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3212907 No.3212907 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/,

I'll cut to the chase. I want to purchase all The Lord of the Rings and Hobbit books and am wondering if anyone has a particular collection I should get.

Not to brown nose, but I really respect your ability to hold civil conversation (long time lurker).


>> No.3212912

Just look for the complete set on amazon or ebay. Pick a box-set that fits what you intend to spend and that meets your expectations for coolness.

Personally, I like the gold-leaf box-set.


>> No.3212922


Looks very nice. Unfortunately I live in Canada. Is there any version that's better? There are just 4 books correct? Finally, will the books appeal to someone who isn't commonly a recreational reader?

>> No.3212923

Sort of an off the wall suggestion, I managed to do just this last summer.

If there a flea market ( the BIG permanent ones, not some church sunday thing ) or a farmer's market near by?

Books are being UNLOADED by the truck-full in these places.

I picked up the Trilogy and "The Hobbit" and "The Silmarillion," the whole bundle, for $10 one fine day. All in good condition. Paper back though if that means anything. Hardcovers are out there too.

>> No.3212930


I believe there is though money shouldn't really be an issue. It may be a Christmas gift.

>> No.3212931

Are you looking for a fancy edition or just a copy to read it?

>> No.3212935


Depends on the positives of a fancy edition as well as the answer to my last question here >>3212922

Likely just to read however.

>> No.3212937


Oh, right right. I should have read that a bit more closely.

Guys, he's lookin' for a nice hard cover bundle edition. Leather with silver edging. Ye olde gift item that can double as fall out shelter brick siding.

A major city Boarders would have been the go to place for that sort of thing in times past. I guess we all Amazon now.

>> No.3212942

In response to your "not a recreational reader" question, they may or may not. The Hobbit was written for children and is thus much easier to get through, whereas LOTR is more dense and sloggish to get through and some people have a lot of trouble with it.
I personally have the following copies of both LOTR and Hobbit, and they're very nice editions.
LOTR: http://www.amazon.com/Lord-Rings-50th-Anniversary/dp/0618517650/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&q
Hobbit: http://www.amazon.com/Hobbit-There-Back-Again/dp/0395177111/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1

>> No.3212948


Pardon my ignorance, but what?


Holy nuts that's pricey. Looks very nice though. I'll keep it in mind.

>> No.3212951

I'd say keep looking around, I got it for roughly half that price but that's also because I work at a bookstore.
Still, though, it was listed at $50 instead of the $85 there.
Just look around, I guess. Every bookstore near you is almost guaranteed to have a copy of LOTR/Hobbit.

>> No.3212952


You keep outta this. We'll hash out what you want soon enough. Maybe even nab you a discount, if we're feelin' up to it.

>> No.3212953 [DELETED] 


And while I may not be a frequent reader I do love a good adventure which is what I'm hoping for.


Canadian bookstore prices are often disgustingly high but I'll keep that in mind.


I'd give anything to love reading.

>> No.3212954


And while I may not be a frequent reader I do love a good adventure which is what I'm hoping for.


Canadian bookstore prices are often disgustingly high but I'll keep that in mind.


I'd give anything to be able to love reading.

>> No.3212963

Lord of the Rings doesn't have to be expensive. I bought the trilogy in a used book store in London for about a pound per book. One was 99 pence and one was 1.49 pence and one was 89 pence.

>> No.3212966


Sounds like a great steal. Were they basic or a collection?

>> No.3212970
File: 25 KB, 439x500, lotr50th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the edition I have, The Lord of the Rings 50th anniversary set. Beautiful stuff. Leatherbound or something similar but equally nice, slipcase, gold-edged pages and gold lettering on the cover, and fold-out maps.

>> No.3212978


I'm starting to get the idea maps are fairly integral? Is it a novelty or is it a true positive?

>> No.3212979
File: 51 KB, 500x500, 51VQ5CG5VSL._SS500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is the version of The Hobbit that I own. Similar deal. Leatherbound for sure, slipcase, gold lettering (but not edged paper), and Tolkien's original illustrations.

I understand that you may not want to spend a lot on these books, and they were both slightly expensive. But I wanted beautiful editions of both, so if that sort of thing matters to you then you can't get any better than these.

>> No.3212983


I think I'd be comfortable with CDN$50.00 - CDN$75.00 for the four.

Looks beautiful again.

>> No.3213022

I'm off to bed but I'll check the thread in the morning.

Thanks for everyone's help.

>> No.3213069

Do all editions come with an index and appendix?

>> No.3213099

I find them necessary to Tolkien's work. Not only in simply understanding the story (considering the complexity of the world and the number of locations, maps were definitely intended to be part of Tolkien's works), but I think they add an entirely new dimension to the literature. The maps help create a different experience to just reading about places. They help immerse yourself in the author's creation.

>> No.3214072


Ok. I'll try to find something with maps then.

>> No.3214700

What is the name of that thing he's looking at.

>> No.3214811


I can't remember the specific name but it's an impossible shape.

>> No.3216555

It's called a table.

Or do yo mean the U shaped thing sitting on a cigarette, flattening one end?

It's called a resonating tuner.