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3234522 No.3234522[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a discussion on male masturbation.

>> No.3234527

What exactly do you want to discuss?

It's masturbation. It's touching yourself for pleasure.

>> No.3234530

i masturbate for over an hour a day, i feel i'm losing even more of the sensitivity i lost getting circumcised

>> No.3234531

Is masturbation acceptable? Is it damaging?

I heard /lit/ is the place to find some insights on human nature. Here I find the kind of sensitivity that would allow a human being to completly understand others and himself. Therefore, I ask: what are the effects of masturbation on humans, in general?

>> No.3234535

it brings a certain amount of pleasure
people in general like things that give them pleasure and will effectively pursue them
thus people masturbate

that's pretty much it, really

>> No.3234537

Masturbation is in many ways a good thing. Humans need sexual pleasure and masturbation is an easy way to achieve that.

Porn and the current society we live in however makes it all too easy to just sit down and masturbate. Some people waste their lives away masturbating when they could be out there achieving greatness.

>> No.3234539

No homework requests


>> No.3234541
File: 15 KB, 640x480, giveherthedick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spend entirely too much time masturbating while pretending to be a woman in chat rooms. Seriously, I have like 3-4 ongoing relationships with people who all think I am one. I've constructed an elaborate web of lies and I sit at the center like a Black Widow.

To give you an idea of how long and how much I've been doing stuff like this, let me give you this hastily constructed statistic: for every ten people you've ever had sexy chats with on the internet, I'm four of them. Nine if you can actually type intelligently.

>> No.3234542

You were good, if it's any consolation.

>> No.3234543

When I read an erotic passage in a book, I like to use the pages to pleasure myself. I rub my hardened cock between the rough pages until I reach climax. Then, in an upward, abrupt motion, I thrust the tip of my penis along the razor-sharp edge of the cum-stained page, effectively splitting my dick in half. I then call it a day and proceed to make myself some hot cocoa to dip my sore, bleeding penis into, it soothes it and tastes great.

>> No.3234546

I've masturbated to Zizek's film analysis. All that lacanian talk about desire and stuff makes me actual hard.

>> No.3234547

You were too, man. You were too.

Sorry if you were one of the ones I ended the RP with by having Anton Chigurh burst in and murder us with his shotgun. I get like that sometimes.

>> No.3234549

Don't hump the mattress. It's bad for you. Use your hand.

>> No.3234551

I once experimented with pretending to be woman in an MMO, but I quit before I got to level 20 because it was too weird. The only thing I learnt was that guys who play MMOs are really desperate and awful at flirting.

>> No.3234554

Any creative ways of getting off?
I don't feel like using my hand right now.

>> No.3234556

Hollow out a cucumber.

Post results.

>> No.3234558

No cuke on hand.
Anything else?

>> No.3234561

kidnap a child and force them at knife point to suck you off?

>> No.3234562
File: 52 KB, 768x386, forever_c31b1c_2960407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try this out

>> No.3234564

Some other kind of vegetable perhaps?

Or even better, go out there and get a girl. It's Tuesday night, all the best pussy is out on a Tuesday night.

>> No.3234570


I do genuinely have tons more energy and have become slightly more extroverted since quitting.

>> No.3234571

It felt weird because it IS weird. This is not something I'd suggest another human being do if they want to be "normal". Normal being defined as "not pretending to be a bicurious nudist girl with intense mommy lust."

(Sorry, Linda, but we both knew it couldn't last)

Masturbating to it is probably more of a side benefit because I think I do it mainly so I can write elaborate and sexy stories to assholes.

>> No.3234578

At least you found something you like! I used to get girls to strip for me on Omegle but it's just too much effort, too much talking.

It's an effort to get aroused by porn, so I stopped.

>> No.3234579

thinly veiled homework thread

>> No.3234583

Buy yourself a Bad Dragon.

Everyone loves a dragon dildo.

>> No.3234592
File: 24 KB, 299x300, lordhumongous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't go so far as to say I like it. It's an addiction and I'm aware of that fact pretty much every moment I'm doing it. That one pic of the fat guy sitting at his computer and being annoyed at the sun coming through the window as bikini girls play volleyball outside is pretty much me and I hate myself for it.

And you're a better man than me if you got someone to strip for you. I don't have that sort of commitment because my style is more like Robert Di Nero's character in Heat with always wanting to be able to just walk away.

It's also like the pic because when I find myself getting too involved or my chat partners getting too clingy, I tell myself "Just walk away. You can put an end to all of this. Just walk away."

And I do because they mean nothing to me.

>> No.3234605


Yea, sucks that I started doing that young. At least I've stopped now

>> No.3234613

You wind up having trouble cumming with real sex if you keep at it too long. You have to re-train yourself by keeping at the hand method.

>> No.3234621

God damn, there are some weird people on the internet.

>> No.3234622

isn't it great

>> No.3234626

Guide to wholesome masturbation:

-No porn or any visual or textual aid. Only your own imagination.
-Never out of boredom or something alike, only when you really have the urge
-Elaborate and in search of pleasure, never compulsive and hurried

This is the only form of masturbation that is truly worthwhile and more important, not detrimental to your sex life.

>> No.3234629

Thanks anon, that advice sounds solid and I honestly wish to quit porn and only masturbate when I really have a strong urge.

