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3238101 No.3238101 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, did any of you set any kind of reading goals this past year? Did you meet those goals? Do you plan to set any for 2013?

I tried to read 50 books I haven't read yet, but I think I'm going to come up short by a couple of books. Going to try again next year.

Pic unrelated

>> No.3238108

Yeah, my goal this year was 52. I'm on 46 right now, and with Christmas vacation coming up I might make it, but I'll probably be a couple short. As long as I hit 50 I'll be satisfied. Next year I'm setting the same goal.

>> No.3238145
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I set my goal for 52 (one a week), which is a really popular goal to set. I'm at 49 right now and should definitely hit my goal before the end of the year. Feels good, it's my first year ever really reading. Pretty good progression too.

>> No.3238152

I like that list. What did you think of End Zone?

>> No.3238150
File: 1.51 MB, 1534x2168, read in 2012 smaller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I set one for 150 books this year, since I got a little over that last year. Probably not going to be making it, since I'm at 134 right now. I'd have to read a book a day for the rest of the year, about (but as I don't have much else going on, maybe?).

For 2013 I'll probably bring it back down to 100, like it was last year. I'm planning to read some longer works for one, and I'll also have graduate courses and a job going on. So I'll have considerably less time.

my reads so far this year are in the pic, + Saga of the Jomsvikings, The Diary of Mr. Pinke by Ewald Murrer and The Prose Edda.

>> No.3238159

Nice list you have there. I read a few of those during the course of the year too.

>> No.3238173

How do No One Writes to the Colonel and Of Love and Other Demons stack up compared with GGM's other works?

>> No.3238181

I set a loose goal of 100 books.
I'm barely at 70ish and I'm planning on doing a lot of cocaine to catch up.

>> No.3238205

I read it mainly because (after the DFW biography and IJ) I'd heard how DFW saw Eschaton as being way way too much like End Zone and almost bordering on completely stolen from Dellilo. With this in mind, I went in with very high expectations. It wasn't what I expected it would be at all, but in the end I liked it. I really didn't expect it to focus on his relationships so much even though they did fit in with the whole nuke motif. Also, I found the dialogue and interactions between the football players really disjointed and odd, like some of the oldest boy's conversations (Heinrek? maybe, it was something German) in White Noise.

Thanks, it's pretty heavy on /lit/core kind of stuff because I'm not very well read.

>> No.3238218

I'm assuming some of those took only a day or two and some spilled over the week-mark? How long did Brothers K, Infinite Jest, and Gravity's Rainbow take you?

>> No.3238221

Same guy you asked, replying a 2nd time.

Really interesting book to ask me about, as it is one of the few I've read this year that I was truly undecided on how I felt about it until thinking on it a little while after finishing it.

>> No.3238229

Brothers K took 2 weeks. Infinite Jest took 3 weeks. Gravity's Rainbow took 6 weeks with a couple books read in between and a 1 week break from it after section 2. Many did take only a day or two, and I have been all over the place this year as far as going from behind to ahead to behind again. Next year I hope to stay more on track. Even though I read many novellas, according to Goodreads, the average book length of that 49 is about 325 pages or so.

>> No.3238235

My goal was 12 books (1 book per month) and i'm almost finished with my 11th one. This is little compared to you guys but it's a big achievement for me.

>> No.3238243

Cool, I had been planning on reading one of IJ or GR over winter break but wasn't sure if it would be too much of a time-sink (whereas I could be reading 8+ shorter books that are on my list in the same time). I may go ahead with it anyway.

Also what did you think of Brothers K? It's my favorite novel, so I'm always curious what people who've recently read it think of it.

>> No.3238246

I set out 36 (3 per month) and now looking at other posts I'm really ashamed of myself that I'm such a slow reader. (I've done it today btw.) I believe these goals tend to bias you to shorter, easier books, which is not good. What do you think?

