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3229674 No.3229674 [Reply] [Original]

I'm writing a sex story for sale on kindle about 4 girls named Hermione, Ginny, and Luna.

They go to a private university in england (that is NOT named hogwarts)

They are dating guys named harry and ronald

They are all 18

They are all going to fuck a bunch of black guys

can I use the names in this parody fashion? the characters are similar, Hermione is the valedictorian, luna is a space case,

so, what are my rights here, I don't use any last names.

>> No.3229706

I hope the millions of dollars you make never satisfy your ennui and that you eventually kill yourself out of futility

I have no idea how the copyright works

>> No.3229725

are you serious

>> No.3229740

I can tell you, but for a price. Show me some pictures, especially ones with penetration.

>> No.3229800
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I think you still need to alter the names. And to be honest you need to do your research on copyright laws that isn't 4chan.

>> No.3231685

need more pics in here

>> No.3231689

>4 girls named Hermione, Ginny, and Luna.

>> No.3231700

The fourth is Moaning Myrtle.

>> No.3231706


2 are named Ginny, duh.

>> No.3232541


Law student here. You can't copyright a name, but if you use character names in a way that the reasonable person would believe it to be a Harry Potter product, then it's against the law.

>> No.3232603

No, this is totally wrong. Watch any of the dozens of published/broadcast parodies of Harry Potter (for example, numerous SNL sketches depicting Harry Potter characters, referring to them as "Harry" and such, etc. etc.). >>3232541 is ultimately correct. Presumably, what you are making is obviously a parody, and you'll be fine. Generally, the more famous something is, the harder it is to keep control of it.

>> No.3232639

This. Keep in mind that there are probably thousands of porn fanfics of harry potter out there. You should be able to fly under the radar unless you make some real monies out of it. I suggest you pull an E.L James and change slightly the setting and characters name, while still making the characters obviously ripped-off.

>> No.3232650

No, don't do that yet. If your work becomes popular as-is, you can perform the above modifications and re-cast it as a separate, new work--one which hasn't yet been published for free, and therefore one for which you can still sell the First Press Rights.

>> No.3232928
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