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/lit/ - Literature

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3225060 No.3225060 [Reply] [Original]

>Yes we all still know we all die anyway and morality is bullshit.

how the fuck does that invalidate morality? fucking moral nihilists don't make sense

fucking hate you hardcore materialists and your fetishism for objectivity of physical things

>> No.3225079


>> No.3225106

because faggot it's all relative you faggot

why would you put so much faggot weight in morals when having a defined set of them only establishes the fact that you are a faggot

>> No.3225133

I kind of wish every thread on /lit/ started with an out-of-nowhere mid-argument rant.

>> No.3225145

they practically all do

>> No.3225180
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>tfw god hates you he hates you he hates you

>> No.3225190

Most ideas of morality are grounded in the realm of the absolute, in the assumption that it was bequeathed by an immutable, fundamental source (usually by the name of God). Given that we have given up the ghost and for the most part do not fall back on "God" as the answer to our questions and problems, this "immutable ground" entity has given way and taken transcendental morality with it.

Have you even read Nietzsche?

By the way, it's not that morality itself is bullshit, just that in large part, any moral system that calls itself absolute is bullshit.

Seriously, how can you believe morality is absolute? Do you believe it's wrong for animals to kill other animals in the wild?

>> No.3225204

Premodernism states that God is our moral center. Modernism states that the absence of God is our moral center. Postmodernism denies a center.
do you even drift in a universe of un-anchored causality

>> No.3225212

>Premodernism states that God is our moral center. Modernism states that the absence of God is our moral center. Postmodernism denies a center.


>> No.3225217

I don't know how to parse words on this board anymore. How should I respond

>> No.3225224

just get your dick it and j/o a little

>> No.3225227
File: 85 KB, 510x580, bundy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah fuck morals yeah so kool

>> No.3225237

Buddy I've had an erection ever since I walked into this horseshit thread

>> No.3225242

careful, your slippery slope is showing

>> No.3225247

The guy is right and what you said is just nonsense.

I think the point that you missed is that it has nothing to do with God, but with ideas of absolute. God died, but we replaced him with different anchors, as you put it.

And to add to the nonsense of what you said, I think you actually agree with the other guy. You just don't know.

>> No.3225252

What God died? You mean the traditional judo-christian God? You physicalists really have your heads up your asses

nitshit can go fuck himself

if all absolutes are wrong then gravity is wrong

>> No.3225275

yeah bitch that god has been dead
all gods are dead
entity-based gods = lamestream as fuck

science is absolute breh you cant rule that out
gravity is right
absolutes are god
god isn't absolute

>> No.3225271

>if all absolutes are wrong then gravity is wrong
>i have no clue what an absolute is LOL

>> No.3225281

>hurr it must be physical for it to be correct
>i hate social constructs i have self-hate of humanity i hate humanity coming up with things hurr muh cold dark universe devoid of all that is good

>> No.3225285


>> No.3225287

otoh weed

>> No.3225295

Let me ask you something. Do you accept the foundations of science? Do you accept the results of science? You, of course, benefit from the results of science, seeing as how we are communicating at this very moment. Science is valid and it presupposes that absolutes are, at best, rare. The speed of light might be constant, but that's only due to our current understanding and because that is what best fits our "model." But this "model" is not fixed, and people will strive to improve it and rectify its errors for as long as we continue doing science.

Why, then, can we not form morality in the same way? Why must our morality be grounded rather than malleable to what best suits our interests as species, society, and civilization?

This is a thought I have stolen from pragmatism, namely John Dewey who also strongly criticizes dogmatic views of morality.

>> No.3225298
File: 372 KB, 449x401, ahahahha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get accused of not knowing what an absolute is
>accuses me of materialism

you plebs really crack me up

>> No.3225303

buddy i love you so much you just have to stop concerning yourself with issues of morality (absolute or otherwise) if you want to transcend the modernist mind-cage that has been crafted for you

fly be free

>> No.3225305

John Dewey? More like John Pooey.

he is also why our education system sucks

>> No.3225311

Freedom is both a word, spook, and an overrated thing.