Here's my list (I will do my image compilation at the end of the year):
1Thaler: Nudge
2Klein:Something for Nothing
3Pollard: Boffinology
4Iyengar: The Art of Choosing
5Wright: Evolution of God
6Kornai: By Force of Thought
7Vajda: Confessions of a Cloner
8Hand: Statistics - a very short introduction
9Chaitin: Metamath!
10Smith: Environmental Economics - a very short introduction
11Auster: Book of illusions
12Robinson: Genius - a very short introduction
14Mero: The living money
15Peters: Getting what you came for
16Harford: Undercover Economist
17Boulle: Planet of Apes
18Dasgupta: Economics - a very short introduction
19D.Friedman: The Machinery of Freedom
20Sedlacek: Economics of Good and Evil
21Ridley: The Red Queen
22Westerhoff: Reality - a very short introduction
23Harford: Dear Undercover Economist
24Szerb: Journey by Moonlight
25Gilmour: Film club
26Backhouse: The Puzzle of Modern Economics - Science or Ideology?
27Roberts: The invisible heart
28Franses: A Concise Introduction to Econometrics
29M.Friedman: Capitalism and Freedom
30Wheelan: Naked Economics
31Clarke: Rendezvous with Rama
32M.Friedman: Free to choose
33Thomson: A Guide for Young Economists
34Close: Nothing - a very short introduction
35Krugman: Peddling Prosperity
36Krugman: The accidental theorist

One can argue that few of these books are so short that I shouldn't even count them...
It is surprising how much a list like this tell about a person...

>> No.3238274

>I believe these goals tend to bias you to shorter, easier books, which is not good. What do you think?

They can, but in my (OP) case it wasn't so. I managed to read War & Peace, Against the Day, The Brothers Karamazov, and the Millennium Trilogy within the year. For the record, I'm currently at 44 books.

>> No.3238294


Nah it's all in your motivation.
I had a perfect storm of circumstances and managed to read Foucault's Pendulum in a day while it has taken me weeks to finish a novella.

>> No.3238304
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I was aiming for 25
I stopped reading around april because finals.
never got back to it.
>tfw you visit lit and haven't read in the last 7 months

>> No.3238328
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>set my goal for at least 50
>only make it to 38

I.. I was just way more busy than I thought I would be. I'll probably read one or two more, but I'm still disappointed in myself.

>> No.3238340

I set a goal of 52 this year but I am only at 43 now. It is better than last year's 28 but I won't be making my goal. I will set the same goal for 2013.

>> No.3238342

My goal was 52. I'm currently on my 57th. There were a few "essential" titles I wanted included within that 52 (Moby-Dick, TBK, etc.), and I'm pretty sure I got them all.

>> No.3238377
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goal is 35, at 21. i could theoretically still do it by cheating with a bunch of novellas, but there's a few really long books i want to dive into and hitting that number isn't really a big deal. next year's goal is 52 regardless of how short i fell this year.

>> No.3238420

>>tfw you visit lit and haven't read in the last 7 months

Oh don't worry, 95 percent of /lit/ don't even read.

>> No.3238430

I was aiming for 50, and I'm only likely to finish 36 by January 1. And three of those are graphic novels. Nothing like a newborn to kill free time.

>> No.3238437

The reason why I don't read fiction is because, when I was a kid, a gentleman who lived upstairs told me: "You read to learn, not to entertain yourself. So I never read fiction." and that stuck with me growing up.

I'll be sure to read fiction later in life, ought. Hell, I don't even watch movies.

1. The Millionaire Fastlane: Crack the Code to Wealth and Live Rich for a Lifetime. by MJ DeMarco
2. The Art of the Start: The Time-Tested, Battle-Hardened Guide for Anyone Starting Anything By Guy
3. Getting Things Done By David Allen
4. Faith Finish Line by Jimmy D Brown [66 pages ebook]
5. Duck Tape SEO by James Hussey
6. Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation by Lynne Truss
7. Convict Conditioning by Paul Wade
8. How to get rich by Felix Dennis
9. Compound Effect: Jump start your income, your life, your success by Darren Hardy
10. The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg
11. The Story of Sushi: An unlikely saga of raw sh and rice, by Trevor Corson

