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3222598 No.3222598[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm surrounded by drones... This isn't a lit related question per say, but you are the only intelligent group I could hope to get an answer from. I've been on Facebook for 5 years and I'm pretty much done with it. I'm going to a new school next year and I like the idea of starting fresh with nothing to distract me (i'm chucking my xbox as well.) Forced to stay out and interact, will I discover the entire community of un-facebooked free spirited, intellectual youths? Do most employers except you to have some form of social network or profile to check up on? Are there better alternatives to facebook?

>> No.3222600

Try not to be so edgy

>> No.3222601

If you weren't a plebeian, you'd know.

>> No.3222602

>I'm surrounded by drones...
welcome to being a human. we're all drones, haven't you heard?
>will I discover the entire community of un-facebooked free spirited, intellectual youths?
probably not.

>> No.3222608

Underage b& pls go.

>> No.3222610

This is my theory. I will never get a solid answer from an internet community because they are all cynical and subjugate their need for social interaction with passive time spent on facebook, 4chan, whatever. I'm really just going to have to try for myself and actually venture out into the world.

>> No.3222612

Does this imply that past college facebook isn't really expected? It would be a huge favor if someone could answer the question.

>> No.3222615

listen, people in the real world are even more retarded than people on the internet. see for yourself, though. i wish you luck.

>> No.3222617

I quit facebook too, OP. Sometimes I wish I could spy on my friends and strangers again, but, for the most part, if feels good, man.

Also, I did not discover any underground, intellectual communities.

>> No.3222621

>will I discover the entire community of un-facebooked free spirited, intellectual youths?

first of all, you're a retard.

second of all, no. Today's youth is completely helpless without social networking. It's pretty pathetic.

>> No.3222622

The thing is, I will either be at Cal Arts next year or UCLA. I will be extraordinarily busy working, studying, and meeting people. I don't even think I will have much time for it. I more or less just want to leave the obnoxious slew of "friends" i have accumulated behind so that I can start fresh and clear minded at school. Maybe I will just deactivate this facebook and make a new one simply for "networking" purposes.

>> No.3222625

It's expected but you don't have to conform (you never did, but in school it sure seems like it)

I've never had facebook, I get asked why not and I just say I don't want it, do you want my email address or phone number if you want to talk some other time?

The only thing I missed by not having a facebook were pseudo study groups within the facebook pages for my course where they'd discuss the solutions to problems in homework. That would have been very useful.

>> No.3222626

I was being slightly facetious. And I will be 21 this August by the time I leave to school. If today's youth are helpless without technology, doesn't that mean there has to exist a small percentile of competent people who make due without it? I want to meet those people, if they exist.

>> No.3222629

maybe I'll just "wipe" my old one more or less, and start a new profile.

>> No.3222632

I've found this to be true.
First year of college I deleted my facebook and had no friends other than those who I still made plans with from high school.
This is my life a year later.

>> No.3222635

sure there are people who get by without facebook

good luck finding them, though, because the only way people communicate with each other anymore is through facebook

>> No.3222637

You're as well to just delete all your contacts and set your profile to friends-only. Facebook is creepy, everyone can and will find you easily.

I don't like communicating with endless texting instead of phonecalls and I don't like facebook so I don't use them. I do like phonecalls, physically meeting people and letters (So by practical extension emails) so I use those as much as possible. I don't want to know that you broadcast to strangers what you had for lunch with a nice little picture, or snoop on people who've unwittingly revealed an awful lot (I asked about someone, they facebooked her and gave me atrociously personal information like her spouse, length of relationship, entire employment history).

>> No.3222660
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>> No.3222670

I love that fuckin comic so many applicable uses.

>> No.3222665

1.Buy rope
2.Hang yourself

You are too beautiful for this world you beautiful little snowflake.

>> No.3222677

For the love of God, forget I said the word "drone" you autistic mongos.

>> No.3222680


>> No.3222690

>helpless without social networking
This is very very true.
I have no idea how this became to be.
And most Facebook posting is beyond rubbish.

>> No.3222693

My solution is this.
Everyone is an idiot, its just a matter of opinion on how much.

