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/lit/ - Literature

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3224059 No.3224059 [Reply] [Original]

Why do English teachers always seem to be a bunch of nosy, opinionated fucks? I've been struggling to get the needed English courses to meet my Gen. Ed requirements because every English teachers I've had, be they full time professor, or grad student are unbearable.

I had one that basically treated every class as an attempt to get to "know us". The assignments were always to write about personal shit or bring in trinkets that we would share stories about or some shit. And when I eventually got pissed off and wrote big whooping lies, she got mad that I was lying to her. THAT ISN'T THE POINT OF THIS FUCKING CLASS!

Then another would treat us all like we were fucking still in Elementary School. Oh, we're going to do an INTERVIEW where you take the role of a character. Let's make a little SONG about the story. Oh, what's that, you don't want to particpate? You want to do discussions? Guess I'll just have to fail you for not wanting to participate in my little retarded games.

God damn. Fuck English teachers. If any of you out there are English teachers, I want you to know that about 90% of you are failures at life and have no business being in the education business. Especially not the higher level courses.

>> No.3224063

it's brainwashing

>> No.3224067

It's okay Anon, everything is going to be okay.

>> No.3224068
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>> No.3224074


on the off chance this isn't copy pasta, i will remark that all this different kinds of learning happen because otherwise students are 0% engaged with their class. bringing in trinkets and having people talk about themselves was a way to get their attention and investment into the class.

source: im a college student and no one participates in any classes ever

>> No.3224077

English classes, aside from grammar, are essentially a means of getting idiots to embed themselves in significant pieces of literature. Kids who read usually don't need it.

On a side note, fuck literary analysis questions. That's entirely subjective lest the author had specifically put a metaphor or simile in there.

>> No.3224079


Students are 0% engaged anyways. You're just pissing off the people that would otherwise try to participate.

All in all, that says more about the state of English courses that they're seen as such a waste of time that you can't get people to participate at all.

>> No.3224081

Same guy, *unless

>> No.3224097

Just take an English CLEP. If you have even half of a brain you'll smash that shit and not have to deal with all the faggots in the English programs at all.

>> No.3224115

Fuck some english teachers. First year of college I had one that was just awful. He was a shitty teacher, but worst of all, for our final exam, instead of an actual exam, he had us do a 5 or 7 page essay on his own book he wrote. We had to buy said book as well. It was probably the worst book I've ever read.

>> No.3224121
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holy fuck I lol'd. you way mad bro.
I wonder what shitty university you're attending, as students at good ones tend to see the value in other fields. I majored in English and I still think the sciences are fucking awesome. My friends, math/science etc. majors, all seemed to enjoy their English classes.

You are either an amazing troll, or are probably the dumbest person I've ever seen post on /lit/

>> No.3224123

Even if they do suck, stick it out, you're wasting your money because you don't want to do a few stupid assignments and put up with some idiots curriculum? You're childish and lack discipline.

>> No.3224126

>im poor

>> No.3224128


Finish the course, rip the teacher in performance reviews for wasting your time. Department heads will brush off people complaining about the teacher being too hard, etc., etc.

If they get a review where a student is pissed for not learning enough, they usually take that shit more seriously.

>> No.3224132

Maybe you should fucking read your class descriptions before you join a class turd nugget

>> No.3224133
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You're very immature if you refuse to participate in creative processes

>> No.3224186

The problem with English is that it's somehow became the goto major for the asocial retards.

Are you dumb as shit, but not cool enough to go get drunk off your ass every weekend and make long-lasting connections that could help you in the business world or any other real career? Become an English Major!

And so that 90% of English teachers you mentioned continue to be dumb fucks, but now they have to try and teach other people.

Luckily there is still that 10% who are really good, but the odds of you getting them are pretty low unless you research the instructor you're going to get because they also tend to not really like teaching because of the aforementioned asocial retards flooding the major.

>> No.3224197

I'm talking moreso in relation to high school classes, because that seem's to be OP's scenario given the "songs" and "telling about yourself".

>> No.3224205


OP here. No, this is (supposed to be) a college level course. I am fucking pissed that I have to waste my time and money doing this shit just to get my fancy piece of job paper.

I'm looking into that CLEP shit someone mentioned above because the English department at my school is apparently run by Kindergarten teachers.