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3222562 No.3222562 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you watch lectures from schools like yale and listen to the comments made by students which leaves you wondering how they got into schools like yale

>> No.3222564

their parents went there

>> No.3222572

jews, nepotism, non-white affirmative action, etc

>> No.3222582

Good schools but try not to put them on such a high pedestal.

>> No.3222588

You didn't apply yourself in the right way at the right time, so you will be forever plebeian.

>> No.3223235

> Go to best highschool in Finland
> People have problems grasping on basic historical and literal conventions and events

Everyone was good in maths though.

>> No.3224534


> nepotism, non-white affirmative action, etc
anon is a white guy who went to a shitty school

>> No.3224564

Who knows.

>> No.3224592
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Look up gut classes OP. These fuckers intentionally take piss easy courses and blow off the greatest educational opportunity they will ever see, one I would kill to be a part of. I hate each and every one of those fucks.

I just want them to know. I got a C- in human history, so what? I aced the tests and never turned in a bit of homework. Why bother if I already knew the material? While you were making flashcards and panicking over the next exam I was reading Dostoevsky. Of course, I get punished for it, because going against the puritanical law code of our academic factories ensures I get sent to a shit tier school while the students who can't even read get sent to Yale.

I am so fucking mad, every time I think about shit like this I want to go read Jude the Obscure again and bawl my eyes out.

Hold me, /lit/.

>> No.3224607

shit sucks but school isn't for learning. You should know that by now.

>> No.3224616

>Spend loads of time blowing off work to follow intellectual pursuits
>Barely graduate highschool, spend all of free time reading and watching open courseware/khanacademy
>Go to community college, run out of other people's money, become NEET
>Friends at expensive pseudo-ivy leagues like Miami and NYU don't even understand shit like moon phases
>They think that a college education is little more than vocational school for LOL THAT DOSH
>Parents kicking me out soon, no gf, no money, doomed to be a failure


>> No.3224631
File: 44 KB, 315x500, jude-the-obscure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, I forgot how great that book is!

>Eternally stuck in friendzone
>Self-educated scholar
>Can't get into the good schools
>Hates plebians

Fucking love that book. It's bitches ruin everything, the novel. If you can't relate to Jude you don't belong on /lit/.

>> No.3224704
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>> No.3224722


Faggots, all three of you.

Too special to play the game with the rest of us? Fuck you.

Enjoy being unhappy at schools you don't like.

YOU had the greatest educational opportunity you will ever see. But, instead of just having a little fortitude and doing a negligible bit of admittedly dull coursework you read shit you could have read after you'd graduated.

You have some nerve complaining when you just fucked up plain and simple. Your superiority complexes are disgusting for such abhorrent failures.


>> No.3224753
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"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently.'

Oh, sorry, you didn't get to read any Nietzsche while you wasted away the best years of your life doing math equations and monotonous worksheets?

Honestly, do you think choosing not to spend your free time doing useless school work makes you inferior? Because, by your standard, Faulkner is the greatest pleb imaginable -- bitch dropped out of highschool and never even got his GED. I guess he was just too much of a special snowflake, huh?

>> No.3224802

>I get sent to a shit tier school
That's not how it works. Your essay probably sucked shit and you had no extracurricular activities.

>"buh buh im smurt"

Academia is a game and if you weren't smart enough to catch onto that, they'll happily pass you on by. They're looking for intelligence AND application.

You shouldn't even be that mad, Ivy Leagues are fantastic for prestige and guest speakers but you could get the same education at schools with lower standards (they're not even that high -- one C- doesn't ruin you; likely the fact that your school tracked grades with '-' and '+' was what precluded you.)

>> No.3224814


I'm not talking about Faulkner, you twit. I'm talking about you.

If you're as smart as you must think you are then you should know what a strawman is.

You are mad at people who worked hard enough to access a decent education, and think that you deserve it more than they do.

This is wrong, you're a faggot.

Every one of the lucky ladies and gentleman at Yale and Harvard proved that they deserved their place there more than you the day they committed to doing well at school.

I'm not saying that there aren't intelligent people who deserve a place in these institutions but were obstructed by social or financial barriers.

I'm just saying that people like you, who had every opportunity, wasted it, and then proceeded to cry about it, are faggots.

Plain and simple.
Nice entitlement bro.

>> No.3224822

most likely, but he's also correct.

>> No.3224846

Most colleges have that nepotistic streak, yeah? If you've got alumni in the family, they tend to favor you over those that don't.

>> No.3224856

So having parents who went to yale and gave generous donations doesn't get you into yale?

>> No.3224865

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.3224869
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>tfw you were good enough to get accepted to Ivy league schools but you weren't good enough to get full scholarships to any of them, and your family is literally poor as fuck

ch-ch-check your privilege, OP

>> No.3224872

It does not guarantee it unless you're like a president's son or something. You still have to have the base minimum requirements to get into Yale, it only helps you a bit. (Note however, the requirements are pretty low. 3.9ish GPA? 1700~ SAT? Fuck's sake.)

>> No.3224880


He said here:

>I'm not saying that there aren't intelligent people who deserve a place in these institutions but were obstructed by social or financial barriers.
>I'm just saying that people like you, who had every opportunity, wasted it, and then proceeded to cry about it, are faggots.

The issue being discussed is "playing the game."

>> No.3224895

middle class/rich people are the fucking worst. They breeze through highschool/undergrad without having to work or deal with fucked up families and have all the free time in the world to do whatever the fuck they want. Those of them with the barest modicum of intelligence get into a nice school and on a good track, and the others make shitty angsty rants about "playing the game" while simultaneously assuming that because they had the time to read books and jerk around instead of working a part time job all through highschool they are someone smart or more deserving.

get fucked OP

>> No.3224897

Man, I know your feels, but like it or not you have to let yourself get fucked over by the school system at some point. It kills me to be at university and have to do all the "educational" minutia to be certified as a "good student," but it's simply the only way to have enough time to be able to continue your intellectualism after college. And let's be realistic here, you can get good grades and pursue your independent academic interests, and the fact of the matter is that if you want to be an A student who is also incredibly knowledgeable in his area of study, then it is very likely you will have to sacrifice most social contact. Most people are not willing to do this--that's fine--but just know that the ability to be both knowledgeable and be recognized as knowledgeable within the academic setting is within YOUR power. Yes, you can do well in your classes and read Dostoevsky, but not doing one while citing the other as the obstacle against it is both false and unrealistic.

>> No.3224898

Books or GTFO.

>> No.3224902

It despairs me to think that society doesn't really care about knowledge or intellectual ability unless it's been quantified with a grade or justified within an economic structure, but that's simply something I cannot change at this moment, and something that if I rebel against will leave me destitute or living with my parents. It's not easy to be a student of an area that many will carelessly deem "useless" but by taking on this study with an expectation to continue it throughout your life, you take on a responsibility that the vast majority of students run from at first chance. There's at least a small consolation of nobility in our struggle to learn at the defiance of practicality and economy, but the struggle itself is at times soul-destroyingly difficult. Make your choice, but just remember that your future well-being depends on society's acceptance of your choices. Choose intellectualism, but be forewarned that you MUST have a practical concern in being a good enough student to be recognized as such and be judged as "useful." Mediocrity here is not an option unless you want debt and poverty. As a humanities student, you simply cannot afford the chance that you are seen as anything less than fantastic. Good luck.

>> No.3224913


This faggot doesn't even understand how a syllogism works. If you're saying that everyone who doesn't play the game is retarded and should get fucked, by your logic Faulkner is a faggot and should get fucked. It's not a strawman if you included him in your gross generalization;

Play the game, see where it gets you.

>> No.3224916

>people who worked hard enough to access a decent education

It's my fault for being lazy in kindergarten. If I'd studied more I could have gone to that wasn't focused on keeping trailer trash out of prison. I could have colored in worksheets but I had to do arithmetic some 2deep4u emo faggot.

>> No.3224923

itt: entitlement

If you're as smart and deserving as you think, you would make the institutions recognize you for it

>> No.3224932

1st world poor people are the fucking worst. They breeze through daily survival without having to work or deal with finding clean water and have all the free time in the world to enjoy not worrying about getting raped. Those of them with the barest modicum of humility realize how good they have it , and the others make shitty angsty rants about "WAHHHH MY LIFE IS SOOOOO HARRRRRDDDD" while simultaneously assuming that because they had to OH NO WORK A PART TIME JOB instead of crawling through the mud to find worms to eat and scratching their goiters all through highschool they are someone who had a difficult life and is worthy of pity.

>> No.3224933

and they will say to you "you may be smart and deserving, but you are white so you are not allowed in"

>> No.3224934

ITT people who think education is about learning and not becoming.

