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/lit/ - Literature

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3218212 No.3218212[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So, /lit/, me and my friends are going to raid a library tomorrow and put some books in the right place.
Bibles into the fiction category,
Mein Kampf into sociology,
Comunist Manifest into religion,
Evolution theory books into history
Could you guys help us organize that place? any ideas for switches?

>> No.3218218


>> No.3218222

Take your edgy teenage pranks to /b/ or r/atheism where they belong

>> No.3218224


>> No.3218226
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We are just bored, not edgy.

>> No.3218228

get out.

>> No.3218229

>Communist Manifesto into religion

What the actual fuck?

Also, you're a huge faggot.

>> No.3218230

Go away.

>> No.3218245
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>> No.3218248

I'm tracking you, gonna punch the face out of you, i sware.

>> No.3218261

Then read a book shithead.

>> No.3218295


if you do not understand that communism is, indeed, very much a religion, than you have got a lot to learn

>> No.3218302

>hurr durr let me teach you my edginess hurr durr

>> No.3218337

zomg such an epic prank XD way 2 go dude!!!!!!1

>> No.3218340

i'm not even trying to be edgy. nor offensive. in order to get a the populous behind you for a common goal (which, of course, is politics in a nutshell) you need them to believe. the belief in marx, or better yet, lenin, has very much in common with the belief in another god. the way the communists convinced people to follow them has much in common with how any church would convince people to walk the same path as they. i would go so far to call the climate alarmism of recent years a religion.

>> No.3218347

the edginess in this kid
2/10 keep on working on that trolling

>> No.3218351
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>hey /lit/ me and my friends are gonna act like edgy teenster faggots, lel, am I cool or what?

>> No.3218354

I think you should put the dick in your ass section.

>> No.3218357

Why don't you just experiment with drugs like normal teenagers?

>> No.3218368

all you're doing is adding more work to a librarian's day to rearrange that shit.

>> No.3218366

how about you and your friends go raid a busy highway

>> No.3218367

religion: a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects

so how does that not apply to communism?

>> No.3218364


On the Origin of Species is a historicist account for biological change. It is also a historical document at this point and it should already be grouped in the history of science texts.

You know nothing pleb.

>> No.3218370

Stop samefagging. You are retarded, i don't even want to explain you why, just accept it and kill yourself.

>> No.3218371

That´s about the only sensible idea in the OP.

>> No.3218374

Hey OP I think you should

put Origin of Species into the mythology/alternative history section
and the Anarchist cookbook into the cooking section
and the Female Eunuch into the humour section

4 max lelz XD

>> No.3218376

dig deeper son

captcha: socialist utronth

>> No.3218384


You forgot the part about prophets and revelations, rituals, libations and sacrifices, having a priesthood, prayers, the need for an actual deity/reified figure etc.

tl;dr stop being an edgy retard

>> No.3218386

Why do you hate the Library Techs?

>> No.3218387

it's all there mate. seriously, put some effort in.

>> No.3218390


/lit/ hates fun.

>> No.3218396


Kindly point out where Marx advocates sacrifice and prayer and where he said his message was divinelty inspired.

>> No.3218397

an actual mausoleum for lenin is not enough deification for you?

>> No.3218398


/lit/ hates edgy faggots who make the gentle laborers of a barely alive public institution harder than it already is to prove some unoriginal point that nobody of importance is likely to notice

Fuck off and go actually read some books at the library or give them some money.

>> No.3218399

It's not fun for the people who have to clean your mess.

>> No.3218400

>tomorrow at the library
>librarian notices some kids sneaking around giggling like little girls misplacing books
>follows them with a cart, picking up the misplaced books along the way
>kids mom pulls up in the van to take them to soccer practice
>kids exit the library, snickering and high-fiving
>librarian sighs and begins putting the books back in their proper locations

>> No.3218401


OP confirmed for 14 year old

>> No.3218406


I really doubt OP was actually going to go through with this. Like you've all said, it's not something anyone over 15 would actually do. It's more just a funny idea and something to talk about.

>> No.3218404

your definition or religion is clearly much narrower than mine.