>> No.3225317
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I like what I'm reading here.

>> No.3225325

whoa buddy
okay this is just you and me here
but you made a hell of a rhetorical leap there

yes i accept the foundations of science, of course it is valid, but it is also built on the presupposition of a quantifiable universe

there are things in the universe that can be quantified, to be sure. but you're going to have to do a lot of talking to tell me how you're going to quantify a moral system

>> No.3225327

spooks are spooks though

>> No.3225329
File: 2.07 MB, 347x200, 1350439309577.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>John Dewey? More like John Pooey.

lol thanks for wasting my time.

>> No.3225339

anon i like the cut of your jib
there are those that would disagree with you that freedom is overrated, to be sure. but fuck it whatever let's just keep breaking out of ever-larger cages together

>> No.3225342

>but you're going to have to do a lot of talking to tell me how you're going to quantify a moral system

what about a moral system makes it above being "quantified"?

>> No.3225352

we can measure how fast a particle moves, given standard definitions of distance and time. i'm not saying that a moral system is inherently above being "quantified", but you (nor i, admittedly) would not have the first idea of where to start quantifying it. unless you have something you'd like to share with the class

>> No.3225368

You know what kind of "people" who really suck? Reductionists.

stop reducing me down to what makes me up you fucking buttheads

i am what i am

>> No.3225379

what is "am"
ha ha ha

>> No.3225387

you are what you are

you being what makes you up and its current configuration

cry harder

>> No.3225390

No you are wrong.

cry even harder, reductionist sociopath

What is and what is not? just words

>> No.3225395

Am > are.

you're probably an evo psych faggot too

why do you hate the concept of a self? you depressed or have brain damage?

>> No.3225400

no i know it's just words
i'm drunk
someone should have taken my keys to the internet a long time ago

>> No.3225401

no dawg im on my path to nirvana while u still be crying in 2012
what you are is nothing

>> No.3225405

lol evo psych


>No you are wrong.

compelling argument, you should publish. have you contacted harvard press?

>> No.3225407

buddhism is nihilism for hippie scum

nothing is an impossible concept

>> No.3225412

you never had an argument in the first place, bitch

>> No.3225421


>> No.3225422

i didn't say i did, i said you didn't. is reading this many words straining your eyes?

>> No.3225426

words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words

>> No.3225428
File: 11 KB, 645x773, 1325112630236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw qt fat gf

>> No.3225435

if i could find my penis i'd take a picture of it and upload it to this thread

>> No.3225436

This thread is a complete shitfest. It's just some drunk fuck "trolling" everyone.

>> No.3225445

Oh monsieur, did I upset thou?

>> No.3225447

And that makes it different from the contemporary face of literary theory how

>> No.3225452

And this guy. I fuckin like this guy

>> No.3225453

shut up you edgy TWERP

you don't know what you are talking about, you aren't an authority

you just parrot authority like the little TWERP you are

>> No.3225461

i'm listening to the entirety of john meyer's "continuum" while masturbating to tame images of taylor swift and there's nothing you can do to stop me

"slow dancing in a burning room" is a great track i'd highly recommen it

>> No.3225472

Agreed. Moral nihilism is the coward's whimpering fury.

>> No.3225481

check out the pussy on this faggot
nihilism is the first step to self-self-awareness
stay weak
stay slow

>> No.3225482

can you post your favourite tame images of taylor that you jack off too?

>> No.3225484

i'll murder ur guts

>> No.3225492
File: 50 KB, 332x393, taylor-swift-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anytime bud
look at that strong aryan jawline
i'm so heteronormative look at me haha

>> No.3225500


>> No.3225509

sadly i must leave this thread now
there is pot to be smoked
i hope i have illustrated an accurate metaphor of the illusive and absurd quality of the pursuit of truth in the face of the "morality question"
nice dub dubs bro

>> No.3225515

you mean trip dubs