>this is what the bourgeois actually believe

>> No.3224935

All you had to do was keep up a charade for 4 years, your high school career.

You couldn't get As in (28? Less?) easy classes and do some club/charity work. That was literally all you had to do. It wasn't hard, you just chose not to do it. That's OK, but they chose not to go for you. This is how the world works.

What school you go to is starting to matter very little, anyways, as a lot of recordings of Yale and Harvard classes are starting to go online. If you're in it for learning, you've got enough material to make you happy.

>> No.3224939
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I downloaded a whole university course, well, pirated, and i almost couldn't stand listening to the students who were asked to stand up and speak.

And i believe this was at oxford. Every single response pained me.

>> No.3224947

are you really this bored


>> No.3224948

Well, fuck me, I guess.

>> No.3224954

I know you're mad, but you should really re-evaluate your own position. I worked 8-6 every weekend I was in highschool and still got accepted to yale/harvard.

>> No.3224957

>all you have to do is submit to authority and parrot their ideas for 13, 17, maybe 19 of the more neurologically formative years of your life and you get the freedom to do whatever you want when they let you out so long as it pleases ze caitalists enough that they give you money to pay back your huge debts.

Totally just a minor hurdle and not any systematic form of social control.

>> No.3224961

SAT Scores: 800 Reading, 780 Writing, 580 math (lol)
AP Scores: 5 AP Bio, 5 AP Stats, 5 AP English, 5 AP Euro, 5 AP US History, 5 AP Macro, 5 AP Micro, (plus whatever I get at the end of this year, likely a 5 in AP Art History, Chemistry, Human Geography, Psychology, and World History)
GPA: 2.9
Race: Caucasian
Class Rank: Bottom 25%

Just got my rejection letters from Columbia/NYU this week. Die in a storm of dicks.

>> No.3224963

>are you really this bored

Often, why?

Thx for the links though?

>> No.3224964
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I think you should perhaps understand that the chances of you having a good home life, one that allows the accommodation of study and homework are decreased the lower your families income.

My parents were quite poor and abusive and i had a genuinely abysmal upbringing and i have to attribute my poor marks in a few classes just to depression. And i worked every weekend and after school.

>> No.3224965


Give me an example of the types of comments you are referring to.

>> No.3224967

>scratching their goiters

>> No.3224969

This is how first year philosophy students of Oxford actually think.

>> No.3224970

School itself is a systemic form of civic control. It is meant to make you a good citizen and have the very basic skills you need to go about your life. What difference does it make you submit slightly more?

(wtf is social control, anyway? all control is inherently social)

>> No.3224978

>I think you should perhaps understand that the chances of you having a good home life, one that allows the accommodation of study and homework are decreased the lower your families income.
That was the exact point I made originally a few posts ago, gangster

>> No.3224988

You made every point in this thread, anon.

>> No.3224990


>> No.3224992
File: 56 KB, 364x402, bismarck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>School itself is a systemic form of civic control
Run by whom?
>It is meant to make you a good citizen
As defined by whom?
>basic skills you need to go about your life
Skills for what kind of life?

>> No.3224993

I know you're proud of them, but those aren't good credentials and you seem to attribute your failure to get in to your race. To put it bluntly, it's your GPA.

They're looking at your GPA because it indicates how dedicated you are and how you won't waffle out of the college 2 or 3 years in. The SAT scores are fairly nice but not very hard to get. Likewise for the AP scores.

I will still take your dick storm offer up if it's still available.

>> No.3224995

How the fuck am i to know which posts are yours and not?

>> No.3224996

He's suggesting that you're the only faggot who's even defending sucking the system's dick.

>> No.3224999

Your gpa is shit and therefore so was your class rank. You realize top tier schools pretty much only accept people within the top 10% of their class? Plus to even have an admission council bat an eye at your application you're going to need amazing extracurriculars, and no, National Honors Society doesn't cut it.

>> No.3225000

How am i? I'm pointing out that the system is particularly unfair to the lower classes.

Fucking sperg.

>> No.3225003

What are reproduction of labor power and reproduction of conditions of production Alex?

>> No.3225005

Oh, I know it's my GPA -- that's what pisses me off. If it were a 3.6 I could go anywhere I wanted. Instead, I chose to learn about what I wanted to learn about, and got fucked. The AP's aren't even close to difficult by our standards, but getting those scores objectively proves that I'm smarter than 99% of the population, and yet because I'm not dedicated to their monotony, I can't go to a good school.

>> No.3225007

Fuck the US have such a complicated method of doing this stuff:

I have

That's it, the fuck is that?

>> No.3225013

don't wory bro bang out a shitty undergrad degree at a state school then do your masters at columbia or nyu since those are just "pay us 200 gees and we give u this peice of paper" basically anyone with a big wallet gets into the grad programs there

>> No.3225019

>not dedicated to their monotony, I can't go to a good school.
I don't think you understand what a "good school" is sir.

>> No.3225028

I'm the person who originally made the "middle class people suck" post. All I'm saying is that, as someone who grew up below the poverty line and with a lot of domestic chaos, the people in this thread complaining about not getting into a good college because they were too busy reading Dostoyevsky to get good grades (or some shit) are acting like privilege, spoiled cunts. If they got accepted to the good school, their families could probably afford to send them there, all expenses paid. Well I DID get accepted to ivy league schools but I was too poor to attend without a full scholarship. And that makes me MAD. So these faggots better check their privilege, is all I'm saying

>> No.3225029

probably because being intelligent is not a requirement for getting into Yale

>> No.3225032

...Are you a kilt-wearing alcoholic?

>> No.3225033

For Europoors: He got amazing test scores (proving he knows his shit) but a shit GPA (proving that he doesn't give a fuck and won't do what they tell him), and he's mad because he can't get into a good school.

Seriously, is anyone surprised at this? Don't we all know that the education system is designed to engender conformity and make you find comfort in monotony, in so that we will be prepared for the harsh realities of being an economically productive/patriotic member of society?

Have any of you faggots even LOOKED at an American History textbook?


>> No.3225043


>> No.3225048
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No, i was complaining, i suggest you work on your reading comprehension, about the inequality that comes with a lower income family respective to personal dispositions. I couldn't complete work because i was too busy being abused and made perform arbitrary tasks for my parents.

I got into an ok university out of luck and was in the top 2% of my class. And i basically failed highshool. I'm obviously an outlier in this instance, but the fact remains that people in lower income families are subject to more stress and therefore its not an equal opportunity in education.

>> No.3225049
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>> No.3225047

I thought your GPA was taken from your test scores, though. So when you do a standardised test throughout the school year, those scores count towards your overall impression at the end?

That'd have completely changed my approach to school.

>> No.3225054

Are you bragging about your LSAT scores or lamenting them? Because your total isn't that good. Your GPA sucks too, as I'm sure you know.

News flash brats, work ethic trumps talent in this world. If you're smart but can't pull your shit together enough to get mostly As in high school then fuck, you don't belong in a top college. Remember that person who was insanely smart and talented but had no work ethic? Neither do I, since people like that never actually accomplish anything. Top schools are looking for people with resumes that paint them as capable of leaving a mark. Thus the people who get into top schools have both talent and are hard workers to a degree. In a society with every stoner being "smart" and "talented" it's the work ethic that will actually take you places.

>> No.3225055

I am also one. Did you do, like, five Highers in Fifth year and then three and an Advanced in sixth year? I'm going to imagine that you're from one of those schools that have switched over entirely to Int. 2's, since my grades from fourth year are a horrible mishmash of Standard Grades and Int. 2's.

>> No.3225056

>Have any of you faggots even LOOKED at an American History textbook?

I like the fact that you think every text book on America is terrible, which means you never took APUSH. Standard level everything in America is fucking awful, same in Germany (Realschule, anyone?) and other countries.

>> No.3225059

bullshit faggot you could have took out loans and with an ivy degree easily pay them back...so spare the fake ass "i coulda been ivy league but i couldnt afford it" save it for your uneducated friends who don't know how college works

>> No.3225071

In MURRICA we have separate out-of-class tests that essentially function as entrance exams, and thus have no impact on GPA. They were originally designed to be a standardized academic score because GPA is so unreliable (as it varies from school to school). Your traditionally preppy Yale kid who doesn't know shit got a 4.3 GPA from academic grindan' and paid $400 a session (not even an exaggeration, some even pay more) to learn how to fake being intelligent so he/she could do well on those exams (being the AP's and the SAT's).

>> No.3225075

Yeah pretty much exactly what I did. I have way too many high school qualifications now, the course I'm set to go into requires AABBB minimum.

Are you saying like half your subjects were standard graded and half were int.2's? that's horrible.

