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/lit/ - Literature

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3237578 No.3237578 [Reply] [Original]

Dear /lit/.
I can only write when I'm drunk.
I don't want to get drunk every night.
Please help me out.

>> No.3237581

Get drunk once a week and then stay up all night writing as much as you can, spend the rest of the week editing.

>> No.3237586

I can't edit when I'm sober.
I like your idea to a certain degree. However, I made a promise to write every night.
But what you're suggesting sounds more reasonable, yeah.

>> No.3237591

Learn to abandon things. You can't have everything at once.

1. You want to write every night
2. You want to drink as you write
3. You don't want to get drunk every night

One of the first two must go and you'll have to deal with it. There is only a problem because you want to change something but at the same time you don't want anything to change.

I hope this clears up your mind a bit.

>> No.3237592

Get some T3s and then just use a cold water extraction on them, they aren't as good as alcohol, but they help. They also are a lot more mellow and won't slowly kill you

>> No.3237598

Welp, perhaps I was asking for ways to be less harsh with myself when trying to write while at the same time being sober. Apparently I wasn't very clear about my intentions.
What are T3s?

>> No.3237641

Write drunk; edit sober.

>> No.3237649

Either leanr to write sober, learn to accept being a drunk or learn to accept not being able to write every night. Shit's easy.

Why don't you want to be a drunk? If you arrange the rest of your life optimally being a drunk can be a godly existence.

>> No.3237652

Also I love that otter, thanks for posting him again.

>> No.3237653


I was gonna say this as well

>> No.3237655

Had the same problem. You just need to get get used to writing sober. That's pretty much all.
At least in my opinion.

>> No.3237658

Go insane. Seriously. It works. Your limitations will be gone with or without drink.

Or just Morrison on through and stop whining.

>> No.3237661


>> No.3237699

But I am already insane and the voices are what keeps me from writing because they just constantly criticize me. They don't understand that I'm okay with writing shit as long as I'm writing.
Because alcohol makes me aggressive.

>> No.3237788

Just stop writing.
Writing requires drunkenness.
You do not want drunkenness.
Stop writing, and you will have no need to drink.
If you want to write, you just have to decide which you want more: sobriety or writing. Unless, of course, you are mistaken when you say "I can only write when I'm drunk." If you can write sober, you want to write, and you do not want to drink, then write sober. You know yourself a lot better than I do, so I would suggest either a) stop writing, or b) re-examine the reasoning that has led you to conclude that you can only write when drunk.

>> No.3237800

Nominating this as the best post on the front page

>> No.3237835

This makes a lot of sense.
You're not telling me anything new, though.
I mean, I really want to write sober and I've tried but you don't know what it's like to be dissed for everyfuckingthing you do, I know I'm whining but meh. I mean, I've been using the toilet despite being sober for months now and it's still really difficult because they won't stop telling me how much I suck and how disgusting I am and I need to stop criticizing myself because that's where the voices come from and some actual advice other than "just do it" because it's an empty fucking phrase and it won't work. I've already been to /adv/ with this and they're a bunch of closed-minded bastards and I won't be seeing a therapist until next year. Even then he's not going to be able to help me much. I was just wondering whether there are any other writers out there and how they're dealing with constant self-criticism if there is a way to deal with this other than ignoring it :>
Or perhaps I'm just trying to justify my alcohol-abuse I don't know shit anymore

>> No.3237836


Have you tried listening to metal when trying to write?

>> No.3237841
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Thanks for trying though, here's a kitty.

>> No.3237844

Yeah but unless I'm concentrating on the music, I'll be misinterpreting the sounds as voices.

>> No.3237848


Well how about some post-metal then?

>> No.3237850
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I will give it a try.

>> No.3237857

It doesn't matter how you arrive to it, the only thing that matters is the end result. Most people that created cool stuff were intoxicated when they did it.

>> No.3237860
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Mah nigga

>> No.3237871
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>I don't want to get drunk every night.
What you say boy?

>> No.3237875

Fuck off.

>> No.3237896

it looks like there's a typo in that filename

>> No.3237906

Switch to weed.

>> No.3237912
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I'd been smoking weed for months when all of this first started. Also, I only drink alcohol at night, whereas I was smoking weed as early as 4:20 in the morning. And it's too expensive.
I think I might do what >>3237581 has recommended.
Still open for further suggestions.

>> No.3237932


nothing creative has ever come from smoking weed.

>> No.3237944

But it helps with writing in general because you're too numb to care and it makes your thoughts race.
I know /lit/ is going to hate me for it but I wrote a poem on complementary colored chameleons once and I fucking loved it. Thus weed also tends to make you get excited about shit which is useful if you aim is first and foremost to get the shit out of your mind so and let new shit come from it so that someday the shit you produce isn't quite as shitty anymore. Also, I though /lit/ was into Pynchon and shit.

>> No.3237945
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Here's your kitty.

>> No.3237954

>whereas I was smoking weed as early as 4:20 in the morning. And it's too expensive.

>> No.3237984
File: 1020 KB, 250x188, 1354004434893.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I shouldn't be bumping this but here's your cat.

>> No.3238033

Give yourself dain bramage so you always feel drunk.

>> No.3238079
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Are there better ways to achieve brain damage than alcohol?
Here's your kitty.

>> No.3238481
File: 44 KB, 291x398, 1337987688737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Op asks for help; he's in a dilemma
>this guy says: JUST MAKE A CHOICE OP
>gets praised for his brilliance by /lit/

>> No.3238546
File: 141 KB, 492x280, 1347668047201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Write something
>Show it to friends/gf
>"Wow, anon, this is pretty good."
>"Shut up no it isn't it's terrible the characters are poor and the imagery is bland. I can't write dialogue. Fuck it, I'm deleting it."

>> No.3238551

>I can't write dialogue.

how right you are

>> No.3238553

Finally, some one who agrees with me