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3223510 No.3223510 [Reply] [Original]

What is the point of philosophy?

>> No.3223527

It's for men who don't understand science and Math, but want to explain reality.

>> No.3223534

"Philosophy is the principle of concentration through which man becomes himself, by partaking of reality."
- Karl Jaspers, Way to Wisdom

>> No.3223537

understand stuff
science and philosophy should ideally be hand-in-hand bruh

>> No.3223546
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Don't worry, we understand. Philosophy is hard and most people don't get it. They tend to get very insecure about it.

>> No.3223553

I actually meant what is the point of having philosophy when it is seemingly useless.

It's like constant foreplay with no sex.

>> No.3223559

Youre not reading the right type of philosophy.

>> No.3223574

Typical ideological bullshit.

>> No.3223578

The more a i do philosophy (beggening thrid year in university) the more a become skeptical

>> No.3223584

>what is the point of having philosophy when it is seemingly useless.
The stuff you're thinking of is used as a post hoc justification of high socioeconomic status. There is some genuine rumination on important ides though, which is enlightening and kind of fun. Just stay away from private liberal arts colleges and faggots like this >>3223534.

>> No.3223606

please kill yourself op

>> No.3223628

I would go with Habermas on this issue:

Philosophy can be a placemarker, or stand-in (definition: a person who takes the place of the star actor until they are ready), this time locating it more precisely in relation to concrete empirical research programmes. Philosophy can no longer pretend to function as the highest arbiter or final judge of science and culture, as a stand-in assigning each area of knowledge (or actor) to its proper place within the play of knowledge through the process of pure reason. Rather, it now enters into a contributing relationship with the human sciences, or social sciences, which examines humanity, across many subject areas such as psychology and sociology and politics.. It is this new 'paradigm' of hybrid discources which inserts philosophical ideas into empirical research. It can be a supplier of ideas as well as a critic of methodology or a reflection of universalist claims of successful hypotheses.


>> No.3223630


In Habermas' view, philosophy has a second role to play today, one closely tied to a specific feature of modern Western society: the differentiation of what Weber called the 'cultural value spheres' of science and technology, art and literature, law and morality, each with their specialized 'logics' for dealing with the questions of their rarefied 'expert cultures' increasingly separated from the communicative practice of everyday life. Philosophy, Habermas suggests, can function as a mediator and interpreter to offset this compartmentalization and separation. As a mediating interpreter, it can help to open up the encapsulated spheres of science, morality and art and feed them into the world so as to establish there a new balance among the now 'separated moments of reason'.

Thus, Habermas' transformation of philosophy envisions for it both a contributing role within certain specialized areas of inquiry and a mediating role between the various expert cultures and the lifeworld. In both roles, it retains its relation to reason in the emphatic sense, that is, to the consideration of universal validity claims that can only be redeemed through the force of a better argument

>> No.3223634

Same happened to me. By the time I finished 2nd year I had given up on moral philosophy, and by the time I had finished the degree I had just lost interest in philosophy. The modern type is pointless. Now, I find myself more interested in mysticism, poetry and ancient philosophy. But it seems like everyone else who finished it just ends up a cynical sceptic, not really believing in anything.

>> No.3223639

Philosophy as a whole is not subject to some grand teleology.

>> No.3223646

lol you're doing it so wrong then. Try reading Wittgenstein's On Cetainty and Sider's Against Parthood and some of his articles criticizing deflationism (you will find these articleson his site).

>> No.3223650


True. I'm very much in that last category. If anything I think i've just realised the fallibility of human perception and the non-objective nature of philosophy can grind after a while.

Academic philosophy is a lot different to actual philosophy though I guess. It's more about contemplation even if you vastly disagree with premises and that's probably why people get a bit cynical when they think part of it is bullshit. This is an issue as time progresses, at first you're an open-slate but by the end you're more critical as a result.

I love my philosophy degree though. It taught me to be perceptive, to think outside of the normal course of things, to be abstractly creative and to solve problems by looking outside of the system. That is exactly the kind of thing that people don't want though. My utility is next to useless as part of a larger body in the real world it seems.

>> No.3223652

I pity you...


>> No.3223663

Lol. I pity you, if you weren't able to get over that autistic discipline known as analytic philosophy.

