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File: 44 KB, 182x317, Lovecraft1934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3230300 No.3230300 [Reply] [Original]

why did he think it was a good idea to name your pet nigger man

>> No.3230302

Why don't you think it is?

>> No.3230303

it was just a joke i guess

>> No.3230307

Because HP Lovecraft was very racist.

>> No.3230312

Because his pet was black and the word "nigger" was viewed as benign by most (white) people of the time.

Why the fuck do you think he did it? Do you really think people back them attached the same connotations to words that we do now?

>> No.3230314

sounds something what your average 13yo /b/tard would do.

oh times, how you have changed

>> No.3230320
File: 399 KB, 326x500, OnB57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might have been common back then. In the Dambusters, one of the pilots' dogs is called niggerboy. There was some issue with that when Peter Jackson wanted to remake the film

>> No.3230330

>and the word "nigger" was viewed as benign by most (white) people of the time.

Really? I think it must have been viewed as a bit low class even back then. Even my oldest relatives never called black people "niggers" or even said the word... some of them would say funny stuff like "chocolate drops," though.

>> No.3230354

i have a yellow tabby
i named him china-man

>> No.3230356

She has just enough white in her to be attractive.

Why do black people think it's a good idea to call themselves niggers?

>> No.3230357

I grew up in rural Tennessee and had multiple cats named Niggy.

>> No.3230363

>She has just enough white in her to be attractive.

That's not how it works man. All "pure" black people aren't light-consuming voids until they interbreed or something; some African groups have naturally lighter skin tones.

>> No.3230395

I mean her facial features are not overly negroid. She may have asian or white in her.

>> No.3230408

My grandmother still has a cat she calls "Neger".

It was a normal name for black cats back then.

>> No.3230420
File: 435 KB, 3741x3887, ethnicity.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Negroid" is a buzzword.

>> No.3230501

hush before they ban lovecrafts works

>> No.3230695

he also repeatedly wrote about ''negroes'' although i think thats not an insult

>> No.3232886
File: 348 KB, 930x523, intouchables-car[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's disgusting to see what people nowadays think are racist remarks. Saying "niggers" or "blacks" is not a judgment of value. It is simply stating they are black, which they are, no one could deny that. What could possibly be racist about stating something no one could deny? Saying blacks are sub-humans, for instance, is a racist remark, as it is a judgement of value. Saying all niggers are thieves is racist too, for the statement could be denied (Will Smith is not a thieve, nevertheless a nigger: simple Aristotelian syllogisms etc.) Exclaiming all niggers should be hanged is racist. The word "should" implies a moral judgement, i.e. a judgement of value. It implies niggers should be treated differently to non-niggers. Does anyone here understand what I am trying to say?

>> No.3232891

I like that iflm.

>> No.3232905

It seems you're trying to reduce a word to it's etymology.

It's not so good, man

>> No.3232917
File: 19 KB, 600x453, 1341071449056.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read OPs post.
Read thread.

None of you morons make the connection that the main character of Rats in the Walls was from a wealth southern family...

>All of you are retarded.

>> No.3232920

Okay, so you have no idea what I mean, that's clear for one.
Etymology would be something like this:
Nigger comes from the word Niger in Latin, which meant "black" and "bad", like in the sentence:
Hic niger est.

>> No.3232922

Lovecraft hated minorities. Haven't you read The Horror at Red Hook?

Anyway, I thought Nigger-Man was a delightful name for a cat.

>> No.3232926

>Hated minorities.

Married a Jew.
Friends with an Arab.
Loved the idea of world travel.

>Full of shit you are.

>> No.3232951


>> No.3232967
File: 93 KB, 400x399, Bilbo Baggins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"You may better understand my repulsion to the Jew when I tell you that until I was fourteen years old I do not believe I ever spoke to one or saw one knowingly."

>"The only non-Saxons were niggers whose parents work for our families or cart our ashes, and who consequently know their place."

>"The more I study the question, the more firmly I am convinced that the one supreme race is the Teuton."

>"I'll be shot if three out of every four persons - nay, full nine out of every ten - weren't flabby, pungent, grinning, chattering niggers! Help!"

>"When you see my new tale 'The Horror at Red Hook', you will see what I make of this idea in connexion with the gangs of young loafers and herds of evil-looking foreigners that one sees everywhere."

Oh dear, it seems as though I misspoke. Lovecraft is certainly a bastion of progressive racial tolerance.

>> No.3233002

Who cares if he is racist, it really does not detract from any of his popular mythos. Especially since most of those stories make White Men, and ALL of humanity in particular seem weak and pathetic and insignificant in the eyes of greater far more powerful cosmic beings.

>> No.3233010

I don't care, but I do find it hilarious when people go "aw shucks, well I enjoyed reading Lovecraft, but now I have to pretend like I don't because I can't seperate the author's personal convictions from his art."