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File: 22 KB, 678x453, ewanmacdonaldtakesashit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3242689 No.3242689 [Reply] [Original]

It's writing exercise time, /lit/

Try to make taking a shit sound profound.

Themes to relate it to:

You may choose no other themes but the ones listed here. Try to complete the writing in under 5 minutes.


>> No.3242698

Taking a shit, I contemplate my beloved food that I digested to death. The futility of this inflicted suffering makes me feel like a God who lost his beauty in transcedence.

>> No.3242702

I'll start. Theme: Transcendence.

I strain to push the excrement from my body. This useless mass of garbage my being has rejected is raping me backwards, and I struggle to overcome it. My eyebrows tense, my jaw widens with disbelief at its frightful circumference. I fear that in my fight to rid myself of it, I may destroy all that I am. Frozen in that moment, I concentrate. I tell myself that my whole life, I have been working toward this moment.

As I write this to you, everything had happened in just barely more than an instant. Pained sounds eked from my voice box attempting to form words for the pain, the roughness, the hurt. Finally, a weight drops. It drops with barely a sound of splashing water. I exhale. Having expelled the mass from my body, I am one again. I am an uncorrupted whole.

>> No.3242720

Out of myself the brown ointment rained,
And my cheeks made the blowing hymns they heard.
I was myself the odor of that brown sea;

I was the toilet on which I sat, and what I saw
Or heard or felt came not but from myself.

And there I found myself more pungent and more relieved..

>> No.3242730
File: 32 KB, 592x395, laughssszs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was good....come up with that yourself?

>> No.3242755

The battle was over, but I had endured. Sweat covered my body and I was shaking like a leaf, but it was finally done with.

I turned around and dared to look at my adversary lying there, stiff and still like a rock. Floating lifeless in the water tainted red with my blood I was overcome with a profound sadness.

Our struggle had been colossal and relentless. Neither he nor I were willing to give an inch and I had nearly fainted with the effort.

But now that it was done I felt empty and hollow, and somehow I knew that I would miss the absolute hate I felt for my enemy, for it gave my life a purpose, a definition.

I was now like my enemy, adrift in a bloody sea. I pulled down the lever and watched my enemy be swallowed by the whirlpool into the unknown and wondered if we were really so different after all.

>> No.3242768

>Try to make taking a shit sound profound.
You say that as if it wasn't already profound on its own.

I seriously mean this, with no sarcasm or joke.

>> No.3242774

>and I was shaking like a leaf

-5 marks
see me after class.

>> No.3242785
File: 51 KB, 813x457, liara sighs at your faggotry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>being mad over clichés

Welcome to 2012, son.

>> No.3242795

>Themes to relate it to:

Those aren't themes. Some of those are motifs, most are just nouns.

>> No.3242801

So you're implying that none of those can be themes, then. I guess I can see that, but I disagree. God is probably the only one that really isn't a theme.

>> No.3242800

>Those aren't themes.

What do you imagine themes to be? Elaborate.

>> No.3242807

You know, I had a similar thought as I was starting this thread. I was just waiting for someone to point it out.

I think it goes without saying that I took a massive dump shortly before posting.

>> No.3242843
File: 12 KB, 300x220, Zizek masturbating his gigantic invisible phallus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So, as a supplement to Lévi-Strauss, one is tempted to propose that shit can also serve as a matière-à-penser: the three basic types of toilet form an excremental correlative-counterpoint to the Lévi-Straussian triangle of cooking (the raw, the cooked and the rotten). In a traditional German toilet, the hole into which shit disappears after we flush is right at the front, so that shit is first laid out for us to sniff and inspect for traces of illness. In the typical French toilet, on the contrary, the hole is at the back, i.e. shit is supposed to disappear as quickly as possible. Finally, the American (Anglo-Saxon) toilet presents a synthesis, a mediation between these opposites: the toilet basin is full of water, so that the shit floats in it, visible, but not to be inspected. No wonder that in the famous discussion of European toilets at the beginning of her half-forgotten Fear of Flying, Erica Jong mockingly claims that 'German toilets are really the key to the horrors of the Third Reich. People who can build toilets like this are capable of anything.' It is clear that none of these versions can be accounted for in purely utilitarian terms: each involves a certain ideological perception of how the subject should relate to excrement.