>> No.3225081


Depends on what you're studying. English+Anthropology double major isn't paying back loans anytime soon. There's always bankruptcy as an option I suppose.

>> No.3225082

Does every university require you to take the AP and SAT?

>> No.3225086

Do you think that when they give you an Ivy League degree they toss in a free money printer.

You know, you have to make payment on some of those loans as you're in school, as well.

Taking out shitloads of loans to get a degree and expecting to pay them back in a reasonable time period is a bad idea.

You don't really know how college or loans work, do you?

>> No.3225089

I'm not from America, and my federal student loan program won't provide loans for international studies. Besides I had a full scholarship to a non-ivy league but respectable local school. Stay upset.

>> No.3225091

>Remember that person who was insanely smart and talented but had no work ethic?

Who is Bill Gates, William Faulkner, H.G. Wells, Richard Branson , etc etc

>> No.3225093

>implying you should use these people as models

>> No.3225096

Funny I actually did take APUSH. We used American Paegent as our primary textbook but our teach was a marxist/pinko/fag and loved social history so he ripped it to shreds, shit was amazing.

>> No.3225097
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The fact that the smartest people in the world treated school as the pathetic time sink that it is should tell you all you need to know about the education system.

>> No.3225099

These people are huge fucking outliers. And they're also really, really fucking smart. Excuse the bluntness, but you're not really, really fucking smart. You're slightly above average, intelligence wise. That is ok. But that does not mean that you get to put yourself next to Gates, Faulkner, and Wells and expect money to fall into your hands.

>> No.3225100

I think only one of them was an Int. 2, and that was Info Systems, but I'm not sure. The rest were Standard Grades. Now they're bringing in these National 4s and 5s and that is going to confuse the fuck out of the educational system.

>> No.3225101

This guy.

This guy right here.

I just had a nice date with a well educated woman who ran a uni poor-kids-outreach-program for several years and she'll tell you the same fucking thing. It's not like it's a big secret.

>> No.3225102

still trying to lie about it? like i said save it for your retard friends who never finished high school

pretty much every student loan programs deffer payment until you graduate, anyone who has attended college knows this...

if you cna't payback your student loans with a ivy degree then you must only be good at "cannot fail" classes like art or poetry or something. people with useful degrees from ivies getting starting salaries in the low 6 figures unless you studied something simple and useless like modern dance or whatever

>> No.3225105

AP is for college credit and is non essential, every school requires you to take the SAT or it's equivalent, the ACT. Just asked my roomie the most he heard someone pay for SAT tutoring, he said one of his friend's parents payed over 10k for four years of intensive test prep. That shit cray.

>> No.3225107

This is what business students and engineers from the upper-middle-class actually believe.

>> No.3225110

wtf are you talking about? none of those dudes are smart they're basically all work ethic, nothing gates or branson did requires intelligence just a workaholic mentality and the ability to take risks

>> No.3225114

>implying they had no work ethic

If you can write The Sound & the Fury then you'll be good to go. But you can't just apply to college writing, "Yeah, I got a lot of Cs, so what? I didn't do any of my homework cause I was too busy reading ~Dostoyevsky~. *flexes*

P.S: I will do coursework at your school and not fail out because you're really great and stuff."

>> No.3225117

The wealth gap is not really a hidden thing, it's extremely fucking clear.

But, is there much you can really do about it? the test is so complex and it has to be at least consistent between years so you can't change things enough that it rocks the boat.

>> No.3225119


>Pointing to people who started their own businesses at young ages and worked to grow them and people who wrote novels by the dozens and short stories by the hundreds as having no work ethic

Pick both.

>> No.3225122

None of them (excepting Gates) made it past high school, which fits in with the larger theme in this thread of (in case you missed it) the education system being a giant clusterfuck and a waste of time.

Keep sucking that dick, educational assimilationists.

>> No.3225124

sorry dude but your mom thinking you're smart doesn't mean dick to the admissions department at columbia.

also, top tier schools are filled with people smarter than you who work harder than you.

everyone thinks they're a little genius until they get to new york and see how the 1% rolls, they are richer, smarter, harderworking and, yes. even better looking than you. deal with it... or not, they don't give a shit.

>> No.3225126

Drop out of high school and be sure to send us a postcard from your private island

>> No.3225127


Were you in all remedial classes or am I just misunderstanding you?

>> No.3225129

the thing this nerd doesn't get is...there are kids at Yale who got As in every class AND read Dostoyevsky's complete works at the same time.

>> No.3225136

From a construction standpoint

>> No.3225137
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>actually still trying to be something in this world instead of letting things run their course in an effortless and sagely manner

>> No.3225138

>giving up when you still have potential

>> No.3225140

yeah bro and axl rose didn't go to college either! you could be the next rock star man! it could be YOU!

>> No.3225134

oh right how how about the founders of google with phds from Stanford?

>> No.3225142

It's unfair that stupid kids with slave-tier work ethic can "buy" intelligence and make themselves look good with artificially high test scores and smoke and mirrors on their applications.

>> No.3225148

troll harder

>> No.3225149

well if they're using smoke and mirrors and slaving away to get ahead then surely a boy genius like you should be able to surpass them all with ease right?

>> No.3225151

I thought that /lit/ was full of college students, not community college clowns...

>> No.3225152

> can't handle the truth

yeah bro it's all a troll, all the billionares in nyc are fictional, your hicktown is actually the pinnacle of the world!

>> No.3225153


The point you were responding to was on intelligence vs. hard work, not the education system and its worth. Your inability to read and analyze arguments indicates that in addition to not working hard you probably aren't very smart either.

>> No.3225154

The kid in question did -- he got crazy high test scores which proves he's not a retard but a low gpa, proving that he's a lazy fuck.

I don't know how to feel about that.

>> No.3225155

I like the fact that you think people with higher scores on the SAT than you are all dummies with money.

Can you not accept the fact that there are people that are going to be better than you at things? It is OK.

>> No.3225159

Poorfags don't have ten grand to hire an expert to guide them through it.

>> No.3225163


Pssst, hey buddy!

See: >>3224961

>> No.3225165
File: 28 KB, 633x758, feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to small, cheap, rather mediocre in-state university
>Mfw students and professors have asked me what I'm doing at a place like this


>> No.3225166

Not every school. At my school sending your SAT is optional. It's still a rather selective/respected college, though.

>> No.3225169


Correction: he got moderately high test scores, much better than most but top colleges see scores much better every day.

Side question: do colleges count the writing score the same as the other two now, or is it still worth slightly less?

>> No.3225173
File: 226 KB, 706x1027, pericles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you watch lectures from schools like yale to supplement the mediocre courses your school offers
>tfw you want to rip your hair out over how your quality of education and access to wonderful passionate professors is dictated by your wealth and status, while people you know are waltzing through top tier and ivy league institutions like it's nothing because their parents went there and they're rich as fuck and have amazing connections
>tfw all of your best profs that you're struggling to form rapports with are rich privileged cocksuckers from extremely wealthy families
>tfw every one of your academic heroes and mentors is highly a) dedicated b) talented c) lucky as shit for having a millionaire father
>tfw you wonder what the fuck that means for you when the best you can do is a) & b)

>> No.3225176

so then do your phd at stanford, get a bunch of venture capital for your startup, sell your company to apple five years later and be rich

then again you probably don't study something useful like computer science...see you at starbucks.

>> No.3225177

Befriend professors and try your best to transfer somewhere better. Don't let it drag you down.

>> No.3225181

>itt: why can't I coast into a top-tier school on talent alone?

>> No.3225182

But he didn't make himself look good. He knew the SAT stuff. There were no smoke and mirrors because he let his GPA be shit.

The SAT is a fairly easy test.

>> No.3225184
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>> No.3225186

because they get 1000s of applications from people with talent who also work hard? it comes down to who wants it more...

>> No.3225187

Can't you do two years at your ok school and transfer into something better?

>> No.3225188

The problem isn't that the problem is that private schools here don't teach their students the subject first and foremost and the test will reflect their knowledge. The schools will give the students shitloads of stuff to just rote-learn and lessons on how to do well in the specific tests you're going to take.

Someone in my school year was taking private tutoring up the wazoo and he got an A by memorising verbatim well-written essays and copying them down onto the page on the day.

Specific formulae to deal with types of close-reading in english rather than teaching people to actually close-read.

Essay structure which was
>remember five points each from these few areas in the few texts you will answer your essays on because these are all you're asked
>Write them into an essay with this strict formula, to the point where you can edit the first sentence to fit the question and there you go
>collect your grade, aren't we clever children?

>> No.3225193

NYC having successful people=the 1% and top colleges all being better-looking, harder-working, and smarter=he should totally say it in a provocative ton? Didn't think so.

>> No.3225194

Do you know how an itt post works?