>> No.3222695

It doesn't make any practical difference where you set the bar.

>> No.3222701
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22. I've never used Facebook. I still have friends who send me instant messages through their phone, but many people simply wont bother with me because I refuse to sign up to twitter, myspace, facebook, etc.

You can live without it. Hell, I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything. I just hope it doesn't bite me in the ass for possible job applications for some reason.

So I mean some people will shut you out, but it seems like you don't need people who are so easily "scared away" by it.

>> No.3222734

The issue is that people set the bar as themselves.
Once you consider yourself to be an idiot who lacks the amount of knowledge that they allude themselves, only then do you realize how much you are no different than all the people around than you seem to be superior.
Removing that comparison is the best way to improve yourself and disregarding the illusionary mediocrity of the world.

>> No.3222744

I never had facebook and I don't have any friends. I doubt there's a correlation though.

No, employers don't expect you to have a facebook. If you work in a school, having a profile is discouraged. In some cases you can set up a school oriented profile (read: profile with no personal info) to connect with students.

>> No.3222752

I guess the only difference is you don't use facebook to delude yourself into thinking you do have friends

>> No.3222760

Employers don't give a shit about that, I didn't have a facebook when I got hired at both of my jobs.
Don't expect anything glorious to happen without facebook, you'll just become lonely in time because nobody communicates via phone anymore for some reason.
Don't take it all so seriously mate

>> No.3222762

>Do most employers except you to have some form of social network or profile to check up on?

Of course. Plenty of employers go through people's facebook accounts and stuff before they decide whether they should be hired or not. Loads of people are fired for shit they've said on facebook. Same is true with twitter.

>will I discover the entire community of un-facebooked free spirited, intellectual youths?

Such communities do not exist or rather, all large communities have outstandingly intelligent people in them but they are vastly outnumbered by people who aren't.

The key to using a forum is to find people who post quality shit and subtly stalk them. Respond to their responses and threads. Start conversations with them via the PM system and so on.

Think about it in terms of TV. Most people just sit down in front of the TV and start flipping through the channels until they find something. Sometimes they find a documentary about space travel, sometimes they find a reality show, or whatever. This is in my opinion a fairly bad way of consuming content. You just get a random scatter of information. Nothing makes any sense of any large scale. It's just information thrown in your face without you having any control over it.

But what if you instead bought a TV guide and just went through it in the morning while eating breakfast, just checking if there is a film that you might want to see, or a documentary, or a TV show, etc. This gives you control over the content you watch.

>> No.3222775

I never saw the appeal of Facebook.
The moment i saw it, it reminded me of people typing overemotional and not actually caring about what other people wrote. Or people saying random things that no one cared about.
People i knew in real life would post bullshit stuff, hockey game matches, new meme images they would which were shit but though other people would like. All that bullshit Facebook normality.
That all the friending, liking was all seemed like a fake illusion of social interaction.
I mean, REAL social interaction is not the same as the one found on Facebook.
I just can't explain it and i know I'm not the only one who sees that.
Something seems corrupt with Facebook or maybe its the way Facebook reflets on people that seems corrupt.

>> No.3222783

Refer to this section of infinite jest:


Facebook has actually cut under the telephone in this case, replacing telephones. Now, not only do you not need to actually give a shit about others' soapboxes while you soapbox; you don't even have to do it in real-time any more and to a wider audience.

>> No.3222901
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Unnecessarily word, but brilliant.

Great. I had written off DFW. Am I going to have to read this book?

>> No.3222904



>> No.3222982
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>facebook, 4chan
>same sentence
> reflects on when i was 8 and used to be this much of a conceited punk.

>> No.3222986

forgot to sage :/

>> No.3222993

fuck now i have asshole guilt.
OP the only way to get out of the disappointment youre in now is to keep focusing on what youre doing. The world these days supports overspecialization but the well rounded man is a rare commodity and if you can get over ther lack of intillectual satisfaction found in your peers then you'll find that the answers arent in other peoples doctrines as much as how you fill your place in the capacities youre most suited for. Make your capacities great and you'll find your satisfactions but dont loose faith in others. You never know where you'll find respite.