>> No.3238441

12. Twelve by Twelve: A one room cabin of the grid and beyond the American Dream by William Powers
13. Words that work by Frank Luntz
14. Automatic Wealth by Michael Masterson
15. 101 Habits of highly successful novelists by Andrew Mcaleer
16. Branching Streams Flow in the Darkness: Zen Talks on the Sandokai by Shunryu Suzuki
17. SuperFreakonomics: Global Cooling, Patriotic Prostitutes, and Why Suicide Bombers Should Buy Life
Insurance by Steven D. Levitt
18. The Ultimate Cheapskate's Road Map to True Riches: by Je
19. The Tao Of Poker: 285 Rules to Transform Your Game and Your Life by Larry W. Philips
20. Action: nothing happens until something moves by Robert Ringer

>> No.3238445

21. The Book Of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi
22. The Mental Game of Poker: Proven Strategies for Improving Tilt Control, Confidence, Motivation,
Coping with Variance, and More. by Jared Tendler
23. Surely You're Joking, Mr FeynMan by Richard P. Feynman
24. The Elegant Universe: Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory by
Brian Greene.
25. American Psycho by Bret Ellis.
26. 59 Seconds: Think a Little, Change a Lot by Richard Wiseman
27. Angry White Pyjamas: A Scrawny Oxford Poet Takes Lessons From The Tokyo Riot Police" by Robert
28. The complete handbook of novel writing by Mel Leder
29. The shortcuts for the student writer by Jay Silverman
30. Great by Choice: Uncertainty, Chaos, and Luck{ Why Some Thrive Despite Them All by Jim Collins

>> No.3238449

31. How to be a super read: read faster, under more and remember for longer by Ron Cole
32. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey
33. The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right by Atul Gawande
34. The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins
35. Future Shock by Alvin Toffler
36. Early Retirement Extreme: A Philosophical and Practical Guide to Financial Independence by Jacob Lund Fisker
37. "Cold Hard Truth: On Business, Money & Life" by Kevin O'Leary

>tfw you'll never be hipster as /lit/ who reads Tao Lin, Infinite Jest, House of Leaves and Lolita ;__;

>> No.3238472

you seem to read a lot of 'self-help-wealth' books. Are they worth the money? which one would you recommend the most
Is that one good?

>> No.3238473

I read fiction when I was in high school. I guess I grew up.

>> No.3238484

>you seem to read a lot of 'self-help-wealth' books. Are they worth the money?

Yes, because you're self improving. People think it's mental masturbation ONLY if because they don't put the action into use.

I didn't have sex in high school and I thought I was going to die a virgin. I read about "social dynamics" and being charismatic, it helped me have sex with over 10 women, which beats the average lifetime of 4-6 women (most men)

>which one would you recommend the most
The most inspirational for me to self improve was "The slight edge" by Jeff Olson.

The most useful book to get rich is "How to get rich" by Felix Dennis who is close to a billionaire. He's the real deal and wrote the book.

I have a discerning eye for faggots who write get rich books who are plebs themselves, like "The authomatic milionaire" David Bach and "the millionaire mindset" by the Esker dude.

>> No.3238492

>>you seem to read a lot of 'self-help-wealth' books. Are they worth the money?

And to add on, it helped me get more fit when I read books on exercising, it helped me get healthier thanks to reading about juicing / nutriention etc. and it helped me got richer.

I'm a bit of a self help junkie but 2013 I'm branching off into liberal arts, going to read dem philosophy, history, geography and religion

>> No.3238499


Oh God, you're unbearable.

>> No.3238501

Please don't call him God, it strokes his ego.

>> No.3238505

Go back to your infinite jest, lib fag.

Made $300k this year, u jelly?

>> No.3238508

>tfw /lit/ anons will never know what it's like to read Surely You're Joking, Mr FeynMan by Richard P. Feynman because they're a bunch of prententious fags

Do you even read?

>> No.3238512

Homeostasis is the natural tendancy we all have to want to keep things the same. We must uvercome it to enable change. Recognize it is there. Be willing to negotiate with it. Develop a support system to help you through the change. Follow a regular practice, and dedicate yourself to life-long learning.

In other words, go fuck yourself anon.