>> No.3242844
File: 15 KB, 368x560, zizek-on-toilet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hegel was among the first to see in the geographical triad of Germany, France and England an expression of three different existential attitudes: reflective thoroughness (German), revolutionary hastiness (French), utilitarian pragmatism (English). In political terms, this triad can be read as German conservatism, French revolutionary radicalism and English liberalism. In terms of the predominance of one sphere of social life, it is German metaphysics and poetry versus French politics and English economics. The point about toilets is that they enable us not only to discern this triad in the most intimate domain, but also to identify its underlying mechanism in the three different attitudes towards excremental excess: an ambiguous contemplative fascination; a wish to get rid of it as fast as possible; a pragmatic decision to treat it as ordinary and dispose of it in an appropriate way. It is easy for an academic at a round table to claim that we live in a post-ideological universe, but the moment he visits the lavatory after the heated discussion, he is again knee-deep in ideology.

>> No.3242853

Daisy, she'd call it.

Little Daisy on a bender: skiff a little lake, a lily cradled. All the auburn stuff'll mix in with the ruddier, the yellows, dirty browns and thick as night.

The stench is autumn: little pupils dance beneath the keeled, her thighs crawl limp, arachnid: Eros spews her barley, champing at her bit, the truss' dry length gone shafted firm and twixt 'er teeth. She loves him, says she does, and spews a further load: he takes the liliess there and lays them all along his rigid fingers. She is dancing there, her eyes stuck hard and fixed on dancing idols: shrieking natives, all the howlers in the plaza. Shriek, white Jezebel, they're calling. She's in heaven, clucking: take me little lover, take from without me. And heaven's lurched from bowels through the room. He's dancing in it, fevered, tethered there and to the line of autumn's flavor, he gone clucking too: the both of them in jester's bells, in sooted drawers, in linen, lilied, calling out the each in song the other.

The native shriek one final dirge, her lap is making shivers, shucking to and fro and left to right as all the teakwhite yellows dance beneath him: she, beneath the twin in bliss, the damned, the naked, autumn's story clings in sops to patterns in the rug. He's got his nose along her toes there, Sheba's, naked in the bath, the feet of raw, she there naked, resting, afterbliss: and deep her little toes in mucky inches.

>> No.3242860

Each second spent consuming awaits the cycle of excrement that will follow. We are not just the shitters but the wasteful, and we are all defined by the brown that we release from our digestion.

With plugs we deny our very presence as wasters and weak bodies. I sit as my sphincter tightens, and wish to never be reminded of the shit and blood that flows through me.

>> No.3242865
File: 13 KB, 160x180, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man, I just happened to be on the toilet when I opened this thread up and these are summing up my experience quite well.

>captcha: theory stoolin

>> No.3242875
File: 158 KB, 400x400, no. listen 2 me..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A theme is supposed to be an idea explored in a certain way so that the author makes a specific statement about it

"Death" is not a theme, it's just a word. At best you can call it a motif.

But "fear of death can cause more harm than death itself" or "we must all come to terms with our own mortality" or even something ridiculous like "death is the only path to happiness" are all examples of themes.

And that concludes 6th grade English class for today.

>> No.3242879

>dat captcha

>> No.3242884

>theme is an idea to be explored so that author can make a statement about it
>implying that "death" as a word is not a blanket theme to be explored.

>> No.3242898

but "death" isn't an idea, nor is it a statement.

>> No.3242911


This is embarrassing. I apologize..

>> No.3242912

Every post in this thread is shit.

>> No.3242914
File: 54 KB, 500x329, 20fmJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3242918

You can construe it many ways. Is death not just an idea to all those who have not experienced it?

>> No.3242929

I see what you did there.

>> No.3242932

I thought the whole thread was an elaborate ruse for you to make that joke.

>> No.3242941

if you're going to play that game then I guess "pudding" is a theme as well.

>> No.3242942

I can see how you'd think that, but I didn't make that joke.

As you can see here, I was inspired by a particularly moving movement I had shortly beforehand.

>> No.3242944

Come on, now you're just being a snob.

>> No.3242950


>no one using that roman's emperor final words

you are so fucking plebeian lit

>> No.3242952

welcome to /lit/, where the discussions are rare and the "look at how dumb this guy is" is everywhere.

>> No.3242954

Et tu?

>> No.3242956

One one evening, in a romantic place, I sat down a moment, relieved myself, and, then, rejoined my company.

>> No.3242967

Short, simple, funny, evocative. I like it.

>> No.3242981

Kai su, teknon