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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 26 KB, 435x444, schopenh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3247157 No.3247157 [Reply] [Original]

How can I transcend the Will and end the blind striving and craving in life? Art is nice but Schoppy is right it only soothes for a little bit. I'm not sure if asceticism is for me though, thoughts?

>> No.3247179

Stop caring about the Will, and follow your will.

>> No.3247206

realize that schopy was just some random depressed bro trained in the classics in the 1700-1800s who had almost nothing of value to say about anything

really, if you took any random person on reddit or /fit/ and asked them their opinions about the world and themselves, dressed it up in victorian language and shoehorned in some philosophical concepts you'd get shopenhauer

but it all acquires this patina of timeless wisdom when its from a few hundred years ago and when they have wacky facial hair or hairstyles and puffy shirts. it's a fancy authority fallacy. will, and i would even say nietzsche's will to power are vitalist, quasi-mystical hand-waving in the face of ignorance

>> No.3247210

What's a good introduction to Schopenhauer?

>> No.3247223

really, if you took any random person on reddit or /fit/ and asked them their opinions about the world and themselves, dressed it up in victorian language and shoehorned in some philosophical concepts you'd get shopenhauer

lol no, what the fuck?

>> No.3247231


then essays of schopenhauer

>> No.3247265

Really appreciate this, anon.

>> No.3247276
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>> No.3247277

schopy's big thesis: stuff happens in the world because we have wills that go unsatisfied

>alll women are whores and impossible to understand
>i'm sad

now spin all this out into quotable missives and you have schopenhauer

>Moreover, she is intellectually short-sighted, for although her intuitive understanding quickly perceives what is near to her, on the other hand her circle of vision is limited and does not embrace anything that is remote; hence everything that is absent or past, or in the future, affects women in a less degree than men. This is why they have greater inclination for extravagance, which sometimes borders on madness. Women in their hearts think that men are intended to earn money so that they may spend it, if possible during their husband’s lifetime, but at any rate after his death.

>> No.3247287

god i hate when some random faggot posts schoppy as a pic for his thread, yet hasn't read any of his work

this happens every other on /fit/

>> No.3247302

>schopenhauer was sad therefore he was wrong

perfect argument bro

>> No.3247326

that's not at all what i'm saying

>> No.3247338

oh no?

>> No.3247350

Except it's idealism, so that kind of thing is rampant.
>I only remember the pains in life, and not the pleasures, therefore life is suffering and bad.

>> No.3247362


my original post was that his stuff on women and the world could be drawn from reddit or /fit/, dressed up in victorian language and pass for schopenhauer

stuff like
>tfw no gf
>women are whores
could be blown up into the stuff he writes about women or pessimism

>> No.3247373

schopenhauer's dislike of women is one aspect of his philosophy, it's not even what the OP asked about in the first place

>> No.3247374

the idol for bitter teenagers everywhere, with extra misogyny

>> No.3247382

but schop pretty much hates everyone, just feminists love to focus on his womyn hate because ad hominen

>> No.3247397

It's not really an ad hominem to call out stupid bullshit 19th century. More like a tired exercise in pointing out he was a man of his times.

> will, and i would even say nietzsche's will to power are vitalist, quasi-mystical hand-waving in the face of ignorance

Eh, at least they're not Orgones.

>> No.3247409

so im the OP w/the reddit quote

looking into his writing and some of the 2ndary lit linked, i have vastly underestimated his place in the philosophical tradition. didn't know he sat between kant and nietzsche as he does

i still blame /lit/, /fit/, and tao lin for giving me a poor impression of the guy though

>> No.3247417


B-but if it's bullshit why can't they disprove it? Instead they complain about it hurting their feelings.

>> No.3247422

Also Schopenhauer had relationships and wasn't a virgin (in fact he made a clear choice to break from his girl who wanted marriage), which is more than can be said of the vast population of 4chan. Painting him as an internet forever aloner is just retarded, the man was more complex than that. Even if that were true, they are not even addressing his philosophical thought.
People do the same with Nietszche, they dismiss him because he has many idiot fans.