>> No.3238513
File: 17 KB, 479x344, Chips Derrida.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you even bleed?

>> No.3238517

>>tfw /lit/ anons will never know what it's like to read Surely You're Joking, Mr FeynMan by Richard P. Feynman because they're a bunch of prententious fags
It's a terrible book, unless you like cringing a great deal.

>> No.3238519

I've just really started to read, so I haven't been reading very much, but I plan to start reading atleast one book a week (or I'll try atleast).
Anyway, this is what I've read this year:
A Feast for Crows
A Dance With Dragons
Heart of Darkness
The Road
Moby Dick
American Psycho
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Crime and Punishment
Right now I'm reading The Divine Comedy, I'll try to finish it this week and then move on to The Odysee or something, idk.

>> No.3238521
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Yeah, but some people don't believe that homeostasis is a natural tendency. What do you say to that?

>> No.3238525

I said go fuck yourself, hater.

>> No.3238526

Some people believe that 2+2=5. What do you say to that?

>> No.3238537

Same fag

Shit posters.

I remember why i don't post on /lit/ anymore.

>> No.3238543

You don't post on /lit/ anymore because people make jokes?

>> No.3238545

Same fag

I remember why i don't post on /lit/ anymore.

>> No.3238552

I didn't have a goal, this sort of just happened. In no real order;

1. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
2. On the Road (Kerouac)
3. Five Plays (Chekhov, Oxford classics series)
4. Markheim, Jekyll And The Merry Men (Canongate classics)
5. Ham and Rye (Bukowski)
6. Post Office (Bukowski)
7. The Final Testament (James Frey)
8. Surely you're joking Mr. Feynman
9. Pygmy
10. Less than Zero
11. The Forever War
12. Flowers for Algerion
13. Fahrenheit 451
14. The Last King of Scotland
15. Casino Royale
16. Do Androids Dream of Electric sheep?
17. Burning Chrome
18. Thank you for Smoking
19. Fight Club
20. The Alchemist (I know I know)
21. The case of the Generals thumb
22. The Gum Thief
22. Microserfs
23. Diary of a Nobody
24. A clockwork orange
25. Metamorphis
26. A day in the life of Ivan Denisovich
27. Brave new world
28. Helmet of Horror
29. Mr Wong goes West
30. Sold as a Slave
31. Life on the Golden Horn
32. Snakes with wings and Gold digging ants
33. Hunt for the Southern Continent
34. Hella nation

Hoping to get 40 by christmas, and to do 80 next year.

>> No.3238554


Self-help guy is trolling what was a productive thread. Ignore him.

>> No.3238556


Wow some serious samefagging going on, AGAIN.

This is exactly why I don't come here anymore.

>> No.3238563

OMG, this happens every time I come here. When will you guys give it a rest and stop samefagging like children?

Fuck this place.

>> No.3238560

>Self-help guy is trolling what was a productive thread. Ignore him.

>productive thread
>read fiction to escape reality

Yeah okay. Just like that 55 years old guy working minimum wage when I was at the bookshop, he told me he only reads fiction. Now I know why.

>> No.3238574

This guy checking back in.
Brothers K is one of my top 5 favorite books. It's so damn amazing. I just could never really pick a single favorite book. Also, GR is way way harder than IJ but totally lives up to its hype. All 3 of those have huge hype surrounding them and managed to live up to and deliver more.
Totally agree with this. I read Infinite Jest, Brothers Karamazov, and Gravity's Rainbow along with some truly great novellas.

Will probably set the same goal of 52 for next year, with the added goal of attempting to stay at least mostly on track all year and to hopefully finish some full length Spanish novels.

>> No.3238632

Man i'm attempting 52 as well but I'm stuck on like 41 right now due to finals and other interests invading my life. Currently i've got something like 70 pages left in steppenwolf. If i miss my goal by just a few books i'll be pissed

>> No.3238651

So you read infinite jest in a week? That thing took me over a month...

>> No.3238659

Are the Bond books worth reading at all?

>> No.3238660

My favorite is Of Human Bondage.