>> No.3225195

He got almost two 800's. Yeah, his math was mediocre, but his still has about a 2000 cum. Plus, he has 1-2 years of college already finished because of AP's. That's pretty fucking good.

>> No.3225199

thing is, ever applicant to columbia has those credentials too

>> No.3225200

>That's pretty fucking good
Compared to the most average. It's not a particularly hard achievement.

>> No.3225203


>> No.3225209

the asians specifically are very much like this.

There is also a huge amount of cheating and fraud going on.

>> No.3225213

if his math was comparable to the other two, the score would be really good. Unfortunately, it's not. Not by a long shot.

>> No.3225214
File: 48 KB, 600x600, CtF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


People who are smarter (measured by IQ, which is a problematic measuring tool but pretty much the best we have) tend to get higher levels of education. People who get higher levels of education tend to make more money (statistically). Intelligence has a strong genetic component. Therefore wouldn't the Venn diagram of smarter people and wealthier people overlap more and more as time went on? So in a way you not being from a rich family already suggests you aren't as smart as the rich kids, doesn't it?


>> No.3225219

that's why you don't see any asians in upper management, cheating can only take you so far before you actually have to do your own work, of course they will blame racism

>> No.3225222

All of you ITT whining about how you didn't get into good schools are either dumb or failures at life. Either way, you are human detritus. Get out of here and post feels on r9k or something.

>> No.3225225

>thinking there is something to "achieve"

>> No.3225229

Isn't this actually a huge social problem in China due to the massive pressures put on the children to get high test scores they have to grind it hard to get through and have nothing left to give at the end?

>> No.3225230

ITT: Fags who haven't read Jude the Obscure, fags justifying sucking the system's dick, and whiny NEET fags who haven't realized they're free to live a bohemian lifestyle and become the voice of their generation

>> No.3225232

in capitalism there is always more wealth to accumulate. that's why i finally stopped worrying and learned to love capitalism...it gives everybody something to do.

>> No.3225233

the last bit is a good point. this needs to go somewhere else besides /lit/

>> No.3225236

>bohemian lifestyle and become the voice of their generation
Go to bed, Tao Lin

>> No.3225240


Your math SAT and your class rank are ass. Even an utter dipshit can do better than bottom 25% with little or no real effort. You deserve what you get.

>> No.3225243

I want to be the postmodern bohemian

I really do

But I don't have the balls

>> No.3225249

it's easier to be bohemian if u have a rich dad to pay the rent on your brooklyn condo

>> No.3225254

Do not confuse money with wealth.

>> No.3225255 [DELETED] 

I said postmodern bohemian

not modern bohemian


>> No.3225261

money is what you receive for contributing to society, the more you contribute the more money you make...deal with it nerd.

>> No.3225263


>postmodern bohemian
See: The Sot Weed Factor

>> No.3225268
File: 574 KB, 500x281, zizek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coast through high school and get good test scores
>decent state school pays me to attend
>study what I want and have fun for four years on some kind donor's dime

>he thinks I'm sucking the system's dick

>> No.3225269

Which is why scientists are fucking rolling in it and the sons of the wealthy have nothing.

>> No.3225277

Okay, I'm sure you could make the argument that money is a reward for doing well, but for "contributing to society"? No. Patently absurd.

>> No.3225279

Ralph Nader came to speak at my small Catholic preparatory highschool when I was a senior. He showed his age a bit (there was one point at which he started coughing unnervingly and I think we were all worried that he would keel over), but on the whole he was eloquent and intelligent to a very high degree.

He spoke for around an hour and a half, after which the floor was opened to the student body for general questions-- all told, this highschool was around 300 students. That's right, 300 students in the entire school. And we had possibly one of the most intelligent people in America here to answer our questions.

A few people asked pretty boring generic questions like "What can young people do to be involved in politics?" or "Do you have advice for the senior class?" And then a hand goes up off to my left. It's Colin D., a junior. Ralph Nader points him out and Colin gets handed a microphone, and I shit you not this is what he asks Ralph Nader-- I will never forget this question, because he gets up and says:

"Mr. Nader, I think I speak the question on all of my fellow students' minds when I ask: are you team Edward or team Jacob?"

>> No.3225284

>People who are smarter (measured by IQ, which is a problematic measuring tool but pretty much the best we have) tend to get higher levels of education. People who get higher levels of education tend to make more money (statistically). Intelligence has a strong genetic component. Therefore wouldn't the Venn diagram of smarter people and wealthier people overlap more and more as time went on? So in a way you not being from a rich family already suggests you aren't as smart as the rich kids, doesn't it?

Since this is actually the subtext of this whole conversation I'd like to point out that statistics that correlate IQ with income and educational achievement are made from samples of middle aged people well into their careers. If someone in the 98th percentile takes 20 years to get a degree and make good money it doesn't make the system any less bullshit, especially when rich idiots get education and bank right out of the gate.

>> No.3225288

if a dad starts a business that produces useful goods and services while employing 1000s of people why should his son have to have the same standard of living as some kid who's dad was drunk everyday and couldn't hold down a job? take it to cuba, shitbag.

>> No.3225293

So what did the son contribute to society

>> No.3225294

Nader spoke at my college. Said Obama was a murderer.

How did he respond to that kid's question?

>> No.3225297

if you perform surgery that saves peoples lives society gives you a high standard of living in return, if you ditched school and your main contribution to society is cooking cheeseburgers society is only going to give you a minimum standard of living...in return for your minimal effort. it's not my fault your father was lazy.

>> No.3225304



>> No.3225306

And what of a straight-up thief who steals money from people. How is that contributing? He still has money

Your theory is idealised and full of shit.

>> No.3225309

the son isn't accumulating new wealth, my point was in capitalism there is always more wealth to accumulate if you get bored.

>> No.3225310

>not sucking the system's dick
this is what academic Marxists actually believe

>> No.3225315

return to whence you came, foul mutt!

>> No.3225318

with 10 million in your pocket it's easier to make 1 million more than with nothing. And you don't have to contribute much to society to do it.

So, no, not even close to proportional.

>> No.3225320

all this vagueness

how many pages through your 'why capitalism is a good system' pamphlet are you?

>> No.3225324


He played it off pretty kindly. "Oh, I'm sorry... You seem to have exposed my ignorance on the subject, I don't really know what you're referring to..."

We had a large international student population, though, so Nader's prepared material dealt mostly with global political consciousness. Didn't hear anything about Obama being a murderer, although this was back in 2010 that he came to my highschool. Don't know when you saw him.

>> No.3225326

So the business produces the goods and the dad pays the workers just for being cool? Is that how
>jerb creators

>> No.3225328

> tenured marxists professor
> work a guaranteed job for life based on the debt peonage of your customers, i mean students...

lol zizek is a joke

>> No.3225330

>Implying I'm a Marxist or Zizek fan

I was just posting my favorite gif.

>> No.3225333

I'm suprised people here have such little idea about what it takes to get into Ivy League schools these days. Yeah, there's a couple legacies who get in from donations, but they are few and far between. Consider that the acceptance rates are below 10% and that the vast majority of students at Yale were high school valedictorians. 2000 is not a high score. Perfect scores are routine there.

It's amazing to me whenever there's something in the media involving an Ivy League school internet commenters are so quick to point to "mommy and daddy" and all the money. At least half the kids are on financial aid, and some come from legitimately poor communities. Shit's meritocratic nowadays.

Even the athletes can read and write coherently, which no other Division I NCAA can claim.

>> No.3225336

yo capitalism wack dude all those chinks and rich kids who work superhard get all the breaks it's not fair! i want a pony!

>> No.3225338

but the thing is, people working min wage manual labour jobs aren't necessarily giving minimal effort. Those jobs require much time and toil.. They tax the body and dull the mind. Their renumeration is not commensurable with the actual contribution being made. At the end of the day, a labourer cannot think or do much besides a very basic order of operations. Compared to a middle manager or someone in an equally ambiguous corporate job, they receive far less for their relative contribution. It's exploitation and you know it, mr. troll.

source: i worked as a logger during summers in college (logging is real mans work, a puss like you wouldn't know much about it)

>> No.3225340

i find most people who are angry about capitalism are really just repressing their anger against their father for being unsuccessful.

>> No.3225343

Why not, friend? I do it and it's really the best life I can realistically imagine.

>> No.3225344

>rich kids
>who work superhard

nigga i leld

>> No.3225346

Academic Marxists have long been aware of the dick sucking arrangements that apply to all academics.

>> No.3225347

yes let's just throw strawmen at each other until the thread 404s. is this your level of debate skill on /pol/?

