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/lit/ - Literature

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3237712 No.3237712[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, what's the current version of the japanese /lit/ pack that gets passed around here? I have V6 but I know at one point a V7 was made and people were submitting stuff for V8. Is the guy in charge of that around still?

>> No.3237714

now you are the guy in charge. good luck.

>> No.3237731

My mediafire account was blocked, but I'm uploading it on dropbox for you.


Let me know if it doesn't work!

>> No.3237734

(actually might want to give it a minute or two, it's still uploading)

>> No.3237751

and as for what we've got going on the next one, the major stuff so far is

>Japanese Gothic Tales by Kyoka Izumi (the rest of the stories - Holy Man of Mt. Koya is already in the collection)
>Confessions of a Mask by Yukio Mishima
>Black Rain by Masuji Ibuse

>> No.3237756


Downloading, seems to be working now

>> No.3237791

sorry, this isn't directly related, but is there anywhere that the books on the wiki are collected for easy downloading? I know people have put together packs of stuff off the wiki, but is it archived somewhere?

>> No.3237792

Japanese /lit/ guy, here's what you should do.

/g/ has a guide called the falcon guide that updates regularly but has the same tinyurl. You should make a pastebin account and make a paste that always has the latest version of the collection linked to, and make a tinyurl of it called japaneselit or something.

>> No.3237795

Not yet, but we could try organizing an effort to make some more collections. A lot of books can be found on the #Bookz irc channel as well.

>> No.3237882

I will do so! Soon.

They're on the archive:


I'll see if I can do something like with the tinyurl and link all the collections on the wiki.

>> No.3237886

How many of the Japanese books in the collection are retail/high quality?

>> No.3237893

About half, I think. I'm going to try and go over the ones that I scanned and put in it before and fix them into higher quality versions. The three linked in >>3237751 are all high quality. Most of Mishima's and Soseki's are retail. A lot of Kobo Abe's are a bit wonky and some are just .pdfs, though the scans are good.

>> No.3237899

I want to read more Mishima. I started with Confessions of a Mask
What should I read next?
Is it worth reading everything in chronological order or should I just skip to the highlights?

>> No.3237915

Try The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With the Sea next.

highlight may be best until you know you really enjoy him

>> No.3237971

Well I enjoyed Confessions a lot
What about Sound of Waves before Sailor?

>> No.3237992

Either are probably fine. Or you could go for Death in Midsummer and Other Stories to try out his short stories.

It honestly doesn't matter much, imo. I would just save The Sea of Fertility for a few books into Mishima, to make sure you want that commitment.

>> No.3238011
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>> No.3239619

Any new suggestions for V9?

>> No.3239642


Yes, be a dear and translate Dogra Magra for us.

>> No.3239699

My university has the French edition of it. I suppose it's not worth scanning that one, is it? at 600 pages.

>> No.3239705


That's mighty anglocentric of you, m8.
Please check your privilege.

>> No.3239707

sure thing.

>> No.3239713

I might as well ask here, i tried searching for the problem on google. I'm on #bookz using xchat and it's stopped letting me post, well I post but it just comes up as grey and doesn't register my requests. Anyone had this trouble before?

>> No.3239723


xchat sucks and the only times I've gone on IRC I just used mIRC.
Either way #bookz sucks giant cocks and I'd rather use shady russian sites than that convoluted piece of shit search system they use.

>> No.3239725

I'd say don't read it, well don't read the translated version by John Nathan, he made it extremely dull.

Patriotism would be a good read, it's pretty incredible.

>> No.3239729

mIRC was being a cunt too.

>> No.3239730


In that case it's probably #bookz being an unreliable mess, as usual.

>> No.3239735

Can anyone on it confirm this? it looks like everyone else is posting normally. I can't remember if my name and writing was always grey but it is now and everyone else is blue.