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/lit/ - Literature

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3219608 No.3219608 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good non-fiction books to read? I feel like I've been neglecting them.

>> No.3219611

That's such a massive genre that you're just going to get yelled at.
Narrow it down some.
What fields of non-fiction are you most interested in?

>> No.3219633

My mistake, this is the first time I have browsed /lit/ to be honest I figured it would be much friendlier than /fa/.

I guess i'm interested in books to do with music, esoteric art forms like punk poetry, Academic theories and sociopathy.

there was a book I read a while back which I cannot remember the title of for the life of me, but it had to do with our modern generations obsession with the past.

>> No.3219643

/lit/ is easily the least friendly board on 4chan
I personally don't know of any books like that, but maybe somebody will come along who does.
You might try looking here and see if there's anything that catches your eye.
Best of luck with your search

>> No.3219655

The Unfolding of Language, by Guy Deutscher

>> No.3219680

This sounds interesting thanks.
I honestly couldn't have called it, I figured discussing books you like would create a good atmosphere.

>> No.3219685

i be readn HIGH TIMES nigga, you get it at da magazine part of da store
den da otha day i see like a bud wit some STRAIGHT UP GOLD LEAFS ON THE BITCH
i was like what

>> No.3219694

I'm sorry what?

>> No.3219696

"Steel, Guns and Germs", or something like that.

>> No.3219733

The Wu-Tang Manual

>> No.3219762

Guns, Germs, and Steel. I liked it.
The Psychopath Test has some interesting ideas on sociopathy. If you like disorders and odd theories, I'd suggest Three Christs of Ypsilanti. Author did a study by collecting several schizophrenics who each thought they were Jesus and seeing how they reacted to each other.

>> No.3219764

Anything by Iceberg Slim
>pic rel

>> No.3219815


>> No.3219838

Sorry, I started reading the unfolding of language and got distracted.
Thanks for the suggestions guys. I really like the sound of both of these.

>Author did a study by collecting several schizophrenics who each thought they were Jesus and seeing how they reacted to each other.

I want to read this so bad.