>> No.3225351

so taker night classes at a community college at night, get all As, transfer to a state four year school, graduate at the top of your class, get a phd from an elite school, become bourgeois.

thousands of immigrants do this every day but you would rather watch anime and whine on the internet

>> No.3225353

I've been slowly moving up from a shit poor upbringing and I find that the more I make the easier the work is. They're both results of bargaining power, not effort or contribution to society.

>> No.3225354

Are you that tripfag from /a/ who dropped out of highschool and works in a warehouse and watches anime in all their spare time?

>> No.3225357

All the anti-capitalists I know are smartass rich kids at midtier schools because they were lazy. Probably why I always do a double take when people start accusing anti-capitalists of being poor or state-schoolers.

>> No.3225358

if it makes you sleep better at night to think rich people don't work hard then kneel at that cross i don't care lel

>> No.3225360

after 10 hours of physical labour no one can honestly learn or concentrate on anything to a reasonable degree.

>> No.3225362

if it makes you sleep better at night to think that rich people do work hard then kneel at that cross i don't care lel

keep talking about contribution while you avoid doing such a thing in this thread

>> No.3225364

But I'm all about that dolce far niente.

>> No.3225369

yeah and you're moving up because you're putting in work, your bargaining power is increasing because you've invested in your skills and become able to contribute more. do you think you can run a company like google? or design a new processor for intel? sure, the the guys who designed the i7 cpus sat on their butt all day in a air conditioned building but i guarantee they work harder than the average minimum wage polesmoker punching a clock

>> No.3225370

Whoa, where'd that goalpost go?

>> No.3225377

>become bourgeois
Convert or die niggers!

>> No.3225381

It was about a month and half ago.

>> No.3225384

No, I'm that anon from /lit/ who dropped out of college and collects welfare and walks around and reads and writes and browses the internet and talks to people and drinks and has meals and naps in his spare time.

>> No.3225385

Yes, but the guy in HR who hired those designers didn't do much.

>> No.3225392

isn't paying for welfare also contributing to society? where's the distinction?

>> No.3225394

oh man it's totally not fair that you're not rich! your contributions consuming entertainment in the form of novels are so precious you should be heavily remunerated for your hearty efforts! i just can't thank you enough for all the reading you've done, it's really made a difference in the community, the country and the world!

>> No.3225397

I know that feel

>> No.3225398

oh.. well I'm jealous, but I'm personally not eligible for any sort of social welfare payments...

>> No.3225399

well if it's so easy to be an HR guy then why don't the guys at mcdonalds get jobs in HR instead?

>> No.3225402

is that real?

>> No.3225403

Easy to be and easy to get are two different things dishit.

>> No.3225406

I don't have the charisma or networking skills that he had.

>> No.3225408

>if it makes you sleep better at night to think rich people don't work hard then kneel at that cross i don't care lel

Rich people (i.e., the people actually making the money) often work hard. I'm close to some people who have become pretty incredibly rich on their own.

But you said "rich kids". The children of these rich people are often lazy pieces of shit. I also know this from personal experience.

But you probably belong to neither category, so why are you so concerned about defending them from anonymous internet criticism?

>> No.3225409


You can work 10 hours a day and then go to law school, which is a shit-ton harder than college or business school, and still do well. As already mentioned in this thread, the ability to work and keep working is what actually lets you improve your life.

>> No.3225410

You're just jealous of his welfare money. Scam harder you lazy pleb.

>> No.3225411

well what advantage does a company have in making it hard to get an HR job? why don't they just hire bums off the street for 5 bucks an hour?

>> No.3225413
File: 30 KB, 620x465, tears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never whined that things aren't fair. I never pretended to contribute to anything. I just have simple needs and I seem to be able to satisfy them without working. Feels quite "rich", actually.

>> No.3225419

I wish I could be like the totally-pro-capitalist guy in this thread. I can't imagine how nice it must feel to have society seem like such an idyllic place where everyone only achieves what they deserve, nothing more or less.

>> No.3225424

"oh i'm too awkward, networking is too hard!" oh wait, what's that? it's hard? you mean networking takes skills!? you're a boy genius, i'm sure you can figure it out?

>> No.3225425

Because the boss would rather hire the bum that he knows and likes as a friend rather than the random bum he doesn't know

>> No.3225429

>what advantage does a company have

I forgot that every single minute detail of any profitable entity's operations is de facto optimal cuz equilibrium or transubstatiation or whatever.

>> No.3225432

>the ability to work and keep working is what actually lets you improve your life.

Everyone who expects to experience some degree of success will have to work hard during certain parts of his life, but your connections are far, far more important than either your work ethic or your intelligence/aptitude (as long as these things are sufficient.)

>> No.3225433


Exactly. People like to think that a bunch of jobs like HR require no skills or talent, but the fact is they do or else the CEO of every company would just have the guy in the mailroom make all the hiring decisions. If you didn't get a certain job chances are it's because there was a better candidate, not luck or connections or whatever.

>> No.3225434

Yes, and for some reason it is that skillset (networking) that gets you a job while others (assiduousness, intelligence) don't.

>> No.3225440

The rich have invested a lot of money in convincing idiots who can afford an occasional visit to TGI Friday's to think they're part of the same class.

>> No.3225442

This is what people who were hired because they're buddies with the manager/boss actually believe.

>> No.3225443

lol this

hr departments exist for managers to give their bum ass friends a job

>> No.3225444


Why did you do so many highers? I mean, I know they're more important, but you got good enough grades that you shouldn't have needed to do more. Should have focussed on Adv. Highers.

>> No.3225446


Knowing the right people doesn't require any sort of skill. In many cases it simply involves staying in touch with some of your professors or, in the case of good old nepotism, being born.

>> No.3225450


Spoken like someone who has no connections and has no experience with people who do. Connections definitely get people jobs that they don't deserve, but all they do is get you that first position (unless you're the child of the head of the company or something). Once you have your foot in the door it's up to you to climb the ladder and connections mean shit (unless you're conflating connections with networking, which would be dumb of you).

>> No.3225465

the thing is ... if you work fucking hard other people who work hard start to notice and want to keep your around and suddenly you start to develop "connections"...if you're always late, always half assed and always making excuses the only people who will want you around are stoners and video game addicts.

>> No.3225474

What's the difference?

>> No.3225483

The school only matters to a certain degree if you study something worthless and have to rely on the name of your university to get a job. Do something worthwhile like medicine or engineering.

>> No.3225489

no thanks

>> No.3225498

Enjoy the struggle son.

>> No.3225506

But, surely, that's the point. He would rather struggle doing something that he wants to do than do well doing something he doesn't. Some people get gratification out of things other than money.

>> No.3225508

it's funny, you think you're sticking it to the man or whatever by studying some artsy fartsy bullshit and "being your own man" except in the arts your success totally depends on the approval of others in the form of reviewers, gallery owners, auction houses, etc.

if you can trade bonds like a motherfucker or transplant hearts all day then you don't have to wait around for someone else to tell you how great you are

>> No.3225512

but if he's struggling he's obviously not doing a very good job at it, like yo bro i'm passionate about plumbing and i havent made any money yet and my apartment and my parents house all small like raw feces but gosh i'm doing what i love!

>> No.3225513

>you think you're sticking it to the man

>your success totally depends on the approval of others
i know

>> No.3225517

>american education

It just sounds like being bent over and having pineapples shoved up your ass. I'm grateful for free education.

>> No.3225518

then you're actually a sycophantic toady to the rich, meanwhile entrepreneurs who start business do what they want when they want

>> No.3225522

School turns you into a "good" citizen and either a member of the bourgeoise or the kind of worker they want. You cold try to say it teaches you to be those things but it doesn't. Actually understanding your position in society and what is expected of you is far less important than just doing it. In fact there's a lot of knowledge that's discouraged in schools.

Check out the free market douche in this thread. He's dumb as hell and probably thinks he's on his way to the one percent because he makes $15 an hour but he's a good little house nigger who loves him some school.

>> No.3225524

>then you're actually a sycophantic toady to the ric

>meanwhile entrepreneurs who start business do what they want when they want
i'm sure

>> No.3225526

dude please, most of the professors you'll take in college are marxists, you obviously haven't gotten past high school, stay unsuccessful, loser

>> No.3225529

so then why do you think you're doing something noble by being bootlicking loser?

>> No.3225531

i'm a bootlicking loser? how?

>> No.3225532

by never producing anything of value but still waiting around for some rich guy to notice your "genius" and promote your crappy art

>> No.3225535

>implying academic Marxists aren't part of the same system
>getting fit by ordering diet coke at McDonald's

Who man, you showed me with all your college lernin' man.

>> No.3225537



So yeah, this.

