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/lit/ - Literature

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3236454 No.3236454 [Reply] [Original]

Last book you read and your face or feels afterword

>Ark by Stephen Baxter

>> No.3236480
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>Death in Venice

>> No.3236496
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>Diary of Anne Frank by Anonymous

>> No.3236513
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>Cocaine Nights, J.G. Ballard

>> No.3236524
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>Brave New World

>> No.3236530
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Farewell to Arms

>> No.3236544
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>Tractatus Logico Philosophicus

>> No.3236550
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>The Sun Also Rises

>> No.3236553
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American Psycho

>> No.3236566
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The Trial, I enjoyed it

>> No.3236568
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lord of the flies

>> No.3236569
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>A Dirty Job

>> No.3236579
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>The Hobbit

>> No.3236591
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>mythologies, barthes

>> No.3236599
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The Stuff of Thought: Language as a Window Into Human Nature

>> No.3236619

i know this feel

>> No.3236633
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>Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

>> No.3236646
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>L'écume des jours

>> No.3236647
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IT, Stephen King

for like the 50th time

>> No.3236656
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The Wings of the Dove

<s>It took me 3 months to finish this stupid fucking book</s><s>but I still liked it</s>

>> No.3236665
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>Narcissus and Goldmund

>> No.3236670
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Going After Cacciato

>> No.3236687
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Women by Charles Bukowski

>> No.3236699
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>Death in Venice
So... the steadfast, chaste poet takes his spontaneous holiday in Venice and begins his path into decadence.
<s>He is subsumed by decadence, even coming to resemble the old, fashionable fop he was disgusted by during the boat ride to Venice, and all because of his unchaste attitude towards a young boy. His aestheticism is not the moral shield of civilization he thought it was his whole life, apparently. And then he dies on the middle of the beach right after his paragon of Beauty is bullied and defaced. What the hell am I supposed to take from this?</s>

>> No.3236741


That beauty was enough.

>> No.3236768
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>The Road

>> No.3236770
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Hunger Games

<s>took me a day and the book doesn't have that "love conquers all" bullshit like the movie</s>

>> No.3236780

What is the best Hesse novel?

>> No.3236785

Furk. That's on my list/shelf. I Pinker too much of a cunt to even read or is there something else wrong?

>> No.3236787

I read it and it felt really watered down and censored. I mean it's meant to be a book about teenagers killing each other but... it's kid-friendly. Just seemed bad to me.

>> No.3236788

that's a woman having an orgasm bro. it's a very interesting book.

steppenwolf. inb4 siddharta

>> No.3236792


The Glass Bead Game is the best. His other books are lesser but still good.

>> No.3236794
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>it's meant to be a book about teenagers killing each other

How hard do you have to try to miss the point by that much? Is this just a skill litposters are born with?

<s>It's about kids dealing with an oppressive government that uses spectacle to both placate and terrorize them</s>

Do you even cultural criticism?

>> No.3236796

Derp. I was about to say. He's clearly a smug twat in videos but his writing and ideas seemed good and he has reasons to think highly of himself.

>> No.3236820
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Cold Days by Jim Butcher :S

>guilty pleasures

>> No.3236826
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>Less Than Zero

>> No.3236832

Hey! I'm reading this!

>> No.3236834
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Mfw just from reading the preface of Founding Brothers, by Joseph Ellis

>> No.3236850

Damn. I hope you enjoy it. I really disliked it, personally.

>> No.3236860
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>The Thousand Nights

>> No.3236905
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>The Library Policeman

>> No.3236907
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don quixote - cervantes

>> No.3236915
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Dreams of My Father - Barrack Obama

>> No.3236978
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>The Sun Also rises

>> No.3236980


>>>edgy critic looking for deeper meaning in a shallow story

>> No.3236982
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blood meridian

>> No.3236987

haha, blue curtains, amirite brah?

>> No.3236991

It's a rip off that's what it is

>> No.3237545

Steppenwolf and Narcissus & Goldmund are excellent. Demian is also a great one to start with if you're just getting into his work.

Haven't read that one but I'll check it out next.

>> No.3237584
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>Even Cowgirls Get The Blues

>> No.3237588
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wheel of time: knife of dreams

>> No.3237613
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Book of the New Sun - Citadel of the Autarch

>> No.3237616

>Short story but still counts: The Garden of Forking Paths - Borges
>I have no face.

>> No.3237622
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Red Earth and Pouring Rain

Made me realise i need to step up my game

>> No.3237632
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Confessions of a Mask

>> No.3237654

Is the book related to that picture if so what is it's genre and was it good?

>> No.3237660
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The war of art

>> No.3237663

Glorious picture.

>> No.3237669
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Cold days by jim butcher

>> No.3237674
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Alternate pic I scrolled past to find picard

>> No.3237690

It's not related to the picture, but its awesome.

>> No.3237692
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Leibniz-Clarke Correspondence

>> No.3237733
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anathem - stephenson

>> No.3237736
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>love in a time of cholera

>> No.3237809

>but its awesome
I never heard of that genre before please reiterate.

>> No.3237820

>Stephen Baxter
I read his Evolution yesterday. Some anon mischaracterized it (probably purposefully as to avoid spoilers) as millenia-spanning space opera. I really liked the narrative and general structure of the book. The dystopian, catastrophic mood that sets in very early in the book <s>and the fact that there is no katharsis waiting by the end of the book</s> totally did it for me.

>> No.3237861

"Awesome" here actually indicates the quality of the writing, and the overall novel - which,in my opinon was an enthralling read from start to finish.

To put it in a genre, i would call it Indian Historical Fiction, with traces of an autobiographical element by the author.

You see, there are multiple storylines within the novel. The primary narrator is a monkey at the verge of death after being shot by a member of a typical middle class Indian family "awakens" to realize it's previous lives, and makes a deal with the god of death as it comes to get him
Communicating with the means of a typewriter, - to churn out the great indian tale, of soldiers , traders, priests, the british, love, and betrayal.
To keep the audience entertained earns him another day to live, and he does so till the very end of the tale.

The goodreads link for the same is here


Hope that clears your questions.
Please feel free to ask more.

>> No.3237876

Thanks for the explanation but i don't think its my cup of tea.
Would like if you suggested some books about Greek or Egyptian gods interacting with mortals<s> (in morden times) </s>. American God was nice anything to add to that? <s> I also read Percy Jackson, Kane Chronicles and a few others but i am ashamed to mention them openly. </s>

>> No.3237888

Birds of Prey by Wilbur Smith

thoughts post-reading: Dear god I can't believed I liked this stuff as a child. This is just... well just BAD.

Seriously, did any of you like Con-Air or Star Wars growing up? Thought it was really bad ass story telling. Then you grow up go back to it and are supremely embarrassed you've spent so much of you life defending this crap to other people?

>> No.3238529

Of what> Battle Royale?

>> No.3238544
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Are you functionally illiterate?

>assume book is about killing
>find very little killing
>must be a bad book about killing

>> No.3238550


Are you functional?


>> No.3238561
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>A Tale Of Two Cities
>At first: The opening
>Then: Chapter 4
Should I bother to keep reading?

>> No.3238880

<s>someone please tell me</s>

>> No.3238905

if you don't like it don't torture yourself with it

>> No.3238966

But it could get better. Like Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.3238985
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>World War Z Max Brooks

>> No.3238992
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War and Peace