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3209484 No.3209484 [Reply] [Original]

Considering an overwhelming majority of humanity has and inane hatred of at least something, whether it be and object or color, why should someones inane hatred of a race or religion be seen as "less intelligent" than the inane hatred of something else if the racist admits that their hatred is indeed inane?

More so, why should racism on the individual level be seen as the ultimate bad when, generally, it is harmless?

I myself have an inane hatred of Asians who play MMOs, but aside from that couldn't care less.

>> No.3209491

stupidity is stupidity. i don't know why you think someone cares what specifically it's about.

racism is easy to see because of all the problems it causes that everyone's at least read about.

>> No.3209494

when is it ever on an individual level?

>> No.3209511

>the racist admits that their hatred is indeed inane
knowing you're stupid and not fixing it is doubly stupid

>> No.3209519

You assume it can be fixed, or that it should.

Why should someone cease being themselves?

>> No.3209520

Do you define yourself by the clothes you wear, the videogames you play, or what music you listen to? If you do you shouldn't, you are not those things, it's safe to say anything you can perceive outside of yourself is not you and is subject to change.

>> No.3209526

I tend to put it like "I'm not racist, but I'm culturalist and I like Germanic European culture more than others, so I prefer that that culture remains plentifully present" in a "I prefer steak to chicken" sort of way and it has yet to rustle someone's jimmies.

>> No.3209531
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They shouldn't, but they should be judged entirely on the self they create through there choices

>> No.3209839
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University has inculcated some slightly racist feelings about Asians in me, and I'm not even white.

>> No.3209842

>pretending that the external and the internal are separate

>> No.3209848

what is so bad about them?

in my country, they benefit from the affirmative action as black people, whereas other "races" don't, even though asians are stereotyped to the race's benefit

>> No.3210060

Out here the asians have to perform better to be considered equal. Affirmative action works against them

>> No.3210070

Anyone who practices meditation seriously can tell you that the mind is not strictly bound by the body.

>> No.3210074

I agree with you. While I've met my fair share of awesome Asians, the majority are insular, and come off as very arrogant and impolite.

>> No.3210083

I feel like the problem is (speaking from nontrivial but limited experience because I grew up in a university town, 2 best friends are second generation chinese, went to prom with an asian-american girl etc)

a.) asian immigrant populations are generally large so there's no pressing need to socialize outside of those groups
b.) social norms from china->usa are much different which again promotes insularity
c.) english is very hard coming from mandarin so generally immigrants speak very poor, heavily accented english. this makes it hard to actually engage with them in any substantive manner and means most conversations are just trivial

The difference is cultural and not racial though. It mostly disappears after a few generations unless the child is raised very strictly and sometimes even then