>> No.3223667

stop posting 20 year old papers about academic infighting as though they have any relevance to-day

>> No.3223669
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>some french cunts talking about shit
>muffled rap music playing in the distance

>> No.3223675

Autistic? At least analytic philosophy can understand stuff. This is why peoplelike you aren't needed on the academic world of today.

That was just an example of what can philosophy contribute on. No, scepticism and mysticism aren't contributions to philosophy. If it's not actual knowledge, it's not (good) philosophy.

>> No.3223701


>Autistic? At least analytic philosophy can understand stuff. This is why peoplelike you aren't needed on the academic world of today.

Were you trying to insult that guy?

>> No.3223770
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>What is the point of philosophy?
It's a tool for developing the mind, an exercise necessary for the thinking person.

Theoretical physicist here.

>> No.3223776

the fuck am i reading

>> No.3223890
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To get the questions right so science can take over.

>> No.3223909
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>> No.3223912

More like Theoretical FAGicist

>> No.3223919
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That too.

>> No.3223939


Zizek explains it

>> No.3223969


>math and science
>explaining anything relevant human experience

enjoy your autism

>> No.3223999

"When someone asks ‘what’s the use of philosophy?’ the reply must be aggressive, since the question tries to be ironic and caustic. Philosophy does not serve the State or the Church, who have other concerns. It serves no established power. The use of philosophy is to sadden. A philosophy which saddens no one, that annoys no one, is not a philosophy. It is useful for harming stupidity, for turning stupidity into something shameful. Its only use is the exposure of all forms of baseness of thought." - Gilles Deleuze

>> No.3224007

To keep stupid people occupied so they don't accidentally get mixed up in important business.

>> No.3224018

>explaining anything in regards to the human experience

its crazy people and losers making shit up.

>> No.3224028

You mean philosophy in itself or philosophy as an academic career for the bourgeois?

One is better than the other

>> No.3224050

Read Wittgenstein, fuckers.

>> No.3224052


enjoy your depression

>> No.3224055

So philosophy is a study of semantics.
Not "Is there" but "what is" metaphysical stuff.

>> No.3224064

see that's not the right way to go about it. if i show you several buildings in a campus, you're not supposed to ask which one is the university. philosophy is too loose a term, too wide a category to be defined this simply.

>> No.3224082

Philosophy, the general definition that is mostly applied in an individual level, is mind workout.

Imagine /lit/ being /fit/ but instead of showing each others bods and talking about squats we show each others egos and talking about books.

>> No.3224120
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What are you even doing here?

>> No.3224134

I am studying both physics and philosophy at the moment, and I think it is sooner the other way around. Though, most philosophers don't get math or physics, and all phycicists don't get philosophy. Read up on some phenomenology, it will help you see why math and or physics are hopelessly inadequate in undersatanding anything, only giving you the feeling of understanding. In the meantime, go back to /sci/.

>> No.3224611
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Philosophy is useless

>> No.3226230

Philosophy is an articulate, reflective response to our condition

>> No.3226238

I've read about phenomenology, but I don't get why it shows math and physics are inadequate. Serious question.

>> No.3226247

Philosophy is something done by people with an 'S' in their name.

>> No.3226251

Kanye WeSt

>> No.3226266


I double majored, I never once saw them at odds. In fact I think Phenomenology makes the best case FOR the natural sciences, as the most methodologically rigorous (Husserl) way of investigating the intentional relation between consciousness and world, while properly scrutinizing and not reifying consciousness as a "something" privileged to the world of sense data and experience, as Heidegger warns.

Besides, if the mathematized and techno-scientific worldview can't ever give a total and complete perspective, that's good - if there's always room for improvement it means there's always more research and experimentation and learning to do.

>> No.3226268

as to the OP,

"When someone asks ‘what’s the use of philosophy?’ the reply must be aggressive, since the question tries to be ironic and caustic. Philosophy does not serve the State or the Church, who have other concerns. It serves no established power. The use of philosophy is to sadden. A philosophy which saddens no one, that annoys no one, is not a philosophy. It is useful for harming stupidity, for turning stupidity into something shameful. Its only use is the exposure of all forms of baseness of thought. . . . Philosophy is at its most positive as a critique, as an enterprise of demystification."

I'm not a Deleuze fan (this is from Nietzsche and Philosophy), but my undergraduate adviser had this on the door of his office. I love it because it's true of science too - just don't tell the Engineering folks.

>> No.3226471