The kids who weren't legacy admission, minorities, etc, who just had amazing grades and SAT scores... they were basically just better at math than other people. That's really what it comes down to. Math and science. Why?, because many people's brains just aren't wired for math, whereas, provided you don't have a learning disability, anyone will do very well in high school english if you just put forth standard effort. When it comes to sitting in a Yale lit course, where that advantage cant be made clear, yeah everyone is shown to be just the same as everyone else.


This fucking guy. Wow, so edgy and too-cool-for-school. Oooo Dostoevsky.. bow to this Patrician-core smarty pants. What if I'm an attorney working at an intellectual property firm and I have a draft a patent application. Well, fuck it, I already know how to do that--I already know that material. So I'll just read Dostoyevsky instead of doing my job.

You little self-absorbed shit. You can't have your cake and eat it too. If it's so simple and you know it so well then just plow through in no time and get back to doing your thing.

Life, especially adult life, is about dealing with things and doing things you don't necessarily want to. I'm glad you fucked yourself you little bitch.

>> No.3225538

i don't actually make art. i write about it

how is this not valuable?

>> No.3225540

where do you think all those marxist philosophy books come from? from some noble construction worker in a hardhat writing in his notepad on lunchbreak?

>> No.3225542

well if nobody wants to buy it, it's not valuable.

>> No.3225544

there are hundreds of people in my class all buying their art history education. by your terms it should be valuable

>> No.3225551

it is valuable, you're buying it aren't you? doesn't mean it's a good investment.

>> No.3225552

how is it not a good investment? i'm benefiting from it

>> No.3225555

so then what's the fuck your point? you paid for something you wanted and received it, that's how capitalism works.

>> No.3225559

this is stupid though

by your logic then the most valuable music then today is justin bieber

>> No.3225560

my point was that i don't have to take medicine or engineering. wasn't that your point?

>> No.3225558

Are you trying to say I learned all this in Marxist philosophy books? I don't even grok the point but yeah, a good portion of Marxist analysis is evident to workers who pay attention and they have in fact contributed a lot but the circular logic of your GREAT MEN understanding of history prevents you from recognizing them. At least tell me you aren't one of those mongloids who thinks Marx invented communism and Lenin led a revolution in Russia.

>> No.3225561

Did you even Alan Brinkley in high school homie?

Not every American History class is that fucked. Unless you don't live on either coast. Then maybe your education really is that shitty.

>> No.3225562

this is true actually. I think it's generational. I guess when you have tenure you can rep whatever politics you want.

>> No.3225563

he could logically argue that but really it comes down to equivocation

>> No.3225565

uh no that wasn't my point, my point was being unsuccessful isn't really something to be proud of. sure. it seems self-evident but there are a lot of people with mixed up values in the world.

>> No.3225567

but don't you agree damien hirst and jeff koons produce the most important art? how come making a lot of money means you're a great sculptor but a bad musician? explain yourself.

>> No.3225568

The American Dream is real guys! You heard him. Just work hard, you'll get what's rightfully yours.

>> No.3225570
File: 32 KB, 400x400, Trertsker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Edgy bourgeois children who are mad at their dads can't into praxis.

>> No.3225573

evidently there are varying definitions of success and value. because one does not coincide with a prevalent economic system doesn't mean it is less valid

>> No.3225574

But damien hirst and jeff koons produced the shittiest arriere avante gardist bullshit ever. If you have ever unreflectingly praised them you should kill yourself. Everyone I know at courtauld hates them and so should you

>> No.3225576

maybe i have a warped view of america because i like in the nyc metro but i see a shitload of people who work hard as hell and achieve their rightful success and i see a lot of lazy slugs that don't do shit and don't get shit. weird how that works...

>> No.3225577

brb, bootstrapping my way up to CEO of the USA

>> No.3225580

marxism as a political or economic system is dead bro, sure it's still useful for cultural critique but lets be realistic.

>> No.3225581

i would but my bootstraps are a less than favourable colour

>> No.3225583

it's not dead. The revolution is coming. Any day now...

>> No.3225586

damn bro thats tough i guess you'll have to settle for being president

>> No.3225587

>most of the professors you'll take in college are marxists
>>>/pol/ believes this because they've never been to college.
If only such a thing were true, but they're most needed at the primary education level.

>> No.3225588

yeah, and the south shall rise again! and jesus is gonna come back! and ... and .... yeah.

>> No.3225597

i don't agree with your particular point about hirst and koons. i never said making a lot of money makes one a great sculptor, nor a bad musician

the overall point was just to say the idea that market demand does not make something valuable

as much as i detest the idea, i would also welcome an era of capitalistic nihilism. there would be a lot of poetic justice, blowback, sword cutting both ways, etc

>> No.3225601

lol wtf kind of low budget college did u go to that didn't have marxist professors?

>> No.3225603

Wow /lit/ gets nasty on the weekends

>> No.3225604

>marxism as a political or economic system
I think you mean Marxist-Leninism since Marxism has never been a political or economic system and you didn't get the joke and you don't even know what's being argued because you don't know anything about it you didn't learn in American civics class.

>> No.3225606

show me a great or important artists who's best work wouldn't pull in more than a mil at auction and i'll believe then...

>> No.3225614

>this is what idiots actually believe that Marxists actually believe

>> No.3225615

Marxism-Lenism is just state-capitalism bro, stay pseudo-radical, nerd.

>> No.3225620

Tell us the college you went to, provide a list of the professors, and show which ones are Marxists.

I'll wait.

>> No.3225621


He probably just didn't realize they were Marxists because they didn't have Obama pins.

>> No.3225624

No shit pleb. Read the fucking posts. I am not positively disposed towards bolshevism. Why is this one of those subjects that everyone with a 3rd grade reading comprehension thinks that have a super important reasoned opinion on?

>> No.3225625

Don't commodify me bro!

>> No.3225628


progressives actually believe this

>> No.3225630

how is gates really really fucking smart? he's really really fucking creative but not smart

>> No.3225631

Blame McCarthy

>> No.3225632

dude, not every professor puts a big notice on the board on the first day of class saying "Hi, I'm professor Dickweed and I'm a Marxist!" but if you actually get involved in student organizing you'll get to know who's a marxist but since you have neither been to college not involved in fighting capitalsim i guess you wouldn't know that.

>> No.3225634

>Anti-capitalist or remotely liberal
>automatically a Marxist
This board is for people who can at least reasonably pretend to have read books.
Go back to >>/pol/

>> No.3225639

>this guy

I'm waiting. You said (or at at least defending the statement that) "most of you'll take in college are marxists". I'm just asking you to show this for ONE college, and you can't do that.


>> No.3225641

*most of the professors

>> No.3225648

again.. where do you think all the marxist books, journals and conferences come from? those people aren't professors? oh ok, thanks for clearing that up.

>> No.3225651

>he's really really fucking creative
How? Before he became rich, guy sat around reading programming code back when COBOL was still a thing. When he became rich, the most creative things he did involved stealing other people's ideas in a way that he could get away with it.

>> No.3225652

well this is just the very difficult point

with retrospect, we are always able to see "greats" or "important' painters or artists

but when it comes to making judgments now, things are far less certain, and its a poor criteria. critics loathed moby dick, and he went to his deathbed thinking it wouldn't receive a second printing let alone the cult-canon status it has today

>> No.3225656

>Many Marxists are professors, therefore all professors are Marxists.

>> No.3225657

and you said "college is just to brainwash you and make you into a worker drone who doesn't question anything" which indicates to me you have no clue about anything

>> No.3225654

Yes, most active marxists in north america are academics.. but that doesn't mean that most professors are marxists.

I had one professor laugh and tell us that we'd fail the midterm if we didn't cross a TA picket line.

>> No.3225660

er, most
You're still an idiot

>> No.3225661

Why didn't anyone tell me any of this shit when I got into high school. I'm in the eleventh grade, is it too late to try?

>> No.3225663
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I've been categorized as genius level intelligence by a multitude of proffesional IQ tests, and by past teachers.
Yet, my GPA is under 1.0. This is mainly because i was traumatized at an early age by a horrendous upbringing. I've got a multitude of neuroses that made me incompatible for public schools here in the US.
A few months ago I became psychologically healthy, so I'm not "compatible" with the system. But.. now It's far too late for me to change my GPA... so, anon, what do?
Is there a college i can join based on entrance exams (my foreknowledge) alone, or some educational system I can apply myself to that accommodation itself to the Individual instead of the individuals accommodating to the system?

>> No.3225665
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>There are Marxists authors
>Ergo, all Marxists are professors


>> No.3225668

accommodates itself to the individual instead of the individuals accommodating themselves to the system**

>> No.3225666

wow so you had one right-wing econ professor. me too, so what

>> No.3225667

hahahhaha yes, it is too late to try. At least try getting some volunteering in though

>> No.3225669

He didn't say that. I said that and I acknowledged that Marxist professors are part and parcel of the reproduction of the conditions of production under capitalism.

