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3215829 No.3215829 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/ what are some examples of terrible books that have been turned into amazing movies? Is Les Miserables going to be one?

>> No.3215845

Damn I'd love some Cheetos® now


>> No.3215859

fight club maybe, though I don't know if it's an 'amazing' movie

>> No.3215881

Harry Potter were bad books turned into alright movies.

>> No.3215888

Perhaps Cloud Atlas. I don't think it would be a very interesting book. I read Jurassic Park before the film and I liked them both fine

>> No.3215899

Harry Potter and Cloud Atlas were bad movies. Starship Troopers is a good example, while terrible is subjective, the movie being a satire on the original leaves room for the clear distinction that one is terrible and the other is amazing.


>> No.3215989

Les Miserables is a great book. The musical is an excellent musical, but there's obviously a fair bit lost in the transfer to another medium,

>> No.3215994

Fight Club was terrible.

There are several awful scenes that really bring it down, though. The book, that is.

>> No.3216011

>There are several awful scenes that really bring it down, though.
Such as?

>> No.3216110
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>Likes Star Ship Troopers
>Thinks the film is satire
>Hates Harry Potter and Cloud Atlas
I've not seen nor read the Potters series, but its just gone a tick up.

I was disappointing to hear the film is based on the musical and not the book. I hope if I see it it will be better than Sweeny Todd. Those "songs" were so irritating.

>> No.3216151

And the obvious answer is A Clockwork Orange + 2001

>> No.3216168


It was satire but it failed because that movie just made me want to join the military to kill hordes of shitskins.

>> No.3216208

A Clockwork Orange isn't a terrible book though

and 2001 doesn't count since it was made as the same time as the book, it's just a better version of the same story

>> No.3216235

Its moon sequence was a short story which got the whole ball rolling.

>> No.3216259

The lord of the rings trilogy.