>> No.3218407

>So edgy i gotta ask da crowd

>> No.3218408

Wow, what a useless waste of time. Why don't you do something productive? Like shave your neckbeard and throw away all your fedoras.

>> No.3218410



If that's your standard then Reagan must also be a God.

>> No.3218415


>say X is a religion
>ask for more evidence of this claim
>WHATEVER its subjective anyway lel

>> No.3218437

how does it not apply to science and your edginess? You are no different than those you hate.

>> No.3218441

reagan is, in fact, worshipped by many who support neolibarlism

why is it so hard to grasp that people could actually (religiously) worship a real human being? the ancient egyptians accepted their pharaohs as divined. i, personally, see the support for lenin in the same way. although of course in a different time. try to be somewhat openminded... and if not. consider me a troll.

>> No.3218450


>why is it so hard to grasp that people could actually (religiously) worship a real human being?

This is where you are getting confused.

>worshipping someone religiously =/= religion

Got it?

>> No.3218451

who do i hate? i am not op btw.
i can say that i prefer religions that actually admit that they are religions.

>> No.3218454

take a religious studies course and you'll know why you don't understand the world the way scholars do

>> No.3218456
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>> No.3218458

>Go to the library
>look up book you need
>it's not where it should be
>could be literally anywhere amongst thousands of books now

>> No.3218464

exactly. not confused here. so marx wasn't worshipped then by the bolsheviks? lenin wasn't worshipped by many soviets?

>> No.3218467

By this logic Justin Beiber is probably closer to deification than any political figure in the past.

>> No.3218468


>worshipping someone religiously =/= religion

Take a fucking introductory course on religion sometime.

>> No.3218479

Grow up OP, my goodness

>> No.3218477

all i am saying is that the same human condition that makes people believe in god and makes them subscribe to certain beliefs is the same condition that makes them blindly follow certain political movements. i am sorry, i cannot make myself any clearer.

>> No.3218481

you're a moron, you've made that perfectly clear

>> No.3218492

>blindly follow
so why didn't you just say some people blindly follow things? You didn't have to equate religion with political ideologies, just because people pursue after them with the same zeal doesn't make them the same thing

>> No.3218513

but my point is that it IS essentially the same thing. and, quite clearly, i stand alone in this.

>> No.3218518

Just shut the fuck up.

>> No.3218525

political ideologies don't necessitate blind faith, thus they aren't even the same in essence

>> No.3218532

>all i am saying is that the same human condition that makes people...subscribe to certain beliefs is the same condition that makes them follow political movements.
>but my point is that [religion and politics are] essentially the same thing

How the fuck is that the same thing? All you're saying is people tend to blindly follow things, you never said those things are the same. By your logic apples and oranges are the same because people eat them when they get hungry.
5 year olds can make better arguments

>> No.3218570

you think fascism, nazism, (soviet) communism would have happened without the people believing it was the right way? the only way even?

i'm saying both have a lot in common. i know that many people view the 'free market' as something being almost holy. now please allow me to use the term holy without asking me about gods and prophets. it's not that black & white you know.

>> No.3218590

Holy shit you are extremely dumb.

>> No.3218594

Qur'an => Romantic Fiction

>> No.3218611

i will retreat. clearly my views on religion and the adaption of the same principles in secular systems are completely alien to most people on this forum. i was never being edgy on purpose. i repeat: i am not op. good night gents.

>> No.3218647

>you think fascism, nazism, (soviet) communism would have happened without the people believing it was the right way? the only way even?
there is a difference between agreeing with an idea, having faith in an idea, and having blind faith in an idea

>> No.3218648

Ayn Rand is better

>> No.3218696

what i want to do is so much more than hurt you. I want you to remember your mistake. I want you to have to live with the knowledge of how hideous and ugly a thing you are. I want to change you so that you will always remember how wrong and broken a person you once were and how you deserved a punishment generations should remember as a kind of faith in the universe that your faggotry does not go undisturbed.

>> No.3218709

> It's more just a funny idea and something to talk about.
As a librarian: fuck you.

>> No.3218791

Note to self: this is the easiest way to troll /lit/

>> No.3218811

>not posting an ayn rand pic
>derrida thread
>philosophy threads in general
>plot vs. prose

ur trolling is weak