>> No.3225670

>I've been categorized as genius level intelligence by a multitude of proffesional IQ tests, and by past teachers.
>proffesional IQ tests

>> No.3225671

settle down and finish higschool, timmy

>> No.3225672

just go to a state college get graduate with honors and go do your phd at an elite school, thats what everybody else does, deal with it.

>> No.3225675

>2.9 gpa


i had a 3.4 and i knew any prospects for getting into ivy were shit. you don't apply to those schools without AT LEAST a 3.75, and even thats iffy. also, depending on what your prospective major is, your math score brought you down even further.

>> No.3225677

And by the by, I said college makes you a worker or a member of the bourgeoisie. Try reading the fucking posts.

>> No.3225678

you should have seen her. The look in her eyes was pure evil. Although to be fair I was pretty high that day so maybe it was just the salvia

>> No.3225679

I didn't say any of that, actually.

>> No.3225680

you really never met any marxist professors? i think you're a high school kid who doesn't know shit.

>> No.3225682

volunteer for what?

>> No.3225683

I can't go to a state college with a GPA of 0.3

>> No.3225684

well then kill yourself

>> No.3225686
File: 155 KB, 450x496, 1262844235698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw "marxist professors" guy has successfully trolled this thread

>> No.3225688

Make money in some way that leaves you time to read. Give up on education for any higher purposes and make dosh somewhere where you can hang out with people who read. I'm a carpenter in a college town that also happens to be a UNESCO city of literature with some bangin' libraries. It ain't perfect but it works.

>> No.3225691


If you're so smart, try to impress some low-to-mid tier schools with your essays and such. Then from there, if it's it's pretty low, you can transfer to a better school, graduate there with honors, etc.

>> No.3225692

yeah this. some don't really get noticed until later i.e vermeer, gericualt

>> No.3225693

This entire thread has been trolled like ten times now.

>> No.3225695

Thanks anon

>> No.3225696

>that back-peddling
>that evasion
>that projection

I've met a Marxist professor before. Never said I didn't. I'm waiting for you to name the college with mostly Marxist professors. You claim, or stand by the claim, that most colleges anyone will go to will have mostly Marxist professors. I just want one, and you can't do that.

>> No.3225698

which one the? high school drop out who's never met a marxist professor?

>> No.3225699

i've been involved in student organizing and all i've seen are either other students or the college administration

TAs, sure, but i haven't seen a single faculty get involved in student/campus politics

>> No.3225700

Getting a marketable education in something you can stomach will work too but don't think people with PHds automatically make money. You don't want to be some fucking adjunct.

>> No.3225701

you're welcome, anon. God, anon is telling anon to kill itself. Self-hatred, I guess.

>> No.3225702

what's the goal of going to these elite ivy league schools like harvard and yale? what jobs can you get with degrees from them?

>> No.3225704

dude i'm not going to post the names of my professors you fucking tool, if i cared i'd google a marxist conference and cut and past some names in but i don't give a shit enough about your hill billy community college ass to bother

>> No.3225705

yet most of the dickwads (and for goddamn sure everyone posting here) who go through with their PhD end up as some sort of adjunct/sessional teaching professor BITCH.. or worse.

>> No.3225706

Flounce for me baby :)

>> No.3225707

well then i guess you went to a shit school, don't blame me.

>> No.3225708


connections, and many top companies recruit from those schools

>> No.3225709

See >>3225706

>> No.3225711


World's Richest Man, Fucking a Lot of Women, jobs like that.

>> No.3225714

ITT: Frustrated people being mad at one another because the system they are either mad at or agree with doesn't give a shit about their opinion.

>> No.3225716

Depending on the degree, pretty much anything. Those colleges are great, and the people who are saying that all the students there are stupid and lucky are trolls and/or wrong. Doesn't mean no one smart or successful ever didn't go to an Ivy, though.

>> No.3225719

i don't give a shit about YOUR opinion*

*your a fag

>> No.3225721

Sounds like I'll have to find a way to work around the system to make money. Fortunately, my EQ is also exceptionally high. I've made a lot of friends are (will soon be) in high places. Sounds a bit calculating and heartless to do so, but whatever.
I'm not sure what's worse- Knowing that you've wasted your potential all your life because of something that wasn't in your control, or bitching about it on an anonymous image board.

>> No.3225722


>> No.3225723

i'm frustrated the pacquiao fight hasn't started yet, im bored of arguing with bitter uneducated hicks, maybe ill go to /sp/ for a while

>> No.3225724

have fun fgt

>> No.3225725

>I'm not sure what's worse
Thinking that you're ability to attend prestigious colleges in the beginning and end of your potential is pretty fucking bad

>> No.3225727

Fuck. I'm going to bed

>> No.3225734

You're right, it isn't, but it would have made everything a fuckton easier.

>> No.3225738


I do believe we have caught one here ma'am.

Prized retards sure are a delicacy. Keep it alive, we'll sell it at auction for a pretty penny.

>> No.3225739
File: 120 KB, 434x400, zechs marquise the lightning count millardo peacecraft laughs at your self-detonation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't come back, kid.

>> No.3225744
File: 41 KB, 800x800, keep-calm-and-harden-the-fuck-up-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do this

>> No.3225751

How come all the material on the SAT/ACT is composed of what is commonly taught in middle school or freshman year?

>> No.3225755

OP, its very simple how those kids got into top tier schools. Daddy sits on the same board of directors at some neocon thinktank that the dean of students does.

>> No.3225758


>collects welfare
>not ashamed

son... i am very disappoint

>> No.3225766

Because grades are just as bad a measure of how smart someone is.

>Be in highschool
>Pulling a 97% in math without a single day of homework, spend most of my time sleeping in it top of the class, ect.
>Go on a family trip for a month
>Come back, I've missed three tests
>Don't bother to study
>Fail them all
>Go back to getting an almost perfect score in math
>Complete semester with 90%
>Only 4th highest in class

>Apparently I'm bad at math

One semester I took only academic classes including one class which was almost entirely in French because I wanted to learn French and a math class a year above me. I finished with a pretty average grade. Meanwhile the school valedictorian took two non-chalenging academic classes and two 'easy' classes which generally only exist to pad grades. I'm not saying I'm smarter than the valedictorian (she was quite intelligent), but it's hard to measure two people against eachother on their performance when one is pushing themselves as hard as they possibly can and the other isn't even going an inch out of their comfort zone.

Right now I'm a 16 year old droppout trying to teach myself everything I can. The textbooks at my school where shit, the teachers sucked, and if you wanted to take advantage of any educational opportunities outside of the one's offered through the educational system you're going to be docked grades as though you're doing something bad. Recently however I learned of a really interesting sounding liberal arts university that I think would be great to go to, they're really progressive in terms of how their education is run, the average class size is 15 people, and the staff sounds really well qualified. The only problem is that you have to pay out the ass to go there, I'm hoping that if I get enough scholarships I'll have a chance.

>> No.3225768

>Implying the rich don't also
'round here it's defense industry and corn-subsidy-harvesting machines.

>> No.3225770


Because even very dumb kids take the SAT, and we don't want to flip out in the middle of the test and start shooting people.

>> No.3225772

colleges usually look very rigorously into what classes you are taking

most value harder classes with lower gpas over easier classes with high gpas

>> No.3225775

You had me at dropping out. I so wish I'd done that and gone into a trade right away.

You lost me at dropping out and getting scholarships. I doesn't work that way. That school sounds cool because it there to coddle rich kids and tell them they're smart.

>> No.3225776


and they ought to be ashamed too. leeches.

>> No.3225783
File: 903 KB, 1458x848, Screen shot 2012-12-09 at 12.01.40 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If OP hates the student body at "x" university, OP would have a better time at "y" university. It shouldn't matter whether "x" is labeled respectable or subpar, or "y" respectable or subpar.
If OP hates the kind of person who follows the system vehemently without regards to awareness, OP would hate most professors at Ivy League schools.

If OP, despite this, wants to attend an "x" university, he could enroll in community college or state school, do well, actively participate in school society, do something that stands out (published, research, internship), and easily get in.
I don't understand. Dostoevsky isn't even deep, why would you be proud of that?
Talk to me when you've performed classical music in University ensembles, ran a notable political organization, won 4+ gold medals in academic decathlon, ran philosophy club, attend lectures at 92nd street Y by NYU's Judaic professor, the Dalai Llama's best friend, Harvard's politics professor, et cetera, but: spent all your time reading philosophy from Krishnamurti to Wittgenstein, tried not to go clinically insane, dropped out junior year with a gpa of 1.6 and am now in the application process.
Who the fuck cares? You act as if you've developed a clearer insight into the world but you still want to attend a brandname university *simply because it is brandname*. There are plenty of universities that would fit you better, I'm positive, and there are plenty of programs you could do for $10,000 that would teach you so much more.
Now, what are you going to say? You need money? Become a fucking electrician, a fucking merchant mariner, a fucking farmer, a bohemian. God damn it.
I really, really don't think you understand how insignificant it is.