>> No.3247427

The very nature of belief is that it can't be disproven.

>> No.3247428

> will, and i would even say nietzsche's will to power are vitalist, quasi-mystical hand-waving in the face of ignorance

You clearly do not understand Will or will to power

>> No.3247429

Schopenhauer ends where real intelligence begins.

>> No.3247437

He does actually. They're theology couched in psychological language, sort of like the Id-Ego-Superego or collective unconscious. You can see it in anything if you project hard enough.

>> No.3247439
File: 37 KB, 402x599, 402px-Elisabeth_Ney,um_1859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elizabeth ney, lover of Schoppy, with a bust she made of him. When was the last time someone made a bust for you? Forever alone huh?

>> No.3247450

That's ad hominem bro

>> No.3247464
File: 29 KB, 581x581, nike-just-do-it2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, whats up with /fit/ exactly? Few times I've visited there, they seem to love 'motivation threads' filled with the shit you're probably referring to. Surely there are other occupations that are every bit if not more challenging than getting fit, yet I don't see the constant need for 'motivation' around them.

>> No.3247465

Everything is hard to do when you are obese and sexually confused.

>> No.3247476

That's called Red Herring, bro

>> No.3247488

i could make a scientific/natural science critique, but i would say there have even been improvements in philosophy that unsettle will to power

foundational aspects of will--desire, passion, instinct--can be viewed as something more than an originary thing directly proceeding from an individual's mind, which comes into union or obstruction with other wills. desire especially.

>> No.3247506


> shoehorned in some philosophical concepts

Yeah, so apart from being a philosopher, he was no smarter than anyone else.


>> No.3247514

>being a philosopher means you are automatically smart

i don't disagree with you, but you're walking on thin ice

>> No.3247515

read zapffe
avoid neitzsche
pessimism offers no palliative and doesn't want to

>> No.3247523

oh boy the squareheads are here

>> No.3247532


How so, good anon?

>> No.3247579

The smartest people are often the most misled.

>> No.3247601
File: 19 KB, 320x502, Better.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IS this a pessimism thread?

>> No.3247654

Try asceticism.

>> No.3247670

This man speaks the truth. The Will shall be its own end when the time is ready. Follow it now and liberation may come all the more swiftly.

>> No.3247685

>This man speaks the truth
>the truth

shut up

>> No.3247683

Yeah, stop taking shit literally.

>> No.3247689

You've got it backwards, dipshit, some moron musing about basic unpleasant aspects of life will almost approach saying similar things to Schopenhauer. All that "dressing up" you're thinking of is actually the bulk and substance of Schopenhauer's arguments as agreements and refutations of other thinkers' ideas and works.
It's a strange quirk, that you're willing to acknowledge the difference in historical perspective, yet you can't follow it to its natural conclusion and understand that Schopenhauer and other philosopher's contributions to culture in general can be seen in later generation's conceptualizations of life.

>> No.3247717
File: 50 KB, 300x461, k8307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's an actually fair and decent treatment of philosophical pessimism if anyone is interested. Talks about the big boys like Herr Nietzsche and Schoppy but also lesser known folk like Unamuno and Leopardi

>> No.3247726

just fucking reading their original works.

>> No.3247809

You also forgot the impact he had on psychoanalysis.

>> No.3247818

So did Freud, so I guess it's easily done.

>> No.3247825

fourfold root of sufficient reason

>> No.3247835

I was actually talking about his influence on Freud.

>> No.3247841

And I was talking about Freud's denial of reading Schopenhauer until he was already established/old.

>> No.3247866

Just because he didn't read doesn't mean that he was not influenced by him.

>> No.3247882

Schop's literary influence

Tolstoy, Freud, Beckett, Proust, Kafka, Borges

>> No.3247900

>Just because he didn't read doesn't mean that he was not influenced by him.
It's quite clear that he did read Schopenhauer, that was the (quasi-)joke.

>> No.3247915


>> No.3247923

Don't you mean L'con?