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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 322 KB, 1600x1200, Conan-the-Barbarian-708717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3227069 No.3227069[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've just started reading the original Conan book, and Jesus Christ it's fantastic.

>> No.3227101

You're goddamn right it is. Robert "Two-Gun Bob" Howard. Entirely fucking insane, but I like his works. He and H.P. Lovecraft had a continued correspondence, and it always mindfucked me that while Lovecraft gets a pass in some literary circles because he's some sort of moral-objectivist downer about philosophy, Howard gets passed over like a joke.

He's a good joke, I like his works. A good literary selection needs to have something in it that one enjoys in a barbaric way.

>> No.3227133

Fuck yes. You ever pick up a romance novel, flip to a random page, and think to yourself,
>God damn. What a disproportionately eloquent sex scene.
Well, Howard does that with his violence. If pro wrestling is the man's soap opera, Conan is the man's romance novel.
I want Christopher Lee to read those books to me.

>> No.3227152

Yes. God, yes. I need Christopher Lee's voice in my body.

>> No.3227208
File: 265 KB, 1600x1200, Necronomicon-745239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking of getting the book in your image. I have the Lovecraft one.
>mfw my dumbass got the paperback
Get the hardcover. The edge of the spine has worn down and is now white. Also paperbacks that are this big are just stupid.

>> No.3227217
File: 144 KB, 480x360, Conan_book2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the book contain pictures?

>> No.3227228

Mister Sentiff to aisle 3, Mister Sentiff, aisle 3.

>> No.3227230

I have the Necronomicon one too, very nice. I too have been contemplating getting the Conan one. I think I will come my next paycheck.

>> No.3227233

The one I have has a few black and white pictures throughout and a small picture at the beginning of every story.

>> No.3227273

"Lovecraft gets a pass in some literary circles"

You're so right.

>> No.3227285

That's not a jab at Lovecraft so much as it is jealousy for the love of Howard.

>> No.3227491

I understand and agree. Academia discusses Lovecraft and dismisses Howard, though they seem to me to have a lot in common. Enjoy the book, OP!

>> No.3227518

So /lit/ rejects Catcher in the Rye yet embraces Conan the Barbarian.

>> No.3227526

Conan in the Rye. He starts slaying the phonies while wearing a loincloth.

>> No.3227527

>/lit/ is a monolithic entity XD

you fucking retard, the manchildren from the fantasy threads like conan

>> No.3227541

>you fucking retard,
Please, child, stop being so vulgar.

/lit/ IS a hivemind.

>> No.3227546
File: 14 KB, 197x250, 1354681474230s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3227564

> you fucking retard, the manchildren from the fantasy threads like conan

Nope, Conan is too highbrow and complex for the manchild fantasy crowd. (Ironically.)

>> No.3227586


Conan is fucken awesome, it's a shame modern literature can't do what Robert Howard was doing back then

the shit we read today is boring as fuck

>> No.3227609
File: 64 KB, 2560x1600, 1352968666368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ actually doesn't reject anything. This aint /mu/ my friend, we just hate threads about books that have already been discussed to death here.

>> No.3227625

>/lit/ actually doesn't reject anything.

Pick a random thread and casually mention the Prophet Dawkins.

>> No.3227644

>Pick a random thread and casually mention the Prophet Dawkins.

This is one of my favorite activities. Dawkins is probably the best troll bait on /lit/, he gets more heated posts than Rand, Tao Lin, and feminism combined.

>> No.3227645

>implying psuedophilosophy shit counts as /lit/ territory
We discuss literature here buddy.

>> No.3227653


>Thinking Dawkins is attempting philosophy.
He is just using empirical data through the scientific method, in terms simple enough for middle American Christians.

>> No.3227656
File: 17 KB, 350x318, polls_reeves_throwing_up_4029_903681_poll_xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rand, Tao Lin, and feminism combined.

>> No.3227690

The stories are pretty fucking good, I'll give Howard that much. If you want some surreal shit, go for the King Kull stories. That's the more... Philosophical stuff Howard wrote.

I think the big reason is that Howard didn't influence the genre to the same extent HPL did. Don't get me wrong, Howard was big, very big, but HPL created the psychological horror story.

Howard got his type of story ousted by epic fantasy. Which I think is a damn shame.

>> No.3227894

I'm glad that we don't refer to Lovecraft on a first name basis. This thread would be so confusing if we did.

>> No.3227917


>> No.3227921

>7 minute bump

the attention span of manchildren everyone

>> No.3227935

Eat my dick and balls.

>> No.3227939

Why don't you say that to my face and not on the internet so I can do it for real.

>> No.3228019

Will do.

>> No.3228038


>> No.3228042
File: 173 KB, 1152x864, conan-barbarian-wallpapers_1152x864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Conan: Where /fit/ meets /lit/

>> No.3228056

For years though everybody was copying him. He had people creating stories and characters entirely in response, Fafhrd & the Gray Mouser are a good example. It's a pity that Sword & Sorcery as a strong, active genre has basically died.

>> No.3228075

>those gayass bangs

>> No.3228102


>thinking that's what Conan looked like

>> No.3228116

I don't think that's what he looks like. That's just a horrible way to cut your hair.

>> No.3228130

Why is he always drawn so dark skinned? His homeland is supposed to be between Britain and Norway.

>> No.3228140

It's a tan.

>> No.3230250

if you actually read the book you'd know that conan's world was entirely fictional and in fact has a fairly thick story of how all the ancient people moved around, fought each other, evolved, and build their kingdoms.

>> No.3230267


That book is so fucking nice, by far the nicest book I own.