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3239058 No.3239058 [Reply] [Original]

hey /lit/, can we have a discussion on pic related?

>> No.3239087

No. Grow up.

>> No.3239447


I think it's sad that this kind of insight goes almost un-noticed. And any time you try to make serious discussion about it. You're either ignored, shrugged off, or considered a deviant of some caliber.

It's difficult to tell an addict that the thing that makes him happy is killing him. No addict wants to hear that, it would stop the party. In today's contemporary society the only thing more feared than death is sobriety.

>> No.3239459

Huxley is right. I'm going to stop procrastinating and go write my essays now.Thanks for the motivation OP.

>> No.3239503

I think Huxley and Orwell were both right. You see a combination of the two nowadays.

>> No.3239547

this image was on reddit a few days ago. maybe thats why the reaction is so hostile.

>> No.3239599

Thanks OP. Now I don't have to read 1984 or Brave New World

>> No.3239606

No it is just that we've talked about this five fucking thousand times on lit.

Everyone agrees with Huxley, you'd have to be a fucking two year old not to have already noticed this. That isn't to say that there aren't orwellian aspects of the world too.

>> No.3239612

Orwell should have done more psychedelic drugs.

>> No.3239623

>binary systems
Would you please just stop being so stupid