>> No.3238665

heres the the list, i know there a lot of easy to read throwaway fantasy but its pretty easy to read through really quickly so i figured it'd help the list along. Theres a bit more /lit/ stuff near the end.

1. A Storm of Swords - George R R Martin
2. A Feast for Crows
3. A Dance with Dragons
4. Neuromancer - William Gibson
5. Black Company - Glen Cook
6. Eye of the World - Robert Jordan
7. Radio Free Albemuth - Phillip K Dick
8. The Great Hunt - Robert Jordan
9. A Stitch in Time - Andrew Robinson
10. The Dragon Reborn - Robert Jordan
11. The Shadow Rising
12. The Fires of Heaven
13. Lord of Chaos
14. A Crown of Swords
15. The Path of Daggers
16. Winters Heart
17. Crossroads of Twilight
18. Knife of Dreams
19. The Gathering Storm
20. Towers of Midnight
21. The Gunslinger - Stephen King
22. The Drawing of the Three
23. The Wastelands
24. Wizard and Glass
25. Wolves of the Calla
26. Song of Susannah
27. The Dark Tower
28. The Wind Through the Keyhole
29. New Spring - Robert Jordan
30. Shadows Linger - Glen Cook
31. The White Rose
32. On Dreams - Sigmund Freud
33. Pet Semetary - Stephen King
34. Rocketship Galileo - Robert A Heinlein
35. Time’s Arrow - Martin Amis
36. The Road - Cormac McCarthy
37. One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
38. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - Hunter S Thompson
39. Blood Meridian - Cormac McCarthy
40. The Catcher in the Rye - JD Salinger
41. Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom - Corey Doctorow

>> No.3238677

Go away you nerdy faggot. Maybe one day you'll have a gf.

>> No.3238766
File: 229 KB, 757x1062, Readings2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I aimed for over 100 books and I easily achieved that (pic related). Some things were re-reads for me like Homer's Iliad, Virgil's Aeneid, Gilgamesh, Hamlet, Richard III, the Mark Twain, Plato's Republic, and some of the Nietzsche.

I also read things online like "Structure, Sign, and Play" by Derrida, and lots of poems. Decided to read the whole Bible and stopped during Exodus.

I'm not even going to bother listing all of the graphic novels, comics, poetry journals, short stories, etc...

>> No.3238784

I stopped reading for some reason when I got into highschool so I made an effort to start reading again. I read all these this semester.

A Farewell to Arms
Crime and Punishment
Slaughterhouse 5
Sound and the Fury
The Brothers Karamazov
The Death of Ivan Ilych
The Grapes of Wrath
Notes from the Underground

>> No.3238786

If you have trouble with Exodus, Numbers and 1 Chronicles will drive you nuts.

>> No.3238792

Well done, you wasted a good half a years worth of reading on easy to read throwaway fantasy,
but that's ok because it'll be really satisfying when you get to 52 and the xbox achievement blippy sound plays

>> No.3238817

mfw i've never missed a reading goal...

what are you guys doing with your time?!
like wtf!?

>> No.3238865

The only other GGM I've read not on there has been Memories of My Melancholy Whores, and most anything would be better than that. I haven't read 100 Years of Solitude yet, so I can't say anything there.

Of those three I read there, I think I most preferred Chronicle of a Death Foretold. I would consider No One Writes the Colonel the weakest, but I'm pretty sure it was meant to be a short story anyway. But I prefer magical realism when it's fairly mild like in Chronicle - a lot of Love and Other Demons felt way too silly to me. Which makes me wary of 100 Years of Solitude, since I gathered it's pretty heavy on that stuff.

>> No.3239140

My goal is 36.
I have read 23, maybe tomorrow will finish another (#7 from Stephen King's The Dark Tower :B)
I wanted to read more, but college wouldn't give me the time.
I will still read a lot from here to new year's (I live in Chile, so I'm on vacations now).

For next year I plan on also having a goal of 36 (no really smart to lower that, right?)

>> No.3239217

One Hundred Years might not be to your liking then. I've read Chronicle and Love in the Time of Cholera. You might enjoy the latter because it's light on the magical realism and holy shit, it gave me a bad case of the feels.