a teenager?

>> No.3249896

Siddhartha depending on which part of the book though because his world view changes quite a bit.
“The reason why I do not know anything about myself, the reason why Siddhartha has remained alien and unknown to myself is due to one thing, to one single thing--I was afraid of myself, I was fleeing from myself. I was seeking Atman, I was seeking Brahman, I was determined to dismember myself and tear away its layers of husk in order to find in its unknown innermost recess the kernel at the heart of those layers, the Atman, life, the divine principle, the ultimate. But in so doing, I was losing myself.”
“What is meditation?... It is fleeing from the self, it is a short escape of the agony of being a self, it is a short numbing of the senses against the pain and the pointlessness of life. The same escape, the same short numbing is what the driver of an ox-cart finds in the inn, drinking a few bowls of rice wine or fermented coconut-milk.”
“Truly, nothing in the world has so occupied my thoughts as this I, this riddle, the fact I am alive, that I am separated and isolated from all others, that I am Siddhartha! And about nothing in the world do I know less about than me, about Siddhartha!”
“He saw mankind going through life in a childlike manner... which he loved but also despised.... He saw them toiling, saw them suffering, and becoming gray for the sake of things which seemed to him to be entirely unworthy of this price, for money, for little pleasures, for being slightly honoured....”
I went looking for one quote and came back with four. I really liked the book.

>> No.3249904
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Only book I still remembered from High School. Got me back into reading. Such a good book.

>> No.3249909

Dear christ...
Only book i still remember from high school... lemme... lemme go sit in that corner so I don't bother anyone else.

>> No.3249910

Do you relate to jelly friend narrator or campy badass straight-a-student?

>> No.3249914

Jelly of course, I use to be really... I'm not sure, just judgmental of people for the stupidest of shit. Looking back, I was pretty shallow.

>> No.3249934


>> No.3249961

Lev Nikolayevich Myshkin

>> No.3249975


>> No.3249979
File: 9 KB, 150x200, Arlt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Erdosain from Roberto Arlt's "Los siete locos"
dat resentment

sure helpe me work a lot of issues to read that book

>> No.3249994

Rosencrantz and/or Guildenstern

from Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead, not Hamlet

>> No.3250015

you're a jew merchant who lost his daughter and was screwed in a deal?

>> No.3250018

Relating to Holden Caulfield makes me want to kill you.

>> No.3250064

Yeah me too. I thought Peter Keating was the only likeable character in that horseshit mountain of a book.

>> No.3250068

Frank Dominio
My Work is Not Yet Done, by Thomas Ligotti

>> No.3250118

Tung Chien.

>> No.3250122

i know that feel bro

>> No.3250128

Stubb. Second Mate on the Pequod. What a great philosophy of life he has.

>> No.3250165

I'd agree with this but confess to being utterly confused by his free the peasants thesis.

>> No.3250167
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i love you, both.
stay classy.

no one, entirely.
a mixed breed, maybe, with pieces of ender [scott card,] vetinari, death [discworld,] leto II [children of dune,] howl [moving castle,] hamlet [the play's the thing,] and joshua [lamb, new testament guy.]
day to day, i could pass entirely too easily as discworld's death, via personality.

>> No.3250178

I'd say Stephen Dedalus if I had the talent. It's as angsty as it get.

>> No.3250185
File: 35 KB, 500x643, rincewind--large-prf-1252268518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm more of a Rincewind myself. always get's dragged up in things I don't want any part in, sort of a coward, has little interaction with the opposite sex and I have many siblings.

>> No.3250192

Who the fuck is that nigga

>> No.3250208

currently i'm Rick Deckard being seduced by insensible female android. Will I be able to resist. No. What will be the consequences ? Complete devastation.


>> No.3250252

>tfw empty

>> No.3250301

Look up at my reasoning behind it. Don't jump to conclusions.

>> No.3250303

this book any good?

>> No.3250323

Emma Bovary

>> No.3250340



>> No.3250348


>> No.3250353


>> No.3250368


>> No.3250369

The narrator in Notes from Underground.

>> No.3250373

Henry Huggins

>> No.3250374
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need picture

>> No.3250377

svidrigailov from crime and punishment

wonderful man top notch

>> No.3250383

Huh. The pedophile thing, and all?

>> No.3250388



>> No.3250505

I believe that that is the point.

>> No.3250513
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Josef K

>> No.3250519

I think most of 4chan would be like Raskolnikov. Most of 4chan are kinda outsiders and have a massive superiority complex.

>> No.3250518 [DELETED] 

One time I sat and put 3 books on front of me. Then I cycled after reading about 10 pages each. Then continued until one of them finished. It happens sometimes.

>> No.3250534
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>> No.3250539

Prince Lev Nikolayevich Myshkin from Dostoevsky's The Idiot.

>> No.3250555


>> No.3250556
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Michael Henchard

>> No.3250629

no, i merely relate to him

his lecherousness, his charisma and his determination

>> No.3250637

Try-hard Tier: Any existentially-challenged character.

I relate most to Aeneas.

>> No.3252495
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>> No.3252512

Phileas Fogg

>> No.3252522

>His dad was a general under Napoleon I
While he was an elected deputy in French parliament there was a Coup d'Etat by Napoleon's nephew or something.

>His youngest daugter drowned less than a year following her marriage. Her husband also died with her. He was an officer in the navy.

>He was one of the people who actually supported the public resentment over the Franco-Prussian of 1870... leading into WWI

>his only descendants came through one of his daughters which was also insane. Nowadays his estate is all made up of faggots.

>> No.3252532

Carlo Marx

>> No.3252549


>> No.3252553




>> No.3252590
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>mfw all these plebs convincing themselves to relate with Mersault

It's like If you guys didn't read The Stranger at all.

>> No.3252598


John the Savage, Brave New World

except i didnt kill myself

>> No.3252600

Judge Holden

I like being naked a lot and I've been saying "War is God" since I was a boy.

>> No.3252601

>emotionally fucked up
>physically enduring
>well-read and educated (in jail)

good choice, sir

actually a few hours ago I was listening to the Radio Play adaptation of The Count of Monte Cristo by Orson Welles and his Mercury Company

>> No.3252656

A fucking swashbuckling bad ass that could school you intellectually at the same time.

>> No.3252692


Same here OP. Though I feel like a real bitch for saying it. It really opened my eyes to how I act though, so at least I know now.