>> No.3225787

I dropped out of school because it wasn't challenging enough and then took on a fairly rigorous self education. How does that not show a good work ethic?

>> No.3225789
File: 77 KB, 333x500, nail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fuckin' guy.

>> No.3225792

>he could enroll in community college or state school, do well, actively participate in school society, do something that stands out (published, research, internship), and easily get in
Are you talking about transferring or graduate school? Transferring into most top schools is much more difficult than applying freshman year(sometimes schools like Harvard don't take any transfers at all for a year), and there are almost no undergraduate research opportunities in state schools, let alone community colleges.

>> No.3225799

Luckily for him, there are 3,000 other universities in the world. However, I'd be super surprised if they wouldn't let OP in if he had a valid reason for transferring as opposed to, "Well, sir, I mean, it's Harvard!"

>no undergraduate research opportunities
MAKE an undergraduate research opportunity. Talk to professors, form a club, be the PRESIDENT of your school's research opportunity. Regardless, I was talking more in line with helping your community college professor publish something related to obscure masturbatory topics such as redefining ancient greek semantics using mathematical algorithms.

>> No.3225807

Technically I didn't drop out, I'm in an 'alternative education' program which lets people study at their own pace and gives them grades for it. I figure most universities will look at it as the same level as dropping out though because all my classmates are just in the program for easy grades. I volunteer a lot in my free time, so I figure that getting scholarships won't be too hard.

As for the school, that's my fear about it. On one hand, it would be cool to be able to study with some of their professors and it sounds like a good program. On the other, it's probably just a scam. I have a few years still before I need to decide, so I hope some doors open up to me.

>> No.3225808

>able to take a class entirely in french
>school has 'easy classes'
>dropped out of this school
Hey, don't say you are a dropout. Say that you're homeschooled. You transfered.

>> No.3225812

I like your point on the whole but
>community college professor
>publish something

>> No.3225813

What school?

>> No.3225814

Oh man. That's even more what I wish I had done. Do your research and maybe kick ass at comedy college for a year.

>> No.3225816

The kind of people who teach at community college love the subject and have to deal with uninterested students all the time. I think you'd be surprised how many would love a student wanting to get something published

>> No.3225828

The one I'm in now, or the one I'd like to go to?
I won't say what I'm in now because it would be fairly easy to find me (there are about 10 people in the entire school), but the one I thought looked interesting is Quest university.


>> No.3225829

>OP doesn't realize he could attend a school where the student body hates the traditional school system just as much

>> No.3225836

Haha, thanks. I'm hoping to take a few classes at my community college next semester, but would there be any way to stick out at all there? I know >>3225816 mentioned getting something published, what would I have to do to do something like that? I'm sure it would be a good way to stick out amoung the hundreds of other highschool droppouts.

>> No.3225838

Just being enthusiastic will make you stand out. Don't let any teachers who've just turned off be too lazy. I just thought of all the community college teachers who can't get themselves published, but I don't think you need to be in an academic journal.

>> No.3225841

How many more schools like this are out there? This is the first of its kind I've seen.. and I'm impressed

>> No.3225842

>Founded in 2002 by former University of British Columbia president Dr. David Strangway

>Opened with a 74-student inaugural class on September 3, 2007

Dunno aboot Canada but the US is full of new for-profit schools that are fucking scams.

>> No.3225844

It's a scam. The whole package screams "scam".

>> No.3225850

As far as I know of, this is the only one. It's a shame because it actually sounds like a pretty good program, but it's only been around for a few years and it has a feeling of being a scam to it. If a longstanding university adopted this teaching style I'd be all over it, but I don't really trust it as it is now.

>> No.3225860

The founder David Strageway's wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Strangway

So far so good.

>> No.3225865

What schools are like this? I'm honestly curious.

Do any of them actually give a good educational experiance, or are they just full of people who didn't get good grades in highschool?

>> No.3225869

Not a send-all-your-money-to-nigeria scam but an expensive-education-that-no-one-thinks-much-of-that-doesn't-prepare-you-for-anything-in-the-outside-
world what percent of their grads are employed in their fields?

>> No.3225876

Here's the current president's wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Helfand

It looks pretty interesting, I only wish that there was more info about how the students do after graduation. I could see this becoming known as either a really fantastic university or a massive waste of money, and I have no idea which one it is.

>> No.3225888

My friend was one of those kids who did every extracurricular and ended up being valedictorian. He got accepted to McGill (the Harvard of Canada) but ended up going to some piece of shit school nobody had ever heard of for Journalism.

To this day I still don't understand why he did all those extracurriculars if he didn't even care about getting into a prestigious school. Seems like a wasted effort to me.

>> No.3225891

I found two interesting links on the subject
1- A message board talking about it (It's a start)

2- A seemingly biased and sketchy article

>> No.3225908

>>They think that a college education is little more than vocational school for LOL THAT DOSH
they're right. This is what college has become. It's either something you do as a prereq for entering a technical field or a place you go to get indoctrinated and become part of academia. Or the third option of wasting your money by taking a non-technical degree and not wanting to become part of academia.

>> No.3225945

Fuck it's sketchy as fuck

>> No.3225949

People with PhDs rarely subsist from profit.

>> No.3225954

Who are you quoting?

>> No.3225958

or people who just like, you know, want to learn

>> No.3225965

>that obvious shill in the college confidential thread

Well fuck, that place looks downright scary. Not a chance I'm going there. Shame though, the block system sounded pretty interesting.

>> No.3226061
File: 13 KB, 320x240, 1329164091974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently I was NYU and Ithaca (hey, it's right across the street from Cornell!) material, but there's no way I'm paying fucking $50k for my undergrad when I really can't afford it.

Now, if I was rich, sure -a bachelors at a place like that lessens the need for some higher degree. And then there's simple matter of esteem; I currently attend Temple University and it's kind of shit, and everyone knows it. Excellent library though.

>> No.3226065

>that feel when you'll never attend Peterhouse Cambridge like David Mitchell

>> No.3226076

That is exactly what it's like, which is why I laugh whenever yuropoors start protesting the fact they have to pay like 500 euro for uni now instead of nothing.

I am getting shafted here for life and you're quibbling about an amount that couldn't even get you a Vespa?

>> No.3226122
File: 244 KB, 500x378, 1333610048080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling it APUSH

I always hated it when people called it that.

>> No.3226146

>WAaa while smart normal kids where cramming for their chem final I read Dostoevsky, look how smart I am

>waaaa I got rapped as a kid and used that as an excuse not to MAN UP AND WORK HARD like any normal person

>WAaaaa I took the hardest classes I could instead of taking a variety of stuff like underwater basket weaving like a hardworking motivated normal person and now I'm a droppout, why can't schools bend over backwards to let me in?

Bunch of crybabies, all of you.

>> No.3226444

Why are Americans so complicated

Adv.H - AAA
Standard grades - 11122223 (Fuck french)

>> No.3226621

I know man. This guy I knew got A*s out the arse. Doing A level Maths at GCSE, wanting to become an architect, accomplished cross country runner etc.

He's at a college (in the UK colleges =/= university) studying architecture. Why he didn't go to university I do not know.

>> No.3226653

>That is exactly what it's like, which is why I laugh whenever yuropoors start protesting the fact they have to pay like 500 euro for uni now instead of nothing.
>I am getting shafted here for life and you're quibbling about an amount that couldn't even get you a Vespa?
There are people in the world who don't even have access to education, doesn't mean you can't complain about your system.

Got to say though, any time I'm feeling a bit fucked due to course being buttfuckhard and I'm worrying about how it'll go the thought of having having that while worrying about economy and working part time just to pay the fees makes me think "Yeah, shit ain't that bad after all".

I honestly don't get how American STEM's who don't have their parents pay for anything manage, unless they just grab enough loans to not have to worry until later. Which obviously leads to worries anyway.

>> No.3226670

Why is wherever you come from so complicated?

In my country you have 6 subjects minimum in high school, and you get a percentage for each.

If you want to get into high-tier university you need an average of about 60-70 depending, and then you need to take access tests in the relevant subjects. The access tests are weighted more than the high school average.

None of this trying to compare standard and higher grade stuff

>> No.3227137

Maybe because the school has a really good journalism department? Just a thought.

Those are hard to find, and they are often at places that are otherwise pretty pedestrian.

>> No.3227239

but won't.