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File: 9 KB, 250x254, christopher-hitchens[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3215087 No.3215087 [Reply] [Original]

Has he ever explained his journey from marxist/trotskyist to secular neocon?

>> No.3215093

What journey? He started off as a cunt, and he ended up a cunt.

>> No.3215104

aaaaand /thread.

>> No.3215113
File: 179 KB, 373x327, tumblr_mb7n7iDI5E1r1hs3ho1_400[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3215115


Evangelical Church of Edgy Atheism != 'secular'

>> No.3215118

just look at him in that picture.

Self-indulgent wanker.

>> No.3215128

Guise, calm down. It is a simple yes/no question. You don't have to know the answer, geez. Your posts reek of deeply embeded insecurities.

>> No.3215130

It's pretty rich, calling someone "edgy" because they insulted His Edginess, the Edgmeister of all Edges, Christopher Hitchens.

Calling him a dead cunt is what he would have wanted, really. It's the only fitting tribute.

>> No.3215148

It's pretty common in most. Some of the biggest Socialists no longer are.

Mussolini loved him some Socialism.

>> No.3215158

>Mussolini loved him some Socialism
You are fallaciously mixing economics and politics here. That's pretty common.

>> No.3215177

no, dude, Mussolini was actually a socialist. He was actually an active socialist and a member of Italian socialist circles until he broke with them over the First World War (which initially he opposed, taking the socialist line, and then changed his mind).

I agree that the general argument that fascism = socialism for dumb libertarian economic reasons is dumb. But in this case, Mussolini was legitimately a socialist before he was a fascist.

>> No.3215181


Come on. Early Fascism (1919-20) was Socialism without internationalism. He changed bro.

>> No.3215192

Oh, yeah, you meant his early years in politics. Then I agree.

>> No.3215194

hitchens maintained he was a leftist until hisdeaht

>> No.3215233

He wasn't very self-reflective in his memoir. The most abrupt "shift" -- though he maintains he's been consistent in his believes -- came when he became a flag-waving American patriot and believed an invasion of Iraq would free the country from a malevolent dictator (which, again, he believed was an act more or less consistent with the humanitarian convictions that led him to being a Marxist).

He also became disillusioned with his former leftist colleagues, especially Chomsky and Edward Said, who he believed devolved into kneejerk criticism of the U.S. and failed to address perceived evils in Islamic fundamentalism.

>> No.3215237


>> No.3215243

I bet he converted on his deathbed. To Islam

>> No.3215262

>he became a flag-waving American patriot and believed an invasion of Iraq would free the country from a malevolent dictator (which, again, he believed was an act more or less consistent with the humanitarian convictions that led him to being a Marxist)
Yeah, this is exactly what baffles me. What was his line of reasoning?

>> No.3215273

Trots think they're leftists but they're pretty much neocons as it is.

>> No.3215280

>he became a flag-waving * patriot and believed an invasion of * would free the country from a malevolent dictator

This already the Bolshevist line of reasoning. Not much change.

>> No.3215283

if only they were the real left, like stalinists..

>> No.3215288

The bourgeoisie lie, a lot.

Hitchens never worked a day in his life. He always had a golden parachute.

>> No.3215327

Like I said, he didn't go into much self-reflection. He went to the U.S., became more and more enamored of it, applied for citizenship and spent the evening before his citizenship test masturbating to the constitution in his hotel room.

It's his obsession with the country that ran concurrent with his complete faith in it doing no wrong when invading another country, in my opinion.

If this is true, then it makes a lot of sense.

>> No.3215335

well trots and neo-cons are the same thing, essentially.

just a bunch of jews.

>> No.3215339

If he was a Stalinist he would have at least been ok with socialism in one country, ie no nation building.

>> No.3215367


Everyone that disagrees with you is trying to be edgy.

>> No.3217137

He was never a neocon, you fucking retard. he only agreed with the war in iraq for different reasons then neocons.

>> No.3217142

He explained his switch had to do with the Bosnian genocide, with left-wing people not wanting to go in and help.

>> No.3217145

is he trying to be camus? he needs to substitute the playful and devil-may-care attitude of the frenchman for the stony, wot cunt attitude of the english.

>> No.3217150


>is he trying to be camus? he needs to substitute the

He's a bit past the present tense referential now, dawg.

>> No.3217151

He considered himself a very conservative Marxist:

"I still think like a Marxist in many ways. I think the materialist conception of history is valid. I consider myself a very conservative Marxist"

>> No.3217168

source pls?

>> No.3217182

>Bosnian genocide

I shiggy diggy. Really, really, raging-hard-on shiggy diggy.