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/lit/ - Literature

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3220038 No.3220038[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So /lit/, what are YOU reading?

Picture related

>> No.3220047
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>> No.3220050

Ivan Desinovitch

>> No.3220053
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>> No.3220071

Everyone's reading Penguin Classics.

Fuck yes

This is fake?

>> No.3220075
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>> No.3220076

C&P from good ol' Fyodor

>> No.3220080
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All Russian works?

Picture related, what I'm reading.

>> No.3220084

2666 and to keep it Russian Black Snow as well

>> No.3220086

A Psychological Analysis of Adolph Hitler -- Walter C. Langer

>> No.3220089
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>> No.3220091
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>captcha: Hercules something


>> No.3220092

Excited you, didn't it?

>> No.3220093

>Written by a woman


>> No.3220095
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Enjoy being gay.

>> No.3220102

Yeah, I'm gay for not reading works written by women.

>> No.3220104
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More like you're gay because you only read books written by men.

>> No.3220109

Because they have written an abundance of better works and I only want to read the best?

>> No.3220115

How do you decide what books to read?

>> No.3220117

leopardi's zibaldone, hesperis edition. shit is bitter. want me to post an aphorism?

>> No.3220119

Well you'll be happy to know that you can have the last word, that was funny at first but you really think what you're saying is true. Much good may it do you.

>> No.3220120

Sure, Hesperis publisher rules

>> No.3220121

meant for >>3220109

>> No.3220122

Keep it pretty much entirely within pre-1950 essentials, but stem out from the essentials (with pre-1950) from time to time

>> No.3220125

But it's true...

>> No.3221593
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I am currently loving John Dies at the End

and next I'm ether going to read Dearly Devoted Dexter, Haunted (Palahniuk) or The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

>> No.3221636

The sequel, This Book is Full of Spiders just came out a few months ago.

I can't say if it as good as JDatE, but it's definitely a bit more cohesive--removing the episodic style from the first one which felt a bit disjointed at times.

>> No.3222103

My semester just ended. I can read what I want for the first time in months. *giddy*

I'm going to read ASOIAF to detox, then move on to some of the texts for my mythology class next semester, to get ahead of the game. (I realize the irony, thanks.)

>> No.3222212


>> No.3222216
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Restoration - 18th century.

Because I don't have enough time to sift through each and every author to find the one or two gems they have to offer to humanity

>> No.3222504

Trying to read Henry Miller's Tropic of Cancer, but I can't really get in to it.

>> No.3222546

The Hobbit

Is this good? I was thinking of getting it.
I loved Sputnik Sweetheart and Wind Up Bird Chronicles.

>> No.3222554
File: 34 KB, 200x322, AFeastForCrows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Struggling through this POS

>> No.3222747

Why would you force yourself through writing that has purpose other than to let the reader enjoy it?

>> No.3222748

no purpose*

>> No.3222750
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>> No.3222767

John Berryman - The Dream Songs

>> No.3222769

IJ - 200 pages strong. I love this fucking book.

>> No.3222796
File: 12 KB, 200x324, egils-saga-anonymous-paperback-cover-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Egil's Saga by Anonymous

>> No.3222798

I want to know how it all ends ;<
Cersei & Iron islands chapters are boring as fuck though

>> No.3222808
File: 138 KB, 240x429, Kostova_TheHistorianMM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

halfway through, so fucking good

>> No.3222814

A Fire Upon the Deep,
Verner Vinge, 1991

>> No.3222818

I think it's really good. Weird, but it's not like that's prevented Murakami from writing good stuff ever before.

>> No.3222822
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unabridged because i'm a tru e/lit/ist

although not reading a whole lot during finals

>> No.3222876

In French?!

>> No.3222879

got that shit on my shelf,. might re read the mutha fucka

>> No.3222895
File: 19 KB, 200x302, 200px-American_gods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American Gods by Neil Gaiman.

yeah. Fuck you too!

>> No.3222916

just started death on the installment plan by Celine... amazing. I haven't read journey into the night yet, so I think I am going to have to knock it out right afterwards.

>> No.3222950

Walden - Thoreau

>> No.3222953

The book of laughter and forgetting.