>> No.3234631

Also: Not masturbating causes more health risks and probably psychological risks than moderate masturbation or even plentiful masturbation.

For the greatest quality of life though, try keeping to the guidelines in the post above and substitute actual sex for masturbation wherever you can.

>> No.3234634

>Also: Not masturbating causes more health risks and probably psychological risks than moderate masturbation or even plentiful masturbation.
I keep hearing this, do you have any source?

>> No.3234635

Regular masturbation is supposed to help stop prostate cancer. So I hear.

>> No.3234636

It will probably be easier than it sounds. Porn masturbation often leaves a "bad aftertaste", I find. Not in the prude, puritanical sense, but much as in the same way that fastfood is ultimately less pleasing than a nice selfmade meal.

Then there is also the pleasant side effect that masturbating solely to your own imaginations trains ones imagination, creativity and visualisations. Where a porn wanker is merely a consumer, the imaginative wanker is also a creator.

It is somewhat comparable to children playing only videogames (expecting the creative part to largely be done for them) and children playing with simple toys or nothing at all, therefore needing to be able (and constantly becoming more able) too summon fascinating and original worlds for themselves.

Quitting porn quite possibly will make you a better reader and writer. And very possibly a better lover.

>> No.3234642

That's a nice analogy, thanks. You've helped put some things into perspective for me.

>> No.3234652


>> No.3234653

I can't remember exactly, but a few Google searches should be enlightening.

>> No.3234683

what makes you think that this isn't just a placebo effect?

>> No.3234708

Wanking, sex and orgasming are tiring and relaxing. Having tools to artificially increase your rate of doing so might leave you more lustless than wanted. Seems commonsensical. It fucks with what was once an effective balance, just like cars and high fructose corn syrup.

Not that guy by the way.

>> No.3234717
File: 168 KB, 492x723, you-came-to-the-wrong-neighborhood_20120409173755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying hfcs is any worse than sugar

looks like we got a new age faggot here

>> No.3234722

Sugar is shit as well and I use neither. But you get my point. Rapid changes in circumstances can fuck up what was in other times successful behaviour.

>> No.3234726


"common sense" is not a proper response to someone asking if what you're feeling is a placebo effect.

>> No.3234735

Sometimes it is though.

"I was really hungry until I ate this steak"
"Wow but how do you know for sure that it isn't all in your mind?"

>> No.3234742


Uh, "common sense" does not explain how food becomes energy.

>> No.3234752

Of course it does. By eating it, silly.

>> No.3234763


Ah, so when I eat it, it's turned into energy by a very small nuclear reactor that lives inside me. Just basic common sense, I guess.

>> No.3234778

don't you know chewing converts matter into energy?

>> No.3234785

This thread is about masturbation, not mastication!

>> No.3234864

more pics with male masturbation in this thread!

>> No.3234866


>> No.3234871
File: 82 KB, 800x600, wrex is somewhat pissed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.3234872

Mark Twain wrote a great speech about this topic btw.

>> No.3234875

hey, this is a blue board, and this is also not a /lit/ related thread

>> No.3234880
File: 16 KB, 370x300, ainsley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I do

>> No.3234895

I use piss as lube. I release few drops of it, pull foreskin back few times and then wank for 5 mins before repeating.

not doing it makes masturbating painful

>> No.3234905

What has homework got to do with anything?

>> No.3234916
File: 1.34 MB, 564x310, mybodyisready.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I masturbate dry, lube is for the weak.

>> No.3234929

I thought only circumsized guys needed lube. I also masturbate dry, my dick takes care of the rest with precum.

>> No.3234940

Nobody /needs/ lube but it's nice to have.

>> No.3234968
File: 8 KB, 290x174, DDldos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am circumsized, still dont use lube. I could not be bothered with preperation. This is also why I have never bothered getting a fleshlight or dildo, it would require preperation and cleanup.

Though I have been awfully tempted to get a dragon dildo because common man, who wouldnt want a dragon dildo.

>> No.3234981

whats the best place to hide jizz rags from your mom /lit/?

>> No.3234986

Use tissues.

>> No.3234989

Just hop in the shower, squirt some conditioner into your hand and fap. Go straight to bathing after you cum.

>> No.3234993

do this>>3234989
Just wash it down the drain.

>> No.3235026


>> No.3235033

>not cumming in a tissue and flushing it down the toilet

>> No.3235040

>not pointing your dick at the toilet and cumming

>> No.3235041

>not cumming uncontrollably on your stomach and then wiping it off with a tissue

it's far superior

>> No.3235066

>not reserving a patch of carpet

Okay you probably shouldn't do this but once you're in you're in.

>> No.3235070

I dont like masturbating in the shower.

Sex in the shower however is exelent...untill your legs get tired and you have to finish soaking wet on the bed.

It never works out like in the pornos.

>> No.3235076

>implying the brief sexual satisfaction found in masturbation isn't better than the similarly transient greatness you get from real work.

>> No.3235080

>.untill your legs get tired

That's known as a "shower Elvis": While masturbating, you grab the shower head, your knees start to interact with your pelvis and then you ejaculate.

As you come into the shower drain, you must say "thank you very much" as a tribute to the god of the shower and the toilet.